Does ANYONE Have Proof That Ben Carson Lied ? About Anything ?

You are grabbing at straws. The word Scholarship has a specific meaning, and if Carson is as smart as he claims, he knows what the meaning is.
He wasn't the one using the word. Westmoreland was. He's just repeating Westmoreland. You got a tape showing different ? Come back when you do. This thread is over anyway. We're all repeating ourselves. Time to move on.
This thread has gone far enough now for a CONCLUSION to to be made. And that conclusion is that >>NO, the loudmouth, idiots trying to wage a smear campaign against Ben Carson Do NOT Have Proof That Ben Carson Lied. Not About Anything.

End of Thread.
A scholarship was never offered. He was told he could probably go if he wanted to, but that is as far as it went. Even though he plainly claimed he was offered a scholarship, there was never one offered. West Point doesn't even have a record of him applying.
Nobody ever said there was. And nobody ever said that Carson did apply. "Scholarship"was just an informal way that Westmoreland described West Point's free tuition scenario. That is what Carson presented here. You can't prove that wasn't the case.

You are grabbing at straws. The word Scholarship has a specific meaning, and if Carson is as smart as he claims, he knows what the meaning is.

Come on... Really??? You're going to nitpick the use of the word "scholarship" as opposed to "appointment" just because it's a military academy? And THAT is the basis of this "LIE" Carson told? ...YOU'RE the one grabbing at straws, idiot!

Carson didn't lie, this is all a bunch of bullshit over nothing, Politico lied, Democrats have lied.. but they lie every day... and we've now spent the majority of a week discussing something completely irrelevant to ANYTHING!

But you crazy people on the left think this is the politics of the future. Organize concerted efforts to mobilize bloggers and media outlets to intensely focus on some trumped up story and destroy opponents through outright slander and misrepresentation. No need to have debate on the issues when you can destroy your opponent this way, it's so much more efficient.

And it's impressive, this propaganda machine you've built... it really is. I've never seen anything like this in my life. For a week, we've been completely paralyzed by the constant droning of Carson and West Point questions. No one is talking about the debt ceiling. No one is talking about amnesty for illegals. No one is talking about the XL pipeline... or Hillary's FBI probe... all of it has been shoved to the back burner for now so that we can destroy Ben Carson's character through slanderous accusations.
It wouldn`t be the first time we watched a politician`s character destroyed through slanderous accusations. They did the same thing to John Kerry.
Does ANYONE have proof that Ben Carson lied ? About anything ? If so, let's hear it. So far I haven't seen a shred of evidence to make that kind of conclusion. I don't see anything wrong with Ben Carson's statement about Westmorland, the words "full scholarship" and West Point. Could be that Westmoreland wasn't referring to a scholarship as other universities grant them, but just said the words as an adjective phrase, to describe the tuition-free 4 years of college, that being how West Point characteristically operates.

This looks to me like liberal media bias, and Politico has been suspected of that before. In 2011 and 2012, The Daily Caller, Mediaite, and, each published stories saying that has a liberal bias.

I think all this blabber going on about Carson is just an attempt to take him down, a smear campaign by liberals who fear his nomination could take the Black vote (critical to Democrats) away from Hillary Clinton, or whoever the Democrat candidate is. Likewise, establishment GOP aren't friendly to Carson (an outsider) and they too have been talking about his stories being "unverifiable."

Since when is unverifiable equal to false ? I don't think so. And if you have stories to tell that are very old and can't be verified, that's supposed to mean you can't talk about those things ? Since when ? This is poppycock.

Question? Did his lips move? If they did, there's your proof!! Next stupid question?
A scholarship was never offered. He was told he could probably go if he wanted to, but that is as far as it went. Even though he plainly claimed he was offered a scholarship, there was never one offered. West Point doesn't even have a record of him applying.
Nobody ever said there was. And nobody ever said that Carson did apply. "Scholarship"was just an informal way that Westmoreland described West Point's free tuition scenario. That is what Carson presented here. You can't prove that wasn't the case.

You are grabbing at straws. The word Scholarship has a specific meaning, and if Carson is as smart as he claims, he knows what the meaning is.

Come on... Really??? You're going to nitpick the use of the word "scholarship" as opposed to "appointment" just because it's a military academy? And THAT is the basis of this "LIE" Carson told? ...YOU'RE the one grabbing at straws, idiot!

Carson didn't lie, this is all a bunch of bullshit over nothing, Politico lied, Democrats have lied.. but they lie every day... and we've now spent the majority of a week discussing something completely irrelevant to ANYTHING!

But you crazy people on the left think this is the politics of the future. Organize concerted efforts to mobilize bloggers and media outlets to intensely focus on some trumped up story and destroy opponents through outright slander and misrepresentation. No need to have debate on the issues when you can destroy your opponent this way, it's so much more efficient.

And it's impressive, this propaganda machine you've built... it really is. I've never seen anything like this in my life. For a week, we've been completely paralyzed by the constant droning of Carson and West Point questions. No one is talking about the debt ceiling. No one is talking about amnesty for illegals. No one is talking about the XL pipeline... or Hillary's FBI probe... all of it has been shoved to the back burner for now so that we can destroy Ben Carson's character through slanderous accusations.

Never thought I'd see the day, two white guy debating the love for a black man...carry on, its getting interesting!!
This thread has gone far enough now for a CONCLUSION to to be made. And that conclusion is that >>NO, the loudmouth, idiots trying to wage a smear campaign against Ben Carson Do NOT Have Proof That Ben Carson Lied. Not About Anything.

End of Thread.

I's says when its quitin time!!
Ben Carson's fraudulent activity while on Costco board
Complaint: Ben Carson Saved Real Money at Costco Approving Stock Options Fraud

...."while serving on Costco’s board from 2002 to 2005, Ben Carson was accused of granting over 1.01 million shares worth of illegally backdated stock options...

.....All told, the beneficiaries of this scheme allegedly wrested over $173 million away from the company in pumped-up stock sales and unrecorded compensation during the 10-year-period covered by the two civil suits.

.......Carson himself allegedly personally benefited from the falsified options. According to the complaint, the concealment of the backdating scheme led to the misrepresentation of Costco’s actual net income, its shareholders’ equity, and the full tax obligations involved—and all this had the ancillary benefit of artificially inflating Costco’s stock price. In April 2006, Carson sold roughly 12,000 shares of the company at this elevated price, netting $655,460 in what was alleged in the operative complaint to be, effectively, insider trading (just one of the many charges leveled against him by the plaintiffs).
Ben Carson's fraudulent activity while on Costco board
Complaint: Ben Carson Saved Real Money at Costco Approving Stock Options Fraud

...."while serving on Costco’s board from 2002 to 2005, Ben Carson was accused of granting over 1.01 million shares worth of illegally backdated stock options...

.....All told, the beneficiaries of this scheme allegedly wrested over $173 million away from the company in pumped-up stock sales and unrecorded compensation during the 10-year-period covered by the two civil suits.

.......Carson himself allegedly personally benefited from the falsified options. According to the complaint, the concealment of the backdating scheme led to the misrepresentation of Costco’s actual net income, its shareholders’ equity, and the full tax obligations involved—and all this had the ancillary benefit of artificially inflating Costco’s stock price. In April 2006, Carson sold roughly 12,000 shares of the company at this elevated price, netting $655,460 in what was alleged in the operative complaint to be, effectively, insider trading (just one of the many charges leveled against him by the plaintiffs).

We all know the guy is messy, the GOP knows he's messy,....but they need this the Klan needs white sheets.
A scholarship was never offered. He was told he could probably go if he wanted to, but that is as far as it went. Even though he plainly claimed he was offered a scholarship, there was never one offered. West Point doesn't even have a record of him applying.
Nobody ever said there was. And nobody ever said that Carson did apply. "Scholarship"was just an informal way that Westmoreland described West Point's free tuition scenario. That is what Carson presented here. You can't prove that wasn't the case.

You are grabbing at straws. The word Scholarship has a specific meaning, and if Carson is as smart as he claims, he knows what the meaning is.

Come on... Really??? You're going to nitpick the use of the word "scholarship" as opposed to "appointment" just because it's a military academy? And THAT is the basis of this "LIE" Carson told? ...YOU'RE the one grabbing at straws, idiot!

Carson didn't lie, this is all a bunch of bullshit over nothing, Politico lied, Democrats have lied.. but they lie every day... and we've now spent the majority of a week discussing something completely irrelevant to ANYTHING!

But you crazy people on the left think this is the politics of the future. Organize concerted efforts to mobilize bloggers and media outlets to intensely focus on some trumped up story and destroy opponents through outright slander and misrepresentation. No need to have debate on the issues when you can destroy your opponent this way, it's so much more efficient.

And it's impressive, this propaganda machine you've built... it really is. I've never seen anything like this in my life. For a week, we've been completely paralyzed by the constant droning of Carson and West Point questions. No one is talking about the debt ceiling. No one is talking about amnesty for illegals. No one is talking about the XL pipeline... or Hillary's FBI probe... all of it has been shoved to the back burner for now so that we can destroy Ben Carson's character through slanderous accusations.

Never thought I'd see the day, two white guy debating the love for a black man...carry on, its getting interesting!!View attachment 54161

Got nothing to do with color. It's got to do with integrity.
"Does ANYONE Have Proof That Ben Carson Lied ? About Anything ?"

And yet another rightist fails to get it.

The accusations aren't the issue.

The issue is Carson's mishandling of the accusations, whether they're true or not.

And Carson has clearly demonstrated he's not fit to be president.

Consequently, your attempt to defend Carson is unwarranted – you're seeking to defend someone who has no business being president, regardless his position on the issues.
Ben Carson's fraudulent activity while on Costco board
Complaint: Ben Carson Saved Real Money at Costco Approving Stock Options Fraud

...."while serving on Costco’s board from 2002 to 2005, Ben Carson was accused of granting over 1.01 million shares worth of illegally backdated stock options...

.....All told, the beneficiaries of this scheme allegedly wrested over $173 million away from the company in pumped-up stock sales and unrecorded compensation during the 10-year-period covered by the two civil suits.

.......Carson himself allegedly personally benefited from the falsified options. According to the complaint, the concealment of the backdating scheme led to the misrepresentation of Costco’s actual net income, its shareholders’ equity, and the full tax obligations involved—and all this had the ancillary benefit of artificially inflating Costco’s stock price. In April 2006, Carson sold roughly 12,000 shares of the company at this elevated price, netting $655,460 in what was alleged in the operative complaint to be, effectively, insider trading (just one of the many charges leveled against him by the plaintiffs).

We all know the guy is messy, the GOP knows he's messy,....but they need this the Klan needs white sheets.

Doesn't matter.He won't be there till the end.
Ben Carson's fraudulent activity while on Costco board
Complaint: Ben Carson Saved Real Money at Costco Approving Stock Options Fraud

...."while serving on Costco’s board from 2002 to 2005, Ben Carson was accused of granting over 1.01 million shares worth of illegally backdated stock options...

.....All told, the beneficiaries of this scheme allegedly wrested over $173 million away from the company in pumped-up stock sales and unrecorded compensation during the 10-year-period covered by the two civil suits.

.......Carson himself allegedly personally benefited from the falsified options. According to the complaint, the concealment of the backdating scheme led to the misrepresentation of Costco’s actual net income, its shareholders’ equity, and the full tax obligations involved—and all this had the ancillary benefit of artificially inflating Costco’s stock price. In April 2006, Carson sold roughly 12,000 shares of the company at this elevated price, netting $655,460 in what was alleged in the operative complaint to be, effectively, insider trading (just one of the many charges leveled against him by the plaintiffs).

We all know the guy is messy, the GOP knows he's messy,....but they need this the Klan needs white sheets.

Doesn't matter.He won't be there till the end.

When I think of for the first time in a very long time, the GOP finally have some people running with some real knowledge, real brains, like Bush and Rubio and a couple of others and instead of embracing these people, they want to attach themselves to two narcissistic self serving buffoons, just baffle the fuck out of me...but the GOP is notorious for embracing dumb motherfuckers...its in their DNA, I suppose
"Does ANYONE Have Proof That Ben Carson Lied ? About Anything ?"

And yet another rightist fails to get it.

The accusations aren't the issue.

The issue is Carson's mishandling of the accusations, whether they're true or not.

And Carson has clearly demonstrated he's not fit to be president.

Consequently, your attempt to defend Carson is unwarranted – you're seeking to defend someone who has no business being president, regardless his position on the issues.

What??? This is the most absolutely craziest shit I've ever heard... So it doesn't matter that the accusations are true, now it's about how Carson has handled a week of nothing but a bombardment of questions about these accusations? Have you lost your goddamn mind?

And what the hell is he supposed to have done wrong in his handling of these lies? And what the hell do you think he should've done? Oh, let me guess... he should have resigned from the race, apologized for being a conservative and run find some liberal ass to suck? Or maybe he should have just committed suicide out of the shame of being a black conservative? Then... MAYbe... you could give him credit for handling this situation appropriately! :rofl:

Let me tell you who has business being president, asswipe... WHO WE ELECT! That's the ONLY qualification needed! If we elect them, they deserve to be president... that's how our system works... don't like it? Move to China!
Tell you the truth I don't care about someone making more of something in their Books. Obama whole life was manufactured in his pathetic books, two of them on himself

What I do care about is when they get Elected and lies by saying he will have the most transparent administration ever to get Elected, and then WINS lie of the year in order to put a MONSTER Government entitlement off on ours and our CHILDRENS backs.

Carson isn't my pick but what this media is doing to him is the same thing to do to all Republicans, look what they did to Mrs.Palin.

wake up people. make your own minds. the more they whip up on Republicans the less they have to talk about that CORRUPTED Hillary or that party filled with liars like Obama
Ben Carson's fraudulent activity while on Costco board
Complaint: Ben Carson Saved Real Money at Costco Approving Stock Options Fraud

...."while serving on Costco’s board from 2002 to 2005, Ben Carson was accused of granting over 1.01 million shares worth of illegally backdated stock options...

.....All told, the beneficiaries of this scheme allegedly wrested over $173 million away from the company in pumped-up stock sales and unrecorded compensation during the 10-year-period covered by the two civil suits.

.......Carson himself allegedly personally benefited from the falsified options. According to the complaint, the concealment of the backdating scheme led to the misrepresentation of Costco’s actual net income, its shareholders’ equity, and the full tax obligations involved—and all this had the ancillary benefit of artificially inflating Costco’s stock price. In April 2006, Carson sold roughly 12,000 shares of the company at this elevated price, netting $655,460 in what was alleged in the operative complaint to be, effectively, insider trading (just one of the many charges leveled against him by the plaintiffs).

We all know the guy is messy, the GOP knows he's messy,....but they need this the Klan needs white sheets.

Doesn't matter.He won't be there till the end.

When I think of for the first time in a very long time, the GOP finally have some people running with some real knowledge, real brains, like Bush and Rubio and a couple of others and instead of embracing these people, they want to attach themselves to two narcissistic self serving buffoons, just baffle the fuck out of me...but the GOP is notorious for embracing dumb motherfuckers...its in their DNA, I suppose

They can't help themselves.

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