Does ANYONE Have Proof That Ben Carson Lied ? About Anything ?

Could be that Westmoreland wasn't referring to a scholarship as other universities grant them, but just said the words as an adjective phrase, to describe the tuition-free 4 years of college, that being how West Point characteristically operates.

It could be a lot of things but it can't be that he was offered a scholarship because they don't have one. And Westmoreland couldn't have offered it since he never met the guy according to Army records.

That's the lie. Also his crap about being a former bad ass is unverifiable AND protecting whites from a "mob of blacks" no one seems to remember that either.

When someone says to you "'We can get you into West Point, and it would be free for you," most people would equate that with a scholarship. You idiots on the left want to argue over semantics and call someone a liar but then when shown that when one of your fellow liberals are actually lying, you shrug it off.

Department of Social Sciences - Scholarship Opportunities

When someone says "I can get you into West Point" you would have to be deranged to interpret it as "I have a Full Scholarship to West Point".....first of all, even if Westmoreland, who I doubt now that Carson ever even met him....offered him such a deal, that doesn't mean that he would be immediately be enrolled and he would be able to brag that "he has a full scholarship" - only the delusional right-wing idiots who support him would think such a thing. And besides, Carson is proving to be such a loser, you'd have to be desperate to vote for him, considering the other clowns that know a little bit more than he does. He couldn't even name one single ally to the US.....what a loser.

It could be a lot of things but it can't be that he was offered a scholarship because they don't have one. And Westmoreland couldn't have offered it since he never met the guy according to Army records.

That's the lie. Also his crap about being a former bad ass is unverifiable AND protecting whites from a "mob of blacks" no one seems to remember that either

When someone says to you "'We can get you into West Point, and it would be free for you," most people would equate that with a scholarship. You idiots on the left want to argue over semantics and call someone a liar but then when shown that when one of your fellow liberals are actually lying, you shrug it off.

Department of Social Sciences - Scholarship Opportunities

When someone says "I can get you into West Point" you would have to be deranged to interpret it as "I have a Full Scholarship to West Point".....first of all, even if Westmoreland, who I doubt now that Carson ever even met him....offered him such a deal, that doesn't mean that he would be immediately be enrolled and he would be able to brag that "he has a full scholarship" - only the delusional right-wing idiots who support him would think such a thing. And besides, Carson is proving to be such a loser, you'd have to be desperate to vote for him, considering the other clowns that know a little bit more than he does. He couldn't even name one single ally to the US.....what a loser.
We've all long moved on to other threads. Carson won big on this, high up in the polls, with the liberal media looking like desperate idiots.
When someone says "I can get you into West Point" you would have to be deranged to interpret it as "I have a Full Scholarship to West Point".....first of all, even if Westmoreland, who I doubt now that Carson ever even met him....offered him such a deal, that doesn't mean that he would be immediately be enrolled and he would be able to brag that "he has a full scholarship" - only the delusional right-wing idiots who support him would think such a thing. And besides, Carson is proving to be such a loser, you'd have to be desperate to vote for him, considering the other clowns that know a little bit more than he does. He couldn't even name one single ally to the US.....what a loser.
Do you hate Negros honey?
He's delusional....he believes what suits his agenda and sees only what backs up his idiotic beliefs.
So you support the indictment of Slager on a murder charge too ? You ought to be ashamed of yourself too. A good cop puts his life on the line, does his job properly, and a bunch of foul race hustlers turn it into a murder charge to appease a largely Black (idiotic) population, and you agree. How low can you go ?

Unless you are blind or certainly can't say that the video lies.....of course you have an explanation why he shot him as he is running away and why he then is seen placing a gun by the dead man's side? Delusional? NO, you're not only delusional, you are deranged.
I'm not referring to anything but the shooting part, which was 100% LEGAL % JUSTIFIABLE.

His arrest was 100% POLITICAL, and done to appease the Black voters of the majority Black town. The problem isn't me being delusional. It is you being IGNORANT.

Fleeing felon rule - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's a load of crap.........he wouldn't have had to shoot him 8 times. You're just another racist person taking the side of a thug police officer. Not all police officers are thugs, but this one sure fits the description. He wouldn't have had to many times if what you are claiming was true. His report doesn't match what actually happened.

Allegedly, part of the reason that murder charges were filed against Slager is that he claimed in his report that he fired because Scott has his taser and he felt threatened, which does not match what we see in the video.

I cannot think of any excuse that Slager might offer up that will justify his actions, nor falsifying his report.

to the best we can determine, this was a bad shoot.

BAD SHOOT: SC Officer Guns Down Fleeing Man - Bearing Arms - Crime, Police, South Carolina
When someone says "I can get you into West Point" you would have to be deranged to interpret it as "I have a Full Scholarship to West Point".....first of all, even if Westmoreland, who I doubt now that Carson ever even met him....offered him such a deal, that doesn't mean that he would be immediately be enrolled and he would be able to brag that "he has a full scholarship" - only the delusional right-wing idiots who support him would think such a thing. And besides, Carson is proving to be such a loser, you'd have to be desperate to vote for him, considering the other clowns that know a little bit more than he does. He couldn't even name one single ally to the US.....what a loser.
Do you hate Negros honey?

I voted for Obama.........twice. Sorry that I upset you by exposing your loser candidate.
He's delusional....he believes what suits his agenda and sees only what backs up his idiotic beliefs.
So you support the indictment of Slager on a murder charge too ? You ought to be ashamed of yourself too. A good cop puts his life on the line, does his job properly, and a bunch of foul race hustlers turn it into a murder charge to appease a largely Black (idiotic) population, and you agree. How low can you go ?

Unless you are blind or certainly can't say that the video lies.....of course you have an explanation why he shot him as he is running away and why he then is seen placing a gun by the dead man's side? Delusional? NO, you're not only delusional, you are deranged.
I'm not referring to anything but the shooting part, which was 100% LEGAL % JUSTIFIABLE.

His arrest was 100% POLITICAL, and done to appease the Black voters of the majority Black town. The problem isn't me being delusional. It is you being IGNORANT.

Fleeing felon rule - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's a load of crap.........he wouldn't have had to shoot him 8 times. You're just another racist person taking the side of a thug police officer. Not all police officers are thugs, but this one sure fits the description. He wouldn't have had to many times if what you are claiming was true. His report doesn't match what actually happened.

Allegedly, part of the reason that murder charges were filed against Slager is that he claimed in his report that he fired because Scott has his taser and he felt threatened, which does not match what we see in the video.

I cannot think of any excuse that Slager might offer up that will justify his actions, nor falsifying his report.

to the best we can determine, this was a bad shoot.

BAD SHOOT: SC Officer Guns Down Fleeing Man - Bearing Arms - Crime, Police, South Carolina
It could be a lot of things but it can't be that he was offered a scholarship because they don't have one. And Westmoreland couldn't have offered it since he never met the guy according to Army records.

That's the lie. Also his crap about being a former bad ass is unverifiable AND protecting whites from a "mob of blacks" no one seems to remember that either

When someone says to you "'We can get you into West Point, and it would be free for you," most people would equate that with a scholarship. You idiots on the left want to argue over semantics and call someone a liar but then when shown that when one of your fellow liberals are actually lying, you shrug it off.

Department of Social Sciences - Scholarship Opportunities

When someone says "I can get you into West Point" you would have to be deranged to interpret it as "I have a Full Scholarship to West Point".....first of all, even if Westmoreland, who I doubt now that Carson ever even met him....offered him such a deal, that doesn't mean that he would be immediately be enrolled and he would be able to brag that "he has a full scholarship" - only the delusional right-wing idiots who support him would think such a thing. And besides, Carson is proving to be such a loser, you'd have to be desperate to vote for him, considering the other clowns that know a little bit more than he does. He couldn't even name one single ally to the US.....what a loser.
We've all long moved on to other threads. Carson won big on this, high up in the polls, with the liberal media looking like desperate idiots.

Is that what Faux News says? Because, I understand the other clown is now on top.....and really laying it hard on Carson. You need to play catch-up!

Trump now back on top of Reuters national tracking poll, leads Carson by double digits among likely voters

Trump: Carson's 'Pathological Disease' Is a Problem
When someone says "I can get you into West Point" you would have to be deranged to interpret it as "I have a Full Scholarship to West Point".....first of all, even if Westmoreland, who I doubt now that Carson ever even met him....offered him such a deal, that doesn't mean that he would be immediately be enrolled and he would be able to brag that "he has a full scholarship" - only the delusional right-wing idiots who support him would think such a thing.

Carson never said Westmoreland told him "I can get you into West Point." That is NOT IN HIS BOOK! It's a misrepresentation of what Carson actually said. Westmoreland told Carson, with his academic record, he could get him an interview at West Point. He went on to add that he would probably be accepted and that would mean full tuition is paid by the government.

Skip down a few paragraphs from this and Carson is transitioning into the point he is trying to make about his decision to go into medicine. He simply paraphrases the above story by saying he "turned down a full scholarship." He did not mean to imply that a scholarship had been offered or he had been accepted. He clearly means, ostensibly... he turned down a full scholarship had he taken Westomoreland up on his offer and nailed the interview. His point is simply to convey how determined he was to get an education in medicine and follow his heart. It wasn't to brag about something.

I would think if Carson wanted to brag, he would brag about something significant.. like separating Siamese twins at the brain for the first time in medical history and being the only human to ever do that successfully. That just seems so much more impressive than Westy getting you into the Army.
When someone says "I can get you into West Point" you would have to be deranged to interpret it as "I have a Full Scholarship to West Point".....first of all, even if Westmoreland, who I doubt now that Carson ever even met him....offered him such a deal, that doesn't mean that he would be immediately be enrolled and he would be able to brag that "he has a full scholarship" - only the delusional right-wing idiots who support him would think such a thing.

Carson never said Westmoreland told him "I can get you into West Point." That is NOT IN HIS BOOK! It's a misrepresentation of what Carson actually said. Westmoreland told Carson, with his academic record, he could get him an interview at West Point. He went on to add that he would probably be accepted and that would mean full tuition is paid by the government.

Skip down a few paragraphs from this and Carson is transitioning into the point he is trying to make about his decision to go into medicine. He simply paraphrases the above story by saying he "turned down a full scholarship." He did not mean to imply that a scholarship had been offered or he had been accepted. He clearly means, ostensibly... he turned down a full scholarship had he taken Westomoreland up on his offer and nailed the interview. His point is simply to convey how determined he was to get an education in medicine and follow his heart. It wasn't to brag about something.

I would think if Carson wanted to brag, he would brag about something significant.. like separating Siamese twins at the brain for the first time in medical history and being the only human to ever do that successfully. That just seems so much more impressive than Westy getting you into the Army.

That's what Lonestar Logic said, see his post below..........I was just repeating his comment....but Carson did say he was offered a "full scholarship" which is a lie.....he never had a scholarship or an indication that he was being admitted into West Point. And we can't ask Westmoreland if indeed he even ever met Carson.....another convenient escape for Carson.

And yes, you would think that being a surgeon would be impressive enough, but having to make up crap about himself to impress is what is so shameful of him. This is not the only lie he has fabricated about himself. Being able to separate Siamese twins does not give him foreign policy experience or leadership experience....he was right in not pursuing going to West Point if indeed that was ever an option....he needs to stick to medicine.

Could be that Westmoreland wasn't referring to a scholarship as other universities grant them, but just said the words as an adjective phrase, to describe the tuition-free 4 years of college, that being how West Point characteristically operates.

It could be a lot of things but it can't be that he was offered a scholarship because they don't have one. And Westmoreland couldn't have offered it since he never met the guy according to Army records.

That's the lie. Also his crap about being a former bad ass is unverifiable AND protecting whites from a "mob of blacks" no one seems to remember that either.

When someone says to you "'We can get you into West Point, and it would be free for you," most people would equate that with a scholarship. You idiots on the left want to argue over semantics and call someone a liar but then when shown that when one of your fellow liberals are actually lying, you shrug it off.

Department of Social Sciences - Scholarship Opportunities

That's what Lonestar Logic said, see his post below..........I was just repeating his comment....but Carson did say he was offered a "full scholarship" which is a lie.....he never had a scholarship or an indication that he was being admitted into West Point. And we can't ask Westmoreland if indeed he even ever met Carson.....another convenient escape for Carson.

And yes, you would think that being a surgeon would be impressive enough, but having to make up crap about himself to impress is what is so shameful of him. This is not the only lie he has fabricated about himself. Being able to separate Siamese twins does not give him foreign policy experience or leadership experience....he was right in not pursuing going to West Point if indeed that was ever an option....he needs to stick to medicine.

Again, he is paraphrasing. He was offered the opportunity to interview at West Point. Since all of this blew up, people have come forward with West Point recruitment advertising which refers to a "full scholarship" West Point certainly understood they were offering full scholarships.

He did not lie. He did meet Westmoreland in February when Westy was in Detroit and had dinner with MoH winners, of which, Carson was one. So they were at least, in the same room at the same time at the same dinner. Given Carson's academics, it is not surprising Westy might have extended some offer... this is common practice with 4-star generals. Westy being dead is a convenience to libtards who want to promote a lie that Carson lied.

All you basically have is a nit-picking of literary context. He simply summarized the dinner conversation as "an offer of full scholarship" when technically, there had to first be an interview and appointment, which never happened because Carson didn't pursue it. He's not lying, he is simply paraphrasing in order to make a more important point-- his conviction to go into medicine.

But thanks for admitting that it's silly and ridiculous that Carson would have to "make up crap" to impress people. He certainly doesn't need to do that and I don't believe he did.
That's a load of crap.........he wouldn't have had to shoot him 8 times. You're just another racist person taking the side of a thug police officer. Not all police officers are thugs, but this one sure fits the description. He wouldn't have had to many times if what you are claiming was true. His report doesn't match what actually happened.

Allegedly, part of the reason that murder charges were filed against Slager is that he claimed in his report that he fired because Scott has his taser and he felt threatened, which does not match what we see in the video.

I cannot think of any excuse that Slager might offer up that will justify his actions, nor falsifying his report.

to the best we can determine, this was a bad shoot.

BAD SHOOT: SC Officer Guns Down Fleeing Man - Bearing Arms - Crime, Police, South Carolina
You can blab about this till the cows come home, and twist it however you like, but you cannot deny that Scott fought with Slager (a felony), and Scott was a fleeing felon, 100% fitting the fleeing felon rule. This put Slager in the position of either shooting Scott while he was fleeing, or not doing his job to protect the community, wich if Scott had escaped he then would represent a threat to the community.

Slager did his job according to the law, and you are a racist for siding with all the racist Blacks who threw him under the bus, just because he is White and Scott is Black. If the races were reversed, these same racists probably would have said good shooting, and given the black cop a medal. YOu have a lot of gall calling Slager a "thug" when obviously the "thug" in this case was Walter Scott, who asked for bullets, and he got what he asked for.

Again, His arrest was 100% POLITICAL, and done to appease the Black voters of the majority Black town. The truth hurts, huh ?

Fleeing felon rule - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Is that what Faux News says? Because, I understand the other clown is now on top.....and really laying it hard on Carson. You need to play catch-up!

Trump now back on top of Reuters national tracking poll, leads Carson by double digits among likely voters

Trump: Carson's 'Pathological Disease' Is a Problem
"Faux News" is MSNBC, HLN, and CNN, all loaded with liberals, and as one sided as can be. In contrast, TRUTH NEWS (Fox) has many from both sides (including many liberals), and presents a much more fair, and quite balanced discussion.

On Fox, conservatives have to grit their teeth, and sometimes cover their ears while agonizingly listening to the rubbish of Juan Williams, Geraldo Rivera, Tamara Holder, Julie Roginsky, Alan Colmes, and other lefty nutjobs.
All this "full scholarship" blabbering was refuted as just a figure of speech, weeks ago. What a joke for someone to still be yammering this desperate and silly attack talk.
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All this "full scholarship" blabbering was refuted as just a figure of speech, weeks ago. What a joke for someone to still be yammering this desperate and silly attack talk.

I know you desperately want this to go away.....because it makes your hero look like the ignorant-on-politics fool that he truly is. He's going to have to deal with the fall out caused by his loose use of words and it wouldn't hurt him to do a little studying on foreign policy.

Liberals need to contact West Point and let them know they don't offer full scholarships.

Conservatives defending Carson on his exaggeration that he had a "full scholarship" need to find out the difference between a "loan", a "grant" and a "scholarship". Scholarships don't have to be paid back, on the other hand, to accept full tuition for West Point, a student has to serve active duty service obligation upon graduation, which hardly classifies it as a scholarship. Oh, and I don't see Westmoreland as having authority to "promise" full funded tuition to anyone....Westmoreland would have had to make a request to a member of Congress, the President or VP. So for Carson to continue to make statements that "he had a full scholarship" goes way beyond exaggeration.....most of us sane people call it lying.

So, the only ones that need to get informed are the ones that still insist that West Point offers "full scholarships".....:rolleyes:

Loans Vs Grants Vs Scholarships - Parents Guide To College Financial Aid - Parents Practical Guide To College - Resources -

Candidates for admission must both apply directly to the academy and receive a nomination, usually from a member of Congress or Delegate/Resident Commissioner in the case of Washington, D.C., Puerto Rico, Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Virgin Islands. Other nomination sources include the President and Vice President of the United States.[6] Students are officers-in-training and are referred to as "cadets" or collectively as the "United States Corps of Cadets" (USCC). Tuition for cadets is fully funded by the Army in exchange for an active duty service obligation upon graduation. Approximately 1,300 cadets enter the Academy each July, with about 1,000 cadets graduating.
Is that what Faux News says? Because, I understand the other clown is now on top.....and really laying it hard on Carson. You need to play catch-up!

Trump now back on top of Reuters national tracking poll, leads Carson by double digits among likely voters

Trump: Carson's 'Pathological Disease' Is a Problem
"Faux News" is MSNBC, HLN, and CNN, all loaded with liberals, and as one sided as can be. In contrast, TRUTH NEWS (Fox) has many from both sides (including many liberals), and presents a much more fair, and quite balanced discussion.

Bwahahahaha.....not only is Faux News unfair and unbalanced, it is fairly unbalanced. MSNBC does not claim that it is "not biased" - it clearly sides with the Democratic/Liberal political point of view and everyone knows it. On the other hand, Faux News claims to be fair and balanced but clearly just sides with the Republican/conservative side. That's the difference - Faux News lies while MSNBC doesn't.

On Fox, conservatives have to grit their teeth, and sometimes cover their ears while agonizingly listening to the rubbish of Juan Williams, Geraldo Rivera, Tamara Holder, Julie Roginsky, Alan Colmes, and other lefty nutjobs

MSNBC regularly has commentators from the right......and they just make us laugh with their absurd points of view.
That's a load of crap.........he wouldn't have had to shoot him 8 times. You're just another racist person taking the side of a thug police officer. Not all police officers are thugs, but this one sure fits the description. He wouldn't have had to many times if what you are claiming was true. His report doesn't match what actually happened.

Allegedly, part of the reason that murder charges were filed against Slager is that he claimed in his report that he fired because Scott has his taser and he felt threatened, which does not match what we see in the video.

I cannot think of any excuse that Slager might offer up that will justify his actions, nor falsifying his report.

to the best we can determine, this was a bad shoot.

BAD SHOOT: SC Officer Guns Down Fleeing Man - Bearing Arms - Crime, Police, South Carolina
You can blab about this till the cows come home, and twist it however you like, but you cannot deny that Scott fought with Slager (a felony), and Scott was a fleeing felon, 100% fitting the fleeing felon rule. This put Slager in the position of either shooting Scott while he was fleeing, or not doing his job to protect the community, wich if Scott had escaped he then would represent a threat to the community.
Yeah, I know that you will not accept facts no matter how long you are confronted with them.....till the cows come home. Slager has been charged, so no matter how much you continue to blab about it, it will be up to the jury to decide whether or not he is guilty of murder, as it appears right now. Of course, if the jury is tainted with biased racists like you, I'm sure he will be acquitted, just like Zimmerman was.

Slager did his job according to the law, and you are a racist for siding with all the racist Blacks who threw him under the bus, just because he is White and Scott is Black. If the races were reversed, these same racists probably would have said good shooting, and given the black cop a medal. YOu have a lot of gall calling Slager a "thug" when obviously the "thug" in this case was Walter Scott, who asked for bullets, and he got what he asked for.

Nobody deserves to die because they have a broken tail light. You are not only racist, but incredibly unreasonable like so many other racist conservatives. Slager's job wasn't to shoot him in the back 8 times, clearly others agree with that, or he wouldn't have been charged.

Again, His arrest was 100% POLITICAL, and done to appease the Black voters of the majority Black town. The truth hurts, huh ?

His arrest was long overdue......all racist pigs need to be dismissed of jobs that have them deal with the public since they obviously can't keep their hateful racism from interfering with them doing their job like they are supposed to.
Mertex: Conservatives defending Carson on his exaggeration that he had a "full scholarship" need to find out the difference between a "loan", a "grant" and a "scholarship". Scholarships don't have to be paid back, on the other hand, to accept full tuition for West Point, a student has to serve active duty service obligation upon graduation, which hardly classifies it as a scholarship. Oh, and I don't see Westmoreland as having authority to "promise" full funded tuition to anyone....Westmoreland would have had to make a request to a member of Congress, the President or VP. So for Carson to continue to make statements that "he had a full scholarship" goes way beyond exaggeration.....most of us sane people call it lying.

So, the only ones that need to get informed are the ones that still insist that West Point offers "full scholarships".....:rolleyes:

First of all, if you have some complaint over the terminology, you need to take that up with West Point who obviously thinks they offer full scholarships. (see the attached advertisement)

Second, Carson never claimed Westmoreland "promised" him a full scholarship. This is where you dishonest hacks want to start LYING and distorting what Dr. Carson actually said. Carson also never said he "had a full scholarship to West Point." Another LIE because you can't help yourself... they just start rolling out as soon as your mouth starts moving. The ONLY exaggeration happening here is YOUR exaggerations... and yes, most sane people recognize that as lying.

Dr. Ben Carson does not need to brag. The notion that he embellished a story to brag about himself is laughable given the man's actual accomplishments. Oh, let me make up this story about a scholarship to West Point because performing a medical surgical miracle that no human being has ever done before isn't enough! Does that REALLY make sense inside your little pea brain?
Dr. Ben Carson does not need to brag. The notion that he embellished a story to brag about himself is laughable given the man's actual accomplishments. Oh, let me make up this story about a scholarship to West Point because performing a medical surgical miracle that no human being has ever done before isn't enough! Does that REALLY make sense inside your little pea brain?

He might not need to brag, but he does need to embellish.

His audience are White Christians who love to hear this story about a poor black kid who found success by finding Jesus and pulling himself up by his bootstraps. And no redemption tale is complete without something to redeem yourself from.

The fact that it is total bullshit doesn't matter. It's the narrative they love.

A narrative that doesn't include public schools, affirmative action and other liberal government programs that gave him a hand up.

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