Does ANYONE Have Proof That Ben Carson Lied ? About Anything ?

They'll just be called liberal until the heat does down. That's the only defense they could use.
There is no "heat". there is only the laughable, desperate attempts by left media to derail Carson, while making fools of themselves in the process. And if making fools of themselves is what they choose to do. they can do it. Not my problem. Not Ben Carson's problem. Not hurting him politically now or later (only the looney left subscribes to their BS smear campaigns, nobody else).
Ok, maybe he thought it was a scholarship. That's fine, but he said Westmoreland offered it and he had dinner with him and other Medal of Honor winners. That's cool except he never met Westmoreland according to records.

So maybe he thought the guy he never met offered something and he misunderstood. But since he never met him, that's impossible.

FALSE!!! There is no such thing as a record saying that somebody never met somebody. That's impossible. There could be a record of 2 people having met, but there cannot be one of 2 people never having met.

Also, the CNN article I linked to earlier substantiated that Westmoreland and Carson could have met at a dinner at another time (which Carson could easily have gotten the dates and occurances mixed up after 46 years (almost half a CENTURY) Actually, they could met met anywhere, anytime.

In trying to derail Carson's candidacy. the media is saying some really stupid things. Carson's right. They are absolutely desperate to stop him.

He didn't write the book 46 years ago.
Does ANYONE have proof that Ben Carson lied ? About anything ? If so, let's hear it. So far I haven't seen a shred of evidence to make that kind of conclusion. I don't see anything wrong with Ben Carson's statement about Westmorland, the words "full scholarship" and West Point. Could be that Westmoreland wasn't referring to a scholarship as other universities grant them, but just said the words as an adjective phrase, to describe the tuition-free 4 years of college, that being how West Point characteristically operates.

This looks to me like liberal media bias, and Politico has been suspected of that before. In 2011 and 2012, The Daily Caller, Mediaite, and, each published stories saying that has a liberal bias.

I think all this blabber going on about Carson is just an attempt to take him down, a smear campaign by liberals who fear his nomination could take the Black vote (critical to Democrats) away from Hillary Clinton, or whoever the Democrat candidate is. Likewise, establishment GOP aren't friendly to Carson (an outsider) and they too have been talking about his stories being "unverifiable."

Since when is unverifiable equal to false ? I don't think so. And if you have stories to tell that are very old and can't be verified, that's supposed to mean you can't talk about those things ? Since when ? This is poppycock.

He said Gen Westmoreland was in Detroit (and met with him) when he wasn't in Detroit.
That has been answered about 30 times in this thread, already. (including just a few minutes ago in Post # 219). Next time, arrive earlier.
There is no "heat". there is only the laughable, desperate attempts by left media to derail Carson, while making fools of themselves in the process.

If you honestly believed that, you wouldn't be trying so desperately hard to do damage control, and you're going about it all wrong.

Instead of railing at liberals, you should be offering proof of Carson's veracity.

That his Biggest Fans can't manage to do that is far more damaging to his credibility than anything the opposition can do.
Does ANYONE have proof that Ben Carson lied ? About anything ? If so, let's hear it. So far I haven't seen a shred of evidence to make that kind of conclusion. I don't see anything wrong with Ben Carson's statement about Westmorland, the words "full scholarship" and West Point. Could be that Westmoreland wasn't referring to a scholarship as other universities grant them, but just said the words as an adjective phrase, to describe the tuition-free 4 years of college, that being how West Point characteristically operates.

This looks to me like liberal media bias, and Politico has been suspected of that before. In 2011 and 2012, The Daily Caller, Mediaite, and, each published stories saying that has a liberal bias.

I think all this blabber going on about Carson is just an attempt to take him down, a smear campaign by liberals who fear his nomination could take the Black vote (critical to Democrats) away from Hillary Clinton, or whoever the Democrat candidate is. Likewise, establishment GOP aren't friendly to Carson (an outsider) and they too have been talking about his stories being "unverifiable."

Since when is unverifiable equal to false ? I don't think so. And if you have stories to tell that are very old and can't be verified, that's supposed to mean you can't talk about those things ? Since when ? This is poppycock.

He said Gen Westmoreland was in Detroit (and met with him) when he wasn't in Detroit.
That has been answered about 30 times in this thread, already. . Next time, arrive earlier.

Never answered, only rationalized. I'm happy to give the man a pass on it; btw

No it just means that you are a hack liberal dupe who is going to be a complete hypocrite and doesn't apparently mind if the whole entire world knows it. I'm just helping expose you.

Carson didn't lie. Politico lied. Then they tried to cover it up and pretend they didn't lie. Then you all started nitpicking "scholarship" and "appointment" and took what Carson had said in his book completely out of context because you knew your gotcha story was in serious trouble. And now, you're back to trying to pretend the original charges that Politico redacted were true all along. Amazing. Absolutely Amazing. ...You really do believe Americans are that dumb?

50% of the GOP base supports either a Reality TV Rodeo Clown with a bad Comb-over or a self-promoting Uncle Tom who likes to make up stories.

Yes, some of you are that dumb.

Now, maybe he met Westmoreland on a different date, and maybe he didn't fully understand what an appointment to a military academy means. But combined with his other lies about stabbing his classmates and taking an "honesty' test in college for a course that never existed, and you know that there are reporters right now scrutinizing every page of "Healing Hands" looking for more of these sorts of things.

The real problem is the GOP has stopped being a serious political party.

You're beginning to sound like grumps
If you honestly believed that, you wouldn't be trying so desperately hard to do damage control, and you're going about it all wrong.

Instead of railing at liberals, you should be offering proof of Carson's veracity.

That his Biggest Fans can't manage to do that is far more damaging to his credibility than anything the opposition can do.
You have the entire mindset of America BACKWARDS. In this country, a person is innocent until their accusers PROVE them to be guilty. In this case, the accusers, (the looney left media) have proven absolutely NOTHING. Carson doesn't have to say a word, other than what I just said here now. :biggrin:
No sir... He did not SAY he was offered an appointment. He said that Westmoreland told him with his academic qualifications he could get him an interview. He went on to explain how Westmoreland explained his tuition would be paid in full. Instead of repeating the complete precise details of this in another paragraph, he simply said 'offered a full scholarship' because those 4 words summarize the story presented in the previous paragraph.

The Left is trying to do what they do here all the time... twist and distort things out of context to make some smug sarcastic point that has nothing to do with anything.

So how did Westmoreland do this when he was in Washington and Uncle Tom was in Detroit on the days in question?

Probably when Westmoreland had dinner in Detroit in February with Carson and others. When people are recalling things from their past, they often do this. It's not uncommon and it's not lying. You simply confuse two different events that are similar and perhaps remember something happening at one that actually happened at the other... it's just how our minds work when we recall things.

What the fuck does ANY of this have to do with being the President or tackling the many problems faced by Americans?

When you write a book 40 years later, you research it first. Apparently the research was not done in favor of name dropping or self-satisfaction.

I would love to hear Ben get specific about how he plans to tackle anything. So far there has been zilch
No. He should have done research instead of authoring lies.
You don't have a shred of evidence that Carson lied about anything.

And YOU just LIED about something right now (in Post # 232 ) You put my words in a quote box attributed to you, and your words with my name on them.
There is no "heat". there is only the laughable, desperate attempts by left media to derail Carson, while making fools of themselves in the process.

If you honestly believed that, you wouldn't be trying so desperately hard to do damage control, and you're going about it all wrong.

Instead of railing at liberals, you should be offering proof of Carson's veracity.

That his Biggest Fans can't manage to do that is far more damaging to his credibility than anything the opposition can do.
Like obuthole and Hillary credibility is damaged, and you idiots still kiss their arses.
There is no "heat". there is only the laughable, desperate attempts by left media to derail Carson, while making fools of themselves in the process.

If you honestly believed that, you wouldn't be trying so desperately hard to do damage control, and you're going about it all wrong.

Instead of railing at liberals, you should be offering proof of Carson's veracity.

That his Biggest Fans can't manage to do that is far more damaging to his credibility than anything the opposition can do.

This is the same guy who still defends the cop caught on video gunning down a guy from behind and planting evidence. So what do you expect?

Cops, Cook & Slager Shot Fleeing Suspect in the Back. Cook Hero; Slager Jailed | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
No sir... He did not SAY he was offered an appointment. He said that Westmoreland told him with his academic qualifications he could get him an interview. He went on to explain how Westmoreland explained his tuition would be paid in full. Instead of repeating the complete precise details of this in another paragraph, he simply said 'offered a full scholarship' because those 4 words summarize the story presented in the previous paragraph.

The Left is trying to do what they do here all the time... twist and distort things out of context to make some smug sarcastic point that has nothing to do with anything.

So how did Westmoreland do this when he was in Washington and Uncle Tom was in Detroit on the days in question?

Probably when Westmoreland had dinner in Detroit in February with Carson and others. When people are recalling things from their past, they often do this. It's not uncommon and it's not lying. You simply confuse two different events that are similar and perhaps remember something happening at one that actually happened at the other... it's just how our minds work when we recall things.

What the fuck does ANY of this have to do with being the President or tackling the many problems faced by Americans?

When you write a book 40 years later, you research it first. Apparently the research was not done in favor of name dropping or self-satisfaction.

I would love to hear Ben get specific about how he plans to tackle anything. So far there has been zilch
Obuthole is a perfect example.
No sir... He did not SAY he was offered an appointment. He said that Westmoreland told him with his academic qualifications he could get him an interview. He went on to explain how Westmoreland explained his tuition would be paid in full. Instead of repeating the complete precise details of this in another paragraph, he simply said 'offered a full scholarship' because those 4 words summarize the story presented in the previous paragraph.

The Left is trying to do what they do here all the time... twist and distort things out of context to make some smug sarcastic point that has nothing to do with anything.

So how did Westmoreland do this when he was in Washington and Uncle Tom was in Detroit on the days in question?

Probably when Westmoreland had dinner in Detroit in February with Carson and others. When people are recalling things from their past, they often do this. It's not uncommon and it's not lying. You simply confuse two different events that are similar and perhaps remember something happening at one that actually happened at the other... it's just how our minds work when we recall things.

What the fuck does ANY of this have to do with being the President or tackling the many problems faced by Americans?

When you write a book 40 years later, you research it first. Apparently the research was not done in favor of name dropping or self-satisfaction.

I would love to hear Ben get specific about how he plans to tackle anything. So far there has been zilch
Obuthole is a perfect example.


What the fuck does ANY of this have to do with being the President or tackling the many problems faced by Americans?
This is the same guy who still defends the cop caught on video gunning down a guy from behind and planting evidence. So what do you expect?

Cops, Cook & Slager Shot Fleeing Suspect in the Back. Cook Hero; Slager Jailed | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I defended Slager before, AND I DEFEND HIM RIGHT NOW. And if you condemn him, YOU ARE AT FAULT for that. What Slager did was 100% appropriate and legal. He was arrested only to pacify (and pander to) idiot Blacks in that jurisdiction, who are incapable of seeing right form wrong. All they see is black and white.

This is going on all over America, helped by the Obama/Sharpton/Jackson/Crump race hustler campaign, and you're are either stupid enough , or evil enough, to accept it. Slager is a hero who was defending his community from a fleeing felon, as the law prescribed (Fleeing Felon rule).

And since you are the same one who condemned "the cop caught on video gunning down a guy from behind", what better would we expect from YOU ?

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