Does anyone else see the major common sense flaw in this chart?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
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This thread is a duplicate that was posted a day or two ago.
Get with the program Healthmyths. :booze:
The more you lie, the more the dupes like it. The GOP has been kidnapped by their ridiculous propaganda...hilarious.
Actually there is only true or false, there are no gray areas. Well except in regressivecral land.
The more you watch Faux Noise (or Rush Levin Heritage WHATEVER), the more misinformed you get.
MY, MY, MY.... how defensive the defenders of the chart are!

I simply asked just from common sense wouldn't you think the would want to strike some semblance of balance?
I mean they could still show GOP guys as the bad guys but only 5 of the 17 and they are the most honest?
Doesn't this show just a little unbalance from the supposedly "professional journalists" that declare based on their research who tells the most lies?

Surely belies common sense doesn't it. The GOP are all the bad guys doing ALL the lying. While the pious, "honest" Democrats including Obama
are the most honest.

Somehow this statement""It is that fundamental belief — I am my brother's keeper, I am my sister's keeper —" just doesn't jibe with this image:
Actually there is only true or false, there are no gray areas. Well except in regressivecral land.
I think we've found the basic derangement in the conservative mindset. Life is gray. Anyone who's achieved a basic level of maturity knows that.
Actually there is only true or false, there are no gray areas. Well except in regressivecral land.
I think we've found the basic derangement in the conservative mindset. Life is gray. Anyone who's achieved a basic level of maturity knows that.

Says the regressivecrat moral relativist who has no morals, values or principles. That kind of thinking totally explains why we have so many people in prison.
Life is gray. Anyone who's achieved a basic level of maturity knows that.
Says the regressivecrat moral relativist who has no morals, values or principles. That kind of thinking totally explains why we have so many people in prison.
People go to prison for all sorts of reasons, including seeing everything as black and white. I'm not guilty of moral relativism; you're guilty of intellectual laziness. I feel like sometimes people rely on what they call "principles" so they don't have to think.

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