Does anyone find it ironic that on the 4th of July.....

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well serious Americans are quite scared that govt is so big, exactly what our Founders sought to avoid. They saw govt as the source of evil in human history while our liberals have no where near the IQ to grasp that basic concept.

You are lying.. The US spends less on government that most advanced countries. Before you make any more fact free statement try doing some research otherwise you will end up looking like an ignorant CONservative

FACT: The US spends slightly more than Japan. Please stop parroting the lies of the criminal right.

"radical tyrannical left-wing police state"? Where?

This libertarian type of demagoguery is why the millennials give you no second look, no second chance.
Not so Jake. There was a piece on AOL the other day and if I can find it I'll post the article that said millennials are leaning more and more to the GOP.
Please do so There may be movement to the old style "we are not afraid of government" DDE and GF and RMN republicanism, but the millennials as an almost monolithic bloc dislike what they see as sexism, racism, ageism, anti-Marriage Equality, etc., in the social field. They believe that staff is "old old school" and simply won't tolerate it.
political virtue, I wrote, which you chopped.

Stop the libertarian whining. Libertarianism is anti-virtue.
Makes no difference. The virtue of people reflects their political decisions. So there, the result is the same.
Let me get this straight, the condemnation of lying, of abandonment of principle for profit, of attacking fellow citizens' beliefs and of buying votes is libertarian whining? You must have some good shit to burn clouding your ability to make sound judgement.
Libertarianism is not political virtue. Don't even try that nonsense.
"By gawd, this is the greatest country on Earth, an ifin you don't like it git out".

"By gawd we live under a lefty tyrannical police state and we's gonna git our guns an threaten you heathens ifin you don't sit up straight, just wait, its comin"
Are you drunk? What is this garbage? Who are you trying to imitate? Ah.. you are from the leftist elite academia assuming everybody who is not from the Ivy League is stupid.
Cool… even your avatar reflects your imagined superiority.
You are a perfect example of schizophrenia that allows you to make the opposite claims. Good heavens.
You are lying.. The US spends less on government that most advanced countries.

dear 1) I said nothing about spending and
2) our economy has always been the most productive by far because we have spent less by far.

Do you have the IQ to grasp that concept? A soviet bureaucracy slows down an economy. Ever heard of East Germany/ West Germany??
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well serious Americans are quite scared that govt is so big, exactly what our Founders sought to avoid. They saw govt as the source of evil in human history while our liberals have no where near the IQ to grasp that basic concept.

You are lying.. The US spends less on government that most advanced countries. Before you make any more fact free statement try doing some research otherwise you will end up looking like an ignorant CONservative

FACT: The US spends slightly more than Japan. Please stop parroting the lies of the criminal right.


China has just instantly eliminated 40% of world poverty by switching to Republican capitalism. Do you have the IQ to understand that??
...we're celebrating "Independence Day" all while living in a radical tyrannical left-wing police state? I do.
We are indeed independent, every person at liberty to voice his opinions has he sees fit, including the right to express ridiculous lies as does the OP.

We aren't even free to buy the light bulbs we prefer. Only a fool believes we are still a free country.

And thanks to Scott Walker, you can't buy the soap you want in Wisconsin either; right OKTexas? :rofl:

PS: We are a free country. You also can't buy a nuke weapon, fissionable material, morphine without a prescription, some mutal funds, or the Colonel's secret recipe.
"radical tyrannical left-wing police state"? Where?

This libertarian type of demagoguery is why the millennials give you no second look, no second chance.
Not so Jake. There was a piece on AOL the other day and if I can find it I'll post the article that said millennials are leaning more and more to the GOP.
Please do so There may be movement to the old style "we are not afraid of government" DDE and GF and RMN republicanism, but the millennials as an almost monolithic bloc dislike what they see as sexism, racism, ageism, anti-Marriage Equality, etc., in the social field. They believe that staff is "old old school" and simply won't tolerate it.

Millennials on economic and social issues

It actually goes back to 1865. That's when the USA converted from a free country into an empire of subjects.
Anyone would think the US began as a nation of free people. Funny how the reality of the past is ignored.
Not everyone was free, but they were far freer than we are now. The USA has become a fascist tyranny. It's populated by servile freaks like you who enjoy being told what to do.
A lot of these freaks think they would have a good life under Shariah Law.
Pew Research Center surveys show that half of Millennials (50%) now describe themselves as political independents and about three-in-ten (29%) say they are not affiliated with any religion. These are at or near the highest levels of political and religious disaffiliation recorded for any generation in the quarter-century that the Pew Research Center has been polling on these topics.

At the same time, however, Millennials stand out for voting heavily Democratic and for liberal views on many political and social issues, ranging from a belief in an activist government to support for same-sex marriage and marijuana legalization. (For more on these views, see Chapters 1 and 2.)

Millennials in Adulthood Pew Research Center
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Since you're a communist, please go to Cuba. Since you love communism so much, Cuba should be your utopia. This country wasn't founded on your communist principles.

Communist? No. Neither are you. You're Just an ignorant bitch.


Since you brought it up, lets look at our history compared to communism.

What is it that Commies do?

Subjugate indigenous (sp?) peoples? Check. Ask the native Americans who had the audacity to be on our land before we got here.

Export our values to countries that may or may not want them? Check. Wal*Mart's growth is overseas and not in the good ol' USA. The same goes for Apple, Google, and most hollywood properties.

If they don't play ball, we act furtively to get them to see our way of thinking or just assassinate their rulers. Check. See CIA actions in Central America and, again since you brought it up, Cuba!

Have an outsized military relative to our population. Check x 1000

Have a history of electing jingoistic leaders who shoot first, shoot a little more, come down from the hills to murder the wounded then ask some questions on whether we should have done it years (if not decades) later. Check mate.

Realize that when we're not spilling blood in a foreign country's mud or trying to destroy their nations, we're actually a pretty good place to live if we could get out of our own way internally. Check.

You're right, we may be textbook commies.
"China has just instantly eliminated 40% of world poverty by switching to Republican capitalism" by adopting third world standars as acceptable living as well as slave labor. Eddy Baiamonte is not very bright.
political virtue, I wrote, which you chopped.

Stop the libertarian whining. Libertarianism is anti-virtue.
Makes no difference. The virtue of people reflects their political decisions. So there, the result is the same.
Let me get this straight, the condemnation of lying, of abandonment of principle for profit, of attacking fellow citizens' beliefs and of buying votes is libertarian whining? You must have some good shit to burn clouding your ability to make sound judgement.
Libertarianism is not political virtue. Don't even try that nonsense.

Yes it is.
You're right, we may be textbook commies.

dear communists have huge central govt while we have a Constitution designed to prevent that because our founders saw govt as the source of evil in human history. Do you understand?

Our Communists spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb, elected Obama, and now support Bernie Sanders an open communist. They have no support for our Constitution

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