Does anyone find it ironic that on the 4th of July.....

Why is so much of the Conservative mindset based on reaching backwards to a utopian past that didn't really exist?
It reflects the reactionaryism common to most on the right, the fear of change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty which terrorize conservatives who perceive all three and more as some sort of a 'threat.'

And the actual irony can be found with the OP's avatar, a symbol representing the desire to destroy the United States and compel its African-American citizens to continue to live in slavery.

You forgot one, the desire of a free people to govern themselves and throw off a overbearing central government. You know the very principles this country was founded on.
The schizophrenia of the conservative mind.

"By gawd, this is the greatest country on Earth, an ifin you don't like it git out".

"By gawd we live under a lefty tyrannical police state and we's gonna git our guns an threaten you heathens ifin you don't sit up straight, just wait, its comin"

So my question, and its a simple one....which mind flailing paranoia inspired delusion is it? It isn't multiple choice, you have to pick one. And then agree that it is insane to utter the one you don't pick eeevvverr again.

One of you liberal buds, candycorn posted the comment I put in bold on page one of this very thread.

Interesting how you nutters think.
"radical tyrannical left-wing police state"? Where?

This libertarian type of demagoguery is why the millennials give you no second look, no second chance.
Not so Jake. There was a piece on AOL the other day and if I can find it I'll post the article that said millennials are leaning more and more to the GOP.

Harvard did a poll right after the 2014 election that appeared to say that and it has been endlessly repeated by the media ever since. But there was a caveat.

Harvard University poll Millennials are leaning more Republican now than in last ten years Texas Right to Life

New findings out of Harvard University suggest that Millennial voters are transitioning back to being valuable swing voters, after a decade-long hiatus during which they predominantly favored Democrat leadership.

The poll, conducted by the Harvard University Institute of Politics, reveals that a majority of Millennials (aged 18-29) who said they were definitely going to vote in the midterm elections favor a Congress controlled by Republican leaders. (Conversely, more Millennials in general – including those who did not plan to vote – identify as Democrat-favoring.)​

In other words in the low turnout 2014 election the millennials who did vote were Republicans while the majority of Millennials lean Democratic.

This is consistent with the PEW polls at the time and the most recent ones too.

A Deep Dive Into Party Affiliation Pew Research Center

APRIL 7, 2015
A Deep Dive Into Party Affiliation
Sharp Differences by Race, Gender, Generation, Education


Millennials continue to be the most Democratic age cohort; 51% identify as Democrats or lean Democratic, compared with 35% who identify with the GOP or lean Republican. There are only slight differences in partisan affiliation between older and younger millennials.​

The only slight edge the GOP have is amongst white Millennials but we are talking 2% and it is within the MoE. Amongst non white Millenials the GOP is losing by 38% which completely nullifies that advantage. The chart above shows that overall Millennials favor the Dems by 16%
Millennials continue to be the most Democratic age cohort; 51% identify as Democrats or lean Democratic, compared with 35% who identify with the GOP or lean Republican.
It took a while to harvest the fruits of dumbed down education. Millennials do not know jack shit about the circumstances leading to drawing up the Constitution. A great majority of them have never heard about the Federalist Papers which give understanding why the articles of the Constitution and Bill of Rights were constructed as they were. Millennials were and are taught that Marx-Engels-Lenin-Stalin-Mao-Castro-Che-Pol Pot-Uncle Ho were the good guys and America is as evil as it comes. As these lies are perpetuated by Democrats, of course millennials will vote for them. They do not know it better, unfortunately.
On this Independence Day.....unlike the one that founded this nation.....those who oppose our tyrannical government.....sit on their asses whining instead of taking action.

Softest revolutionaries EVER!
"radical tyrannical left-wing police state"? Where?

This libertarian type of demagoguery is why the millennials give you no second look, no second chance.

See Boston after the marathon bombing, there's no better example. There are other examples, but none better.
There is no better example that you don't know what you are talking about.
"radical tyrannical left-wing police state"? Where?

This libertarian type of demagoguery is why the millennials give you no second look, no second chance.
Not so Jake. There was a piece on AOL the other day and if I can find it I'll post the article that said millennials are leaning more and more to the GOP.

Harvard did a poll right after the 2014 election that appeared to say that and it has been endlessly repeated by the media ever since. But there was a caveat.

Harvard University poll Millennials are leaning more Republican now than in last ten years Texas Right to Life

New findings out of Harvard University suggest that Millennial voters are transitioning back to being valuable swing voters, after a decade-long hiatus during which they predominantly favored Democrat leadership.

The poll, conducted by the Harvard University Institute of Politics, reveals that a majority of Millennials (aged 18-29) who said they were definitely going to vote in the midterm elections favor a Congress controlled by Republican leaders. (Conversely, more Millennials in general – including those who did not plan to vote – identify as Democrat-favoring.)​

In other words in the low turnout 2014 election the millennials who did vote were Republicans while the majority of Millennials lean Democratic.

This is consistent with the PEW polls at the time and the most recent ones too.

A Deep Dive Into Party Affiliation Pew Research Center

APRIL 7, 2015
A Deep Dive Into Party Affiliation
Sharp Differences by Race, Gender, Generation, Education


Millennials continue to be the most Democratic age cohort; 51% identify as Democrats or lean Democratic, compared with 35% who identify with the GOP or lean Republican. There are only slight differences in partisan affiliation between older and younger millennials.​

The only slight edge the GOP have is amongst white Millennials but we are talking 2% and it is within the MoE. Amongst non white Millenials the GOP is losing by 38% which completely nullifies that advantage. The chart above shows that overall Millennials favor the Dems by 16%
I saw that poll and others and it appears to me that millennials are very fickle and bend with the wind while leaning left.
They are fickle. They are not afraid of government, they simply have no time for racism or sexism or other phobias, they simply ignore others who cross them, I find they are as not particularly violent as were older generations were at that age. Slightly more than half define themselves as religious.

They are 21st century, the oldest getting internet regularly about the age my generation got TV. They are incredibly connected to each other.

They have no reverence for WWII and America's role in it because it is as distant to them as the Civil War was to many of my generation.

The millennials are not as emotionally connected to the past as they are looking to the future.
They are fickle. They are not afraid of government, they simply have no time for racism or sexism or other phobias, they simply ignore others who cross them, I find they are as not particularly violent as were older generations were at that age. Slightly more than half define themselves as religious.

They are 21st century, the oldest getting internet regularly about the age my generation got TV. They are incredibly connected to each other.

They have no reverence for WWII and America's role in it because it is as distant to them as the Civil War was to many of my generation.

The millennials are not as emotionally connected to the past as they are looking to the future.
Yes, younger Americans seem to have contempt for anything older than day old bread. It's their misfortune.
They are fickle. They are not afraid of government, they simply have no time for racism or sexism or other phobias, they simply ignore others who cross them, I find they are as not particularly violent as were older generations were at that age. Slightly more than half define themselves as religious.

They are 21st century, the oldest getting internet regularly about the age my generation got TV. They are incredibly connected to each other.

They have no reverence for WWII and America's role in it because it is as distant to them as the Civil War was to many of my generation.

The millennials are not as emotionally connected to the past as they are looking to the future.
Yes, younger Americans seem to have contempt for anything older than day old bread. It's their misfortune.
That's reminds me of the shit the elders talked when we were young..
They are fickle. They are not afraid of government, they simply have no time for racism or sexism or other phobias, they simply ignore others who cross them, I find they are as not particularly violent as were older generations were at that age. Slightly more than half define themselves as religious.

They are 21st century, the oldest getting internet regularly about the age my generation got TV. They are incredibly connected to each other.

They have no reverence for WWII and America's role in it because it is as distant to them as the Civil War was to many of my generation.

The millennials are not as emotionally connected to the past as they are looking to the future.
Yes, younger Americans seem to have contempt for anything older than day old bread. It's their misfortune.
That's reminds me of the shit the elders talked when we were young..
Same here but when you and I were young, people had a rounded education and had knowledge of most common subjects. The young adults today just let the world pass them by and have no interests that are useful or productive. If you watch Watters World on O'Reilly he interviews young adults on various topics and its sickening to watch and hear. And they don't have a clue. One group, when asked what they would do if the food supply dried up and every single one of them named a restaurant they would go to. Really?
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...we're celebrating "Independence Day" all while living in a radical tyrannical left-wing police state? I do.

I'm with you, Locke. I have been wondering all week if this is the last Independence Day celebration I will have the freedom to celebrate the Declaration of Independence, forever more. If even our national flag will be flying or will it be a black one instead or any other. Our enemies have another year and a half to waste us, by invitation. This includes people in high places in our own government who would like to see America and all she once stood for, turned upside down to accommodate their own agendas.

Listening up, Sanders and de Blasio? What a lovely couple you much in common.
"radical tyrannical left-wing police state"? Where?

This libertarian type of demagoguery is why the millennials give you no second look, no second chance.
Not so Jake. There was a piece on AOL the other day and if I can find it I'll post the article that said millennials are leaning more and more to the GOP.

Harvard did a poll right after the 2014 election that appeared to say that and it has been endlessly repeated by the media ever since. But there was a caveat.

Harvard University poll Millennials are leaning more Republican now than in last ten years Texas Right to Life

New findings out of Harvard University suggest that Millennial voters are transitioning back to being valuable swing voters, after a decade-long hiatus during which they predominantly favored Democrat leadership.

The poll, conducted by the Harvard University Institute of Politics, reveals that a majority of Millennials (aged 18-29) who said they were definitely going to vote in the midterm elections favor a Congress controlled by Republican leaders. (Conversely, more Millennials in general – including those who did not plan to vote – identify as Democrat-favoring.)​

In other words in the low turnout 2014 election the millennials who did vote were Republicans while the majority of Millennials lean Democratic.

This is consistent with the PEW polls at the time and the most recent ones too.

A Deep Dive Into Party Affiliation Pew Research Center

APRIL 7, 2015
A Deep Dive Into Party Affiliation
Sharp Differences by Race, Gender, Generation, Education


Millennials continue to be the most Democratic age cohort; 51% identify as Democrats or lean Democratic, compared with 35% who identify with the GOP or lean Republican. There are only slight differences in partisan affiliation between older and younger millennials.​

The only slight edge the GOP have is amongst white Millennials but we are talking 2% and it is within the MoE. Amongst non white Millenials the GOP is losing by 38% which completely nullifies that advantage. The chart above shows that overall Millennials favor the Dems by 16%
I saw that poll and others and it appears to me that millennials are very fickle and bend with the wind while leaning left.

Same could have been said about the Reagan Democrats.

Millennials have yet to find a political "home" but given their demographics and the kinds of noises coming from the GOP it isn't as though there is a welcome mat there for them on that side of the aisle.
If the GOP does not reach out to women and minorities and millennials where they are at, they will be far less likely to vote GOP.
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sorry for coming late...

But is the OP actually complaining about the Left during Independence day while using an Anti-American Flag as an Avatar.

Now that is real irony.
No one ever has accused the far right reactionary radical revolutionary nut jobs of consistency other than in hatred.
Last edited:
...we're celebrating "Independence Day" all while living in a radical tyrannical left-wing police state? I do.
We are indeed independent, every person at liberty to voice his opinions has he sees fit, including the right to express ridiculous lies as does the OP.

We aren't even free to buy the light bulbs we prefer. Only a fool believes we are still a free country.
sure you are. go to a store and pick out what you want.

I want a 250 watt incandescent bulb. Where do I get that?
Shop SYLVANIA 250-Watt A21 Medium Base Soft White Dimmable Incandescent Light Bulb at

lowes you fucktard
We are indeed independent, every person at liberty to voice his opinions has he sees fit, including the right to express ridiculous lies as does the OP.

We aren't even free to buy the light bulbs we prefer. Only a fool believes we are still a free country.
sure you are. go to a store and pick out what you want.

I want a 250 watt incandescent bulb. Where do I get that?
Walmart, Lowes

Nope. You can't buy them anymore.
thats because you are a moron.

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