Does ANYONE Have Proof That Ben Carson Lied ? About Anything ?

No it just means that you are a hack liberal dupe who is going to be a complete hypocrite and doesn't apparently mind if the whole entire world knows it. I'm just helping expose you.

Carson didn't lie. Politico lied. Then they tried to cover it up and pretend they didn't lie. Then you all started nitpicking "scholarship" and "appointment" and took what Carson had said in his book completely out of context because you knew your gotcha story was in serious trouble. And now, you're back to trying to pretend the original charges that Politico redacted were true all along. Amazing. Absolutely Amazing. ...You really do believe Americans are that dumb?

50% of the GOP base supports either a Reality TV Rodeo Clown with a bad Comb-over or a self-promoting Uncle Tom who likes to make up stories.

Yes, some of you are that dumb.

Now, maybe he met Westmoreland on a different date, and maybe he didn't fully understand what an appointment to a military academy means. But combined with his other lies about stabbing his classmates and taking an "honesty' test in college for a course that never existed, and you know that there are reporters right now scrutinizing every page of "Healing Hands" looking for more of these sorts of things.

The real problem is the GOP has stopped being a serious political party.
No sir... He did not SAY he was offered an appointment. He said that Westmoreland told him with his academic qualifications he could get him an interview. He went on to explain how Westmoreland explained his tuition would be paid in full. Instead of repeating the complete precise details of this in another paragraph, he simply said 'offered a full scholarship' because those 4 words summarize the story presented in the previous paragraph.

The Left is trying to do what they do here all the time... twist and distort things out of context to make some smug sarcastic point that has nothing to do with anything.

So how did Westmoreland do this when he was in Washington and Uncle Tom was in Detroit on the days in question?

Probably when Westmoreland had dinner in Detroit in February with Carson and others. When people are recalling things from their past, they often do this. It's not uncommon and it's not lying. You simply confuse two different events that are similar and perhaps remember something happening at one that actually happened at the other... it's just how our minds work when we recall things.

What the fuck does ANY of this have to do with being the President or tackling the many problems faced by Americans?
Could be that Westmoreland wasn't referring to a scholarship as other universities grant them, but just said the words as an adjective phrase, to describe the tuition-free 4 years of college, that being how West Point characteristically operates.

It could be a lot of things but it can't be that he was offered a scholarship because they don't have one. And Westmoreland couldn't have offered it since he never met the guy according to Army records.

That's the lie. Also his crap about being a former bad ass is unverifiable AND protecting whites from a "mob of blacks" no one seems to remember that either.

You guys are get the full ride if you go to West Point....that is essentially what a scholarship is...and what you get when you go to West guys really are racists...

Ok, maybe he thought it was a scholarship. That's fine, but he said Westmoreland offered it and he had dinner with him and other Medal of Honor winners. That's cool except he never met Westmoreland according to records.

So maybe he thought the guy he never met offered something and he misunderstood. But since he never met him, that's impossible.
Now, maybe he met Westmoreland on a different date, and maybe he didn't fully understand what an appointment to a military academy means. But combined with his other lies about stabbing his classmates and taking an "honesty' test in college for a course that never existed, and you know that there are reporters right now scrutinizing every page of "Healing Hands" looking for more of these sorts of things.

This is not "reporting" and those doing the digging aren't journalists.
You guys are get the full ride if you go to West Point....that is essentially what a scholarship is...and what you get when you go to West guys really are racists...

except you don't get a scholarship to West point, you get an appointment.

Now maybe Carson didn't fully understand this when he was approached, but he should have gotten his facts straight before he applied.

He didn't apply appointment to West Point is essentially a morons....will use any means necessary to destroy a conservative black man...can't have him showing the blacks in the democrat party that they have been lied to all their lives.
Probably when Westmoreland had dinner in Detroit in February with Carson and others. When people are recalling things from their past, they often do this. It's not uncommon and it's not lying. You simply confuse two different events that are similar and perhaps remember something happening at one that actually happened at the other... it's just how our minds work when we recall things.

What the fuck does ANY of this have to do with being the President or tackling the many problems faced by Americans?

Again, it doesn't really track with the rest of his story, and it seems unlikely that Westy was trolling the JROTC for West Point when he was busy losing the Vietnam War.

If he had said this in an anecdote, that would be one thing. I'd give him the benefit of the doubt if he hadn't been caught lying about so many other things. But when you put it down in a book, then it really should be incumbant upon you to make sure you get the details correct.
Now, maybe he met Westmoreland on a different date, and maybe he didn't fully understand what an appointment to a military academy means. But combined with his other lies about stabbing his classmates and taking an "honesty' test in college for a course that never existed, and you know that there are reporters right now scrutinizing every page of "Healing Hands" looking for more of these sorts of things.

This is not "reporting" and those doing the digging aren't journalists.

Oh, I don't know. If the only rationale behind Carson's candidacy is his inspiring life story, a story he's been riding for years now, then maybe checking into it is appropriate and maybe long overdue.

The real problem is, no one asked these questions 10 years ago.

He didn't apply appointment to West Point is essentially a morons....will use any means necessary to destroy a conservative black man...can't have him showing the blacks in the democrat party that they have been lied to all their lives.

No, an appointment isn't a scholarship. it's an appointment. It requires you to do certain things, and requires certain things of you.

usually these black conservatives destroy themselves, when they stop being useful idiots for the Republicans.

Herman Cain, Alan Keyes, Clarance Thomas and now Ben Carson. "Yeah, Boss, them other Negros sure be shiftless... hey, why are you turning on me?"
You guys are get the full ride if you go to West Point....that is essentially what a scholarship is...and what you get when you go to West guys really are racists...

except you don't get a scholarship to West point, you get an appointment.

Now maybe Carson didn't fully understand this when he was approached, but he should have gotten his facts straight before he applied.

He didn't apply appointment to West Point is essentially a morons....will use any means necessary to destroy a conservative black man...can't have him showing the blacks in the democrat party that they have been lied to all their lives.
.an appointment to West Point is essentially a scholarship.


no 'scholarships' to the military academies , stop weaseling
Ok, maybe he thought it was a scholarship. That's fine, but he said Westmoreland offered it and he had dinner with him and other Medal of Honor winners. That's cool except he never met Westmoreland according to records.

So maybe he thought the guy he never met offered something and he misunderstood. But since he never met him, that's impossible.

Whenever someone is going to pay for your full college tuition, it is a scholarship. Appointments to West Point are made on academic scholarship all the time. The football players on Army's football team are offered scholarships from recruiters. They have to apply and be offered an appointment as the terms of their scholarship because it's a military academy and that is the procedure. 5-star generals can certainly offer scholarships and recommend appointments and West Point certainly does accept them most of the time.

The records do not show that Carson never met Westmoreland... that is a lie. Why do you people like to lie so much about so many things? He was there in February and had dinner with MOH winners including Carson.
we look for the type of person, his character, his honesty, his experience and his knowledge of the people we vote for.
Sorry, but Carson has no knowledge of politics, let alone international politics. He is more of an armchair quarterback than some of the people on this site or similar sites.
He has opinions, but not based on solid facts. You would think someone with his education would be more knowledgeable about common facts, and have a solid grasp of logic.

He comes across as a nice guy, but not the brightest.

THAT is why SO FUCKING MANY OF US LOVE HIM AND TRUMP, even CRUZ for standing up against the SAME OLD, SAME OLD...We see where the POLITICAL CLASS has put the nation, it's intolerable! These men of GENIUS inbusiness and scienc, DESERVE to show the MORONS that believe we need (LOBBYIST PAID FOR) Politicians to continue to FUCK America while stuffing their pockets!

And this post of Vigilantes is the winner so far!!!!!!!!!!! The establishment, Washington class from both sides of the aisle, are trying everything they can to bring down Trump, Carson, Cruz, and Fiorina. Why do you think the PAID lefty posters on here GLOW while supposedly trying to help US that Bush and Kasich with a little of Rubio is the way to go, lol.

They can NOT afford to have one of the outsiders as the GOP nominee, because if enough of the electorate are pissed (and they are) and Hilly loses, much of the Washington apparatus will be torn apart, and they can NOT have that.

They tell us Trump is a partial lefty. We know that, but unlike with Obama, we will get SOME things in exchange for what we give up. We believe he will at least TRY to do what he says. Same with Carson. Same with Cruz. And also, Fiorina.

They are after Carson this week, last week it was Trump. If they have their way, next week it will be Cruz and Fiorina, and we pissed off people will be left with Hilly against Jeb or Kasich if they succeed.

That is what they really want, 2 establishment candidates, so that no matter who/whom wins, Washington retains its power. Unless we Americans tell them to "stick it," NOTHING much is going to change except your tax rate, (up) and Americas indebtedness. (up-up, and away) Don't let these people do this to America. Put up an outsider, and lets see if their polls are as they were in Kentucky-)
You guys are get the full ride if you go to West Point....that is essentially what a scholarship is...and what you get when you go to West guys really are racists...

except you don't get a scholarship to West point, you get an appointment.

Now maybe Carson didn't fully understand this when he was approached, but he should have gotten his facts straight before he applied.

He didn't apply appointment to West Point is essentially a morons....will use any means necessary to destroy a conservative black man...can't have him showing the blacks in the democrat party that they have been lied to all their lives.

you have to apply to get into one of the service academies

Admissions - Apply
The records do not show that Carson never met Westmoreland... that is a lie. Why do you people like to lie so much about so many things? He was there in February and had dinner with MOH winners including Carson.

Carson said it was at the end of school year when they had a surprise guest, Westmoreland and his entourage, who he had dinner with and was offered the scholarship. When checked with the Army their records show he was no where near Detroit at that time.

So you tell me, what am I lying about. Be specific.
Does ANYONE have proof that Ben Carson lied ? About anything ? If so, let's hear it. So far I haven't seen a shred of evidence to make that kind of conclusion. I don't see anything wrong with Ben Carson's statement about Westmorland, the words "full scholarship" and West Point. Could be that Westmoreland wasn't referring to a scholarship as other universities grant them, but just said the words as an adjective phrase, to describe the tuition-free 4 years of college, that being how West Point characteristically operates.

This looks to me like liberal media bias, and Politico has been suspected of that before. In 2011 and 2012, The Daily Caller, Mediaite, and, each published stories saying that has a liberal bias.

I think all this blabber going on about Carson is just an attempt to take him down, a smear campaign by liberals who fear his nomination could take the Black vote (critical to Democrats) away from Hillary Clinton, or whoever the Democrat candidate is. Likewise, establishment GOP aren't friendly to Carson (an outsider) and they too have been talking about his stories being "unverifiable."

Since when is unverifiable equal to false ? I don't think so. And if you have stories to tell that are very old and can't be verified, that's supposed to mean you can't talk about those things ? Since when ? This is poppycock.

They fear Carson...that is why they are going after him.......he is everything that proves the lie of the democrats......they can't have a successful black man become President...if he isn't controlled by the racist democrat party....

that's it in a nut shell. they can't have him getting his message out to black people and they might see how things could be better and that the Democrat party has LIED to them for years
He tells it in the context of his rapid rise through high school Army ROTC, which ended with him as the top-ranking cadet in Detroit.

“I was offered a full scholarship to West Point,” Carson wrote in his 1990 memoir, “Gifted Hands.” “I didn’t refuse the scholarship outright, but I let them know that a military career wasn’t where I saw myself going. As overjoyed as I felt to be offered such a scholarship, I wasn’t really tempted. The scholarship would have obligated me to spend four years in military service after I finished college, precluding my chances to go on to medical school.”

New front-runner Ben Carson faces closer scrutiny of his life story
Does ANYONE have proof that Ben Carson lied ? About anything ? If so, let's hear it. So far I haven't seen a shred of evidence to make that kind of conclusion. I don't see anything wrong with Ben Carson's statement about Westmorland, the words "full scholarship" and West Point. Could be that Westmoreland wasn't referring to a scholarship as other universities grant them, but just said the words as an adjective phrase, to describe the tuition-free 4 years of college, that being how West Point characteristically operates.

This looks to me like liberal media bias, and Politico has been suspected of that before. In 2011 and 2012, The Daily Caller, Mediaite, and, each published stories saying that has a liberal bias.

I think all this blabber going on about Carson is just an attempt to take him down, a smear campaign by liberals who fear his nomination could take the Black vote (critical to Democrats) away from Hillary Clinton, or whoever the Democrat candidate is. Likewise, establishment GOP aren't friendly to Carson (an outsider) and they too have been talking about his stories being "unverifiable."

Since when is unverifiable equal to false ? I don't think so. And if you have stories to tell that are very old and can't be verified, that's supposed to mean you can't talk about those things ? Since when ? This is poppycock.

They fear Carson...that is why they are going after him.......he is everything that proves the lie of the democrats......they can't have a successful black man become President...if he isn't controlled by the racist democrat party....

that's it in a nut shell. they can't have him getting his message out to black people and they might see how things could be better and that the Democrat party has LIED to them for years
that's it in a nut shell. they can't have him getting his message out to black people and they might see how things could be better

yea the white christian party is so inclusive of blacks

He tells it in the context of his rapid rise through high school Army ROTC, which ended with him as the top-ranking cadet in Detroit.

“I was offered a full scholarship to West Point,” Carson wrote in his 1990 memoir, “Gifted Hands.” “I didn’t refuse the scholarship outright, but I let them know that a military career wasn’t where I saw myself going. As overjoyed as I felt to be offered such a scholarship, I wasn’t really tempted. The scholarship would have obligated me to spend four years in military service after I finished college, precluding my chances to go on to medical school.”

New front-runner Ben Carson faces closer scrutiny of his life story
as I felt to be offered such a scholarship

no such thing as a scholarship to a military academy. when you are accepted you agree to serve after graduation
yea the white christian party is so inclusive of blacks


Using pictures from 60 years ago, means you have no credible point. FAIL!!!!

And there is no "white christian party". There is only an ANTI-White, ANTI-Christian party (AKA the Democratic Party)
that's it in a nut shell. they can't have him getting his message out to black people and they might see how things could be better and that the Democrat party has LIED to them for years
Exactly right, Stephanie. And one of their biggest lies is that they will help the American Blacks and Hispanics, while they simultaneously, deprive those minorities of jobs and services, by allowing millions of foreigners into the country, legally and illegally. And Hillary has threatened to be even worse on this than Obama. No doubt she would, if given the chance.
Ok, maybe he thought it was a scholarship. That's fine, but he said Westmoreland offered it and he had dinner with him and other Medal of Honor winners. That's cool except he never met Westmoreland according to records.

So maybe he thought the guy he never met offered something and he misunderstood. But since he never met him, that's impossible.

FALSE!!! There is no such thing as a record saying that somebody never met somebody. That's impossible. There could be a record of 2 people having met, but there cannot be one of 2 people never having met.

Also, the CNN article I linked to earlier substantiated that Westmoreland and Carson could have met at a dinner at another time (which Carson could easily have gotten the dates and occurances mixed up after 46 years (almost half a CENTURY) Actually, they could met met anywhere, anytime.

In trying to derail Carson's candidacy. the media is saying some really stupid things. Carson's right. They are absolutely desperate to stop him.
Does ANYONE have proof that Ben Carson lied ? About anything ? If so, let's hear it. So far I haven't seen a shred of evidence to make that kind of conclusion. I don't see anything wrong with Ben Carson's statement about Westmorland, the words "full scholarship" and West Point. Could be that Westmoreland wasn't referring to a scholarship as other universities grant them, but just said the words as an adjective phrase, to describe the tuition-free 4 years of college, that being how West Point characteristically operates.

This looks to me like liberal media bias, and Politico has been suspected of that before. In 2011 and 2012, The Daily Caller, Mediaite, and, each published stories saying that has a liberal bias.

I think all this blabber going on about Carson is just an attempt to take him down, a smear campaign by liberals who fear his nomination could take the Black vote (critical to Democrats) away from Hillary Clinton, or whoever the Democrat candidate is. Likewise, establishment GOP aren't friendly to Carson (an outsider) and they too have been talking about his stories being "unverifiable."

Since when is unverifiable equal to false ? I don't think so. And if you have stories to tell that are very old and can't be verified, that's supposed to mean you can't talk about those things ? Since when ? This is poppycock.

He said Gen Westmoreland was in Detroit (and met with him) when he wasn't in Detroit.

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