Does anyone think that the Obamas would be in the Whitehouse today knowing this back then? 

Michelle Obama Speaks on Race at Tuskegee

Does anyone think that the Obamas would be in the Whitehouse today knowing this back then?
They were supposed to be post-racial....They were served up to us as blacks but not blacks with a chip on their shoulder.
Now we discover that we were tricked into believing they had moved on.
Does anyone think this race-baiting First lady would have a snowball's chance in Hell of occupying the Whitehouse if she had let her true feelings be known back then????

I warned everyone......and they said I was just being a racist.

White America gave them the benefit of the doubt and they've squandered this opportunity to heal the wounds of this nation.....and instead greatly contributed to reopening new ones.
We all warned of all of this nonsense.

But the ignorance in this nation is becoming very destructive.

The voter fraud alone was staggering... And much worse in 12... When they turned out in the election that no reasonable human being could have voted for his ass.

The thing to understand is that the ideologixal Left are not human, per se. They're means to reason is barely above that of animals. They seek only to serve their own respective interests and that alone.
I had a CNN video since Obalaki was campaigning as a Senator and they taped the encounter. Shouldn't be hard for you to Google.

Because you've encountered a liberal, too lazy to check anything by itself, and because I'm in a good mood today I'll help a bit. The material below is archived on the web - the link no longer works but I'll leave it in so he/she/it can have something about which to whine.

Senator Barack Obama
A More Perfect Union Speech
March 18, 2008

“I can no more disown [Rev. Wright] than I can disown the black community. I can no more disown him than I can my white grandmother - a woman who helped raise me, a woman who sacrificed again and again for me, a woman who loves me as much as she loves anything in this world, but a woman who once confessed her fear of black men who passed by her on the street, and who on more than one occasion has uttered racial or ethnic stereotypes that made me cringe.”

Oh fuck you. It AIN'T MY JOB to make somebody else's point. It's THEIRS.
SOMEBODY ELSE didnt make a point. SOMBODY ELSE asked a question and SOMEONE started quivering,

Again we go to the transcript...

the Kenyan granny who said, "He was born right here in this house"

-- that my name on the post?
so you like being catered too and taken care of then , OK with me Jason , your decision , Hilary may be the next 'ruler' to take care of you !!

At any time in our life, any of us may need help. Sometimes non government sources are not sufficient. If a government program will help the average person in need, it will be a democrat program that was passed in spite of objections by republicans who bring out the "free stuff", and "why should government take care of you" arguments. Don't buy in to their spiel. These republican politicos sure take care of themselves on the government dime.
Outstanding example of Turnspeak.

Turnspeak? Is this the latest buzzword taught in posting 101?
Turnspeak is the art of accusing and blaming everybody else of doing the things you're guilty of. Invented by the Rooskies and perfected by Arabs, particularly Palihoovians. 'K?
Fortunately, Americans are sick of liberals and all they destroy. We are soon to be rid of them.

Never underestimate the ignorance of a liberal.
started calling his white granny a racist

again............ link?
I think that this might be a link Pogo , course others may have already given LINK so this might just be another link . Anyway , looks like mrobamas grandmother might have been racist in a fashion similar to 'j jackson' . --- Moonbattery Obama Denounces His White Grandmother as a Racist ---

Thanks Pismoe.
The relevant passage:

I can no more disown him [Reverend Wright] than I can my white grandmother — a woman who helped raise me, a woman who sacrificed again and again for me, a woman who loves me as much as she loves anything in this world, but a woman who once confessed her fear of black men who passed by her on the street, and who on more than one occasion has uttered racial or ethnic stereotypes that made me cringe.
--- still doesn't call her a racist.

Not sure what the "JJackson" reference means... ?
The only thing Obama gave America was suffering and division and ISIS.

Never underestimate the ignorance of a liberal.
the implication is that she is doing something UNUSUAL or unneeded where the old ladies actions are legal and simply her understandable actions if she wants to avoid certain types of people .
I had a CNN video since Obalaki was campaigning as a Senator and they taped the encounter. Shouldn't be hard for you to Google.

Because you've encountered a liberal, too lazy to check anything by itself, and because I'm in a good mood today I'll help a bit. The material below is archived on the web - the link no longer works but I'll leave it in so he/she/it can have something about which to whine.

Senator Barack Obama
A More Perfect Union Speech
March 18, 2008

“I can no more disown [Rev. Wright] than I can disown the black community. I can no more disown him than I can my white grandmother - a woman who helped raise me, a woman who sacrificed again and again for me, a woman who loves me as much as she loves anything in this world, but a woman who once confessed her fear of black men who passed by her on the street, and who on more than one occasion has uttered racial or ethnic stereotypes that made me cringe.”

Oh fuck you. It AIN'T MY JOB to make somebody else's point. It's THEIRS.
SOMEBODY ELSE didnt make a point. SOMBODY ELSE asked a question and SOMEONE started quivering,

Again we go to the transcript...

the Kenyan granny who said, "He was born right here in this house"

-- that my name on the post?
So? Through the translator, she said it and everybody in the room nodded and grinned widely, especially the uncle who concurred. day a press conference was held , the uncle retracted her statement and said she was confused, was mistaken, was crazy, was demented, the dog got it and the goat ate it and..........well, you know the gig.
so you like being catered too and taken care of then , OK with me Jason , your decision , Hilary may be the next 'ruler' to take care of you !!

At any time in our life, any of us may need help. Sometimes non government sources are not sufficient. If a government program will help the average person in need, it will be a democrat program that was passed in spite of objections by republicans who bring out the "free stuff", and "why should government take care of you" arguments. Don't buy in to their spiel. These republican politicos sure take care of themselves on the government dime.
Outstanding example of Turnspeak.

Turnspeak? Is this the latest buzzword taught in posting 101?
Turnspeak is the art of accusing and blaming everybody else of doing the things you're guilty of. Invented by the Rooskies and perfected by Arabs, particularly Palihoovians. 'K?

Where do you come up with these words? Anyway, when is someone going to come up with some things republicans have done for ordinary people. This is all I asked in the first place.
I had a CNN video since Obalaki was campaigning as a Senator and they taped the encounter. Shouldn't be hard for you to Google.

Because you've encountered a liberal, too lazy to check anything by itself, and because I'm in a good mood today I'll help a bit. The material below is archived on the web - the link no longer works but I'll leave it in so he/she/it can have something about which to whine.

Senator Barack Obama
A More Perfect Union Speech
March 18, 2008

“I can no more disown [Rev. Wright] than I can disown the black community. I can no more disown him than I can my white grandmother - a woman who helped raise me, a woman who sacrificed again and again for me, a woman who loves me as much as she loves anything in this world, but a woman who once confessed her fear of black men who passed by her on the street, and who on more than one occasion has uttered racial or ethnic stereotypes that made me cringe.”

Oh fuck you. It AIN'T MY JOB to make somebody else's point. It's THEIRS.
SOMEBODY ELSE didnt make a point. SOMBODY ELSE asked a question and SOMEONE started quivering,

Again we go to the transcript...

the Kenyan granny who said, "He was born right here in this house"

-- that my name on the post?
So? Through the translator, she said it and everybody in the room nodded and grinned widely, especially the uncle who concurred. day a press conference was held , the uncle retracted her statement and said she was confused, was mistaken, was crazy, was demented, the dog got it and the goat ate it and..........well, you know the gig.

Yeah I do know the gig. I've known for years that it was bullshit. That's exactly why I challenged it. Thanks for limping playing along.

And as I've always said since that video came up, there's no more reliable source than a demented street preacher purporting to have recorded a transatlantic phone conversation where the subject's voice can''t even be heard and that muffled sound is supposedly that of a translator relaying the words from a woman who isn't Obama's grandmother anyway, via YouTube. Rock solid.

For me this still holds a slight edge over the fake birth certificate citing "Mombassa", signed by "E.F. Lavendar" --- a laundry detergent.
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Actually, you RW traitors have been saying Seal Team Six lied, that they didn't really kill him.

Which president said bin Laden wasn't even on his radar?

FACT: if not for Obama, bin Laden would still be free and alive.

Utterly stupid, even for you, Pillowbite.
Obamaites still shedding tears for bin Laden.

I see you read the book "1001 ways to misspell Obama".
Yep, I got me a PDh in Mobambo speak.
Because you've encountered a liberal, too lazy to check anything by itself, and because I'm in a good mood today I'll help a bit. The material below is archived on the web - the link no longer works but I'll leave it in so he/she/it can have something about which to whine.

Senator Barack Obama
A More Perfect Union Speech
March 18, 2008

“I can no more disown [Rev. Wright] than I can disown the black community. I can no more disown him than I can my white grandmother - a woman who helped raise me, a woman who sacrificed again and again for me, a woman who loves me as much as she loves anything in this world, but a woman who once confessed her fear of black men who passed by her on the street, and who on more than one occasion has uttered racial or ethnic stereotypes that made me cringe.”

Oh fuck you. It AIN'T MY JOB to make somebody else's point. It's THEIRS.
SOMEBODY ELSE didnt make a point. SOMBODY ELSE asked a question and SOMEONE started quivering,

Again we go to the transcript...

the Kenyan granny who said, "He was born right here in this house"

-- that my name on the post?
So? Through the translator, she said it and everybody in the room nodded and grinned widely, especially the uncle who concurred. day a press conference was held , the uncle retracted her statement and said she was confused, was mistaken, was crazy, was demented, the dog got it and the goat ate it and..........well, you know the gig.

Yeah I do know the gig. I've known for years that it was bullshit. That's exactly why I challenged it. Thanks for limping playing along.

And as I've always said since that video came up, there's no more reliable source than a demented street preacher purporting to have recorded a transatlantic phone conversation where the subject's voice can''t even be heard and that muffled sound is supposedly that of a translator relaying the words from a woman who isn't Obama's grandmother anyway, via YouTube. Rock solid.

For me this still holds a slight edge over the fake birth certificate citing "Mombassa", signed by "E.F. Lavendar" --- a laundry detergent.
Really, I don't care where he was whelped. In Kenya or a manger in Oahu. It doesn't matter.
Bin Laden probably could have won running against the GOP that year. Bush was that bad.

Bush wasn't running.

And Obama makes Bush look down right competent..
Bush has been banished from politics and is living in exile. Even after all these years no one wants him to step back into the public eye. I doubt Obama will meet the same fate.
Actually Obama is making every other presidency look competent in comparison. Wouldn't be a stretch to assume Bush would beat Obama today....even if his fawning press would be doing their best to destroy GWB. The American people are fed up with this asshole and his wife. Used to be Michelle was an asset.......Now she's a liability. What she said was horrible and embarrassing. She would be the last person I would want my kids listening to at their commencement. Nothing she said was encouraging....which is the point of having a commencement speaker. Positive encouragement. Not "Kill Whitey".
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