Does anyone think that the Obamas would be in the Whitehouse today knowing this back then? 

so you like being catered too and taken care of then , OK with me Jason , your decision , Hilary may be the next 'ruler' to take care of you !!
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and killing 'bin laden' well a guy from 'montana' killed him according to current reports Luddley !!

Actually, you RW traitors have been saying Seal Team Six lied, that they didn't really kill him.

Which president said bin Laden wasn't even on his radar?

FACT: if not for Obama, bin Laden would still be free and alive.
no link but the women and her husband are both lefty agitators in my opinion . Course , I don't mind the agitation as I think that the 'can we all get along' dummies that voted for mrobama are getting paid back for their support of him .

I voted for obama because he was the only democrat on the ballot. People who vote republican vote against their best interests. Republicans are the party of the very wealthy and large corporations. Democrats gave us little folk a few good things along the way. Social Security, Medicare, premium time for overtime, pell grants, on and on. What's a republican done for you lately? Made you frightened of queers?

And what do the Repubs promise in return for our vote?

More of the same. Steal from the poor and give to the rich.

No thanks.
Osama wasn't on my radar either , I knew that he would be killed eventually and that was good enough for me . Guy from 'montana' killed him if his and mrobamas story is true . The Gent has been on telly a few times , its a good story , don't know or really care if its a true story !! Yeah , just a story to me Luddley !!
no link but the women and her husband are both lefty agitators in my opinion . Course , I don't mind the agitation as I think that the 'can we all get along' dummies that voted for mrobama are getting paid back for their support of him .

I voted for obama because he was the only democrat on the ballot. People who vote republican vote against their best interests. Republicans are the party of the very wealthy and large corporations. Democrats gave us little folk a few good things along the way. Social Security, Medicare, premium time for overtime, pell grants, on and on. What's a republican done for you lately? Made you frightened of queers?
If the racist Leftwangers aren't screaming about race then they're bawling about homos.The rest of the time it's about repubs hating pore peeples. Then they go stand in line for their Free Shit. Pathetic whiners.
course , you can keep saying that 'mrobama' killed 'bin laden' , ok with me but most people are laughing about the story Luddley !!
From 9/11 till he was killed, Special Ops were tracking him down. They found him in spite of everyone from gardeners to governments hiding his fleabitten ass. Packistan is still pissed off and won't released the doctor who led to OBLs capture. Obama didn't have a damn thing to do with it and he probably shed a few tears for the murdering bastard being he's a devout Muslim.
no link but the women and her husband are both lefty agitators in my opinion . Course , I don't mind the agitation as I think that the 'can we all get along' dummies that voted for mrobama are getting paid back for their support of him .

I voted for obama because he was the only democrat on the ballot. People who vote republican vote against their best interests. Republicans are the party of the very wealthy and large corporations. Democrats gave us little folk a few good things along the way. Social Security, Medicare, premium time for overtime, pell grants, on and on. What's a republican done for you lately? Made you frightened of queers?
If the racist Leftwangers aren't screaming about race then they're bawling about homos.The rest of the time it's about repubs hating pore peeples. Then they go stand in line for their Free Shit. Pathetic whiners.

It's the conservatives who are bawling about homos. In the meantime, tell me one thing a republican has ever done for you.
well , at one time the USA won wars kept USA borders secure , built an excellent military and allowed USA business to function the way it was supposed to function for the good of the taxpayers of the USA . Long time ago perhaps but that's how it used to be Jason .
so you like being catered too and taken care of then , OK with me Jason , your decision , Hilary may be the next 'ruler' to take care of you !!

At any time in our life, any of us may need help. Sometimes non government sources are not sufficient. If a government program will help the average person in need, it will be a democrat program that was passed in spite of objections by republicans who bring out the "free stuff", and "why should government take care of you" arguments. Don't buy in to their spiel. These republican politicos sure take care of themselves on the government dime.
needing help is much different than being taken care of , that's why there is charity , family , friends and there has been welfare or relief for a long time . I knew a nice old lady who is long dead , she raised 11 kids on RELIEF and part time office building cleaning after her husband died of pneumonia in the 1930s . The kids she raised are now also passed away so as I said RELIEF or Help has been around for a long time Jason !!
Some feelings got hurt by her speech...awwwwwwwwwww
Some fanatical Muslims' feelings got hurt by a Mohammed-drawing contest. Where are the liberals saying "Awwwww...." about that?

Liberals aren't interested in whether anyone's feelings are hurt or not. They look at every incident that comes along, and evaluate it solely on its potential to bash conservatives. Nothing else matters to them.
America is racist and baaad!!!
Michelle Obama Speaks on Race at Tuskegee

Does anyone think that the Obamas would be in the Whitehouse today knowing this back then?
They were supposed to be post-racial....They were served up to us as blacks but not blacks with a chip on their shoulder.
Now we discover that we were tricked into believing they had moved on.
Does anyone think this race-baiting First lady would have a snowball's chance in Hell of occupying the Whitehouse if she had let her true feelings be known back then????

I warned everyone......and they said I was just being a racist.

White America gave them the benefit of the doubt and they've squandered this opportunity to heal the wounds of this nation.....and instead greatly contributed to reopening new ones.
I think Penn lays down one of the best rants on what Obama could have and should have been according to Obama's OWN words.

You should actually watch your own video. PJ makes some outstanding points here. And the rant isn't about O'bama but about institutional criminalization of 'controlled substances'.

I like his headphones too. Looks like a pair of Beyerdynamic DT-770s.
no link but the women and her husband are both lefty agitators in my opinion . Course , I don't mind the agitation as I think that the 'can we all get along' dummies that voted for mrobama are getting paid back for their support of him .

I voted for obama because he was the only democrat on the ballot. People who vote republican vote against their best interests. Republicans are the party of the very wealthy and large corporations. Democrats gave us little folk a few good things along the way. Social Security, Medicare, premium time for overtime, pell grants, on and on. What's a republican done for you lately? Made you frightened of queers?

Nope.....but lately Republicans haven't been calling the shots.

They haven't been able to do anything for you since Pelosi took the House in 07' other than block Obama from spending us into bankruptcy.
so you like being catered too and taken care of then , OK with me Jason , your decision , Hilary may be the next 'ruler' to take care of you !!

At any time in our life, any of us may need help. Sometimes non government sources are not sufficient. If a government program will help the average person in need, it will be a democrat program that was passed in spite of objections by republicans who bring out the "free stuff", and "why should government take care of you" arguments. Don't buy in to their spiel. These republican politicos sure take care of themselves on the government dime.
Outstanding example of Turnspeak.
Michelle Obama Speaks on Race at Tuskegee

Does anyone think that the Obamas would be in the Whitehouse today knowing this back then?
They were supposed to be post-racial....They were served up to us as blacks but not blacks with a chip on their shoulder.
Now we discover that we were tricked into believing they had moved on.
Does anyone think this race-baiting First lady would have a snowball's chance in Hell of occupying the Whitehouse if she had let her true feelings be known back then????

I warned everyone......and they said I was just being a racist.

White America gave them the benefit of the doubt and they've squandered this opportunity to heal the wounds of this nation.....and instead greatly contributed to reopening new ones.

The American people were spoon fed a "fantasy" where the Obama's were concerned.

Occasionally their masks slipped, revealing what they're truly like, but anyone pointing that out was attacked and called a racist to shut down any argument.

for awhile it worked, but not anymore.

Unfortunately, we're stuck with them until January, 2017.
Michelle Obama Speaks on Race at Tuskegee

Does anyone think that the Obamas would be in the Whitehouse today knowing this back then?
They were supposed to be post-racial....They were served up to us as blacks but not blacks with a chip on their shoulder.
Now we discover that we were tricked into believing they had moved on.
Does anyone think this race-baiting First lady would have a snowball's chance in Hell of occupying the Whitehouse if she had let her true feelings be known back then????

I warned everyone......and they said I was just being a racist.

White America gave them the benefit of the doubt and they've squandered this opportunity to heal the wounds of this nation.....and instead greatly contributed to reopening new ones.

The American people were spoon fed a "fantasy" where the Obama's were concerned.

Occasionally their masks slipped, revealing what they're truly like, but anyone pointing that out was attacked and called a racist to shut down any argument.

for awhile it worked, but not anymore.

Unfortunately, we're stuck with them until January, 2017.

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