Does ANYONE Have Proof That Ben Carson Lied ? About Anything ?

...and indicates that his thoughts of the magazine came during this restroom reverie, not after. (One paragraph later, he’s wiping his nose with toilet paper, then standing up and sitting back down on the john.) Carson writes that he’d been reading Psychology Today...

Wait a minute, let's go back to the bathroom. Did he wipe forward or backward? Was his poop runny? Because that might indicate he was on drugs! Did he use a lot of toilet paper or did he conserve? Things like this are of the utmost importance to the voters! If he was wasteful with toilet paper as a teen, he is obviously not qualified to hold such a high office. We should demand that Obama have Holder and the FBI investigate this man immediately because his behavior in the bathroom is of major concern to us all!

That's why it's so amazing to me that you've chosen "honesty" to be the issue to decide the elections of 2016 on. Is this pure narcissism at work? :dunno:

the issue is "delusion" ....

Your delusion? ...That makes sense.
Is Ben Carson Lying About Reading Psychology Today as a Teen?
But did Ben Carson really consult Psychology Today before arriving at his revelation? In Gifted Hands, Carson writes that he was in ninth grade at the time of the attempted stabbing, and he’s subsequently pinpointed his age at 14 years old. Given Carson’s birth year of 1951, that would put the knifing in either 1965 or 1966. Psychology Today published its very first issue in May 1967.

Gifted Hands claims that Carson runs to the bathroom immediately after trying to kill Bob, and indicates that his thoughts of the magazine came during this restroom reverie, not after. (One paragraph later, he’s wiping his nose with toilet paper, then standing up and sitting back down on the john.) Carson writes that he’d been reading Psychology Today for a year at that point—but the magazine wasn’t first published until at least five months later.


Why doesn't it? Whether you see it as a lie or an embellishment, isn't it concerning at least that he makes so many bizzarre claims?

I don't see any bizarre claim he has made to be honest. Not anything near the extent of the bizarre claims Hillary has made or Obama. Nor has he lied about anything or even embellished much... again, not even remotely in the same realm as Hillary and Barry Soetoro.
hanks for so openly admitting this was nothing but a smear campaign.

Of course, most of us already knew that but it's good to have you confirm it for everyone.

Carson didn't make anything up, it was never proven, Politico tried to lie and got called out... Carson handed reporters their lunch for three days and this is now over.

Carson's campaign is reporting a noticeable increase in funding since all this blew up... now, maybe that is just his support base showing some love... or something else? We have to wait a few days for the next round of polling to see what kind of "damage" your little smear tactic inflicted. I predict he gets a bump... you and Politico might just have swung the primary to Carson over Trump!

NOt really. Uncle Tom is already falling behind Combover.

And it's not a smear campaign to out Carson for what he is, a self-promoting Uncle Tom acting a beard for white racists.
In this case, the absence of proof is indication enough of guilt.
hanks for so openly admitting this was nothing but a smear campaign.

Of course, most of us already knew that but it's good to have you confirm it for everyone.

Carson didn't make anything up, it was never proven, Politico tried to lie and got called out... Carson handed reporters their lunch for three days and this is now over.

Carson's campaign is reporting a noticeable increase in funding since all this blew up... now, maybe that is just his support base showing some love... or something else? We have to wait a few days for the next round of polling to see what kind of "damage" your little smear tactic inflicted. I predict he gets a bump... you and Politico might just have swung the primary to Carson over Trump!

NOt really. Uncle Tom is already falling behind Combover.

And it's not a smear campaign to out Carson for what he is, a self-promoting Uncle Tom acting a beard for white racists.

LOL.. No, he's not "falling behind" they are still statistically tied, Trump has always had the edge nationally. To use a phrase I'm sure you're familiar with, at this point, what difference does it make? You're going to smear Trump or Carson, it doesn't matter.

Not a smear job? It's too late to pull it back now, you're on record:

"I think this does the job just as well."

The only racists prevalent here are white liberal Democrats who seek to use race to attack someone every way they can. Bigoted racists seldom see their own bigotry even when trying to cleverly hide it. But everyone else sees it. Obama wasn't an Uncle Tom, why didn't that racist term apply to him? Oh yeah, because he was "clean and well-spoken" as Biden said. Moreover, he was carrying the plantation's water, so he was a "good" one. if they stay in line and behave, know their place, you don't have to break out the whip and beat them, ain't that right?
LOL.. No, he's not "falling behind" they are still statistically tied, Trump has always had the edge nationally. To use a phrase I'm sure you're familiar with, at this point, what difference does it make? You're going to smear Trump or Carson, it doesn't matter.

Not a smear job? It's too late to pull it back now, you're on record:

"I think this does the job just as well."

Exactly. The Job is to disqualify people who are clearly NOT QUALIFIED. Now, I honestly wish the GOP voters, after 30 years of having their buttons pushed by the 1%, were smart enough to not be taken in by Hucksters like Uncle Tom and Combover.

Clearly, the way the guy is losing his shit over petty stuff, wait until he get the "Full Clinton".

The only racists prevalent here are white liberal Democrats who seek to use race to attack someone every way they can. Bigoted racists seldom see their own bigotry even when trying to cleverly hide it. But everyone else sees it. Obama wasn't an Uncle Tom, why didn't that racist term apply to him? Oh yeah, because he was "clean and well-spoken" as Biden said. Moreover, he was carrying the plantation's water, so he was a "good" one. if they stay in line and behave, know their place, you don't have to break out the whip and beat them, ain't that right?

Obama isn't an Uncle Tom because he's actually challenging white people on their racism. And you guys lose your shit when he does it, whether it be Trayvon or that professor who got arrested in his own home for "Contempt of Cop".

Carson is an Uncle Tom because his whole schitck is to go in front of audiences of white people and telling them how racism isn't a problem because, hey, he got his! (Don't pay any attention to all the government programs that gave him a hand up.)
hanks for so openly admitting this was nothing but a smear campaign.

Of course, most of us already knew that but it's good to have you confirm it for everyone.

Carson didn't make anything up, it was never proven, Politico tried to lie and got called out... Carson handed reporters their lunch for three days and this is now over.

Carson's campaign is reporting a noticeable increase in funding since all this blew up... now, maybe that is just his support base showing some love... or something else? We have to wait a few days for the next round of polling to see what kind of "damage" your little smear tactic inflicted. I predict he gets a bump... you and Politico might just have swung the primary to Carson over Trump!

NOt really. Uncle Tom is already falling behind Combover.

And it's not a smear campaign to out Carson for what he is, a self-promoting Uncle Tom acting a beard for white racists.

Your comments are spot on. Your choice of words is moronic.
Your comments are spot on. Your choice of words is moronic.

Guy, after four years of reading my posts, you should have figured out the one thing I don't spend a lot of time worrying about people's hurt feelings.
LOL.. No, he's not "falling behind" they are still statistically tied, Trump has always had the edge nationally. To use a phrase I'm sure you're familiar with, at this point, what difference does it make? You're going to smear Trump or Carson, it doesn't matter.

Not a smear job? It's too late to pull it back now, you're on record:

"I think this does the job just as well."

Exactly. The Job is to disqualify people who are clearly NOT QUALIFIED. Now, I honestly wish the GOP voters, after 30 years of having their buttons pushed by the 1%, were smart enough to not be taken in by Hucksters like Uncle Tom and Combover.

Clearly, the way the guy is losing his shit over petty stuff, wait until he get the "Full Clinton".

The only racists prevalent here are white liberal Democrats who seek to use race to attack someone every way they can. Bigoted racists seldom see their own bigotry even when trying to cleverly hide it. But everyone else sees it. Obama wasn't an Uncle Tom, why didn't that racist term apply to him? Oh yeah, because he was "clean and well-spoken" as Biden said. Moreover, he was carrying the plantation's water, so he was a "good" one. if they stay in line and behave, know their place, you don't have to break out the whip and beat them, ain't that right?

Obama isn't an Uncle Tom because he's actually challenging white people on their racism. And you guys lose your shit when he does it, whether it be Trayvon or that professor who got arrested in his own home for "Contempt of Cop".

Carson is an Uncle Tom because his whole schitck is to go in front of audiences of white people and telling them how racism isn't a problem because, hey, he got his! (Don't pay any attention to all the government programs that gave him a hand up.)

I've watched numerous Carson speeches and he's never mentioned racism. Nor has he said he plans to eliminate all assistance programs. These are more LIES you are telling on a daily basis while you hypocritically try to condemn him for his "lies" which you concocted. You people are WAYYYY too sleazy to be going after someone for being dishonest. If you keep it up, this man is going to clean your clock like it hasn't been cleaned since Reagan/Mondale.

I mean, you're looking desperate already. Don't be totally stupid too. Oh, wait... too late!
Ben Carson’s book is full of plagiarism and could be pulled from shelves
Ben Carson has yet another problem in the honesty department. After a week in which many of the claims he’s made in his books about his personal life in his various books have been exposed as phony, the issue has been compounded by the fact that long sections of one of the books have been copied and pasted from other people’s work. The issue is serious enough that the publishing house is now being forced to reconsider the books based on their apparent plagiarism.

Carson’s 2012 book, America the Beautiful, contains instances of plagiarism from at least three different sources, including one conservative website and two books written by other authors. The irony here may be that in his book, Carson admits that he was caught plagiarizing other people’s work in a similar manner while he was in college. It now appears that he failed to learn his lesson. Harper Collins says it’s reviewing the matter. In many instances books are removed from store shelves, and then sometimes later replaced with a new version giving proper credit, while other times simply abandoned. But the controversy surrounding his books is just getting started.

Various major news outlets have investigated the strange and often violent personal claims which Ben Carson has made in his books about his childhood and past, and none of them could find any evidence that any of the incidents really happened. So it turns out Carson’s books are a combination of fake personal stories he made up out of thin air, and real stories he plagiarized from other authors. Yet he’s nonetheless a republican front runner.

Ben Carson’s book is full of plagiarism and could be pulled from shelves
Ben Carson’s book is full of plagiarism and could be pulled from shelves
Ben Carson has yet another problem in the honesty department. After a week in which many of the claims he’s made in his books about his personal life in his various books have been exposed as phony, the issue has been compounded by the fact that long sections of one of the books have been copied and pasted from other people’s work. The issue is serious enough that the publishing house is now being forced to reconsider the books based on their apparent plagiarism.

Carson’s 2012 book, America the Beautiful, contains instances of plagiarism from at least three different sources, including one conservative website and two books written by other authors. The irony here may be that in his book, Carson admits that he was caught plagiarizing other people’s work in a similar manner while he was in college. It now appears that he failed to learn his lesson. Harper Collins says it’s reviewing the matter. In many instances books are removed from store shelves, and then sometimes later replaced with a new version giving proper credit, while other times simply abandoned. But the controversy surrounding his books is just getting started.

Various major news outlets have investigated the strange and often violent personal claims which Ben Carson has made in his books about his childhood and past, and none of them could find any evidence that any of the incidents really happened. So it turns out Carson’s books are a combination of fake personal stories he made up out of thin air, and real stories he plagiarized from other authors. Yet he’s nonetheless a republican front runner.

Ben Carson’s book is full of plagiarism and could be pulled from shelves

No one is listening to you... awww... so sad.
I've watched numerous Carson speeches and he's never mentioned racism. Nor has he said he plans to eliminate all assistance programs. These are more LIES you are telling on a daily basis while you hypocritically try to condemn him for his "lies" which you concocted. You people are WAYYYY too sleazy to be going after someone for being dishonest. If you keep it up, this man is going to clean your clock like it hasn't been cleaned since Reagan/Mondale.

I mean, you're looking desperate already. Don't be totally stupid too. Oh, wait... too late!

This Uncle Tom is never going to be the nominee.

But if you don't think Carson is out there validating the racism of white people, you are deluded.

Ben Carson: Racism In United States Is “Mostly With The Progressive Movement”
“…because of the color of my pigment, they decide that there’s a certain way that I’m supposed to think. And if I don’t think that way, I’m an Uncle Tom and they heap all kinds of hatred on you. That, to me, is racism.”

Ben Carson’s destructive lies: 4 racist assumptions endorsed & magnified by Black conservatives -

Ben Carson’s Exonerating Racism - The New Yorker
Trump and especially Carson are using an old huckster trick of making so many "mistakes" and "misspoken" comments that the difference is blurred.
Neither Trump nor Carson have put forth any serious policy positions. They repeatedly are asked how they would implement the plans they have stated but have nothing but more rhetoric as a response.

Neither candidate is serious enough to become the nominee. Jeb was correct at the debate when he said the Clinton campaign was applauding the stupid answers given by the others. It will come down to an establishment nominee.
Aha is Carson involved in Pyramid schemes ??
Read more: AP Exclusive: Carson profits from ties with convicted felon

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