Does ANYONE Have Proof That Ben Carson Lied ? About Anything ?

No sir... He did not SAY he was offered an appointment. He said that Westmoreland told him with his academic qualifications he could get him an interview. He went on to explain how Westmoreland explained his tuition would be paid in full. Instead of repeating the complete precise details of this in another paragraph, he simply said 'offered a full scholarship' because those 4 words summarize the story presented in the previous paragraph.

The Left is trying to do what they do here all the time... twist and distort things out of context to make some smug sarcastic point that has nothing to do with anything.

So how did Westmoreland do this when he was in Washington and Uncle Tom was in Detroit on the days in question?

Probably when Westmoreland had dinner in Detroit in February with Carson and others. When people are recalling things from their past, they often do this. It's not uncommon and it's not lying. You simply confuse two different events that are similar and perhaps remember something happening at one that actually happened at the other... it's just how our minds work when we recall things.

What the fuck does ANY of this have to do with being the President or tackling the many problems faced by Americans?

When you write a book 40 years later, you research it first. Apparently the research was not done in favor of name dropping or self-satisfaction.

I would love to hear Ben get specific about how he plans to tackle anything. So far there has been zilch
Obuthole is a perfect example.


What the fuck does ANY of this have to do with being the President or tackling the many problems faced by Americans?
Because obuthole hasn't and idiots support that idiot, idiot.
I have carson's on words. Quite enough.
I have his words too. And links to articles too. And he didn't lie about anything, and you don't have a shred of evidence that he did. YOU are lying right here now about Carson (and Slager also)

And you still have lies in post # 232, that you didn't fix. YOU are the one who said "Not sure", not me.
What the fuck does ANY of this have to do with being the President or tackling the many problems faced by Americans?
Hey, watch your mouth, loser! I'm running a clean thread here.
Did somebody say West Point does not have scholarships ? Is that what I heard somebody say ? SPEAK UP, whoever said that. Quit hiding under that desk, you liberal yellow cowards!
If you honestly believed that, you wouldn't be trying so desperately hard to do damage control, and you're going about it all wrong.

Instead of railing at liberals, you should be offering proof of Carson's veracity.

That his Biggest Fans can't manage to do that is far more damaging to his credibility than anything the opposition can do.
You have the entire mindset of America BACKWARDS. In this country, a person is innocent until their accusers PROVE them to be guilty. In this case, the accusers, (the looney left media) have proven absolutely NOTHING. Carson doesn't have to say a word, other than what I just said here now. :biggrin:

Is Dr. Carson on trial? No? Then you're still just temporizing, because you have no proof. It is entertaining, though. I look forward to the multiplicity of threads in this forum when he doesn't win that begin with "WAAAAAH! Dr. Carson lost because MSM!!!!! WAAAAAAH!!!!"
Protectionist is saying that despite the facts being wrong on when and where he met Westmoreland that doesn't matter because he could've met him another time.

Yes, that's true. But what is not true is he met with Westmoreland, in Detroit, on the day he mentioned. Period
Seems as though the Wall Street Journal, a very conservative publication, is investigating a story Carson talks about in his book from When he was at Yale. It is not pretty. The man is a sociopath

Wall Street Journal says Ben Carson lied about being most honest student while at Yale - Business Insider
Lolol...a sociopath....lolololol.

Hey so why are Obama's college records all sealed???

Sociopaths feel the need to lie when they don't have to. They crave attention And say outlandish things and make stories up so that they can fill that distorted need. They suffer from delusions of grandeur
Kosher twit if you cannot defend Ben Carson then just don't post to this thread. It's not about Obama
Carson says he doesn't know why the Wall Street Journal could not find the photo of him taken in this class at Yale after his professor told him he was the only honest student out of 150. He says he has the photo. The librarian at Yale said there is no record of this class, Perceptions 301 that he claims to have taken.
This is the best thing that's happened to Carson's campaign to date.
Then why is he so pissed off and attacking the media?
You think that's an attack? The media has been derelict in their duties and the American people are sick of them chumming with this garbage, when they absolutely refuse to ask the tough questions of progressives, or report on newsworthy events that don't serve to promote the fascist, progressive agenda.
Carson says he doesn't know why the Wall Street Journal could not find the photo of him taken in this class at Yale after his professor told him he was the only honest student out of 150. He says he has the photo. The librarian at Yale said there is no record of this class perceptions 301 that he claims to have taken.
yea the white christian party is so inclusive of blacks


Using pictures from 60 years ago, means you have no credible point. FAIL!!!!

And there is no "white christian party". There is only an ANTI-White, ANTI-Christian party (AKA the Democratic Party)
crackers don't change their strips just their party


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This is the best thing that's happened to Carson's campaign to date.
Then why is he so pissed off and attacking the media?
You think that's an attack? The media has been derelict in their duties and the American people are sick of them chumming with this garbage, when they absolutely refuse to ask the tough questions of progressives, or report on newsworthy events that don't serve to promote the fascist, progressive agenda.

I guess when Carson has to sit for an 11 hour investigative hearing in front of the Senate committee led by a star prosecutor I will agree with you

BTW the WSJ is considered the Bible to genuine, well informed conservatives
The Wall Street Journal should be able to find someone in those 150 students who will come forward and corroborate Carson's wild tale of Yale glory
Going to Ben Carson's Facebook profile he has "proof" of the syllabus for this class which he has posted but unfortunately it is from a class that was held in 2002. And it is not perception 301,it is just perception. And he has not provided the photograph that he said was taken of him but he said he has.
This is the best thing that's happened to Carson's campaign to date.
Then why is he so pissed off and attacking the media?
You think that's an attack? The media has been derelict in their duties and the American people are sick of them chumming with this garbage, when they absolutely refuse to ask the tough questions of progressives, or report on newsworthy events that don't serve to promote the fascist, progressive agenda.

I guess when Carson has to sit for an 11 hour investigative hearing in front of the Senate committee led by a star prosecutor I will agree with you

BTW the WSJ is considered the Bible to genuine, well informed conservatives
If he commits treason, he will. It would be nice if, instead of covering progressive crimes the press was interested in exposing them. But that's no longer their objective.
Going to Ben Carson's Facebook profile he has "proof" of the syllabus for this class which he has posted but unfortunately it is from a class that was held in 2002. And it is not perception 301,it is just perception. And he has not provided the photograph that he said was taken of him but he said he has.
Ooohhhh...that's HUGE, lol.

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