Does anyone find it ironic that on the 4th of July.....

political virtue, I wrote, which you chopped.

Stop the libertarian whining. Libertarianism is anti-virtue.
...we're celebrating "Independence Day" all while living in a radical tyrannical left-wing police state? I do.

Perhaps you'd prefer Syria.

When you figure out how to talk out of your mouth instead of your ass, get back to me.

When you learn that the United States of America is the greatest country on the Goddess' green Earth, get back to me. Until then, you're just another sniveling whiney teenie bopper who blows up shit because he's pissed that mommy took away his porn.

You mean the OP'er is no longer able to watch their Bailey Jay movies?

( If you google the name you will get the humor of the response )
"radical tyrannical left-wing police state"? Where?

This libertarian type of demagoguery is why the millennials give you no second look, no second chance.
Not so Jake. There was a piece on AOL the other day and if I can find it I'll post the article that said millennials are leaning more and more to the GOP.
The schizophrenia of the conservative mind.

"By gawd, this is the greatest country on Earth, an ifin you don't like it git out".

"By gawd we live under a lefty tyrannical police state and we's gonna git our guns an threaten you heathens ifin you don't sit up straight, just wait, its comin"

So my question, and its a simple one....which mind flailing paranoia inspired delusion is it? It isn't multiple choice, you have to pick one. And then agree that it is insane to utter the one you don't pick eeevvverr again.
It actually goes back to 1865. That's when the USA converted from a free country into an empire of subjects.
Anyone would think the US began as a nation of free people. Funny how the reality of the past is ignored.
Not everyone was free, but they were far freer than we are now. The USA has become a fascist tyranny. It's populated by servile freaks like you who enjoy being told what to do.
political virtue, I wrote, which you chopped.

Stop the libertarian whining. Libertarianism is anti-virtue.
Makes no difference. The virtue of people reflects their political decisions. So there, the result is the same.
Let me get this straight, the condemnation of lying, of abandonment of principle for profit, of attacking fellow citizens' beliefs and of buying votes is libertarian whining? You must have some good shit to burn clouding your ability to make sound judgement.
Feel free to move if you don't like it here.

I am thinking Uganda might be the perfect nation for some that feel the U.S. is under Tyranny...

We were thinking that Uganda is the perfect place for people like you who enjoy having the government running their lives.

I thought it was Cuba?

I prefer Cubano food, and warm weather and beautiful women, but Uganda is a Social Conservative dream and very anti-Same Sex Marriage...

Don't deny it, and embrace the idea of it being the perfect home away from home for you...
...we're celebrating "Independence Day" all while living in a radical tyrannical left-wing police state? I do.
We are indeed independent, every person at liberty to voice his opinions has he sees fit, including the right to express ridiculous lies as does the OP.

We aren't even free to buy the light bulbs we prefer. Only a fool believes we are still a free country.
Feel free to move if you don't like it here.

I am thinking Uganda might be the perfect nation for some that feel the U.S. is under Tyranny...

We were thinking that Uganda is the perfect place for people like you who enjoy having the government running their lives.

I thought it was Cuba?

I prefer Cubano food, and warm weather and beautiful women, but Uganda is a Social Conservative dream and very anti-Same Sex Marriage...

Don't deny it, and embrace the idea of it being the perfect home away from home for you...

Who said anything about "social conservatives?"

Trying to move the goal posts?
"By gawd, this is the greatest country on Earth, an ifin you don't like it git out".

"By gawd we live under a lefty tyrannical police state and we's gonna git our guns an threaten you heathens ifin you don't sit up straight, just wait, its comin"
Are you drunk? What is this garbage? Who are you trying to imitate? Ah.. you are from the leftist elite academia assuming everybody who is not from the Ivy League is stupid.
Cool… even your avatar reflects your imagined superiority.
Feel free to move if you don't like it here.

I am thinking Uganda might be the perfect nation for some that feel the U.S. is under Tyranny...

We were thinking that Uganda is the perfect place for people like you who enjoy having the government running their lives.

I thought it was Cuba?

I prefer Cubano food, and warm weather and beautiful women, but Uganda is a Social Conservative dream and very anti-Same Sex Marriage...

Don't deny it, and embrace the idea of it being the perfect home away from home for you...

Who said anything about "social conservatives?"

Trying to move the goal posts?

Alright, well Uganda would not be the perfect nation for me seeing it is anti-Same Sex marriage and is more suited for Social Conservatives.

Now when should I book you a ticket, and it will be one way and you will have to pay for it yourself, but imagine a society where Gays and Lesbians could be jailed for life because of their sexuality, and you can live knowing how marriage is between a man and woman?

Now I will move to Cuba and You move to Uganda and when all of leave we can return this land back to the Native population it was stolen from, is that a deal?
"By gawd, this is the greatest country on Earth, an ifin you don't like it git out".

"By gawd we live under a lefty tyrannical police state and we's gonna git our guns an threaten you heathens ifin you don't sit up straight, just wait, its comin"
Are you drunk? What is this garbage? Who are you trying to imitate? Ah.. you are from the leftist elite academia assuming everybody who is not from the Ivy League is stupid.
Cool… even your avatar reflects your imagined superiority.

Its a tough choice for you I know, but at least entertain the thought of using logic rather than emotion.

Is America a great nation? Or a 'lefty tyranny worse than ever anywhere ever ever forever and forever anywhere in the history of forever. And ever." ?

Feel free to move if you don't like it here.

well serious Americans are quite scared that govt is so big, exactly what our Founders sought to avoid. They saw govt as the source of evil in human history while our liberals have no where near the IQ to grasp that basic concept.
Why is so much of the Conservative mindset based on reaching backwards to a utopian past that didn't really exist?
It reflects the reactionaryism common to most on the right, the fear of change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty which terrorize conservatives who perceive all three and more as some sort of a 'threat.'

And the actual irony can be found with the OP's avatar, a symbol representing the desire to destroy the United States and compel its African-American citizens to continue to live in slavery.
...we're celebrating "Independence Day" all while living in a radical tyrannical left-wing police state? I do.

Let's see.. Obama confiscated all the guns and re-instituted the assault weapons ban... Oops no he didn't... OK then Obama started the Department of Homeland Security... Oops no he didn't.

Obama allowed family friend Osama bin Laden to attack America on 9/11 by ignoring CIA and FBI warning. Oops no he didn't... OK then Obama attacked Iraq and killed Saddam a CIA appointed dictator put in place by Obama's father who was director of the CIA at the time. Oops no he didn't...

Obama lock POWS up at Gitmo further fanning the flames of Muslim hatred against the US. Oops no he didn't...

Obama started an ill conceived unfunded war with no exit strategy spreading our armed forces too thin... Oops no he didn't...
Why is so much of the Conservative mindset based on reaching backwards to a utopian past that didn't really exist?

Why is so much of the Liberal mindset based on focusing forward to a government funded utopian future they know will never exist?

One focused on the past, the other on the future, but neither on the present.
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