Does ANYONE Have Proof That Ben Carson Lied ? About Anything ?

I'm telling you guys, you picked a real bonehead strategy here.

Hillary is NEVER going to be perceived as "more honest" than Dr. Carson.

There ain't enough lipstick for that pig!

Good luck, though... it's going to be fun watching you get your asses handed to you.
I'm telling you guys, you picked a real bonehead strategy here.

Hillary is NEVER going to be perceived as "more honest" than Dr. Carson.

There ain't enough lipstick for that pig!

Good luck, though... it's going to be fun watching you get your asses handed to you.

Carson is never going to be the nominee, so that's not the issue.

The GOP Establishment is never going to let a crazy person with no political experience get their nomination. That goes for Combover as well as Uncle Tom.
The GOP Establishment is never going to let a crazy person with no political experience get their nomination. That goes for Combover as well as Uncle Tom.

Well back in 1979, the Establishment GOP had no intention of letting a washed-up old actor win the nomination either... BUT... as you know, he did... and the rest is history.

Now maybe your empty little head doesn't understand how the process works but when the two top candidates in a field of 15 have over 50% of the vote in polls at this juncture, it's a pretty safe bet that one of them will likely win the nomination. The Establishment GOP may not like it... they may have to pick one and hold their nose.. but I think one of these men will be the ultimate nominee, probably Trump.

Oh, there is still time for something major to happen... I mean, Carson could have a brain aneurysm or Trump could have a heart attack... so anything is still possible. But the clock it ticking and the polls keep showing these two clearly out in front. The closest true establishment darling has 6% in the polls... If the Establishment hopes to nominate their candidate, they best get on the ball.
Well back in 1979, the Establishment GOP had no intention of letting a washed-up old actor win the nomination either... BUT... as you know, he did... and the rest is history.

The GOP Establishment was just fine with Reagan. He was perfectly willing to fuck the working class on behalf of the rich. Quite trying to rewrite history.

I truly understand why you right wingers need the Reagan myth. He's the only GOP President who wasn't impeached (Nixon), voted out of office (Ford, BUsh-41) or left the economy in such shambles they ruined things for your party (FOrd, both Bushes.) But he was an establishment figure who increased the size of government, raised taxes, gave amnesty to illegals and signed bad trade treaties that sent jobs overseas.

Now maybe your empty little head doesn't understand how the process works but when the two top candidates in a field of 15 have over 50% of the vote in polls at this juncture, it's a pretty safe bet that one of them will likely win the nomination. The Establishment GOP may not like it... they may have to pick one and hold their nose.. but I think one of these men will be the ultimate nominee, probably Trump.

Guy, I've been involved in Republican Politics longer than you have. Here's how you can tell that Uncle Tom and Combover won't be the nominee. Look where the money is going. It ain't going to them. The Uber rich are abandoning Jeb! all right. For Rubio and Cruz.

Oh, there is still time for something major to happen... I mean, Carson could have a brain aneurysm or Trump could have a heart attack... so anything is still possible. But the clock it ticking and the polls keep showing these two clearly out in front. The closest true establishment darling has 6% in the polls... If the Establishment hopes to nominate their candidate, they best get on the ball.

Guy, let me give you a short list of guys who were 'leading in the polls" the Establishment didn't want.

Rick Perry
Rick Santorum
Herman Cain
Newt Gingrich

All of these guys had moments of being the "not Romney', but you all got Romney anyway.

Back in 2008, I remember when Fred Thompson and Mike Huckabee and Rudy Guiliani were the 'Frontrunners", and you all still ended up with McCain.
The GOP Establishment was just fine with Reagan.

You're not much of a political history buff, are you?

Uhm.. NO... they were not "just fine" with the Gipper.

Reagan survived a brutal and nasty campaign with George H.W. Bush who the Establishment was backing. Bush called Regan's economic package "Voodoo Economics" and people like George Will questioned Reagan's age. The famous Reagan quote "I paid for this microphone!" came from a GOP debate where the Establishment moderator was trying to cut him off.
You're not much of a political history buff, are you?

Uhm.. NO... they were not "just fine" with the Gipper.

Reagan survived a brutal and nasty campaign with George H.W. Bush who the Establishment was backing. Bush called Regan's economic package "Voodoo Economics" and people like George Will questioned Reagan's age. The famous Reagan quote "I paid for this microphone!" came from a GOP debate where the Establishment moderator was trying to cut him off.

Uh, guy, none of that is particularly nasty. What Reagan proposed WAS Voodoo Economics. He tripled the debt in his term and had to walk back his tax cuts by raising them on working folks. And the fact the guy had Alzheimers when he was in office, questions about his age were probably legit.

Again, the GOP Establishment was just fine with Ronnie Reagan. George Bush was happy to be his vice president when Jerry Ford declined.

Meanwhile, Combover just compared Uncle Tom to a Child Molester. These are your Republican Front runners, everyone.

These are your Republican Frontrunners, everyone.
Guy, I've been involved in Republican Politics longer than you have.

Fuck you.. .stop flexing your fake muscles. You're a liberal hack and everyone knows it.

No, guy, I'm a Republican who realized that when you let the religious crazies run your party, it's time to leave.

in 2012, the least crazy guy you could find thought he was wearing Magic Underwear. This year you have a Pathological Lying Self-Loathing black guy and Narcissistic Reality TV Rodeo Clown.

Maybe I'll come back to the GOP when it is less crazy, but this isn't the year.
You're not much of a political history buff, are you?

Uhm.. NO... they were not "just fine" with the Gipper.

Reagan survived a brutal and nasty campaign with George H.W. Bush who the Establishment was backing. Bush called Regan's economic package "Voodoo Economics" and people like George Will questioned Reagan's age. The famous Reagan quote "I paid for this microphone!" came from a GOP debate where the Establishment moderator was trying to cut him off.

Uh, guy, none of that is particularly nasty. What Reagan proposed WAS Voodoo Economics. He tripled the debt in his term and had to walk back his tax cuts by raising them on working folks. And the fact the guy had Alzheimers when he was in office, questions about his age were probably legit.

Again, the GOP Establishment was just fine with Ronnie Reagan. George Bush was happy to be his vice president when Jerry Ford declined.

Meanwhile, Combover just compared Uncle Tom to a Child Molester. These are your Republican Front runners, everyone.

These are your Republican Frontrunners, everyone.

Look... Compared to the vitriolic nature of the last few election cycles, you'd probably have to go back to the days of Jackson and Adams to find something comparable. No... wasn't THAT nasty, but the Establishment sure as hell wasn't hot on Reagan by ANY means. If you think they were, you're ignorant of GOP politics.

You jumped off the argument we were having and now you want to bash Reagan or cajole me into an argument about his policies. Lie, Deflect and Detract. You made the assertion that the Establishment GOP "wasn't going to let us nominate [whomever]" The fact of the matter is, WE get to nominate people, NOT the party elites. It's not a matter of what they "LET" us do... we just fucking DO it... by going to the polls and casting our votes.

You pop off at me with some braggadocio about how many years you spent in GOP politics and you don't sound like you've passed 7th grade Civics, to be honest. You have no knowledge of the Reagan Revolution... you think the party big wigs select the candidate they want regardless of how we vote...
You're not much of a political history buff, are you?

Uhm.. NO... they were not "just fine" with the Gipper.

Reagan survived a brutal and nasty campaign with George H.W. Bush who the Establishment was backing. Bush called Regan's economic package "Voodoo Economics" and people like George Will questioned Reagan's age. The famous Reagan quote "I paid for this microphone!" came from a GOP debate where the Establishment moderator was trying to cut him off.

Uh, guy, none of that is particularly nasty. What Reagan proposed WAS Voodoo Economics. He tripled the debt in his term and had to walk back his tax cuts by raising them on working folks. And the fact the guy had Alzheimers when he was in office, questions about his age were probably legit.

Again, the GOP Establishment was just fine with Ronnie Reagan. George Bush was happy to be his vice president when Jerry Ford declined.

Meanwhile, Combover just compared Uncle Tom to a Child Molester. These are your Republican Front runners, everyone.

These are your Republican Frontrunners, everyone.

Well granted, nothing compares to the vitriol we see today in politics unless you go back to Jackson and Adams. Reagan ran and lost the nomination in '68 and '76. Both times, the Establishment pick won... Nixon (68) and Ford (76). In 1979, the Establishment was behind Bush after Baker dropped out. Reagan won the nomination and in a gesture of party unity, picked Bush as his VP. This became known as the Reagan Revolution.

You popped off at me with some braggadocio about how many years you spent in GOP politics but you don't sound like you know very much. Now you're in the middle of an argument you can't back up about Reagan and the Establishment GOP and you want to scamper away from that argument and draw me into an argument over Reagan's policies. Not to mention your obvious confusion over how nominees are nominated. Here's a clue, Skippy... the party Establishment doesn't select them!
Guy, I've been involved in Republican Politics longer than you have.

Fuck you.. .stop flexing your fake muscles. You're a liberal hack and everyone knows it.

No, guy, I'm a Republican who realized that when you let the religious crazies run your party, it's time to leave.

in 2012, the least crazy guy you could find thought he was wearing Magic Underwear. This year you have a Pathological Lying Self-Loathing black guy and Narcissistic Reality TV Rodeo Clown.

Maybe I'll come back to the GOP when it is less crazy, but this isn't the year.

LMAO... You've got about as much Republican in you as a used Obama condom.
Look... Compared to the vitriolic nature of the last few election cycles, you'd probably have to go back to the days of Jackson and Adams to find something comparable. No... wasn't THAT nasty, but the Establishment sure as hell wasn't hot on Reagan by ANY means. If you think they were, you're ignorant of GOP politics.

The GOP establishment was just fine with Reagan. Again, you need to stop building this myth about Reagan, he was as establishmetn as the Bush Crime family.

You pop off at me with some braggadocio about how many years you spent in GOP politics and you don't sound like you've passed 7th grade Civics, to be honest. You have no knowledge of the Reagan Revolution... you think the party big wigs select the candidate they want regardless of how we vote...

Yeah, the Reagan Revolution. That was the one where things like "Math" and "Science" were rejected and we tripled the debt. The thing was, when Reagan finally had to bend to reality, Conservatives turned on him. That's why Bush had to say, "Read my lips, no new taxes."

Because Reagan raised taxes.
Guy, I've been involved in Republican Politics longer than you have.

Fuck you.. .stop flexing your fake muscles. You're a liberal hack and everyone knows it.

No, guy, I'm a Republican who realized that when you let the religious crazies run your party, it's time to leave.

in 2012, the least crazy guy you could find thought he was wearing Magic Underwear. This year you have a Pathological Lying Self-Loathing black guy and Narcissistic Reality TV Rodeo Clown.

Maybe I'll come back to the GOP when it is less crazy, but this isn't the year.

If you want to see racism today. here it is. This is called a Modern day LYNCING

and guess who runs these LEFT leaning medias?
He's delusional....he believes what suits his agenda and sees only what backs up his idiotic beliefs.
So you support the indictment of Slager on a murder charge too ? You ought to be ashamed of yourself too. A good cop puts his life on the line, does his job properly, and a bunch of foul race hustlers turn it into a murder charge to appease a largely Black (idiotic) population, and you agree. How low can you go ?

Unless you are blind or certainly can't say that the video lies.....of course you have an explanation why he shot him as he is running away and why he then is seen placing a gun by the dead man's side? Delusional? NO, you're not only delusional, you are deranged.
Unless you are blind or certainly can't say that the video lies.....of course you have an explanation why he shot him as he is running away and why he then is seen placing a gun by the dead man's side? Delusional? NO, you're not only delusional, you are deranged.
I'm not referring to anything but the shooting part, which was 100% LEGAL % JUSTIFIABLE.

His arrest was 100% POLITICAL, and done to appease the Black voters of the majority Black town. The problem isn't me being delusional. It is you being IGNORANT.

Fleeing felon rule - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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