Does anyone find it ironic that on the 4th of July.....

...we're celebrating "Independence Day" all while living in a radical tyrannical left-wing police state? I do.
We are indeed independent, every person at liberty to voice his opinions has he sees fit, including the right to express ridiculous lies as does the OP.

We aren't even free to buy the light bulbs we prefer. Only a fool believes we are still a free country.

And thanks to Scott Walker, you can't buy the soap you want in Wisconsin either; right OKTexas? :rofl:

PS: We are a free country. You also can't buy a nuke weapon, fissionable material, morphine without a prescription, some mutal funds, or the Colonel's secret recipe.

WE are not a free country. You cannot even buy the light bulbs or the toilets you prefer.
political virtue, I wrote, which you chopped.

Stop the libertarian whining. Libertarianism is anti-virtue.
Yeah...individual liberty and limited government is just so old fashion. :confused:
Individual liberty to terrorize the weak and poor because the government is not allowed to interfere. Not going to happen.

How are the weak and the poor being "terrorized?"

maybe in their hearts they know they are being crippled by all the personal welfare entitlement bailouts and moral hazard that results??
...we're celebrating "Independence Day" all while living in a radical tyrannical left-wing police state? I do.
We are indeed independent, every person at liberty to voice his opinions has he sees fit, including the right to express ridiculous lies as does the OP.

We aren't even free to buy the light bulbs we prefer. Only a fool believes we are still a free country.
sure you are. go to a store and pick out what you want.
Leftists have a mental block when it comes to understanding the consequences of unlimited government. All of civilized history tells us of the dangers, but they still can't see it or refuse to accept it.
Leftists have a mental block when it comes to understanding the consequences of unlimited government. All of civilized history tells us of the dangers, but they still can't see it or refuse to accept it.
That's because they're wallowing in the ecstasy of their fantasies. Hope And Change, anyone?
Leftists have a mental block when it comes to understanding the consequences of unlimited government. All of civilized history tells us of the dangers, but they still can't see it or refuse to accept it.
That's because they're wallowing in the ecstasy of their fantasies. Hope And Change, anyone?
Yes they do live in fantasy land.

They love BO and hate W, yet both men ruled much the same.

If BO were an R, libs would hate him from now to eternity, but since he is a D (and black), he is GREAT!!!
OK, you all are in a whine fest.

We are going to see the fireworks a couple blocks over on the lake.
...we're celebrating "Independence Day" all while living in a radical tyrannical left-wing police state? I do.

Have you considered moving?
He needs to consider seeking out the mental health treatment he so clearly needs.

There is no 'police state.'

There is no 'tyranny.'

There is only the ignorance, stupidity, and hyperbolic nonsense common to many on the right.
Personally I find it ironic that people still complain about living in the greatest Country in the world when they have the power to change the government every two, four and six years.
Leftists have a mental block when it comes to understanding the consequences of unlimited government. All of civilized history tells us of the dangers, but they still can't see it or refuse to accept it.

Yes HItler Stalin and Mao mean nothing to them. That our liberals spied for Hitler and Stalin means nothing to them. The Great Depression, Great Society, and recent housing crash mean nothing to them. They simply lack the IQ to understand freedom.
every person at liberty to voice his opinions has he sees fit
Are you sure of that?

Cite any Federal law, any state measure, or any local ordinance that subjects its citizens to punitive measures through force of law for speaking in a manner any government opposes.

On this very forum citizens engage in the most heinous hate speech, express the most vile animosity toward the president, and display symbols of racism and secession with complete impunity.

Nowhere else in the world is there such a Nation as ours, a people more free, their liberty more secure.
Cite any Federal law, any state measure, or any local ordinance that subjects its citizens to punitive measures through force of law for speaking in a manner any government opposes.

On this very forum citizens engage in the most heinous hate speech, express the most vile animosity toward the president, and display symbols of racism and secession with complete impunity.

Nowhere else in the world is there such a Nation as ours, a people more free, their liberty more secure.

I can cite you the agencies....
, their liberty more secure.

dear when liberal govt gathers all the power in Washington and govt takes 70% of your income your liberty is not secure by any means.

Modern liberals are a grave threat to liberty. Why do you think they spied for Stalin and HItler, gave Stalin the bomb, elected Obama despite 3 communist parents and after he voted to left of Bernie Sanders, and now flock to Bernie Sanders for president!
political virtue, I wrote, which you chopped.

Stop the libertarian whining. Libertarianism is anti-virtue.
Makes no difference. The virtue of people reflects their political decisions. So there, the result is the same.
Let me get this straight, the condemnation of lying, of abandonment of principle for profit, of attacking fellow citizens' beliefs and of buying votes is libertarian whining? You must have some good shit to burn clouding your ability to make sound judgement.
Libertarianism is not political virtue. Don't even try that nonsense.
So, if one condemns lying then one is libertarian. How did you come to that conclusion? Wow…. I guess you are moving on a higher plane from me in a different dimension.
...we're celebrating "Independence Day" all while living in a radical tyrannical left-wing police state? I do.
Said the guy with the confederate flag that symbolized a traitorous rabble of anti abolitionist. A confederate sympathizer, JW Booth, Lincoln's assassin, said Death to tyrants after he murdered our president. The irony of that, and the Irony of this thread.
...we're celebrating "Independence Day" all while living in a radical tyrannical left-wing police state? I do.
We are indeed independent, every person at liberty to voice his opinions has he sees fit, including the right to express ridiculous lies as does the OP.

We aren't even free to buy the light bulbs we prefer. Only a fool believes we are still a free country.

And thanks to Scott Walker, you can't buy the soap you want in Wisconsin either; right OKTexas? :rofl:

PS: We are a free country. You also can't buy a nuke weapon, fissionable material, morphine without a prescription, some mutal funds, or the Colonel's secret recipe.

WE are not a free country. You cannot even buy the light bulbs or the toilets you prefer.

Or, thanks to Liberal Scott Walker, the soap you prefer, right OKTexas ? :rofl:

If that is your barometer, we've never been a free nation; then again, total freedom is not mentioned anywhere in the agreement papers. But don't let that stop you from taking down liberals like Walker.
...we're celebrating "Independence Day" all while living in a radical tyrannical left-wing police state? I do.
NO! I find this nation to be fine except for the lunatic fringe who put their misplaced patriotism to southern ignorance above the nation.

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