Does ANYONE Have Proof That Ben Carson Lied ? About Anything ?

The GuardianVerified account‏@guardian
Ben Carson: inside the worldview of a political conundrum


he is one crazed mo fo
Damn..... I had forgotten all about Travelgate!

Easy to forget.

The White House stated the firings were done because financial improprieties in the Travel Office operation during previous administrations had been revealed by an FBI investigation. Critics contended the firings were done to allow friends of President Bill Clinton and First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton to take over the travel business and that the involvement of the FBI was unwarranted. Heavy media attention forced the White House to reinstate most of the employees in other jobs and remove the Clinton associates from the travel role.

Further investigations by the FBI and the Department of Justice, the White House itself, theGeneral Accounting Office, the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee, and the Whitewater Independent Counsel all took place over the subsequent years. Travel Office Director Billy Dale was charged with embezzlement but found not guilty in 1995. In 1998, Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr exonerated Bill Clinton of any involvement in the matter.

Hillary Clinton gradually came under scrutiny for allegedly having played a central role in the firings and making false statements about her role in it. In 2000, Independent CounselRobert Ray issued his final report on Travelgate. He sought no charges against her, saying that she had made factually false statements but there was insufficient evidence her statements were either knowingly false or that she understood that her statements led to the firings.

Yes... Compared to some of her other lies, these are real easy to overlook.

So in other words it was nothing. No convictions. No wrongdoing. Easily forgettable.

What was the wrongdoing in Carson's case??? :dunno:

You made the analogy. I just pointed at it.
Carson made statements that he is struggling to explain. He doesn't seem to have been truthful. Vetting candidates via their published memoirs is nothing new.

Well Hillary outright lied. "saying that she had made factually false statements..." (aka: LIED!)

Carson has not struggled to explain a thing. He explained it. He explained it several times to several reporters the first day, the second day, the third day. By the fourth day, he began to make fools of those who continued to hound him. He has been truthful all along, he never has been untruthful.

Vetting the GOP nominee is NOT your business. The GOP does it's own vetting and has it's own process. You're not involved with that, you don't get a say. Nor does the media.

This was proof that the media, at least, Politico... is in the tank for Democrats. They are ruined by this, their credibility as impartial journalists is tainted. As other media outlets have "piled on" with this, they've exposed their bias as well. This has worked out brilliantly for Carson and the conservative right who have been saying this all along... now we have proof.
From the The Chicago Tribune:

It's probably a good thing Ben Carson didn't seek his fortune on the gridiron. He'd be going to the referees after every play to demand: "Why are you letting these guys hit me?"

Politics, like football, is a contact sport. Once Carson, a political novice, decided to enter the presidential race, he should have prepared himself for the bruises he was bound to incur. [...]

If he wants to make a serious bid for the nomination, he needs to admit where he's fudged the truth, substantiate claims that are accurate, avoid over-the-top hyperbole and get up to speed on topics unfamiliar to him.

Oh, and one more thing: Buckle his chinstrap. The game is not going to get any gentler.
From the The Chicago Tribune:

It's probably a good thing Ben Carson didn't seek his fortune on the gridiron. He'd be going to the referees after every play to demand: "Why are you letting these guys hit me?"

Politics, like football, is a contact sport. Once Carson, a political novice, decided to enter the presidential race, he should have prepared himself for the bruises he was bound to incur. [...]

If he wants to make a serious bid for the nomination, he needs to admit where he's fudged the truth, substantiate claims that are accurate, avoid over-the-top hyperbole and get up to speed on topics unfamiliar to him.

Oh, and one more thing: Buckle his chinstrap. The game is not going to get any gentler.

We will hold Ben accountable when you hold Hillary accountable... mmk?
That's why it's so amazing to me that you've chosen "honesty" to be the issue to decide the elections of 2016 on. Is this pure narcissism at work? :dunno:

the issue is "delusion" ....

Your delusion? ...That makes sense.
Is Ben Carson Lying About Reading Psychology Today as a Teen?
But did Ben Carson really consult Psychology Today before arriving at his revelation? In Gifted Hands, Carson writes that he was in ninth grade at the time of the attempted stabbing, and he’s subsequently pinpointed his age at 14 years old. Given Carson’s birth year of 1951, that would put the knifing in either 1965 or 1966. Psychology Today published its very first issue in May 1967.

Gifted Hands claims that Carson runs to the bathroom immediately after trying to kill Bob, and indicates that his thoughts of the magazine came during this restroom reverie, not after. (One paragraph later, he’s wiping his nose with toilet paper, then standing up and sitting back down on the john.) Carson writes that he’d been reading Psychology Today for a year at that point—but the magazine wasn’t first published until at least five months later.
That's why it's so amazing to me that you've chosen "honesty" to be the issue to decide the elections of 2016 on. Is this pure narcissism at work? :dunno:

the issue is "delusion" ....

Your delusion? ...That makes sense.
Is Ben Carson Lying About Reading Psychology Today as a Teen?
But did Ben Carson really consult Psychology Today before arriving at his revelation? In Gifted Hands, Carson writes that he was in ninth grade at the time of the attempted stabbing, and he’s subsequently pinpointed his age at 14 years old. Given Carson’s birth year of 1951, that would put the knifing in either 1965 or 1966. Psychology Today published its very first issue in May 1967.

Gifted Hands claims that Carson runs to the bathroom immediately after trying to kill Bob, and indicates that his thoughts of the magazine came during this restroom reverie, not after. (One paragraph later, he’s wiping his nose with toilet paper, then standing up and sitting back down on the john.) Carson writes that he’d been reading Psychology Today for a year at that point—but the magazine wasn’t first published until at least five months later.

Id call your argument pitiful if it were stronger. Ben lied. Period.

Ben Carson thanks you. Donald Trump thanks you. The Republican party thanks you. The more you and liberal media lie, the less centrist people vote Democrat.
That's why it's so amazing to me that you've chosen "honesty" to be the issue to decide the elections of 2016 on. Is this pure narcissism at work? :dunno:

the issue is "delusion" ....

Your delusion? ...That makes sense.
Is Ben Carson Lying About Reading Psychology Today as a Teen?
But did Ben Carson really consult Psychology Today before arriving at his revelation? In Gifted Hands, Carson writes that he was in ninth grade at the time of the attempted stabbing, and he’s subsequently pinpointed his age at 14 years old. Given Carson’s birth year of 1951, that would put the knifing in either 1965 or 1966. Psychology Today published its very first issue in May 1967.

Gifted Hands claims that Carson runs to the bathroom immediately after trying to kill Bob, and indicates that his thoughts of the magazine came during this restroom reverie, not after. (One paragraph later, he’s wiping his nose with toilet paper, then standing up and sitting back down on the john.) Carson writes that he’d been reading Psychology Today for a year at that point—but the magazine wasn’t first published until at least five months later.


Why doesn't it? Whether you see it as a lie or an embellishment, isn't it concerning at least that he makes so many bizzarre claims?
No, that is not the law. Then you certainly do not lie about the circumstances afterword. Slager then; Carson now. You sure do seem to support a lot of liars.
Obviously, you do not know the law, or the reasoning behind it. The reason why the SCOTUS established the Fleeing Felon Rule was to protect society from these felons if they were to escape. What do the think the police are supposed to do ? Allow them to escape so they can go out and attack more people (after Scott just attacked and fought with a police officer) Liberals have strange minds. Really strange. Click the links and LEARN.

Tennessee v. Garner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fleeing felon rule - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

PS - Slager is not in jail for murder, because of lying. Get it ?
That's what I'm saying... this is really lame, even for the Libtards. I mean come on... at least have Carson banging a white chick or something? :dunno: Couldn't they find a bimbo to pay off? What's the deal?

Oh, I think this does the job just as well.

Uncle tom was never planning to win. THis was always about upping his book sales and speaking fees.

Now that we are finding out he's just making shit up for no good reason, those things are going to be less likely.
Sad to see liberal loons destroying them selves this way. How very sad. Bwa ha ha ha ha.
No, that is not the law. Then you certainly do not lie about the circumstances afterword. Slager then; Carson now. You sure do seem to support a lot of liars.
Obviously, you do not know the law, or the reasoning behind it. The reason why the SCOTUS established the Fleeing Felon Rule was to protect society from these felons if they were to escape. What do the think the police are supposed to do ? Allow them to escape so they can go out and attack more people (after Scott just attacked and fought with a police officer) Liberals have strange minds. Really strange. Click the links and LEARN.

Tennessee v. Garner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fleeing felon rule - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

PS - Slager is not in jail for murder, because of lying. Get it ?

Officer Slager, excuse me, former officer Slager has been charged with murder. Gee, another lie from the OP.

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