Does Anyone Else Have The Impression ...


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
... that the United States was hit with a big blast from an ACME Retardo-Ray™ Generator in November of 2008?

Just curious. The film "Idiocracy" seems downright prophetic of voluntarily accepted Democrat domination.
i saw the election of 2008 as "The Dumfounded"won the election.. aka "The Stupid Vote" won.
Your signature: "Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed." - Dwight D Eisenhower, Republican

Since Dwight is not here, perhaps you could expound upon just HOW that constitutes THEFT from the poor?

I am not without sympathy, but fail to see any apparent logic. That he was Republican means nothing to me.

Washington is and has always been filled with masks and speechwriters.
... that the United States was hit with a big blast from an ACME Retardo-Ray™ Generator in November of 2008?

Just curious. The film "Idiocracy" seems downright prophetic of voluntarily accepted Democrat domination.

Have we forgotten what the alternative was? And what the economy was?

Ah, selective memory....
Ahhh.. My favorite movie of all time.. Inability to use technology, Corporate/Govt collusion taken to the highest level. Gross spectacles in the media erasing any chance of journalistic education..

We are never leaving this planet again. Already at the point where any technology that can't be sold to teenagers is not valuable (or even buildable because of vendors switching to the high volume markets)

Only thing that WAS NOT in Idiocracy was the total onslaught of lying that we get from Washington.. No penalty for telling whoppers, distorting science or trying to calling a skunk a cat..

Just waiting for the garbage to pile up and the Brawndo to be mandated for plants by the EPA.....
Don't blame me, I abstained.

I've voted for McCain quite often and he's been fine as first my Representative and then as my Senator. I'm quite in line with his stances on domestic issues. On foreign policy matters however, the man exhibits that he'd like nothing more than to command a war. I'm still relieved that he didn't win the presidency. The mess caused by Obama's socialism will be easier cleaned up than what would have been left after McCain.
... that the United States was hit with a big blast from an ACME Retardo-Ray™ Generator in November of 2008?

Just curious. The film "Idiocracy" seems downright prophetic of voluntarily accepted Democrat domination.
Sometimes I get the impression some of the right wing tards here were in a coma for eight years and did not wake up until January 20, 2009.


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