Does ANYONE Have Proof That Ben Carson Lied ? About Anything ?

Maybe, but he wasn't offered anything by Westmoreland because he never met him.

Now that we know Carson likes to would be harder for you to prove that Carson ever met Westmoreland.
I don't have to.
It's the claim that he didn't that can't be proven

What a coincidence......everyone that can corroborate Carson's bullshit is either dead or won't come forward.......bwahahaha, only the most naive would buy that crap.
You buy obuthole and Hillary crap.

Why you crying? You seem to be really bothered by this latest twist of fate....your hero going down in flames.......tata...goodbye!
  • Politico Changes Headline On Carson Story, Pretends It Didn’t
    The Daily Caller ^ | 11/06/2015 | Blake Neff
    Politico has already begun to backtrack its explosive story accusing Ben Carson of lying about an acceptance to West Point, deleting its claim that Carson had confessed to “fabricating” his admission.When�it�first published its story Friday morning, the Virginia-based blog aggressively declared that�Carson had admitted to telling a big lie about his past.“Ben Carson’s campaign on Friday admitted … that a central point in his inspirational personal story was fabricated,” Politico’s story originally said.Just hours later, though, this opening line was removed entirely and Politico’s accusation significantly scaled back. “Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson on Friday conceded that he never applied...
Politico stands by its story.

Another lie.......Westmoreland wasn't even in Detroit the day of the "supposed" dinner where Carson claims he was introduced to him....what about his past is true?

Politico says official U.S. Army records show Westmoreland did not visit Detroit around Memorial Day in 1969 or have dinner with Carson. "In fact," Politico reports, "the general's records suggest he was in Washington that day and played tennis at 6:45 p.m."
Where Politico's Ben Carson 'scoop' went wrong
It's not us you have to worry about. It's the moderates and undecideds you need to consider. They won't vote for a right wing nut.
It's why you nominate guys like McCain mitt rubio or kacish.
We want you to nominate a huckabee or carson. Please do.

Conservatives need not worry about liberal media's smear campaign. Moderates and undecideds aren't so stupid as to fall for it. In fact, all they need do is read the OP of this thread. :biggrin:

Let me say this... ANY undecided voter or "moderate" out there who has watched this pathetic scenario unfold and has decided to hitch his horse to the lying manipulating scumbuckets known as the liberal left... Good riddance! We don't need your vote.
Politico stands by its story.

Another lie.......Westmoreland wasn't even in Detroit the day of the "supposed" dinner where Carson claims he was introduced to him....what about his past is true?

Politico says official U.S. Army records show Westmoreland did not visit Detroit around Memorial Day in 1969 or have dinner with Carson. "In fact," Politico reports, "the general's records suggest he was in Washington that day and played tennis at 6:45 p.m."
Where Politico's Ben Carson 'scoop' went wrong

Then WHY CHANGE HEADLINES? Come on bitch, let's hear YOUR SPIN!
Politico stands by its story.

Another lie.......Westmoreland wasn't even in Detroit the day of the "supposed" dinner where Carson claims he was introduced to him....what about his past is true?

Politico says official U.S. Army records show Westmoreland did not visit Detroit around Memorial Day in 1969 or have dinner with Carson. "In fact," Politico reports, "the general's records suggest he was in Washington that day and played tennis at 6:45 p.m."
Where Politico's Ben Carson 'scoop' went wrong

Politico did NOT stand behind the story. They redacted their original charge and scaled back their accusations as soon as they were called out on it.

What about Obama's past is true? Why are his academic records sealed? What is he hiding from the American people? Why isn't Politico interested? Has any of those hacks gone through Hillary's book and picked out all the fucking bold-face lies she told? Oh... that's right, no one reads that lying bitch's drivel, not even her own sycophants!
Politico stands by its story.

Another lie.......Westmoreland wasn't even in Detroit the day of the "supposed" dinner where Carson claims he was introduced to him....what about his past is true?
Politico says official U.S. Army records show Westmoreland did not visit Detroit around Memorial Day in 1969 or have dinner with Carson. "In fact," Politico reports, "the general's records suggest he was in Washington that day and played tennis at 6:45 p.m."
Where Politico's Ben Carson 'scoop' went wrong
Dates mean nothing when your talking about over 40 years ago. You need to read this CNN article to see how Politico's whole BS story went into the toilet. Here's the part you "forgot" to mention from your link (AND MINE) >>>

"But Politico goes on to note that there was a similar banquet event in Detroit in February of that year that the General did attend, and that "Carson, a leader of the city's ROTC program at the time, may have been among the invited guests at the $10-a-plate event."
Following pushback from the Carson campaign, Politico softened its headline and changed its lead and various details in the story. The story is now headlined, "Exclusive: Carson claimed West Point 'scholarship' but never applied."

Where Politico's Ben Carson 'scoop' went wrong
we look for the type of person, his character, his honesty, his experience and his knowledge of the people we vote for.
Sorry, but Carson has no knowledge of politics, let alone international politics. He is more of an armchair quarterback than some of the people on this site or similar sites.
He has opinions, but not based on solid facts. You would think someone with his education would be more knowledgeable about common facts, and have a solid grasp of logic.

He comes across as a nice guy, but not the brightest.
Why you crying? You seem to be really bothered by this latest twist of fate....your hero going down in flames.......tata...goodbye!
Actually, just like all the attempts on Trump by the looney left, these are strengthening Carson's campaighn, and moderate and independents aren't fooled by the stupid left's straw man, silly, smear campaign.
we look for the type of person, his character, his honesty, his experience and his knowledge of the people we vote for.
Sorry, but Carson has no knowledge of politics, let alone international politics. He is more of an armchair quarterback than some of the people on this site or similar sites.
He has opinions, but not based on solid facts. You would think someone with his education would be more knowledgeable about common facts, and have a solid grasp of logic.

He comes across as a nice guy, but not the brightest.

THAT is why SO FUCKING MANY OF US LOVE HIM AND TRUMP, even CRUZ for standing up against the SAME OLD, SAME OLD...We see where the POLITICAL CLASS has put the nation, it's intolerable! These men of GENIUS inbusiness and scienc, DESERVE to show the MORONS that believe we need (LOBBYIST PAID FOR) Politicians to continue to FUCK America while stuffing their pockets!
we look for the type of person, his character, his honesty, his experience and his knowledge of the people we vote for.
Sorry, but Carson has no knowledge of politics, let alone international politics. He is more of an armchair quarterback than some of the people on this site or similar sites.
He has opinions, but not based on solid facts. You would think someone with his education would be more knowledgeable about common facts, and have a solid grasp of logic.

He comes across as a nice guy, but not the brightest.

THAT is why SO FUCKING MANY OF US LOVE HIM AND TRUMP, even CRUZ for standing up against the SAME OLD, SAME OLD...We see where the POLITICAL CLASS has put the nation, it's intolerable! These men of GENIUS inbusiness and scienc, DESERVE to show the MORONS that believe we need (LOBBYIST PAID FOR) Politicians to continue to FUCK America while stuffing their pockets!
Meanwhile the dembulbs put their faith in a lifetime politian with more bagels that JFK airport baggage claim and an admitted socialist that believes in more power to the government
we look for the type of person, his character, his honesty, his experience....

BULL SHIT! YOU look for the goddamn D beside their name!

Sorry, but I never vote along party lines. I vote for the best candidate for that particular office.
D, R, L, G.......whatever, I pick candidates on what kind of person they are and are they qualified.

I have no problem voting against family if I don't think they are the right person. I don't belong to any particular party or group, and never have been. My views on issues are not party approved. I favor a more liberal line of thought on one issue and conservative on another. I make my own mind up based on knowledge and experience. If I don't know, I research.

I can't take one third of this candidate and a quarter there and a bit of D, E, and F. No party is totally to my liking. I weigh the pros and cons and see if the person has the right personality and the strength for the office.

Those who are devout party loyalists, don't think independently a lot of the time.

You might vote for a party, I vote for individuals.
Intense criticism is insisting you lied and fabricated things, when you don't have a shred of evidence to support that. This is worse than intense criticism. It is a smear campaign (AKA witch hunt).

No, it's a huckster finally getting his due. Frankly, when you have a guy like Carson who is so keen on self-promotion he makes a spectacle out of himself at a prayer breakfast when he is supposedly a religious man, you shouldn't be surprised that a lot of his narrative is pure bullshit.
  • Carson Thanks 'Biased Media' for Huge $3.5M Fundraising Surge
    Newsmax ^
    Ben Carson sarcastically thanked the mainstream media and several negative stories for a fundraising surge that brought in $3.5 million for the former neurosurgeon this week. Moreover, many of those donations are small from a huge spectrum of donors who can give over and over again, unlike many of the "bundlers" who tap millionaires and billionaires for other other candidates. That is already making Carson's mailing list the stuff of legend among political professionals and rival campaigns.
You almost gotta laugh that we knew every detail of George Bush's life including his college records and the college records of his freaking kids but we don't even know what Barry Hussein's birth certificate looks like and his school records are locked up in some freaking vault. Let's face it folks, Barry Hussein's father was a soap opera in itself but the liberal media wasn't interested. It's alleged by experts who know about literary styles that Barry Sotoro's auto-bio was ghost written by close friend and political mentor Bill Ayers who also happened to be a unrepentant domestic terrorist and the liberal media wasn't curious enough to pursue it. It's alleged that the top democrat candidate spent her entire adult life covering up her husband's abuse of women but the liberal media isn't curious enough to pursue it. Meanwhile the left is outraged over allegations that Ben Carson may not have been as delinquent as a teenager as he claimed to be.

Guy, you have been over these complaints for 8 years now. No one cared then, and no one cares now. No one cares that Bill Ayers blew up an ugly statue in the 1960's. No one cares about your bizarre conspiracy theories about Obama's college transcripts and birth certificate.

Remember, Carson's biography is his WHOLE RATIONAL for running. He's never held public office and we can't judge him on that.

So when we find out he was just making shit up, that calls the whole thing into question, doesn't it.

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