Does ANYONE Have Proof That Ben Carson Lied ? About Anything ?

Is Dr. Carson on trial? No? Then you're still just temporizing, because you have no proof. It is entertaining, though. I look forward to the multiplicity of threads in this forum when he doesn't win that begin with "WAAAAAH! Dr. Carson lost because MSM!!!!! WAAAAAAH!!!!"

Carson and his supporters DON'T HAVE TO HAVE proof. That is something that accusers need to come up with. Problem with MSM is, they don't have any. :biggrin:
Protectionist is saying that despite the facts being wrong on when and where he met Westmoreland that doesn't matter because he could've met him another time.

Yes, that's true. But what is not true is he met with Westmoreland, in Detroit, on the day he mentioned. Period
Which counts for absolutely NOTHING. What were you doing on July 3, 1969 ?
I think it describes Carson perfectly. And Clarance Thomas. And Herman Cain. And every other Uncle Tom who got a boost up and then said, "I got mine, Fuck you!"
Hey, watch your mouth, loser! I'm running a nice, clean, decent thread here.
I have carson's on words. Quite enough.
I have his words too. And links to articles too. And he didn't lie about anything, and you don't have a shred of evidence that he did. YOU are lying right here now about Carson (and Slager also)

And you still have lies in post # 232, that you didn't fix. YOU are the one who said "Not sure", not me.

Sure he did. It has been proven. He wrote a book and says something happened that couldn't possibly have happened. I would call it a mistake but since you want to characterize it as a lie...we'll call it a lie.
This is the same guy who still defends the cop caught on video gunning down a guy from behind and planting evidence. So what do you expect?

Cops, Cook & Slager Shot Fleeing Suspect in the Back. Cook Hero; Slager Jailed | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I defended Slager before, AND I DEFEND HIM RIGHT NOW. And if you condemn him, YOU ARE AT FAULT for that. What Slager did was 100% appropriate and legal. He was arrested only to pacify (and pander to) idiot Blacks in that jurisdiction, who are incapable of seeing right form wrong. All they see is black and white.

This is going on all over America, helped by the Obama/Sharpton/Jackson/Crump race hustler campaign, and you're are either stupid enough , or evil enough, to accept it. Slager is a hero who was defending his community from a fleeing felon, as the law prescribed (Fleeing Felon rule).

And since you are the same one who condemned "the cop caught on video gunning down a guy from behind", what better would we expect from YOU ?
The cop shot a guy fleeing in the back then planted a weapons.

You're supporting...that.



You have a habit of supporting liars...
Protectionist is saying that despite the facts being wrong on when and where he met Westmoreland that doesn't matter because he could've met him another time.

Yes, that's true. But what is not true is he met with Westmoreland, in Detroit, on the day he mentioned. Period

Pretty much sums it up.
Nobody gives a crap about someone claiming to have won a race in the 6th grade.....but if you're running for President and you make a claim that you got a full scholarship to West Point, Yale, Harvard or some other prestigious school, of course it is going to be vetted....and Carson is too dumb to realize that his preponderous claims would be checked out. He made a claim that he got "most honest" student in a class at Yale.....the class doesn't even exist. Why does he need to make up such bullshit?
He did NOT make a claim that he got a full scholarship to West Point. That is the liberal media's straw man twist of what he said. That is what they turned his words into, so they could attack him over it, and you fall for it.

Read the OP.

He did NOT make a claim that he got a full scholarship to West Point.

Out of his own mouth.........I bet his followers will continue to say he didn't say "I was offered a full scholarship"...........:rolleyes:
This is the same guy who still defends the cop caught on video gunning down a guy from behind and planting evidence. So what do you expect?

Cops, Cook & Slager Shot Fleeing Suspect in the Back. Cook Hero; Slager Jailed | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I defended Slager before, AND I DEFEND HIM RIGHT NOW. And if you condemn him, YOU ARE AT FAULT for that. What Slager did was 100% appropriate and legal. He was arrested only to pacify (and pander to) idiot Blacks in that jurisdiction, who are incapable of seeing right form wrong. All they see is black and white.

This is going on all over America, helped by the Obama/Sharpton/Jackson/Crump race hustler campaign, and you're are either stupid enough , or evil enough, to accept it. Slager is a hero who was defending his community from a fleeing felon, as the law prescribed (Fleeing Felon rule).

And since you are the same one who condemned "the cop caught on video gunning down a guy from behind", what better would we expect from YOU ?
The cop shot a guy fleeing in the back then planted a weapons.

You're supporting...that.



You have a habit of supporting liars...

He's delusional....he believes what suits his agenda and sees only what backs up his idiotic beliefs.
This is the same guy who still defends the cop caught on video gunning down a guy from behind and planting evidence. So what do you expect?

Cops, Cook & Slager Shot Fleeing Suspect in the Back. Cook Hero; Slager Jailed | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I defended Slager before, AND I DEFEND HIM RIGHT NOW. And if you condemn him, YOU ARE AT FAULT for that. What Slager did was 100% appropriate and legal. He was arrested only to pacify (and pander to) idiot Blacks in that jurisdiction, who are incapable of seeing right form wrong. All they see is black and white.

This is going on all over America, helped by the Obama/Sharpton/Jackson/Crump race hustler campaign, and you're are either stupid enough , or evil enough, to accept it. Slager is a hero who was defending his community from a fleeing felon, as the law prescribed (Fleeing Felon rule).

And since you are the same one who condemned "the cop caught on video gunning down a guy from behind", what better would we expect from YOU ?
The cop shot a guy fleeing in the back then planted a weapons.

You're supporting...that.



You have a habit of supporting liars...

What if "runner" goes to nearby home, in back door. Kills your wife/kids with knife. You going to say then "Police should stop these runners, they run for reason". What if he shot in kneecap(s)? would that be OK? Cop says........"I missed"
Sure he did. It has been proven. He wrote a book and says something happened that couldn't possibly have happened. I would call it a mistake but since you want to characterize it as a lie...we'll call it a lie.
Now YOU are lying by pretending that i want to "characterize it as a lie" LOL. I'd call that a nice try, if it just wasn't so darn pitiful.
The cop shot a guy fleeing in the back then planted a weapons.

You're supporting...that.



You have a habit of supporting liars...
I din't say anything about planting weapons. I only talked about Slager shooting Scott in the back, and then being arrested on a murder charge. You're supporting..that ? Right ? You ought to be ashamed of yourself.
Pretty much sums it up.
What we all see being summed up is the liberal media (essentially reporting to the DNC), enacting a smear campaign against Carson, not doing it very well, and you joining in on it. As George H. Bush would say >> "BAD! BAD!"
Out of his own mouth.........I bet his followers will continue to say he didn't say "I was offered a full scholarship"...........
They say he said it. So what ? It's just a figure of speech that describes West Point's free tuition. What a laughingstock smear campaign. Doesn't fly for an instant. :rolleyes:
He's delusional....he believes what suits his agenda and sees only what backs up his idiotic beliefs.
So you support the indictment of Slager on a murder charge too ? You ought to be ashamed of yourself too. A good cop puts his life on the line, does his job properly, and a bunch of foul race hustlers turn it into a murder charge to appease a largely Black (idiotic) population, and you agree. How low can you go ?
Could be that Westmoreland wasn't referring to a scholarship as other universities grant them, but just said the words as an adjective phrase, to describe the tuition-free 4 years of college, that being how West Point characteristically operates.

It could be a lot of things but it can't be that he was offered a scholarship because they don't have one. And Westmoreland couldn't have offered it since he never met the guy according to Army records.

That's the lie. Also his crap about being a former bad ass is unverifiable AND protecting whites from a "mob of blacks" no one seems to remember that either.

When someone says to you "'We can get you into West Point, and it would be free for you," most people would equate that with a scholarship. You idiots on the left want to argue over semantics and call someone a liar but then when shown that when one of your fellow liberals are actually lying, you shrug it off.

Department of Social Sciences - Scholarship Opportunities
What a laughingstock smear campaign. Doesn't fly for an instant.

That's what I'm saying... this is really lame, even for the Libtards. I mean come on... at least have Carson banging a white chick or something? :dunno: Couldn't they find a bimbo to pay off? What's the deal?
This is the same guy who still defends the cop caught on video gunning down a guy from behind and planting evidence. So what do you expect?

Cops, Cook & Slager Shot Fleeing Suspect in the Back. Cook Hero; Slager Jailed | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I defended Slager before, AND I DEFEND HIM RIGHT NOW. And if you condemn him, YOU ARE AT FAULT for that. What Slager did was 100% appropriate and legal. He was arrested only to pacify (and pander to) idiot Blacks in that jurisdiction, who are incapable of seeing right form wrong. All they see is black and white.

This is going on all over America, helped by the Obama/Sharpton/Jackson/Crump race hustler campaign, and you're are either stupid enough , or evil enough, to accept it. Slager is a hero who was defending his community from a fleeing felon, as the law prescribed (Fleeing Felon rule).

And since you are the same one who condemned "the cop caught on video gunning down a guy from behind", what better would we expect from YOU ?
The cop shot a guy fleeing in the back then planted a weapons.

You're supporting...that.



You have a habit of supporting liars...

What if "runner" goes to nearby home, in back door. Kills your wife/kids with knife. You going to say then "Police should stop these runners, they run for reason". What if he shot in kneecap(s)? would that be OK? Cop says........"I missed"

The cop said he feared for his life.

Walter Scott death: Officer Michael Slager claimed he 'felt threatened' before shooting
Sure he did. It has been proven. He wrote a book and says something happened that couldn't possibly have happened. I would call it a mistake but since you want to characterize it as a lie...we'll call it a lie.
Now YOU are lying by pretending that i want to "characterize it as a lie" LOL. I'd call that a nice try, if it just wasn't so darn pitiful.

Id call your argument pitiful if it were stronger. Ben lied. Period.

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