Does Anyone Doubt That Kavanaugh Will Be Confirmed ?

If he is confirmed, he will forever be under the cloud of the lies and partisan statements he has told. The idiot claimed his problems are the result of the Clintons. The Clintons never did anything to that Alex Jones supporting idiot.
He will be under so such cloud, except to the increasingly irrelevant leftist loonies, who soon will join the millions of illegal aliens being deported, and will move out of the country, as things will sharply go against them (abortion, guns, immigration, affirmative action, Muslim ban, etc)

America being made great again. :biggrin:
What cause do you hold to deport American citizens for opposing you politically? I'm second generation Scottish American. Would you deport me back to Dundee?
Don’t underestimate the sleaze and anti-Americanism of the Democrat party.
I don't, but they have no ammunition in this fight. They've lost. They lost it when they nominated Hillary Clinton, and the Republicans came up with a far better candidate.
I admire your optimism.
But I live in the Maryland suburbs of DC.

I'm sorry. You know this, but REALLY know it: there's a whole 'nother America that doesn't think like those evil rotten buffoons.

Thank God for it. I do every day.
Does anyone doubt that Kavanaugh will be confirmed ? If so, how do you think that could happen ? So what if Democrats were even able to succeed in stalling the Kavanaugh confirmation beyond the midterm elections ? Does anyone think that Democrats might win back control of the Senate ? I'm thinking that Republicans will gain even MORE seats in the Senate, from the midterm elections, and will retain control.

And I'm not the only one who thinks that, >>

2018 Senate Forecast

So if Repubicans DO retain Senate control, where does that leave Democrats with respect to Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation ? By pissing Kavanaugh and Republicans off, Democrats may have succeeded in doing just one thing, Getting everything they want denied by the Supreme Court, which now is apt to be in no mood to grant them any concessions.
If he is confirmed he will be a serial rapist blackout drunk pre-perjured supreme Court Justice. Another first for tRump.

"Serial rapist blackout drunk"

Can't think your way out of that one, just worked into an emotional fervor over it.

You're their willing handmaiden. Congratulations.
If he isn’t, this process will be repeated until there are no more judges on the court.
Gorsuch seemed to get through OK.

They didn't care about him as much; he replaced Scalia. It was a wash.

Gorsuch didn't start his hearing with a partisan political attack, didn't dodge direct questions and ask his questioners if they drank to the point of a blackout, and his temperament wasn't such that he cried through a large part of his hearing. Kavanaugh is a basket case who shouldn't be allowed to judge a dog show.
If he isn’t, this process will be repeated until there are no more judges on the court.
Gorsuch seemed to get through OK.

They didn't care about him as much; he replaced Scalia. It was a wash.

Gorsuch didn't start his hearing with a partisan political attack, didn't dodge direct questions and ask his questioners if they drank to the point of a blackout, and his temperament wasn't such that he cried through a large part of his hearing. Kavanaugh is a basket case who shouldn't be allowed to judge a dog show.

Got the talking points down, don't you?

That's all you're capable of, cognitively, isn't it?
If he isn’t, this process will be repeated until there are no more judges on the court.
Gorsuch seemed to get through OK.

They didn't care about him as much; he replaced Scalia. It was a wash.

Gorsuch didn't start his hearing with a partisan political attack, didn't dodge direct questions and ask his questioners if they drank to the point of a blackout, and his temperament wasn't such that he cried through a large part of his hearing. Kavanaugh is a basket case who shouldn't be allowed to judge a dog show.

Got the talking points down, don't you?

That's all you're capable of, cognitively, isn't it?

Was any of my remark wrong?
If he isn’t, this process will be repeated until there are no more judges on the court.
Gorsuch seemed to get through OK.

They didn't care about him as much; he replaced Scalia. It was a wash.

Gorsuch didn't start his hearing with a partisan political attack, didn't dodge direct questions and ask his questioners if they drank to the point of a blackout, and his temperament wasn't such that he cried through a large part of his hearing. Kavanaugh is a basket case who shouldn't be allowed to judge a dog show.

Got the talking points down, don't you?

That's all you're capable of, cognitively, isn't it?

Was any of my remark wrong?


Kavanaugh didn't "start his hearing" that way either.

But listen you've already proven to me WHY you're a liberal. You're simply unable to think your way out of it. You cannot, you simply cannot think past the simple talking points they craft for simple-minded people.

Congrats. I guess.
Gorsuch seemed to get through OK.

They didn't care about him as much; he replaced Scalia. It was a wash.

Gorsuch didn't start his hearing with a partisan political attack, didn't dodge direct questions and ask his questioners if they drank to the point of a blackout, and his temperament wasn't such that he cried through a large part of his hearing. Kavanaugh is a basket case who shouldn't be allowed to judge a dog show.

Got the talking points down, don't you?

That's all you're capable of, cognitively, isn't it?

Was any of my remark wrong?


Kavanaugh didn't "start his hearing" that way either.

But listen you've already proven to me WHY you're a liberal. You're simply unable to think your way out of it. You cannot, you simply cannot think past the simple talking points they craft for simple-minded people.

Congrats. I guess.

I was mistaken. Thank you for the correction. His partisan crap was later in the hearings.
One example starts about 2:55
They didn't care about him as much; he replaced Scalia. It was a wash.

Gorsuch didn't start his hearing with a partisan political attack, didn't dodge direct questions and ask his questioners if they drank to the point of a blackout, and his temperament wasn't such that he cried through a large part of his hearing. Kavanaugh is a basket case who shouldn't be allowed to judge a dog show.

Got the talking points down, don't you?

That's all you're capable of, cognitively, isn't it?

Was any of my remark wrong?


Kavanaugh didn't "start his hearing" that way either.

But listen you've already proven to me WHY you're a liberal. You're simply unable to think your way out of it. You cannot, you simply cannot think past the simple talking points they craft for simple-minded people.

Congrats. I guess.

I was mistaken. Thank you for the correction. His partisan crap was later in the hearings.
One example starts about 2:55

Wrong again. Just wrong. Again.

His "partisan crap" was NOT EVEN IN THE FIRST HEARINGS.

Hello? Not even in the first rounds at all. It ONLY CAME when he was accused of rape and all manner of other heinous acts, which Gorsuch was never accused.

Gorsuch didn't start his hearing with a partisan political attack, didn't dodge direct questions and ask his questioners if they drank to the point of a blackout, and his temperament wasn't such that he cried through a large part of his hearing. Kavanaugh is a basket case who shouldn't be allowed to judge a dog show.

Got the talking points down, don't you?

That's all you're capable of, cognitively, isn't it?

Was any of my remark wrong?


Kavanaugh didn't "start his hearing" that way either.

But listen you've already proven to me WHY you're a liberal. You're simply unable to think your way out of it. You cannot, you simply cannot think past the simple talking points they craft for simple-minded people.

Congrats. I guess.

I was mistaken. Thank you for the correction. His partisan crap was later in the hearings.
One example starts about 2:55

Wrong again. Just wrong. Again.

His "partisan crap" was NOT EVEN IN THE FIRST HEARINGS.

Hello? Not even in the first rounds at all. It ONLY CAME when he was accused of rape and all manner of other heinous acts, which Gorsuch was never accused.


Yes, That's what I said when I wrote
post #51 "I was mistaken. Thank you for the correction. His partisan crap was later in the hearings."

I note that you didn't try to deny the partisan political aspect of his remark. Are you saying you want to have an openly partisan political operative on the Supreme Court? I figured as much, but this is the first time I've seen a RWNJ admit it.
Got the talking points down, don't you?

That's all you're capable of, cognitively, isn't it?

Was any of my remark wrong?


Kavanaugh didn't "start his hearing" that way either.

But listen you've already proven to me WHY you're a liberal. You're simply unable to think your way out of it. You cannot, you simply cannot think past the simple talking points they craft for simple-minded people.

Congrats. I guess.

I was mistaken. Thank you for the correction. His partisan crap was later in the hearings.
One example starts about 2:55

Wrong again. Just wrong. Again.

His "partisan crap" was NOT EVEN IN THE FIRST HEARINGS.

Hello? Not even in the first rounds at all. It ONLY CAME when he was accused of rape and all manner of other heinous acts, which Gorsuch was never accused.


Yes, That's what I said when I wrote
post #51 "I was mistaken. Thank you for the correction. His partisan crap was later in the hearings."

I note that you didn't try to deny the partisan political aspect of his remark. Are you saying you want to have an openly partisan political operative on the Supreme Court? I figured as much, but this is the first time I've seen a RWNJ admit it.

And why not? To answer you for RBG and Kagan, just to name a couple.

But his animus will be even more profound, because it will be deeply personal.

This is exactly what we mean by sow the wind, reap the whirlwind. There's some Bible knowledge for you.
Gorsuch didn't start his hearing with a partisan political attack, didn't dodge direct questions and ask his questioners if they drank to the point of a blackout, and his temperament wasn't such that he cried through a large part of his hearing. Kavanaugh is a basket case who shouldn't be allowed to judge a dog show.

Got the talking points down, don't you?

That's all you're capable of, cognitively, isn't it?

Was any of my remark wrong?


Kavanaugh didn't "start his hearing" that way either.

But listen you've already proven to me WHY you're a liberal. You're simply unable to think your way out of it. You cannot, you simply cannot think past the simple talking points they craft for simple-minded people.

Congrats. I guess.

I was mistaken. Thank you for the correction. His partisan crap was later in the hearings.
One example starts about 2:55

Wrong again. Just wrong. Again.

His "partisan crap" was NOT EVEN IN THE FIRST HEARINGS.

Hello? Not even in the first rounds at all. It ONLY CAME when he was accused of rape and all manner of other heinous acts, which Gorsuch was never accused.


Correct. Gorsuch was never accused of attempted rape, and he never had several previous class mates say he lied about his drinking and other behaviors. If credible witnesses had made those claims about Gorsuch, there would have been additional hearings for him too.
Got the talking points down, don't you?

That's all you're capable of, cognitively, isn't it?

Was any of my remark wrong?


Kavanaugh didn't "start his hearing" that way either.

But listen you've already proven to me WHY you're a liberal. You're simply unable to think your way out of it. You cannot, you simply cannot think past the simple talking points they craft for simple-minded people.

Congrats. I guess.

I was mistaken. Thank you for the correction. His partisan crap was later in the hearings.
One example starts about 2:55

Wrong again. Just wrong. Again.

His "partisan crap" was NOT EVEN IN THE FIRST HEARINGS.

Hello? Not even in the first rounds at all. It ONLY CAME when he was accused of rape and all manner of other heinous acts, which Gorsuch was never accused.


Correct. Gorsuch was never accused of attempted rape, and he never had several previous class mates say he lied about his drinking and other behaviors. If credible witnesses had made those claims about Gorsuch, there would have been additional hearings for him too.

IOW, your people never sunk to such incredibly seedy lows with Gorsuch, because they didn't have to. But if they'd have had to, they would have.

Have you seen the polls this morning? Oh, read them and weep. You will all live to regret this stupidity, and when good and honest people no longer care about your regret, you know the sleeping bear is awake and won't sleep again until the job is done and his belly is full.

I hope the stupid talking points were worth it.
Does anyone doubt that Kavanaugh will be confirmed ? If so, how do you think that could happen ? So what if Democrats were even able to succeed in stalling the Kavanaugh confirmation beyond the midterm elections ? Does anyone think that Democrats might win back control of the Senate ? I'm thinking that Republicans will gain even MORE seats in the Senate, from the midterm elections, and will retain control.

And I'm not the only one who thinks that, >>

2018 Senate Forecast

So if Repubicans DO retain Senate control, where does that leave Democrats with respect to Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation ? By pissing Kavanaugh and Republicans off, Democrats may have succeeded in doing just one thing, Getting everything they want denied by the Supreme Court, which now is apt to be in no mood to grant them any concessions.

I have my doubts with GOP cucks like Flake allowing himself to get manhandled in an elevator by dumb feminist c**ts. He should had punched that social justice terrorist in her face.
If he isn’t, this process will be repeated until there are no more judges on the court.
Gorsuch seemed to get through OK.
Gorsuch replaced a conservative judge. Kennedy was a swing vote. So would have Kavanaugh bee, but because the liberals shit on this nominee, don't count on Kavanaugh to be agreeable to your liberal causes anymore.

Just what we need. An openly partisan operative on the SC.
Got the talking points down, don't you?

That's all you're capable of, cognitively, isn't it?

Was any of my remark wrong?


Kavanaugh didn't "start his hearing" that way either.

But listen you've already proven to me WHY you're a liberal. You're simply unable to think your way out of it. You cannot, you simply cannot think past the simple talking points they craft for simple-minded people.

Congrats. I guess.

I was mistaken. Thank you for the correction. His partisan crap was later in the hearings.
One example starts about 2:55

Wrong again. Just wrong. Again.

His "partisan crap" was NOT EVEN IN THE FIRST HEARINGS.

Hello? Not even in the first rounds at all. It ONLY CAME when he was accused of rape and all manner of other heinous acts, which Gorsuch was never accused.


Yes, That's what I said when I wrote
post #51 "I was mistaken. Thank you for the correction. His partisan crap was later in the hearings."

I note that you didn't try to deny the partisan political aspect of his remark. Are you saying you want to have an openly partisan political operative on the Supreme Court? I figured as much, but this is the first time I've seen a RWNJ admit it.

If he isn’t, this process will be repeated until there are no more judges on the court.
Gorsuch seemed to get through OK.
Gorsuch replaced a conservative judge. Kennedy was a swing vote. So would have Kavanaugh bee, but because the liberals shit on this nominee, don't count on Kavanaugh to be agreeable to your liberal causes anymore.

Just what we need. An openly partisan operative on the SC.

Yes, enjoy that sweetheart. An answer to Kagan and Sotomayor, and most especially RGB.

Cry. We no longer care about your tears.

You did this to us. We're ready now.

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