Does ANYONE Have Proof That Ben Carson Lied ? About Anything ?

This is the best thing that's happened to Carson's campaign to date.
Then why is he so pissed off and attacking the media?
You think that's an attack? The media has been derelict in their duties and the American people are sick of them chumming with this garbage, when they absolutely refuse to ask the tough questions of progressives, or report on newsworthy events that don't serve to promote the fascist, progressive agenda.

I guess when Carson has to sit for an 11 hour investigative hearing in front of the Senate committee led by a star prosecutor I will agree with you

BTW the WSJ is considered the Bible to genuine, well informed conservatives

shes lucky shes not in jail.
Luck has nothing to do with it
Reid J. Epstein Verified account ‏@reidepstein
In WSJ: Ben Carson says he was named "most honest" in a Yale class that didn't exist.…

That is my personal favorite Carson lie, he is most honest.
Then why is he so pissed off and attacking the media?
You think that's an attack? The media has been derelict in their duties and the American people are sick of them chumming with this garbage, when they absolutely refuse to ask the tough questions of progressives, or report on newsworthy events that don't serve to promote the fascist, progressive agenda.

I guess when Carson has to sit for an 11 hour investigative hearing in front of the Senate committee led by a star prosecutor I will agree with you

BTW the WSJ is considered the Bible to genuine, well informed conservatives
If he commits treason, he will. It would be nice if, instead of covering progressive crimes the press was interested in exposing them. But that's no longer their objective.

I can tell you know nothing about the Wall Street Journal. Just a hint kosher Twit, they have a running hate-on for Obama
I don't recall writing a word about the WSJ.

So has Obama ever gone by any name other than Obama?

I know the answer. Yes, he did. Barry Soetero. It was his legal name and he attended schools under that name.

So we have absolute proof that Obama is a liar, and a perjurer.

Hey how much money has Obamacare saved us? Was that another lie?

So did we put boots on the ground in Syria? Whoops, another lie.

Gosh, looks like Obama's a sociopath!

All bullshit.


Card Trick
Nobody gives a crap about someone claiming to have won a race in the 6th grade.....but if you're running for President and you make a claim that you got a full scholarship to West Point, Yale, Harvard or some other prestigious school, of course it is going to be vetted....and Carson is too dumb to realize that his preponderous claims would be checked out. He made a claim that he got "most honest" student in a class at Yale.....the class doesn't even exist. Why does he need to make up such bullshit?
He did NOT make a claim that he got a full scholarship to West Point. That is the liberal media's straw man twist of what he said. That is what they turned his words into, so they could attack him over it, and you fall for it.

Read the OP.

He did NOT make a claim that he got a full scholarship to West Point.

The Establishment has been fucking this country up long enough........They've had their chance............Time to go outside the box.

If you think we fix this country by using the same ones that screwed it up then you need to pass out whatever it is your smoking.

What we need to do to fix t his country is to make tough decisions and stop electing Republicans who only work for the rich.

Electing a guy who thinks the Pyramids were grain silos and doesn't know what a debt ceiling is won't fix anything.
Why do you say he is never going to be the nominee? He is leading in the polls right now. The only candidate who has been able to catch Trump so far. Seems like he is doing fairly well... and now this GIFT from the liberal left allowing him to demonstrate how he isn't going to put up with your shit balls being thrown... we'll see a bump in his poll numbers next week as a result.

Uh, no, I suspect in the next week, his ratings will sink. Trump has already pulled ahead in the RCP Average, and that's even before this thing hit.

You don't know who the GOP will nominate, neither do I. Not a single fucking vote has been cast yet, there is still plenty of time to decide... nothing has been determined.

Before I finally figured out the GOP only works for the rich, I was involved in GOP politics for 28 years. The GOP doesn't let it's nominating process get hijacked by clowns, as Pat Buchanan, Alan Keyes, Mike Huckabee and Herman Cain can all attest.

The religious nuts might have a lot of votes, but they don't have the power.

You don't like Carson because he is a real black man, unlike half-breed Obama. You're a little racist prick who probably voted for Hillary in '08 because you din't want Obama's half-black ass in the white house.

Actually, I voted for McCain in 2008, both the primary and general, because I thought he was the best man for the job.

In 2012, I voted for Obama because the least crazy guy the GOP could find thought he was wearing Magic Underwear.

This year, you guys will coo over Uncle Tom and Comb-over, but you'll probably still end up supporting whoever the establishment tells you to support.

I suspect in the next week, his ratings will sink.
I predict you are wrong.

I was involved in GOP politics for 28 years.
Bullshit. This is what a lot of clever liberals claim in order to appear 'independent' and continue wooing people to their liberal cause. Oh, I used to be a big republican until I saw the light...

I voted for McCain in 2008
You mean, even with that crazy Sarah Palin on the ticket??? Still couldn't vote for the black guy, huh?

In 2012, I voted for Obama
Well this pretty much proves you're a moron.

....thought he was wearing Magic Underwear.

Wait a minute... Magic Underwear, voted for McCain in 08... this isn't JoeBiden, is it?
I suspect in the next week, his ratings will sink.
I predict you are wrong.

Comb-over has pulled back out ahead of Uncle Tom in both the National and Iowa RCP Averages. We might not have to wait until the end of the week.

I was involved in GOP politics for 28 years.
Bullshit. This is what a lot of clever liberals claim in order to appear 'independent' and continue wooing people to their liberal cause. Oh, I used to be a big republican until I saw the light...

Actually, I saw the light when my Romney-loving boss in 2008 told me he could totally fuck me over because "he didn't have to deal with a union".

I voted for McCain in 2008
You mean, even with that crazy Sarah Palin on the ticket??? Still couldn't vote for the black guy, huh?

Palin hadn't gone "Full Retard" by that point yet. More to the point, I still held out hope that the GOP could be saved from the Religious crazies when the rank and file rejected Romney and Huckabee to pick McCain. Sadly, it was a short respite.

In 2012, I voted for Obama
Well this pretty much proves you're a moron.

No, it proves that when you guys run a Mormon Freak who says how much he likes to fire people, any working man voting for htat is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.

....thought he was wearing Magic Underwear.

Wait a minute... Magic Underwear, voted for McCain in 08... this isn't JoeBiden, is it?

Somewhere in your addled mind, you thought that was clever, didn't you?
The Establishment has been fucking this country up long enough........They've had their chance............Time to go outside the box.

If you think we fix this country by using the same ones that screwed it up then you need to pass out whatever it is your smoking.

What we need to do to fix t his country is to make tough decisions and stop electing Republicans who only work for the rich.

Electing a guy who thinks the Pyramids were grain silos and doesn't know what a debt ceiling is won't fix anything.

Sorry, but I agree with his points... okay, maybe not about the grain silos... but so what? I'm sure he doesn't believe things that I believe... we're all different, aren't we? Do we have to all believe the same things now? Is that where we've come?

But the debt ceiling.... I'm WITH Carson on that... what the hell does it mean? It's some stupid arbitrary thing that continues to be "raised" when it's reached... it's not a "ceiling!" A Ceiling would be a limit that couldn't be breached. We've reached the limit. But with this "debt ceiling" myth... we no longer have that... we have NO debt ceiling... unlimited debt.

I mean... someone needs to ask YOU if you're sure YOU understand what a debt ceiling is!
The Establishment has been fucking this country up long enough........They've had their chance............Time to go outside the box.

If you think we fix this country by using the same ones that screwed it up then you need to pass out whatever it is your smoking.

What we need to do to fix t his country is to make tough decisions and stop electing Republicans who only work for the rich.

Electing a guy who thinks the Pyramids were grain silos and doesn't know what a debt ceiling is won't fix anything.

wtf are you always lying? of course he knows what a debt ceiling is. He doesn't want to keep raising it because it never solves the problem of over spending libtard.
Sorry, but I agree with his points... okay, maybe not about the grain silos... but so what? I'm sure he doesn't believe things that I believe... we're all different, aren't we? Do we have to all believe the same things now? Is that where we've come?

Uh, guy, it's not a matter of having different opinions. It's a matter of rejecting ESTABLISHED HISTORY AND SCIENCE in favor of BRONZE AGE SUPERSTITION. It tells me something about his ability to reason, and when your in charge of making decisions that have life and death consequences, i want you to use REASON and not SUPERSTITION.

But the debt ceiling.... I'm WITH Carson on that... what the hell does it mean? It's some stupid arbitrary thing that continues to be "raised" when it's reached... it's not a "ceiling!" A Ceiling would be a limit that couldn't be breached. We've reached the limit. But with this "debt ceiling" myth... we no longer have that... we have NO debt ceiling... unlimited debt.

That's not what Uncle Tom said. He was asked what he thought about it, and he didn't know what it was. Now, you can argue about whether we should even have these votes, I personally think they are silly, but frankly, knowing what the definition is is part of the job requirement for the job he's applying for.
Your side is digging up dirt from the past and trying to turn it into mud.................Your side are experts at misquoting and making a fucking mountain out of a mole hill...............

And.........................fuck......................DUCK................That was close sniper fire................

And say nothing about the Lying Hag for the Dems.....

No, guy, your side rejected established, accomplished politicians in favor of a self-promoting Uncle Tom and a Reality TV Rodeo clown with a bad comb-over who is trolling you.

Now you are probably stuck with Trump for a while, because he's got enough of his own money to keep going.

But Carson is probably done by the end of the month. I'm sure that the media AND his GOP opponents are going over EVERY PAGE of Healing Hands to find more stories that are pure bullshit.
Your constant use of the phrase "uncle Tom" shows exactly what kind of piece of shit you are and why you're not worth anyone's time
wtf are you always lying? of course he knows what a debt ceiling is. He doesn't want to keep raising it because it never solves the problem of over spending libtard.

No, he really didn't know what it was.

Ben Carson's Gaffes on the Debt ceiling, Budget, and Interest Rates - Fortune

Again... he really does know. You and the idiot interviewing him are the ones who don't seem to have a clue. Dr. Carson gets it. He understands exactly what the problem is and he will fix it.
Sorry, but I agree with his points... okay, maybe not about the grain silos... but so what? I'm sure he doesn't believe things that I believe... we're all different, aren't we? Do we have to all believe the same things now? Is that where we've come?

Uh, guy, it's not a matter of having different opinions. It's a matter of rejecting ESTABLISHED HISTORY AND SCIENCE in favor of BRONZE AGE SUPERSTITION. It tells me something about his ability to reason, and when your in charge of making decisions that have life and death consequences, i want you to use REASON and not SUPERSTITION.

But the debt ceiling.... I'm WITH Carson on that... what the hell does it mean? It's some stupid arbitrary thing that continues to be "raised" when it's reached... it's not a "ceiling!" A Ceiling would be a limit that couldn't be breached. We've reached the limit. But with this "debt ceiling" myth... we no longer have that... we have NO debt ceiling... unlimited debt.

That's not what Uncle Tom said. He was asked what he thought about it, and he didn't know what it was. Now, you can argue about whether we should even have these votes, I personally think they are silly, but frankly, knowing what the definition is is part of the job requirement for the job he's applying for.

Nope.... Carson never said he didn't know what the debt ceiling was. That is YOU fabricating a lie. You do this because you can't debate with Carson on the issue he has raised.

And I am sorry you want an Atheist president. I don't think you'll see that in your lifetime. Obama is probably the closest you'll get. I doubt we'll ever have another Muslim president.
Nope.... Carson never said he didn't know what the debt ceiling was. That is YOU fabricating a lie. You do this because you can't debate with Carson on the issue he has raised.

And I am sorry you want an Atheist president. I don't think you'll see that in your lifetime. Obama is probably the closest you'll get. I doubt we'll ever have another Muslim president.

I will be happy to have a guy who doesn't believe but will fool you rubes into thinking he does.

I'd be more worried about a guy who actually thinks Talking Snakes were a thing.

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