Does ANYONE Have Proof That Ben Carson Lied ? About Anything ?

Tell you the truth I don't care about someone making more of something in their Books. Obama whole life was manufactured in his pathetic books, two of them on himself

What I do care about is when they get Elected and lies by saying he will have the most transparent administration ever to get Elected, and then WINS lie of the year in order to put a MONSTER Government entitlement off on ours and our CHILDRENS backs.

Carson isn't my pick but what this media is doing to him is the same thing to do to all Republicans, look what they did to Mrs.Palin.

wake up people. make your own minds. the more they whip up on Republicans the less they have to talk about that CORRUPTED Hillary or that party filled with liars like Obama

You conservative shit for brains just tickle the fuck out of me. The only gotdamned time you nuts give a rats fuck about your damned grandkids and the fuckin government is when a democrat is in the white house....that's the only time you diaper wearing shit heads start whining. Never mind Bush, Reagan and Ford all left huge fuckin deficits when they left office...huge one's and not once do you diaper babies cry about your damned grandkids. Grow a fuckin pair and shut up!!
White? Who?

Uh, yous a brother? My bad!!

I'm not your brother. Racist.

Pay attention to what I said fool. I didn't say you was my brother, I asked we're you a brother, as if I give a the next time you send for me, make it worth my time or fuck off, either way, I don't care.

Yes, we all know what "brother" is dog whistle speak for. Don't call me a fool because you don't know how the English language works. That's your problem of being a moron.

Send for you? :rofl: AS IF! lol
White? Who?

Uh, yous a brother? My bad!!

I'm not your brother. Racist.

Pay attention to what I said fool. I didn't say you was my brother, I asked we're you a brother, as if I give a the next time you send for me, make it worth my time or fuck off, either way, I don't care.

Yes, we all know what "brother" is dog whistle speak for. Don't call me a fool because you don't know how the English language works. That's your problem of being a moron.

Send for you? :rofl: AS IF! lol

Listen, clearly your bored and if you are a black guy, I'm certain Becky is at work, while you sit on your ass at home on the computer, so I get your need to want to pick a fight with anybody until Becky brings home her paycheck, again I get it...but here's gotdamned dollar,
, now go find and pay somebody that gives a damn about and what the fuck your talking about....cause damit I don' bye.
White? Who?

Uh, yous a brother? My bad!!

I'm not your brother. Racist.

Pay attention to what I said fool. I didn't say you was my brother, I asked we're you a brother, as if I give a the next time you send for me, make it worth my time or fuck off, either way, I don't care.

Yes, we all know what "brother" is dog whistle speak for. Don't call me a fool because you don't know how the English language works. That's your problem of being a moron.

Send for you? :rofl: AS IF! lol

Listen, clearly your bored and if you are a black guy, I'm certain Becky is at work, while you sit on your ass at home on the computer, so I get your need to want to pick a fight with anybody until Becky brings home her paycheck, again I get it...but here's gotdamned dollar,View attachment 54166, now go find and pay somebody that gives a damn about and what the fuck your talking about....cause damit I don' bye.

I never said I was a black guy. You assumed that because I questioned you calling me white. What your racist ass didn't consider is all the other colors in the box besides black and white. You further failed to realize your little rant about me laying around waiting on my woman to bring home the paycheck is a racist stereotype. And that pretty much explains all we need to know about you.

Yes, goodbye racist... good riddance.... take your dollar with you!
Come on... Really??? You're going to nitpick the use of the word "scholarship" as opposed to "appointment" just because it's a military academy? And THAT is the basis of this "LIE" Carson told? ...YOU'RE the one grabbing at straws, idiot!

Carson didn't lie, this is all a bunch of bullshit over nothing, Politico lied, Democrats have lied.. but they lie every day... and we've now spent the majority of a week discussing something completely irrelevant to ANYTHING!

Well, no, it's not just the difference between "scholarship" and "Appointment". It's the fact he claimed to have met with a person whom public records show was not in Detroit on the dates in question. It's that he claimed to have this appointment offered to him, but the institution in question has no record of him ever being considered.

And it's all the other things this guy has been caught lying about. Not to mention saying crazy things about pyramids being grain silos.

But you crazy people on the left think this is the politics of the future. Organize concerted efforts to mobilize bloggers and media outlets to intensely focus on some trumped up story and destroy opponents through outright slander and misrepresentation. No need to have debate on the issues when you can destroy your opponent this way, it's so much more efficient.

This is the problem when you guys fall in love with a celebrity rather than a guy who has been in the political arena rolling up his sleeves and getting the hard work done. The thing is, Hillary Clinton has been vetted. Jeb Bush has been vetted. Marco Rubio has been vetted. We know these people, we know their life stories.

Let's review. The only reason why you guys love Uncle Tom Carson is because he rudely criticized Obama at a prayer breakfast he was invited to. It makes you all feel better about your racism against Obama because you found and Uncle Tom to tell you how shiftless he is.

And then we find out how shiftless Carson is. He felt the need to make stuff up, even though there was no real good reason to. His actual story is actually pretty impressive. But that narrative is "Poor black kid given opportunity through liberal affirmative action, makes good" isn't one wingnuts pay $1000 a plate to hear.

And it's impressive, this propaganda machine you've built... it really is. I've never seen anything like this in my life. For a week, we've been completely paralyzed by the constant droning of Carson and West Point questions. No one is talking about the debt ceiling. No one is talking about amnesty for illegals. No one is talking about the XL pipeline... or Hillary's FBI probe... all of it has been shoved to the back burner for now so that we can destroy Ben Carson's character through slanderous accusations.

Guy, we've been talking about HIllary's FBI probe for weeks now. The reason it's on the back burner is because you guys can't make the claims stick. No one is talking about the XL Pipeline because, frankly, that died years ago when the Koch Brothers failed to shove it down our throats before anyone considered the implications.

The reason why Carson is top news now is because he finally cracked the frontrunner status in the GOP nominating field, and someone should probably actually look into him. Most of these stories have been perculating for months or years. It's just people are finally paying attention now.
Uh, yous a brother? My bad!!

I'm not your brother. Racist.

Pay attention to what I said fool. I didn't say you was my brother, I asked we're you a brother, as if I give a the next time you send for me, make it worth my time or fuck off, either way, I don't care.

Yes, we all know what "brother" is dog whistle speak for. Don't call me a fool because you don't know how the English language works. That's your problem of being a moron.

Send for you? :rofl: AS IF! lol

Listen, clearly your bored and if you are a black guy, I'm certain Becky is at work, while you sit on your ass at home on the computer, so I get your need to want to pick a fight with anybody until Becky brings home her paycheck, again I get it...but here's gotdamned dollar,View attachment 54166, now go find and pay somebody that gives a damn about and what the fuck your talking about....cause damit I don' bye.

I never said I was a black guy. You assumed that because I questioned you calling me white. What your racist ass didn't consider is all the other colors in the box besides black and white. You further failed to realize your little rant about me laying around waiting on my woman to bring home the paycheck is a racist stereotype. And that pretty much explains all we need to know about you.

Yes, goodbye racist... good riddance.... take your dollar with you!
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, clearly she's not home with her check, because all night you've miss read my post...I said IF you are a black man, but here's the deal, fuck off and good bye!!
Well, no, it's not just the difference between "scholarship" and "Appointment". It's the fact he claimed to have met with a person whom public records show was not in Detroit on the dates in question. It's that he claimed to have this appointment offered to him, but the institution in question has no record of him ever being considered.

No sir... He did not SAY he was offered an appointment. He said that Westmoreland told him with his academic qualifications he could get him an interview. He went on to explain how Westmoreland explained his tuition would be paid in full. Instead of repeating the complete precise details of this in another paragraph, he simply said 'offered a full scholarship' because those 4 words summarize the story presented in the previous paragraph.

The Left is trying to do what they do here all the time... twist and distort things out of context to make some smug sarcastic point that has nothing to do with anything.
I'm not your brother. Racist.

Pay attention to what I said fool. I didn't say you was my brother, I asked we're you a brother, as if I give a the next time you send for me, make it worth my time or fuck off, either way, I don't care.

Yes, we all know what "brother" is dog whistle speak for. Don't call me a fool because you don't know how the English language works. That's your problem of being a moron.

Send for you? :rofl: AS IF! lol

Listen, clearly your bored and if you are a black guy, I'm certain Becky is at work, while you sit on your ass at home on the computer, so I get your need to want to pick a fight with anybody until Becky brings home her paycheck, again I get it...but here's gotdamned dollar,View attachment 54166, now go find and pay somebody that gives a damn about and what the fuck your talking about....cause damit I don' bye.

I never said I was a black guy. You assumed that because I questioned you calling me white. What your racist ass didn't consider is all the other colors in the box besides black and white. You further failed to realize your little rant about me laying around waiting on my woman to bring home the paycheck is a racist stereotype. And that pretty much explains all we need to know about you.

Yes, goodbye racist... good riddance.... take your dollar with you!
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, clearly she's not home with her check, because all night you've miss read my post...I said IF you are a black man, but here's the deal, fuck off and good bye!!

I thought you were gone to clean your klan sheets, punk? Why are you still here?
Pay attention to what I said fool. I didn't say you was my brother, I asked we're you a brother, as if I give a the next time you send for me, make it worth my time or fuck off, either way, I don't care.

Yes, we all know what "brother" is dog whistle speak for. Don't call me a fool because you don't know how the English language works. That's your problem of being a moron.

Send for you? :rofl: AS IF! lol

Listen, clearly your bored and if you are a black guy, I'm certain Becky is at work, while you sit on your ass at home on the computer, so I get your need to want to pick a fight with anybody until Becky brings home her paycheck, again I get it...but here's gotdamned dollar,View attachment 54166, now go find and pay somebody that gives a damn about and what the fuck your talking about....cause damit I don' bye.

I never said I was a black guy. You assumed that because I questioned you calling me white. What your racist ass didn't consider is all the other colors in the box besides black and white. You further failed to realize your little rant about me laying around waiting on my woman to bring home the paycheck is a racist stereotype. And that pretty much explains all we need to know about you.

Yes, goodbye racist... good riddance.... take your dollar with you!
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, clearly she's not home with her check, because all night you've miss read my post...I said IF you are a black man, but here's the deal, fuck off and good bye!!

I thought you were gone to clean your klan sheets, punk? Why are you still here?

Gotdamit, what time does that bitch get home, I'm tired of your black, green, yellow, white, blue, purple pink ass???
The trouble with habitual liars and story tellers like Carson is that it is difficult to tell where the lies and exaggerations stop and the truth begins. You just don't know what you can believe or have to shrug off as just another lie or exaggerated story.
The trouble with habitual liars and story tellers like Carson is that it is difficult to tell where the lies and exaggerations stop and the truth begins. You just don't know what you can believe or have to shrug off as just another lie or exaggerated story.

Except that we know he didn't lie and Politico did. We also know that Hillary is Queen of Habitual Liars and has certification from the FBI on that.
The trouble with habitual liars and story tellers like Carson is that it is difficult to tell where the lies and exaggerations stop and the truth begins. You just don't know what you can believe or have to shrug off as just another lie or exaggerated story.

Except that we know he didn't lie and Politico did. We also know that Hillary is Queen of Habitual Liars and has certification from the FBI on that.
You miss the part where I mention "exaggerated story". You also miss the point of "...don't know what you can believe...". Of course, deflecting to Hillary is lame when the topic of the thread is Carson. It just means your defense of Carson is weak and you are unable to defend him without deflecting and diverting attention away from him and the facts about his story-telling.
No sir... He did not SAY he was offered an appointment. He said that Westmoreland told him with his academic qualifications he could get him an interview. He went on to explain how Westmoreland explained his tuition would be paid in full. Instead of repeating the complete precise details of this in another paragraph, he simply said 'offered a full scholarship' because those 4 words summarize the story presented in the previous paragraph.

The Left is trying to do what they do here all the time... twist and distort things out of context to make some smug sarcastic point that has nothing to do with anything.

So how did Westmoreland do this when he was in Washington and Uncle Tom was in Detroit on the days in question?
Does ANYONE have proof that Ben Carson lied ? About anything ? If so, let's hear it. So far I haven't seen a shred of evidence to make that kind of conclusion. I don't see anything wrong with Ben Carson's statement about Westmorland, the words "full scholarship" and West Point. Could be that Westmoreland wasn't referring to a scholarship as other universities grant them, but just said the words as an adjective phrase, to describe the tuition-free 4 years of college, that being how West Point characteristically operates.

This looks to me like liberal media bias, and Politico has been suspected of that before. In 2011 and 2012, The Daily Caller, Mediaite, and, each published stories saying that has a liberal bias.

I think all this blabber going on about Carson is just an attempt to take him down, a smear campaign by liberals who fear his nomination could take the Black vote (critical to Democrats) away from Hillary Clinton, or whoever the Democrat candidate is. Likewise, establishment GOP aren't friendly to Carson (an outsider) and they too have been talking about his stories being "unverifiable."

Since when is unverifiable equal to false ? I don't think so. And if you have stories to tell that are very old and can't be verified, that's supposed to mean you can't talk about those things ? Since when ? This is poppycock.

They fear Carson...that is why they are going after him.......he is everything that proves the lie of the democrats......they can't have a successful black man become President...if he isn't controlled by the racist democrat party....
Could be that Westmoreland wasn't referring to a scholarship as other universities grant them, but just said the words as an adjective phrase, to describe the tuition-free 4 years of college, that being how West Point characteristically operates.

It could be a lot of things but it can't be that he was offered a scholarship because they don't have one. And Westmoreland couldn't have offered it since he never met the guy according to Army records.

That's the lie. Also his crap about being a former bad ass is unverifiable AND protecting whites from a "mob of blacks" no one seems to remember that either.

You guys are get the full ride if you go to West Point....that is essentially what a scholarship is...and what you get when you go to West guys really are racists...
You guys are get the full ride if you go to West Point....that is essentially what a scholarship is...and what you get when you go to West guys really are racists...

except you don't get a scholarship to West point, you get an appointment.

Now maybe Carson didn't fully understand this when he was approached, but he should have gotten his facts straight before he applied.
They fear Carson...that is why they are going after him.......he is everything that proves the lie of the democrats......they can't have a successful black man become President...if he isn't controlled by the racist democrat party....

Except that isn't true. Ben Carson's story is one that Democratic principles of promoting equality and affirmative action work.

The trouble with habitual liars and story tellers like Carson is that it is difficult to tell where the lies and exaggerations stop and the truth begins. You just don't know what you can believe or have to shrug off as just another lie or exaggerated story.

Except that we know he didn't lie and Politico did. We also know that Hillary is Queen of Habitual Liars and has certification from the FBI on that.
You miss the part where I mention "exaggerated story". You also miss the point of "...don't know what you can believe...". Of course, deflecting to Hillary is lame when the topic of the thread is Carson. It just means your defense of Carson is weak and you are unable to defend him without deflecting and diverting attention away from him and the facts about his story-telling.

No it just means that you are a hack liberal dupe who is going to be a complete hypocrite and doesn't apparently mind if the whole entire world knows it. I'm just helping expose you.

Carson didn't lie. Politico lied. Then they tried to cover it up and pretend they didn't lie. Then you all started nitpicking "scholarship" and "appointment" and took what Carson had said in his book completely out of context because you knew your gotcha story was in serious trouble. And now, you're back to trying to pretend the original charges that Politico redacted were true all along. Amazing. Absolutely Amazing. ...You really do believe Americans are that dumb?
The trouble with habitual liars and story tellers like Carson is that it is difficult to tell where the lies and exaggerations stop and the truth begins. You just don't know what you can believe or have to shrug off as just another lie or exaggerated story.

Except that we know he didn't lie and Politico did. We also know that Hillary is Queen of Habitual Liars and has certification from the FBI on that.
You miss the part where I mention "exaggerated story". You also miss the point of "...don't know what you can believe...". Of course, deflecting to Hillary is lame when the topic of the thread is Carson. It just means your defense of Carson is weak and you are unable to defend him without deflecting and diverting attention away from him and the facts about his story-telling.

No it just means that you are a hack liberal dupe who is going to be a complete hypocrite and doesn't apparently mind if the whole entire world knows it. I'm just helping expose you.

Carson didn't lie. Politico lied. Then they tried to cover it up and pretend they didn't lie. Then you all started nitpicking "scholarship" and "appointment" and took what Carson had said in his book completely out of context because you knew your gotcha story was in serious trouble. And now, you're back to trying to pretend the original charges that Politico redacted were true all along. Amazing. Absolutely Amazing. ...You really do believe Americans are that dumb?
Absolutely Americans are that dumb. They took 30,000 casualties in a search for wmds. Next question?

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