Does ANYONE Have Proof That Ben Carson Lied ? About Anything ?

Nope... He doesn't need to embellish. If you have achieved something no other human has ever done, you don't need to embellish. It's completely irrational and stupid to think that you would and anyone that stupid isn't voting for the GOP anyway, so it's a moot point.

Now you can keep on trying to make this pig fly but I predict with what has happened in France is probably going to squelch any noise you can make, which isn't much. You should really be trying to figure out how you're going to get your lying hag elected now that her stupid foreign policy incompetence is blowing up in her face.

The only "narrative" here is that you libtards want to keep on propping up your lies even after they've been exposed. You just fucking don't give up. It's one thing to lie and get caught, but to just keep on with the lie anyway, shows signs of mental illness. It's clearly the behavior of sociopaths.
Mertex: Conservatives defending Carson on his exaggeration that he had a "full scholarship" need to find out the difference between a "loan", a "grant" and a "scholarship". Scholarships don't have to be paid back, on the other hand, to accept full tuition for West Point, a student has to serve active duty service obligation upon graduation, which hardly classifies it as a scholarship. Oh, and I don't see Westmoreland as having authority to "promise" full funded tuition to anyone....Westmoreland would have had to make a request to a member of Congress, the President or VP. So for Carson to continue to make statements that "he had a full scholarship" goes way beyond exaggeration.....most of us sane people call it lying.

So, the only ones that need to get informed are the ones that still insist that West Point offers "full scholarships".....:rolleyes:

First of all, if you have some complaint over the terminology, you need to take that up with West Point who obviously thinks they offer full scholarships. (see the attached advertisement)

I don't have a problem with the terminology used in an "old" ad that is no longer even used. The West Point Academy administration has made the clarification that they don't offer full scholarships and I posted the steps necessary to get an appointment to West Point. My problem is with Carson claiming he got a full scholarship when nothing even close to that is true and his supporters trying to find some escape for Carson for his lie. His claim that he met Westmoreland is also a lie as records indicate that the General wasn't in Detroit at the time Carson mentions in his for all we know, the two probably never even met.

But even those trying to defend him admit that a military academy appointment is not actually a scholarship.

From a right-wing source regarding that ad:
Technically, of course, they are right, A military academy appointment is not actually a scholarship.
.@POLITICO and .@kyledcheney Keep The Lies On Ben Carson Coming | RedState

Second, Carson never claimed Westmoreland "promised" him a full scholarship. This is where you dishonest hacks want to start LYING and distorting what Dr. Carson actually said. Carson also never said he "had a full scholarship to West Point." Another LIE because you can't help yourself... they just start rolling out as soon as your mouth starts moving. The ONLY exaggeration happening here is YOUR exaggerations... and yes, most sane people recognize that as lying.

You can try and dissect what he said and the fact that he may not have used the exact words accredited to his exaggeration.....but he certainly implied that Westmoreland promised him one when he brags about having met him and Westmoreland suggesting that he could help him and then his bragging that he was offered a "full scholarship"..... the lying hacks like you, will probably now say the video was altered and the words were dubbed in.........(right at :30)

Dr. Ben Carson does not need to brag. The notion that he embellished a story to brag about himself is laughable given the man's actual accomplishments. Oh, let me make up this story about a scholarship to West Point because performing a medical surgical miracle that no human being has ever done before isn't enough! Does that REALLY make sense inside your little pea brain?

That's true.....the fact that he was a surgeon should have been enough to why did he feel he needed to exaggerate and brag like he did? Something is wrong with the character of a person that needs to embellish their life story. But still, his performance as a surgeon doesn't mean that he is qualified to be President of the United States. He couldn't name a single ally to the US, something that kids in Jr High are already aware of.

Carson has bigger problems than his exaggeration that he was offered a "full scholarship" - and anyone with a brain is able to figure it out.
I don't have a problem with the terminology used in an "old" ad that is no longer even used.The West Point Academy administration has made the clarification that they don't offer full scholarships and I posted the steps necessary to get an appointment to West Point. My problem is with Carson claiming he got a full scholarship...

Huh? So... Carson wrote this 15 years ago about a conversation when he was in high school, but you don't think it's relevant what the terminology was back then? I don't give two shits what a liberal hack spokesperson at West Point says TODAY. The ad I posted clearly shows that West Point offered "full scholarships" at the time Dr. Carson claims the conversation happened.

Your problem is Carson DIDN'T claim he got a full scholarship and that LIE has now been exposed repeatedly but you just keep on telling it. He has NEVER SAID he got a full scholarship to West Point. Show me ANY QUOTE from Dr. Carson claiming he "got a full scholarship" and I will admit that he lied. He only said that Westmoreland offered to get him an interview. He never said a scholarship was offered or that he was appointed. Those are just blatant LIES you keep on telling as if you can repeat them enough to make them true.

This is not going to work. Especially with a man like Carson who doesn't need to embellish or brag about his accomplishments. The more you try to cling to this LIE the more you will be exposed as someone who is dishonest and can't be trusted. And posting prepared cut-n-paste hit pieces on the story only reveals that you are part of a LYING CONSPIRACY.
Nope... He doesn't need to embellish. If you have achieved something no other human has ever done, you don't need to embellish. It's completely irrational and stupid to think that you would and anyone that stupid isn't voting for the GOP anyway, so it's a moot point.

Now you can keep on trying to make this pig fly but I predict with what has happened in France is probably going to squelch any noise you can make, which isn't much. You should really be trying to figure out how you're going to get your lying hag elected now that her stupid foreign policy incompetence is blowing up in her face.

The only "narrative" here is that you libtards want to keep on propping up your lies even after they've been exposed. You just fucking don't give up. It's one thing to lie and get caught, but to just keep on with the lie anyway, shows signs of mental illness. It's clearly the behavior of sociopaths.

Guy, Uncle Tom is fading. Even his own advisors have expressed frustration with his ignorance of foreign policy and unwillingness to learn.

Ben Carson is fading fast in the latest Fox News New Hampshire poll

In a couple weeks, no one will care about France because no one wants to send their kid off to fight ISIS when the Iranians and Russians are happy to do it.
So the HACK LIBERAL continues punching?

Carson is doing just fine in all the national polls. This has not hurt him one little bit. He has NEVER polled well in New Hampshire. Just as Cruz beats him in Texas consistently.

I've not said that Carson is going to win the nomination or even that I am supporting him. You act as if I am a Carson loyalist blinded by my devotion to Carson. I think the GOP has a great field of qualified candidates and the GOP voters will ultimately pick one to be their nominee. Who that will be, I have no idea at this point but it will certainly be someone who will trounce the lying hag you nominate.

Regardless of who I support, I am not going to allow you to spread lies about the man. I'm going to be here revealing your lies and exposing you for the fraud you are.
So the HACK LIBERAL continues punching?

Carson is doing just fine in all the national polls. This has not hurt him one little bit. He has NEVER polled well in New Hampshire. Just as Cruz beats him in Texas consistently.

Uncle Tom is going down. The NBC Survey has Crazy Cruz passing him up.

I've not said that Carson is going to win the nomination or even that I am supporting him. You act as if I am a Carson loyalist blinded by my devotion to Carson. I think the GOP has a great field of qualified candidates and the GOP voters will ultimately pick one to be their nominee. Who that will be, I have no idea at this point but it will certainly be someone who will trounce the lying hag you nominate.

Guy, you are running a clown car of religious nuts and corporate tools around the track. Combover just outed himself as a fascist this week, Uncle Tom can't name a single ally of the US. Rubio is showing that he's worth every penny Sheldon Adelson paid for him spewing the Zionist party line. .
I don't have a problem with the terminology used in an "old" ad that is no longer even used.The West Point Academy administration has made the clarification that they don't offer full scholarships and I posted the steps necessary to get an appointment to West Point. My problem is with Carson claiming he got a full scholarship...

Huh? So... Carson wrote this 15 years ago about a conversation when he was in high school, but you don't think it's relevant what the terminology was back then? I don't give two shits what a liberal hack spokesperson at West Point says TODAY. The ad I posted clearly shows that West Point offered "full scholarships" at the time Dr. Carson claims the conversation happened.
Except he wasn't offered one, nor did he ever have a full scholarship as he claims.... or he would have known the necessary steps to actually being offered matter what he wants to call it.

Your problem is Carson DIDN'T claim he got a full scholarship and that LIE has now been exposed repeatedly but you just keep on telling it. He has NEVER SAID he got a full scholarship to West Point. Show me ANY QUOTE from Dr. Carson claiming he "got a full scholarship" and I will admit that he lied. He only said that Westmoreland offered to get him an interview. He never said a scholarship was offered or that he was appointed. Those are just blatant LIES you keep on telling as if you can repeat them enough to make them true.
I posted the video where the words come out of his mouth..........even gave you the time on the can't keep deflecting and remain credible. Are you being purposely dense or does it come naturally? Here is the video again.......listen to him say it at about :30 into the video......and quit lying that he didn't say it.

This is not going to work. Especially with a man like Carson who doesn't need to embellish or brag about his accomplishments. The more you try to cling to this LIE the more you will be exposed as someone who is dishonest and can't be trusted. And posting prepared cut-n-paste hit pieces on the story only reveals that you are part of a LYING CONSPIRACY.
Talk about lying........I've posted a video and given you the time where he says it on the video and you continue to say he never said "he had a full scholarship"......I'm not surprised, most conservatives are in denial about reality. Not that it matters........your candidate is dropping fast. His ignorance on foreign policy is not going to get him into the WH.

15-17 Nov 15
Donald Trump 27%
Marco Rubio 13%
Ted Cruz 11%
Jeb Bush 9%
Ben Carson 9%
John Kasich 7%
Chris Christie 6%
Carly Fiorina 3%
Fox News Poll: Trump rules GOP race in NH, Sanders tops Clinton by 1
He does not say he HAD a scholarship. He was OFFERED one on the basis of his academic record. He didn't apply... he didn't interview... he was never offered an appointment and never claimed he was. YOU are a brain dead idiot who is not able to comprehend basic context... Dr. Carson could probably operate and fix your malfunctioning brain.
I read this whole thread cause Carson's interesting to me, especially now that the Dem's have driven out any possibility of me voting their way. Carson seems real likeable, his odd beliefs turn me off a bit and he comes off... meek, but none of that is a be all and end all - I'm still considering him basically. That said, I really don't find it surprising that the media/opposite party is nit-picking at all and I wouldn't be surprised if Carson made shit up to increase his book sales either.

Just as a perspective to ya'll's "campaign" here, take it or leave it, the actual content of this argument is ringing very hollow for me; regardless of what side it comes from. I mean my husband /actually/ went to West Point, and graduated from there, it's an honor no doubt, but, uhm, no I would not want him as President of the US, (in fact, I'd prevent my husband from running because he's an asshole.) I'm just not getting the argument from the left, nor the argument from Carson supporters here.

I guess what I'm saying to those defending Carson's "honor" here (or w/e you think you're doing for him,) this isn't really helping his campaign with me - it is not resonating at all... I'd suggest letting this go and taking a track that focuses more on what he "could" do as President because that's the bit that could win over folks like me. Not arguing with the media about if he meant to imply this or that - we were not all that moved by Clinton's "Depends on what the meaning of /is/ is" double speak and this is basically the same crap...

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