Does anyone think that the Obamas would be in the Whitehouse today knowing this back then? 

Michelle Obama Speaks on Race at Tuskegee

Does anyone think that the Obamas would be in the Whitehouse today knowing this back then?
They were supposed to be post-racial....They were served up to us as blacks but not blacks with a chip on their shoulder.
Now we discover that we were tricked into believing they had moved on.
Does anyone think this race-baiting First lady would have a snowball's chance in Hell of occupying the Whitehouse if she had let her true feelings be known back then????

I warned everyone......and they said I was just being a racist.

White America gave them the benefit of the doubt and they've squandered this opportunity to heal the wounds of this nation.....and instead greatly contributed to reopening new ones.

The American people were spoon fed a "fantasy" where the Obama's were concerned.

Occasionally their masks slipped, revealing what they're truly like, but anyone pointing that out was attacked and called a racist to shut down any argument.

for awhile it worked, but not anymore.

Unfortunately, we're stuck with them until January, 2017.

Michelle Obama Speaks on Race at Tuskegee

Does anyone think that the Obamas would be in the Whitehouse today knowing this back then?
They were supposed to be post-racial....They were served up to us as blacks but not blacks with a chip on their shoulder.
Now we discover that we were tricked into believing they had moved on.
Does anyone think this race-baiting First lady would have a snowball's chance in Hell of occupying the Whitehouse if she had let her true feelings be known back then????

I warned everyone......and they said I was just being a racist.

White America gave them the benefit of the doubt and they've squandered this opportunity to heal the wounds of this nation.....and instead greatly contributed to reopening new ones.

Yes. I do think that the Obamas would be in the WH if what is known now was known then.
Because it WAS known then.
There is a large block of people who don't care about the stuff known now. They are okay with it. Add together those who knew and didn't care, those who didn't know, those who vote Democrat no matter what and those who vote dark skin no matter what................and the Obamas got a win and would still get it.

Low information, non-caring voters were in the majority.
Are they still in the majority?
Maybe so.
Michelle Obama Speaks on Race at Tuskegee

Does anyone think that the Obamas would be in the Whitehouse today knowing this back then?
They were supposed to be post-racial....They were served up to us as blacks but not blacks with a chip on their shoulder.
Now we discover that we were tricked into believing they had moved on.
Does anyone think this race-baiting First lady would have a snowball's chance in Hell of occupying the Whitehouse if she had let her true feelings be known back then????

I warned everyone......and they said I was just being a racist.

White America gave them the benefit of the doubt and they've squandered this opportunity to heal the wounds of this nation.....and instead greatly contributed to reopening new ones.

The American people were spoon fed a "fantasy" where the Obama's were concerned.

Occasionally their masks slipped, revealing what they're truly like, but anyone pointing that out was attacked and called a racist to shut down any argument.

for awhile it worked, but not anymore.

Unfortunately, we're stuck with them until January, 2017.

Obama almost blew it when it was revealed he was a member at Trinity United Church under Rev Wright..

He showed his true colors when he started calling his white granny a racist and that he knew he wouldn't have the same chance as conventional (white) candidates did.......but his campaign sent him to the Bahamas for three weeks so the media could smooth it over. They worked out a media campaign to provide cover for him and anyone bringing it up was labeled a racist.
Reflecting on the header....

IS Obama in The (former) White House today?

Is there NO golf course left unplayed?

Anywhere on Earth?
Yes. After the Dubya disaster, no republican stood a chance. Farrakhan probably could have won running against the republican ticket.

Farrakhan would have been less racially divisive than fuckwad in chief is...

Then again, Osama bin Laden would have been more patriotic. :thup:
Actually, you RW traitors have been saying Seal Team Six lied, that they didn't really kill him.

Which president said bin Laden wasn't even on his radar?

FACT: if not for Obama, bin Laden would still be free and alive.

Utterly stupid, even for you, Pillowbite.
Yes. After the Dubya disaster, no republican stood a chance. Farrakhan probably could have won running against the republican ticket.

Farrakhan would have been less racially divisive than fuckwad in chief is...

Then again, Osama bin Laden would have been more patriotic. :thup:
Bin Laden probably could have won running against the GOP that year. Bush was that bad.
Bush has been banished from politics and is living in exile. Even after all these years no one wants him to step back into the public eye. I doubt Obama will meet the same fate.

I have no love for Bush, never voted for him. But Obama has done VASTLY more damage than Bush did. Obama is a venom in our body politic.
Bush has been banished from politics and is living in exile. Even after all these years no one wants him to step back into the public eye. I doubt Obama will meet the same fate.

I have no love for Bush, never voted for him. But Obama has done VASTLY more damage than Bush did. Obama is a venom in our body politic.

That is a truly absurd statement.

After all, look at what he's done for Ferguson and Baltimore.. :thup:

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