Does ANYONE Have Proof That Ben Carson Lied ? About Anything ?

Carson is going to say next he's Batman.

Well if some white chick can pull off being a Negro, why can't he say he's Batman?.... I think you are a poor imitation of a Neanderthal!

So now you're saying the white girl is black? Anything goes huh?

Dat's what she say! Who are we to tell her she's not?...Of course the DemocRATS are FAMOUS for calling themselves something they aren't!

Ben Carson just can’t quit lying: CNN can’t corroborate any of the key stories from his autobiography

Ben Carson just can’t quit lying: CNN can’t corroborate any of the key stories from his autobiography
As the rock of WWE fame would say >>> "IT DOESN'T MATTER" if CNN can corroborate any of the key stories from his autobiography or not. Carson doesn't need corroboration from CNN (or anybody else). CNN needs to present proof of something being false. The have FAILED to do that.
So Vigilante now is saying Rachael Dolezal is black because all someone has to do is sat something and he believes it. This is how far he's willing to fall for Carson.

A white girl is black because she SAYS so!
Hence the OP statement that unverifiable doesn't eqaul false
That's correct. I won a race in the 6th grade. I can't verify it. It's not false. Get it ?

Nobody gives a crap about someone claiming to have won a race in the 6th grade.....but if you're running for President and you make a claim that you got a full scholarship to West Point, Yale, Harvard or some other prestigious school, of course it is going to be vetted....and Carson is too dumb to realize that his preponderous claims would be checked out. He made a claim that he got "most honest" student in a class at Yale.....the class doesn't even exist. Why does he need to make up such bullshit?
So Vigilante now is saying Rachael Dolezal is black because all someone has to do is sat something and he believes it. This is how far he's willing to fall for Carson.

A white girl is black because she SAYS so!

Eat some more DIRT, you're digging a nice sized hole!

  • Sorry, Media, & USMB Liberals, You Won’t Destroy Ben Carson
    National Review ^ | 11/06/2015 | David French
    Let's begin with two propositions: There is a difference between an admirable man and a perfect man, and there is a difference between "vetting"and viciousness. The collective goal of the liberal media is now clear — to take one of America's most admired and brilliant men and somehow transform him into a dishonest, stupid extremist. The vetting of Ben Carson has become vicious, and to what end? An admirable man has been exposed as imperfect. The first round of attacks, focusing on Carson's alleged extremism, failed utterly. Under fire — for claiming that it would be better if victims...
It could be a lot of things but it can't be that he was offered a scholarship because they don't have one. And Westmoreland couldn't have offered it since he never met the guy according to Army records.

That's the lie. Also his crap about being a former bad ass is unverifiable AND protecting whites from a "mob of blacks" no one seems to remember that either.

You know what aggravates me ? It aggravated me when a moron comes in here, and quotes a post, and then posts a post which the quoted post completly refuted. So here is that refute once more, refuting your dumb post.

Could be that Westmoreland wasn't referring to a scholarship as other universities grant them, but just said the words as an adjective phrase, to describe the tuition-free 4 years of college, that being how West Point characteristically operates

He didn't say he was offered a scholarship, dum dum.
Nobody gives a crap about someone claiming to have won a race in the 6th grade.....but if you're running for President and you make a claim that you got a full scholarship to West Point, Yale, Harvard or some other prestigious school, of course it is going to be vetted....and Carson is too dumb to realize that his preponderous claims would be checked out. He made a claim that he got "most honest" student in a class at Yale.....the class doesn't even exist. Why does he need to make up such bullshit?
He did NOT make a claim that he got a full scholarship to West Point. That is the liberal media's straw man twist of what he said. That is what they turned his words into, so they could attack him over it, and you fall for it.

Read the OP.
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Nobody gives a crap about someone claiming to have won a race in the 6th grade.....but if you're running for President and you make a claim that you got a full scholarship to West Point, Yale, Harvard or some other prestigious school, of course it is going to be vetted....and Carson is too dumb to realize that his preponderous claims would be checked out. He made a claim that he got "most honest" student in a class at Yale.....the class doesn't even exist. Why does he need to make up such bullshit?

Your mind has gone blank?
Now that we know Carson likes to would be harder for you to prove that Carson ever met Westmoreland.
1. Nobody knows (including you) that "Carson likes to embellish", so you can stop your embelisshing now, you embellishing embellisher, you.

2. Carson doesn't have to prove anything about Westmoreland. Burden of proof lies with the accuser. That would be YOU. So when you come up with some proof that Carson didn't meet with Westmoreland, and didn't hear what he say he heard, we'll be here. :biggrin:

Of course we do. He made up that bullshit story about being in Westmoreland's presence and Westmoreland promising him a "full scholarship" to West isn't true, so it is either a fat lie or an embellishment. I'm glad you don't want to call it an embellishment because it looks more like a lie.

As for proving that Westmoreland did or didn't promise him a scholarship.....I don't have to prove anything. The story has come out, people are going to think twice about voting for a liar, and that will be the end of it. End of Story.
Carson is Batman, sure Batman doesn't exist and there's no proof which means. Ben Carson is Batman.
Psha!!! YEAH!!! MSNBC said he did.

Have you noticed how intense criticism of a black candidate has all off a sudden become NOT racist!!??

You don't see anyone on the left calling him the derogatory names many conservatives on this Forum call Obama. You must be really ignorant if you think that criticism of a black person is's not the criticism that makes you racist, is calling him the "N" word and posting pictures demeaning black people that makes you racist....and I dare you to find a post where any Democrat or Liberal on this Forum has ever called Dr. Carson, the liar, the "n" word.
..and I dare you to find a post where any Democrat or Liberal on this Forum has ever called Dr. Carson, the liar, the "n" word.
But you are calling him a "liar" while not presenting a shred of evidence to back that up.
Nobody gives a crap about someone claiming to have won a race in the 6th grade.....but if you're running for President and you make a claim that you got a full scholarship to West Point, Yale, Harvard or some other prestigious school, of course it is going to be vetted....and Carson is too dumb to realize that his preponderous claims would be checked out. He made a claim that he got "most honest" student in a class at Yale.....the class doesn't even exist. Why does he need to make up such bullshit?

Your mind has gone blank?

No, mine hasn't. Has yours ?

You posted a blank post in response to my post..........what else could it mean.........:rolleyes:
..and I dare you to find a post where any Democrat or Liberal on this Forum has ever called Dr. Carson, the liar, the "n" word.
But you are calling him a "liar" while not presenting a shred of evidence to back that up.

I already have.......but here......I'll do it again.....what say you?

GAWKER summarizes the tall tale as such: “a Yale psychology professor who told students that all of their final exam papers had accidentally caught on fire, and that they must all re-take the new, much harder exam. According to Carson, a junior at the time of the story, all 150 students refused but one. That one was the chosen one, the honest one: a young Ben Carson.” Gifted Hands recounts that “the professor came toward me. With her was a photographer for the Yale Daily News who paused and snapped my picture. ‘A hoax,’ the teacher said. ‘We wanted to see who was the most honest student in the class.’”

The Yale Library confirmed to the Wall Street Journal that no such class was taught, and no record of the photo for the Yale Daily News exists.

Hypocrite Ben Carson Caught Lying About Receiving Award For “Honesty”
You are telling me one call from the top general in the army to West Point wouldn't get a full scholarship put together in the matter of minutes? Who you crappin?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Maybe, but he wasn't offered anything by Westmoreland because he never met him.

Now that we know Carson likes to would be harder for you to prove that Carson ever met Westmoreland.
I don't have to.
It's the claim that he didn't that can't be proven

What a coincidence......everyone that can corroborate Carson's bullshit is either dead or won't come forward.......bwahahaha, only the most naive would buy that crap.
You buy obuthole and Hillary crap.

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