Does anyone seriously believe illegals do NOT vote in america!!???

You got a CREDIBLE link to show that?

I was just going to ask the same thing.
No corroboration for claims means it's nothing but an opinion.
Why are the cons on this board so terrified of hard data and facts?
I posted the facts in the video. You liars play games and pretend it's not there.

Yes, you did post a video of another crazy fox talking head flogging the presidents words in an attempt to make them sound like something he never meant. Nice try BooBoo.
He said illegals could vote. You lie again.

I'm sure that's what you think you heard, especially with all the word flogging.
Why do you lie to protect that scumbag?
I was just going to ask the same thing.
No corroboration for claims means it's nothing but an opinion.
Why are the cons on this board so terrified of hard data and facts?
I posted the facts in the video. You liars play games and pretend it's not there.

Yes, you did post a video of another crazy fox talking head flogging the presidents words in an attempt to make them sound like something he never meant. Nice try BooBoo.
He said illegals could vote. You lie again.

I'm sure that's what you think you heard, especially with all the word flogging.
Why do you lie to protect that scumbag?

Why do you make shit up to defend your pussy grabbing scumbag?
With his DACA and DAPA programs Obozo gave millions of these criminal invaders a certificate telling them they can live and work here even though the LAW SAYS THEY CAN DO NEITHER!!! And yet democrats tell us they were strict about enforcing the laws against illegals voting. HAHAHAHA

Obama ENCOURAGED the illegals to vote both 2012 and 16 and they did by the millions. It's extremely important to an illegal that the open borders and welfare party be in power. They undoubtedly vote at a higher rate than citizens do.
Yet it is not the popular vote which elects presidents..
...What do you base that on?..
A lack of authoritative evidence on the part of a State or Federal -level Election Board or Commission or Attorney General office.

...There are some dots that you have to connect here.

1. The states that had the largest disparity of Crooked Hillary to Trump votes also had the largest number of Illegals.
They are also the most populous and most firmly entrenched Democratic strongholds... Illegal Beaners or no. Unconvincing.

...2. Trump ran on a platform to stop Illegal immigration...
Irrelevant to the question of whether Illegal Aliens voted in substantive and statistically significant numbers.

...3. The states that had the largest disparity also have the laxest voter registration laws...

...4. If Trump was going to win he was going to deport the Illegals...

...It doesn't take a genius to figure that one out, does it?...
Correct. Lacking empirical and authoritative evidence of large-scale voting on the part of Illegal Aliens, that's an easy one.

...It is probable that 3-5 million of the little shitheads found a way to vote for Crooked Hillary with the blessing, encouragement and aiding of the filthy ass Democrat Party...
Both Trump and his Minions made that claim and even launched a Congressional Investigation Committee...

A Committee that quickly closed-up shop when Trump and his Minions were forced to walk-back their claims.

...If you don't want to believe that then fine. We expect that kind of denial out you Moon Bats.
Still waiting for empirical and authoritative evidence.

You know... facts.

Wake us up when you've got some.
...What do you base that on?..
A lack of authoritative evidence on the part of a State or Federal -level Election Board or Commission or Attorney General office.

...There are some dots that you have to connect here.

1. The states that had the largest disparity of Crooked Hillary to Trump votes also had the largest number of Illegals.
They are also the most populous and most firmly entrenched Democratic strongholds. Unconvincing.

...2. Trump ran on a platform to stop Illegal immigration...
Irrelevant to the question of whether Illegal Aliens voted in substantive and statistically significant numbers.

...3. The states that had the largest disparity also have the laxest voter registration laws...

...4. If Trump was going to win he was going to deport the Illegals...

...It doesn't take a genius to figure that one out, does it?...
Correct. Lacking empirical and authoritative evidence of large-scale voting on the part of Illegal Aliens, that's an easy one.

...It is probable that 3-5 million of the little shitheads found a way to vote for Crooked Hillary with the blessing, encouragement and aiding of the filthy ass Democrat Party...
Both Trump and his Minions made that claim and even launched a Congressional Investigation Committee, which quickly closed, as Trump was forced to walk-back his claims.

...If you don't want to believe that then fine. We expect that kind of denial out you Moon Bats.
Still waiting for empirical and authoritative evidence.

You know... facts.

Wake us up when you've got some.
California giving driver licenses to Mexicans. No more proof needed by non criminals.
Canada requires an ID to vote in their elections to prevent voter fraud.
Mexico requires an ID to vote in their elections to prevent voter fraud.
The Corrupt Democratic Party blocking Voter ID laws is a huge red flag for Voter Fraud.

That's a good point. If illegals were NOT voting then democrats would not object to voter ID laws.
...What do you base that on?..
A lack of authoritative evidence on the part of a State or Federal -level Election Board or Commission or Attorney General office.

That is because the fucking illegals were voting in Democrat controlled states that have very lax voter ID laws, you nitwit.

The fucking Illegals came out in millions to vote against Trump because they hated his stance on securing the border of the US.

We will never know the number of millions because the filthy ass Democrats don't have any accountability for the voter's rolls. They like it that way. They need the welfare Illegals vote for their base.

If you want to claim you are naive and/or stupid to cover up for the corruption of the Democrats then fine. We expect that from you Moon Bats. You are dishonest about everything.
...What do you base that on?..
A lack of authoritative evidence on the part of a State or Federal -level Election Board or Commission or Attorney General office.

...There are some dots that you have to connect here.

1. The states that had the largest disparity of Crooked Hillary to Trump votes also had the largest number of Illegals.
They are also the most populous and most firmly entrenched Democratic strongholds. Unconvincing.

...2. Trump ran on a platform to stop Illegal immigration...
Irrelevant to the question of whether Illegal Aliens voted in substantive and statistically significant numbers.

...3. The states that had the largest disparity also have the laxest voter registration laws...

...4. If Trump was going to win he was going to deport the Illegals...

...It doesn't take a genius to figure that one out, does it?...
Correct. Lacking empirical and authoritative evidence of large-scale voting on the part of Illegal Aliens, that's an easy one.

...It is probable that 3-5 million of the little shitheads found a way to vote for Crooked Hillary with the blessing, encouragement and aiding of the filthy ass Democrat Party...
Both Trump and his Minions made that claim and even launched a Congressional Investigation Committee, which quickly closed, as Trump was forced to walk-back his claims.

...If you don't want to believe that then fine. We expect that kind of denial out you Moon Bats.
Still waiting for empirical and authoritative evidence.

You know... facts.

Wake us up when you've got some.
California giving driver licenses to Mexicans. No more proof needed by non criminals.

A drivers license is not the ability to vote.
The question is not whether Obumble tried to get Illegal Aliens to vote...

Maybe he did... maybe he didn't... doesn't matter, other than serving as a distraction...

The two questions raised by the OP are...

1. Is there substantive evidence of Illegal Aliens actually voting?

2. If 'yes', then, what was the extent of that illegal voting? *

( * translation: did it actually tip the scales or make a substantial or statistically significant difference? )
Any illegal voting is probably because they thought they could and nobody stoped them

There is zero evidence of widespread voter fraud
What evidence will you accept?

Go through the rolls of voters from 2016 and verify their citizenship
Find any who were illegal
Didn’t California refuse to show that data?
They did.

Why didn't the Trump Administration insist, and enforce its will in the matter, if they actually thought they were on to something?
California just admitted 1 million illegals were given drivers licenses and in California now you are automatically registered to vote when you get a license so yep I guarantee illegals are voting.

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