Does Anyone Doubt That Kavanaugh Will Be Confirmed ?

Does anyone doubt that Kavanaugh will be confirmed ? If so, how do you think that could happen ? So what if Democrats were even able to succeed in stalling the Kavanaugh confirmation beyond the midterm elections ? Does anyone think that Democrats might win back control of the Senate ? I'm thinking that Republicans will gain even MORE seats in the Senate, from the midterm elections, and will retain control.

And I'm not the only one who thinks that, >>

2018 Senate Forecast

So if Repubicans DO retain Senate control, where does that leave Democrats with respect to Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation ? By pissing Kavanaugh and Republicans off, Democrats may have succeeded in doing just one thing, Getting everything they want denied by the Supreme Court, which now is apt to be in no mood to grant them any concessions.
If he is confirmed he will be a serial rapist blackout drunk pre-perjured supreme Court Justice. Another first for tRump.
Trump needs to keep a updated list of possible SC Judges and also a list of people who would make a good President of the USA. We really need to keep a Person in the White House after Trump finishes his last term.
POTUS Possibilities >> Mike Pence, John Kelly, Donald Trump, Jr.
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If he is confirmed he will be a serial rapist blackout drunk pre-perjured supreme Court Justice. Another first for tRump.
Another evidenceless absurdity, from someone we are lucky holds no official office in the US govt. :rolleyes:

EARTH TO CREPITUS: the accusations are only a ruse to stall the confirmation, past the November elections. Every Senator knows that.
If he is confirmed he will be a serial rapist blackout drunk pre-perjured supreme Court Justice. Another first for tRump.
Another evidenceless absurdity, from someone we are lucky holds no official office in the US govt. :rolleyes:

EARTH TO CREPITUS: the accusations are only a ruse to stall the confirmation, past the November elections. Every Senator knows that.
Earth to RWNJ, if that is so how come this wasn't done to gorsuch?

Face it, these are true, he's a serial rapist.

And you don't care.
Does anyone doubt that Kavanaugh will be confirmed ? If so, how do you think that could happen ? So what if Democrats were even able to succeed in stalling the Kavanaugh confirmation beyond the midterm elections ? Does anyone think that Democrats might win back control of the Senate ? I'm thinking that Republicans will gain even MORE seats in the Senate, from the midterm elections, and will retain control.

And I'm not the only one who thinks that, >>

2018 Senate Forecast

So if Repubicans DO retain Senate control, where does that leave Democrats with respect to Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation ? By pissing Kavanaugh and Republicans off, Democrats may have succeeded in doing just one thing, Getting everything they want denied by the Supreme Court, which now is apt to be in no mood to grant them any concessions.
If he is confirmed he will be a serial rapist blackout drunk pre-perjured supreme Court Justice. Another first for tRump.
A serial rapist who stayed out of prison by never having raped anyone.
Look....Q said it .....a cou[le of days ago already...

B Kavanuagh will be confirmed....

thats all you have to know! :2up:

Welcome B Kavanaugh!
Q said it? Seek therapy....


Q said B Kavanaugh will be confirmed.:)

QAnon is a lot like those religious nuts who claim the world will end on a specific day. His accuracy is pretty close to the same too. Here is a loooooong list of predictions that Qanon said were positively going to happen, but didn't. I wonder why?
QAnon: All Times QAnon Predictions Failed to Come Through
If he is confirmed, he will forever be under the cloud of the lies and partisan statements he has told. The idiot claimed his problems are the result of the Clintons. The Clintons never did anything to that Alex Jones supporting idiot.
Right on, and the only evidence we have so far is her lie detector test. He didn't take one and probably won't. It's the GOP fault for just trying to ram it through
without investigating anything. Sorry about that.
If he is confirmed, he will forever be under the cloud of the lies and partisan statements he has told. The idiot claimed his problems are the result of the Clintons. The Clintons never did anything to that Alex Jones supporting idiot.
Got it right again Bulldog./ The Progressive Commie party is not making points with the way they are acting. It is going to follow them for many years. I just wonder how this is going to effect the Local elections and if they start to lose local support.
If he isn’t, this process will be repeated until there are no more judges on the court.
Gorsuch seemed to get through OK.
Gorsuch did not represent a 5-4 GOP majority. Kavanaugh does. Democrats are watching the disintegration of their party unfold before their eyes.Won't be long before Ginsberg goes, and It'll be 6-3.

As the others will be constantly outvoted, they will see their presence on the court as meaningless, and will quit. It will be 9-0, all conservatives, within a few years.
Does anyone doubt that Kavanaugh will be confirmed ? If so, how do you think that could happen ? So what if Democrats were even able to succeed in stalling the Kavanaugh confirmation beyond the midterm elections ? Does anyone think that Democrats might win back control of the Senate ? I'm thinking that Republicans will gain even MORE seats in the Senate, from the midterm elections, and will retain control.

And I'm not the only one who thinks that, >>

2018 Senate Forecast

So if Repubicans DO retain Senate control, where does that leave Democrats with respect to Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation ? By pissing Kavanaugh and Republicans off, Democrats may have succeeded in doing just one thing, Getting everything they want denied by the Supreme Court, which now is apt to be in no mood to grant them any concessions.
If he is confirmed he will be a serial rapist blackout drunk pre-perjured supreme Court Justice. Another first for tRump.
Now that is a great Soros 25 cent post. Anyone with sense see what the hired people from Soros did. The people he funded to run for office did just what he wanted to happen. He can't afford to let the Judge be seated on the SC. He has Open Borders, support of Border Jumpers, open drugs, and God know what else he wants. I do think all 527 foundation need to be looked at and the rules rewritten.
Trump needs to keep a updated list of possible SC Judges and also a list of people who would make a good President of the USA. We really need to keep a Person in the White House after Trump finishes his last term.
POTUS Possibilities >> Mike Pence, John Kelly, Donald Trump, Jr.
Crepitus bed bug just makes no sense with the amount of evidence on this indicent has a possible brain freeze. Troll run free range on this board.

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