Does ANYONE Have Proof That Ben Carson Lied ? About Anything ?

"Almost identical" means "Not the same". You do know that, right?

So your point is that there is no parallel between Hillary's illegal fundraising, and Carson's legal fundraising.

Only to a complete fool. An intelligent person would ask me why I'd posted "almost identical," and I'd have explained.
No, an intelligent person would respond to your silly gibberjabber exactly as I do.
"Almost identical" means "Not the same". You do know that, right?

So your point is that there is no parallel between Hillary's illegal fundraising, and Carson's legal fundraising.

Only to a complete fool. An intelligent person would ask me why I'd posted "almost identical," and I'd have explained.
No, an intelligent person would respond to your silly gibberjabber exactly as I do.

So you don't understand what "almost identical" means. Got it.

If you happen across an intelligent person who wants to follow up with me, let me know.
"Almost identical" means "Not the same". You do know that, right?

So your point is that there is no parallel between Hillary's illegal fundraising, and Carson's legal fundraising.

Only to a complete fool. An intelligent person would ask me why I'd posted "almost identical," and I'd have explained.
No, an intelligent person would respond to your silly gibberjabber exactly as I do.

So you don't understand what "almost identical" means. Got it.

If you happen across an intelligent person who wants to follow up with me, let me know.
No intelligent person is ever going to be interested in your nonsense, lol.
So your point is that there is no parallel between Hillary's illegal fundraising, and Carson's legal fundraising.

Only to a complete fool. An intelligent person would ask me why I'd posted "almost identical," and I'd have explained.
No, an intelligent person would respond to your silly gibberjabber exactly as I do.

So you don't understand what "almost identical" means. Got it.

If you happen across an intelligent person who wants to follow up with me, let me know.
No intelligent person is ever going to be interested in your nonsense, lol.

You have no way of knowing. But you're doing an excellent job of showcasing the typical Carson supporter. Keep going.
Admissions - Apply_Nominations

Congressional Nominations - Who Can Nominate?
  • The Vice President
  • U.S. Senators
  • U.S. Representatives
  • Delegates to the House of Representatives from Washington, D.C., the Mariana Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Virgin Islands
  • The Governor of Puerto Rico
  • The Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico
  • The Secretary of the Army
If Carson had someone say they would nominate him via the process then he would more than likely get in.............My father knew Jack Edwards and got the nomination for my brother way back when..............and he applied and went to the Naval Academy............

If big brass are telling you they can get you the nod, especially if it top military brass then more than likely it's a shoe in.....................That's how it works...............

Yet the left are desperate to try to find a lie to get the Out of the box candidates knocked off..............and to hide the Habitual Liar Hildabeast.
If Carson had someone say they would nominate him via the process then he would more than likely get in.............My father knew Jack Edwards and got the nomination for my brother way back when..............and he applied and went to the Naval Academy............

If big brass are telling you they can get you the nod, especially if it top military brass then more than likely it's a shoe in.....................That's how it works...............

Yet the left are desperate to try to find a lie to get the Out of the box candidates knocked off..............and to hide the Habitual Liar Hildabeast.

And if he hadn't lied about so many other aspects of this story, we might want to give him the benefit of the doubt.

You guys gave 3.5 million to a guy who is never going to be the nominee, and we're "idiots"?

No problem. Uncle Tom will be living large on your donations.

Why do you say he is never going to be the nominee? He is leading in the polls right now. The only candidate who has been able to catch Trump so far. Seems like he is doing fairly well... and now this GIFT from the liberal left allowing him to demonstrate how he isn't going to put up with your shit balls being thrown... we'll see a bump in his poll numbers next week as a result.

You don't know who the GOP will nominate, neither do I. Not a single fucking vote has been cast yet, there is still plenty of time to decide... nothing has been determined.

You don't like Carson because he is a real black man, unlike half-breed Obama. You're a little racist prick who probably voted for Hillary in '08 because you din't want Obama's half-black ass in the white house.
If Carson had someone say they would nominate him via the process then he would more than likely get in.............My father knew Jack Edwards and got the nomination for my brother way back when..............and he applied and went to the Naval Academy............

If big brass are telling you they can get you the nod, especially if it top military brass then more than likely it's a shoe in.....................That's how it works...............

Yet the left are desperate to try to find a lie to get the Out of the box candidates knocked off..............and to hide the Habitual Liar Hildabeast.

And if he hadn't lied about so many other aspects of this story, we might want to give him the benefit of the doubt.
Your side is digging up dirt from the past and trying to turn it into mud.................Your side are experts at misquoting and making a fucking mountain out of a mole hill...............

And.........................fuck......................DUCK................That was close sniper fire................

And say nothing about the Lying Hag for the Dems.......
Why do you say he is never going to be the nominee? He is leading in the polls right now. The only candidate who has been able to catch Trump so far. Seems like he is doing fairly well... and now this GIFT from the liberal left allowing him to demonstrate how he isn't going to put up with your shit balls being thrown... we'll see a bump in his poll numbers next week as a result.

Uh, no, I suspect in the next week, his ratings will sink. Trump has already pulled ahead in the RCP Average, and that's even before this thing hit.

You don't know who the GOP will nominate, neither do I. Not a single fucking vote has been cast yet, there is still plenty of time to decide... nothing has been determined.

Before I finally figured out the GOP only works for the rich, I was involved in GOP politics for 28 years. The GOP doesn't let it's nominating process get hijacked by clowns, as Pat Buchanan, Alan Keyes, Mike Huckabee and Herman Cain can all attest.

The religious nuts might have a lot of votes, but they don't have the power.

You don't like Carson because he is a real black man, unlike half-breed Obama. You're a little racist prick who probably voted for Hillary in '08 because you din't want Obama's half-black ass in the white house.

Actually, I voted for McCain in 2008, both the primary and general, because I thought he was the best man for the job.

In 2012, I voted for Obama because the least crazy guy the GOP could find thought he was wearing Magic Underwear.

This year, you guys will coo over Uncle Tom and Comb-over, but you'll probably still end up supporting whoever the establishment tells you to support.
Your side is digging up dirt from the past and trying to turn it into mud.................Your side are experts at misquoting and making a fucking mountain out of a mole hill...............

And.........................fuck......................DUCK................That was close sniper fire................

And say nothing about the Lying Hag for the Dems.....

No, guy, your side rejected established, accomplished politicians in favor of a self-promoting Uncle Tom and a Reality TV Rodeo clown with a bad comb-over who is trolling you.

Now you are probably stuck with Trump for a while, because he's got enough of his own money to keep going.

But Carson is probably done by the end of the month. I'm sure that the media AND his GOP opponents are going over EVERY PAGE of Healing Hands to find more stories that are pure bullshit.
Carson says he doesn't know why the Wall Street Journal could not find the photo of him taken in this class at Yale after his professor told him he was the only honest student out of 150. He says he has the photo. The librarian at Yale said there is no record of this class, Perceptions 301 that he claims to have taken.

Let him produce the photo. It'll be like asking any of the GOOPers here to provide evidence for...well, anything.
You guys go ahead and knock yourself out dredging up obscure yet totally irrelevant bits of nonsense to obsess about.

Well, you're doing such a fabulous job of defending your hero with facts, we just can't help laughing.

The idiots who were screaming when Hillary got an almost identical infusion of contributions following the latest Benghazi hearings? Yeah, those idiots were pretty amusing as well.

yeah, but I don't think Carson was responsible for killing....
Why do you say he is never going to be the nominee? He is leading in the polls right now. The only candidate who has been able to catch Trump so far. Seems like he is doing fairly well... and now this GIFT from the liberal left allowing him to demonstrate how he isn't going to put up with your shit balls being thrown... we'll see a bump in his poll numbers next week as a result.

Uh, no, I suspect in the next week, his ratings will sink. Trump has already pulled ahead in the RCP Average, and that's even before this thing hit.

You don't know who the GOP will nominate, neither do I. Not a single fucking vote has been cast yet, there is still plenty of time to decide... nothing has been determined.

Before I finally figured out the GOP only works for the rich, I was involved in GOP politics for 28 years. The GOP doesn't let it's nominating process get hijacked by clowns, as Pat Buchanan, Alan Keyes, Mike Huckabee and Herman Cain can all attest.

The religious nuts might have a lot of votes, but they don't have the power.

You don't like Carson because he is a real black man, unlike half-breed Obama. You're a little racist prick who probably voted for Hillary in '08 because you din't want Obama's half-black ass in the white house.

Actually, I voted for McCain in 2008, both the primary and general, because I thought he was the best man for the job.

In 2012, I voted for Obama because the least crazy guy the GOP could find thought he was wearing Magic Underwear.

This year, you guys will coo over Uncle Tom and Comb-over, but you'll probably still end up supporting whoever the establishment tells you to support.

YOU think. First mistake. Second mistake you are wrong- based on what will they sink? lmfao.
Your side is digging up dirt from the past and trying to turn it into mud.................Your side are experts at misquoting and making a fucking mountain out of a mole hill...............

And.........................fuck......................DUCK................That was close sniper fire................

And say nothing about the Lying Hag for the Dems.....

No, guy, your side rejected established, accomplished politicians in favor of a self-promoting Uncle Tom and a Reality TV Rodeo clown with a bad comb-over who is trolling you.

Now you are probably stuck with Trump for a while, because he's got enough of his own money to keep going.

But Carson is probably done by the end of the month. I'm sure that the media AND his GOP opponents are going over EVERY PAGE of Healing Hands to find more stories that are pure bullshit.
The Establishment has been fucking this country up long enough........They've had their chance............Time to go outside the box.

If you think we fix this country by using the same ones that screwed it up then you need to pass out whatever it is your smoking.
This is the best thing that's happened to Carson's campaign to date.
Then why is he so pissed off and attacking the media?
You think that's an attack? The media has been derelict in their duties and the American people are sick of them chumming with this garbage, when they absolutely refuse to ask the tough questions of progressives, or report on newsworthy events that don't serve to promote the fascist, progressive agenda.

I guess when Carson has to sit for an 11 hour investigative hearing in front of the Senate committee led by a star prosecutor I will agree with you

BTW the WSJ is considered the Bible to genuine, well informed conservatives

shes lucky shes not in jail.

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