Does anyone think the war (already started) won't be happening on November 3rd?

Seriously, we know the left will be stealing this and we know it will be desperately trying to make it happen. We also know much how they still believe there was collusion with Russia and much how they think Michael Brown was murdered and cops are targeting blacks regardless of the facts to the contrary, that they will be stealing the election.

IF TRUMP WINS, there will be an obvious call for an attack and they will claim Trump cheated. That we all know. They will also yell about POPULAR VOTE as if that means anything.

Either way the war will be officially on November 3rd.

You all ready? It is for everything, including your actual life.

I really am struggling how to respond to your post.

Maybe my inference from this thread is not entirely accurate:

Q. Do you really want to see the destruction of the United States.

Q. Are you prepared to go to the streets and kill / murder other Americans

Q. Do you support and would you engage in Vigilante Justice

Murder honest Americans? Hell no. Defend this country from marxist swine?

Yup. I got no problem with that. The oath to defend the COTUS reads "enemies, foreign AND domestic". So, ask yourself this bootlicker, are YOU a domestic enemy?
He claims to have been a cop for 32 years. He supports those out there killing cops and engaging in all manner of criminality.

Can we say "what is wrong with this picture, here, folks?"

I was a sworn officer of the law, and an officer of the court for 32 years. Do you know how many other LE agencies there are? There are local, state and federal agencies which employ Police Officers, Sheriff Deputies, and a number of agents (FBI, US Marshals, Parole and Probation Officers, etc. etc.).

I don't support those out there killing cops nor cops killing civilians. I also understand issues which go well beyond your ability to understand both the difficulty of local Law Enforcement on both the management and street level.

Jerks like you can't comprehend the myriad issues which have brought violence to the streets today, and in the past 75 years. You and Trump point fingers and place blame without any consideration of the consequences which lead up to disaffection and violence on both sides of the conflict.
Seriously, we know the left will be stealing this and we know it will be desperately trying to make it happen. We also know much how they still believe there was collusion with Russia and much how they think Michael Brown was murdered and cops are targeting blacks regardless of the facts to the contrary, that they will be stealing the election.

IF TRUMP WINS, there will be an obvious call for an attack and they will claim Trump cheated. That we all know. They will also yell about POPULAR VOTE as if that means anything.

Either way the war will be officially on November 3rd.

You all ready? It is for everything, including your actual life.

I really am struggling how to respond to your post.

Maybe my inference from this thread is not entirely accurate:

Q. Do you really want to see the destruction of the United States.

Q. Are you prepared to go to the streets and kill / murder other Americans

Q. Do you support and would you engage in Vigilante Justice
Yes, you struggle. You struggle to understand pretty much everything from what I have seen.

What you cannot understand here is that BurnLootMurder and Antifa are domestic terrorists who are committing countless criminal acts against innocent people. You are failing to understand. that the democrat party has been enabling and supporting these groups and that THEY are the actual vigilantes who are out on the streets. You are failing to understand that business owners are not your enemy just because they are productive members of society and you are not and you are failing to understand that it is the terrorist movements you support who are out to destroy this nation -- for Christ's sake, they even say so in their fucking charter.

You began your post with a personal attack and follow it up with lies:

  • Using BurnLootMurder (BLM) is not so subtle covert racism.
  • The Democratic Party is not a singular entity
    • Millions of Americans do not all think alike
    • Nor do all Democrats in office vote in lockstep
  • You seem to be confused as to the meaning of Vigilantism
  • I do not support arsonists, vandals or other unlawful activities
  • They are criminals:
    • Anarchists
    • Disaffected youth
    • Agent Provocateurs (foreign or domestic)
    • Terrorists (foreign or domestic)
  • Small shopkeepers, and small businesses employ half of the working population
    • Yes they contribute mightily to the GDP
    • Yes, consumers too contribute mightily to the GDP
  • I started work tossing the SF Chronicle during my middle school years
  • Worked summers pumping gas, checking the oil and filling the tires in High School
  • Worked 30 hours per week as a Recreation Director during my college days
  • Enlisted in the Navy during the Vietnam Conflict
  • Spent a 32 year career in Law Enforcement
  • Coached Little League, CYO Soccer and CYO basketball
  • Married in 1974, raised two sons both of them are productive citizens.
So F. U. and your vulgar lies and ignorance. Your are the Problem! Not me.
"Covert racism" :lol:
Seriously, we know the left will be stealing this and we know it will be desperately trying to make it happen. We also know much how they still believe there was collusion with Russia and much how they think Michael Brown was murdered and cops are targeting blacks regardless of the facts to the contrary, that they will be stealing the election.

IF TRUMP WINS, there will be an obvious call for an attack and they will claim Trump cheated. That we all know. They will also yell about POPULAR VOTE as if that means anything.

Either way the war will be officially on November 3rd.

You all ready? It is for everything, including your actual life.

I really am struggling how to respond to your post.

Maybe my inference from this thread is not entirely accurate:

Q. Do you really want to see the destruction of the United States.

Q. Are you prepared to go to the streets and kill / murder other Americans

Q. Do you support and would you engage in Vigilante Justice

Murder honest Americans? Hell no. Defend this country from marxist swine?

Yup. I got no problem with that. The oath to defend the COTUS reads "enemies, foreign AND domestic". So, ask yourself this bootlicker, are YOU a domestic enemy?
He claims to have been a cop for 32 years. He supports those out there killing cops and engaging in all manner of criminality.

Can we say "what is wrong with this picture, here, folks?"

I was a sworn officer of the law, and an officer of the court for 32 years. Do you know how many other LE agencies there are? There are local, state and federal agencies which employ Police Officers, Sheriff Deputies, and a number of agents (FBI, US Marshals, Parole and Probation Officers, etc. etc.).

I don't support those out there killing cops nor cops killing civilians. I also understand issues which go well beyond your ability to understand both the difficulty of local Law Enforcement on both the management and street level.

Jerks like you can't comprehend the myriad issues which have brought violence to the streets today, and in the past 75 years. You and Trump point fingers and place blame without any consideration of the consequences which lead up to disaffection and violence on both sides of the conflict.

Authoritarian assholes, like you, are the cause of the problems now.
Seriously, we know the left will be stealing this and we know it will be desperately trying to make it happen. We also know much how they still believe there was collusion with Russia and much how they think Michael Brown was murdered and cops are targeting blacks regardless of the facts to the contrary, that they will be stealing the election.

IF TRUMP WINS, there will be an obvious call for an attack and they will claim Trump cheated. That we all know. They will also yell about POPULAR VOTE as if that means anything.

Either way the war will be officially on November 3rd.

You all ready? It is for everything, including your actual life.

I really am struggling how to respond to your post.

Maybe my inference from this thread is not entirely accurate:

Q. Do you really want to see the destruction of the United States.

Q. Are you prepared to go to the streets and kill / murder other Americans

Q. Do you support and would you engage in Vigilante Justice
1. Well I definitely think we'd all be better off if the U.S. were to break up, but I wouldn't use the word "destruction." We have at least two separate cultures in the United States, and it's as clear as can be that the two can't really coexist as a political unit anymore. Nobody in the U.S. gets mad at Canada for what they do, however, so I think breaking up into smaller units or even two still somewhat large units would be better. As a start, every state Biden wins can have Biden as president and every state Trump wins can have Trump and then go from there.

2. Nope.

3. Definitely not.

I know you weren't asking me, but I also figured nobody else will actually answer so I thought I would.

1a. In John Meacham's Book, "American Lion" is a defense of The Union by Daniel Webster (page 129). I'm not going to post the entire speech before The Congress, but summarize it in the opening and closing:

"I have not allowed myself, sir, to look beyond the Union, to see what might be hidden in the dark recess behind. I have no coolly weighed the chances of liberty, when the bonds that unite us shall be broken asunder...

"what is all this worth? Nor those other words of delusion and folly, Liberty first, and Union after --- but everywhere, spread all over in the characters of living light, blasing on all its ample folds, as they float over the sea and over the land, and in every wind under the whole Heavens, that other sentiment dear to every American heart ---liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable."

This speech was partly in response to Thomas Cooper's July 1827 declaration that it was time to calculate the value of the Union.
When New England threatened to secede from the Union:

"God bless them both & keep them in the union if it be for their good, but separate them, if it be better." - Thomas Jefferson
In another post here, Democrats are promising 4 more years of terrorism if Trump is re-elected. I take them at their word.

IMO, BurnLootMurder and Antifa should BOTH be classified as terrorist organizations and treated as enemy combatants when they engage in violence.

Yep. That is why they need to be deported ASAP, as soon as they're caught or raise their heads up and commit hate crimes and looting. Theri scam of claiming those thousands of looters and vermin are 'white nationalists' is just hilariously stupid as well, unless they want to claim the vast majority of 'white supremacists' are black. they know what they are, and there is no longer any excuses they can make for their violence and treason.
O lawd! It's not all "da niggas".
It's a Marxist-led open rebellion, but it's definitely not all blacks.
80% are probably white and never been disciplined a day in their life.
Aplenty of American black people are against that bullshit.
Ofc I am for jettisoning the commie-indoctrinated brainwashed snowflakes.
Where to, though?

The majority of the looters and violent hate crimes are committed by blacks; whether anybody likes that or not isn't my problem, I don't need anybody's votes and I don't give a shit about peer pressure. As for the whites involved, I don't mind deporting them either.

Where to? Someplace in dire need of 'Social Justice Warriors', like Red China and Indonesia, or Sudan and Somalia would be fine; they will have plenty of 'media' amoing them to keep us all informed of their great acheivements n stuff.

Not only do you not see one white person feeling they have the PRIVILEGE to rob that Amazon delivery truck, but you will not see one white patronizing racist on the left offer any disgust for this.

I like my country. It isn't perfect, but has done much to advance the human condition.

I think people have the right to earn a living by operating their own business.

I oppose criminality. Criminal behavior victimizes others and I believe one person's right to swing their fist ends at another persons nose.

I oppose terrorism. Committing violence and arson against innocent people is never justified.

What a truly sad commentary on the state of our nation right now that such attitudes elicit accusatory epithets that I am a "trumpster"
In another post here, Democrats are promising 4 more years of terrorism if Trump is re-elected. I take them at their word.

IMO, BurnLootMurder and Antifa should BOTH be classified as terrorist organizations and treated as enemy combatants when they engage in violence.

Yep. That is why they need to be deported ASAP, as soon as they're caught or raise their heads up and commit hate crimes and looting. Theri scam of claiming those thousands of looters and vermin are 'white nationalists' is just hilariously stupid as well, unless they want to claim the vast majority of 'white supremacists' are black. they know what they are, and there is no longer any excuses they can make for their violence and treason.
O lawd! It's not all "da niggas".
It's a Marxist-led open rebellion, but it's definitely not all blacks.
80% are probably white and never been disciplined a day in their life.
Aplenty of American black people are against that bullshit.
Ofc I am for jettisoning the commie-indoctrinated brainwashed snowflakes.
Where to, though?

The majority of the looters and violent hate crimes are committed by blacks; whether anybody likes that or not isn't my problem, I don't need anybody's votes and I don't give a shit about peer pressure. As for the whites involved, I don't mind deporting them either.

Where to? Someplace in dire need of 'Social Justice Warriors', like Red China and Indonesia, or Sudan and Somalia would be fine; they will have plenty of 'media' amoing them to keep us all informed of their great acheivements n stuff.

Not only do you not see one white person feeling they have the PRIVILEGE to rob that Amazon delivery truck, but you will not see one white patronizing racist on the left offer any disgust for this.


Not only that, but there seems to be no end to the number of psychotic individuals swearing up and down that those are really white supremacists posing as such
Seriously, we know the left will be stealing this and we know it will be desperately trying to make it happen. We also know much how they still believe there was collusion with Russia and much how they think Michael Brown was murdered and cops are targeting blacks regardless of the facts to the contrary, that they will be stealing the election.

IF TRUMP WINS, there will be an obvious call for an attack and they will claim Trump cheated. That we all know. They will also yell about POPULAR VOTE as if that means anything.

Either way the war will be officially on November 3rd.

You all ready? It is for everything, including your actual life.

  • As we get closer to the election, Biden's campaign falls apart as Trump's strengthens just as you'd expect it would.
  • Then right at the election, Bidden zooms up inexplicably in the polls and its a horse race.
  1. Trump wins by the narrowest of margins, Biden gets the popular vote, and the Democrats go ballistic like sore losers again, go all Al Gore on us spending months and millions of dollars challenging everything in court as they accuse men from Pluto for fixing the election. Leftist go into all-out war mode rioting everywhere.
  2. Democrats get everything their way, states go all mail-out ballots, and Biden wins inexplicably, despite a really bad campaign and no public support, and everything is swept under the rug as all evidence of corruption and cheating conveniently disappears and Europe and China celebrate. Covid-19 is cured, lockdowns are lifted, economy soars under Biden and the Democrats go into full gestapo mode attacking white mainstream America as the new national threat, as 43 democrat cities open lawsuits charging Trump with war-crimes against humanity.

View attachment 384420

3). June 2021, Joe steps down due to failing health to be admitted to nursing home and Kemala is made new POTUS and either Hillary, Maxine or Nancy the VP. Their first action will be to criminalize masculinity and empower all women, especially Blacks.​
It doesn't even have to be that iffy....the dems don't care about Biden or the HO----neither are getting in.

All the dems have to do at this point is to have terrorist bombings claiming that people couldn't vote. And then declare Pelosi queen since there could be an election to decide.
Seriously, we know the left will be stealing this and we know it will be desperately trying to make it happen. We also know much how they still believe there was collusion with Russia and much how they think Michael Brown was murdered and cops are targeting blacks regardless of the facts to the contrary, that they will be stealing the election.

IF TRUMP WINS, there will be an obvious call for an attack and they will claim Trump cheated. That we all know. They will also yell about POPULAR VOTE as if that means anything.

Either way the war will be officially on November 3rd.

You all ready? It is for everything, including your actual life.

I really am struggling how to respond to your post.

Maybe my inference from this thread is not entirely accurate:

Q. Do you really want to see the destruction of the United States.

Q. Are you prepared to go to the streets and kill / murder other Americans

Q. Do you support and would you engage in Vigilante Justice

Murder honest Americans? Hell no. Defend this country from marxist swine?

Yup. I got no problem with that. The oath to defend the COTUS reads "enemies, foreign AND domestic". So, ask yourself this bootlicker, are YOU a domestic enemy?
He claims to have been a cop for 32 years. He supports those out there killing cops and engaging in all manner of criminality.

Can we say "what is wrong with this picture, here, folks?"

I was a sworn officer of the law, and an officer of the court for 32 years. Do you know how many other LE agencies there are? There are local, state and federal agencies which employ Police Officers, Sheriff Deputies, and a number of agents (FBI, US Marshals, Parole and Probation Officers, etc. etc.).

I don't support those out there killing cops nor cops killing civilians. I also understand issues which go well beyond your ability to understand both the difficulty of local Law Enforcement on both the management and street level.

Jerks like you can't comprehend the myriad issues which have brought violence to the streets today, and in the past 75 years. You and Trump point fingers and place blame without any consideration of the consequences which lead up to disaffection and violence on both sides of the conflict.
Ah yes, a sworn officer of the law promoting the interests of cop killers and arsonists.

What's next - a poster claiming to be black promoting the kkk?
Seriously, we know the left will be stealing this and we know it will be desperately trying to make it happen. We also know much how they still believe there was collusion with Russia and much how they think Michael Brown was murdered and cops are targeting blacks regardless of the facts to the contrary, that they will be stealing the election.

IF TRUMP WINS, there will be an obvious call for an attack and they will claim Trump cheated. That we all know. They will also yell about POPULAR VOTE as if that means anything.

Either way the war will be officially on November 3rd.

You all ready? It is for everything, including your actual life.

I really am struggling how to respond to your post.

Maybe my inference from this thread is not entirely accurate:

Q. Do you really want to see the destruction of the United States.

Q. Are you prepared to go to the streets and kill / murder other Americans

Q. Do you support and would you engage in Vigilante Justice
Yes, you struggle. You struggle to understand pretty much everything from what I have seen.

What you cannot understand here is that BurnLootMurder and Antifa are domestic terrorists who are committing countless criminal acts against innocent people. You are failing to understand. that the democrat party has been enabling and supporting these groups and that THEY are the actual vigilantes who are out on the streets. You are failing to understand that business owners are not your enemy just because they are productive members of society and you are not and you are failing to understand that it is the terrorist movements you support who are out to destroy this nation -- for Christ's sake, they even say so in their fucking charter.

You began your post with a personal attack and follow it up with lies:

  • Using BurnLootMurder (BLM) is not so subtle covert racism.
  • The Democratic Party is not a singular entity
    • Millions of Americans do not all think alike
    • Nor do all Democrats in office vote in lockstep
  • You seem to be confused as to the meaning of Vigilantism
  • I do not support arsonists, vandals or other unlawful activities
  • They are criminals:
    • Anarchists
    • Disaffected youth
    • Agent Provocateurs (foreign or domestic)
    • Terrorists (foreign or domestic)
  • Small shopkeepers, and small businesses employ half of the working population
    • Yes they contribute mightily to the GDP
    • Yes, consumers too contribute mightily to the GDP
  • I started work tossing the SF Chronicle during my middle school years
  • Worked summers pumping gas, checking the oil and filling the tires in High School
  • Worked 30 hours per week as a Recreation Director during my college days
  • Enlisted in the Navy during the Vietnam Conflict
  • Spent a 32 year career in Law Enforcement
  • Coached Little League, CYO Soccer and CYO basketball
  • Married in 1974, raised two sons both of them are productive citizens.
So F. U. and your vulgar lies and ignorance. Your are the Problem! Not me.
"Covert racism" :lol:
Well, of course!

Didn't you get the memo that white people must show the proper shame for our skin color by supporting these behaviors?

The message is clear. Support black criminality or be called a racist.
In another post here, Democrats are promising 4 more years of terrorism if Trump is re-elected. I take them at their word.

IMO, BurnLootMurder and Antifa should BOTH be classified as terrorist organizations and treated as enemy combatants when they engage in violence.

Yep. That is why they need to be deported ASAP, as soon as they're caught or raise their heads up and commit hate crimes and looting. Theri scam of claiming those thousands of looters and vermin are 'white nationalists' is just hilariously stupid as well, unless they want to claim the vast majority of 'white supremacists' are black. they know what they are, and there is no longer any excuses they can make for their violence and treason.
O lawd! It's not all "da niggas".
It's a Marxist-led open rebellion, but it's definitely not all blacks.
80% are probably white and never been disciplined a day in their life.
Aplenty of American black people are against that bullshit.
Ofc I am for jettisoning the commie-indoctrinated brainwashed snowflakes.
Where to, though?

The majority of the looters and violent hate crimes are committed by blacks; whether anybody likes that or not isn't my problem, I don't need anybody's votes and I don't give a shit about peer pressure. As for the whites involved, I don't mind deporting them either.

Where to? Someplace in dire need of 'Social Justice Warriors', like Red China and Indonesia, or Sudan and Somalia would be fine; they will have plenty of 'media' amoing them to keep us all informed of their great acheivements n stuff.

Not only do you not see one white person feeling they have the PRIVILEGE to rob that Amazon delivery truck, but you will not see one white patronizing racist on the left offer any disgust for this.


Nope, as predicted. Not one patronizing white leftist offering disgust for the you know whats doing what they do best when they are all convinced they are justified to.
In another post here, Democrats are promising 4 more years of terrorism if Trump is re-elected. I take them at their word.

IMO, BurnLootMurder and Antifa should BOTH be classified as terrorist organizations and treated as enemy combatants when they engage in violence.

Yep. That is why they need to be deported ASAP, as soon as they're caught or raise their heads up and commit hate crimes and looting. Theri scam of claiming those thousands of looters and vermin are 'white nationalists' is just hilariously stupid as well, unless they want to claim the vast majority of 'white supremacists' are black. they know what they are, and there is no longer any excuses they can make for their violence and treason.
O lawd! It's not all "da niggas".
It's a Marxist-led open rebellion, but it's definitely not all blacks.
80% are probably white and never been disciplined a day in their life.
Aplenty of American black people are against that bullshit.
Ofc I am for jettisoning the commie-indoctrinated brainwashed snowflakes.
Where to, though?

The majority of the looters and violent hate crimes are committed by blacks; whether anybody likes that or not isn't my problem, I don't need anybody's votes and I don't give a shit about peer pressure. As for the whites involved, I don't mind deporting them either.

Where to? Someplace in dire need of 'Social Justice Warriors', like Red China and Indonesia, or Sudan and Somalia would be fine; they will have plenty of 'media' amoing them to keep us all informed of their great acheivements n stuff.

Not only do you not see one white person feeling they have the PRIVILEGE to rob that Amazon delivery truck, but you will not see one white patronizing racist on the left offer any disgust for this.


Nope, as predicted. Not one patronizing white leftist offering disgust for the you know whats doing what they do best when they are all convinced they are justified to.

Their silence isn't violence, but their silence is their racism.
In another post here, Democrats are promising 4 more years of terrorism if Trump is re-elected. I take them at their word.

IMO, BurnLootMurder and Antifa should BOTH be classified as terrorist organizations and treated as enemy combatants when they engage in violence.

Yep. That is why they need to be deported ASAP, as soon as they're caught or raise their heads up and commit hate crimes and looting. Theri scam of claiming those thousands of looters and vermin are 'white nationalists' is just hilariously stupid as well, unless they want to claim the vast majority of 'white supremacists' are black. they know what they are, and there is no longer any excuses they can make for their violence and treason.
O lawd! It's not all "da niggas".
It's a Marxist-led open rebellion, but it's definitely not all blacks.
80% are probably white and never been disciplined a day in their life.
Aplenty of American black people are against that bullshit.
Ofc I am for jettisoning the commie-indoctrinated brainwashed snowflakes.
Where to, though?

The majority of the looters and violent hate crimes are committed by blacks; whether anybody likes that or not isn't my problem, I don't need anybody's votes and I don't give a shit about peer pressure. As for the whites involved, I don't mind deporting them either.

Where to? Someplace in dire need of 'Social Justice Warriors', like Red China and Indonesia, or Sudan and Somalia would be fine; they will have plenty of 'media' amoing them to keep us all informed of their great acheivements n stuff.

Not only do you not see one white person feeling they have the PRIVILEGE to rob that Amazon delivery truck, but you will not see one white patronizing racist on the left offer any disgust for this.


Nope, as predicted. Not one patronizing white leftist offering disgust for the you know whats doing what they do best when they are all convinced they are justified to.

Their silence isn't violence, but their silence is their racism.

Cannot post what I want to say..

It involves Blank gonna blank
Fuck that shit!
Niggas are going to nigg.
I learned this from a white guy in St. Louis.
He's definitely closer to the niggas than I am.
Here in Florida, we have the best black people, I shit you not!
Muzzuruh wishes they had our awesome FL black people. :aargh:

Here, I'll show ya:
Oh fuck! The leftists put it to him, that's a damn shame!
You know what? The best black people in America still come from Florida. I will stand by that.
Florida black people are some of the best in America. The real ones, from Florida.
Last edited:
Nope, as predicted. Not one patronizing white leftist offering disgust for the you know whats doing what they do best when they are all convinced they are justified to.
No asshole. I (and all of us) feel as much disgust for this as anyone. We just don’t waste our time answering every partisan asshole on the internet posting videos of hardened black criminals, drug addicts or in this case even passers-by acting shamefully. Hard-working and moral African-Americans, the great majority, likewise feel disgust. More than you do, because they and I know how destructive this shit is. Not only to BLM movements against police abuse, but to the communities we have to drive through, live and work in.

But guess what. Shit like this is not new. What is new is the ever louder manic cries of whites for “civil war.“ (So is the ubiquitous cellphone camera and video, which sometimes catches cops doing shit too.) Shit like this, as disgusting as it is, is not a political demonstration of anything. It is not an attack on whites or Republicans or Conservatives or Liberals or Democrats. It is not a call for civil war. Widespread criminality and acceptance of criminality exists today and it will still be here in 2024 if Trump is re-elected. Biden won’t change it either. If Trump is re-elected, drug use and unemployment is not going anywhere but up. This is even more true for crime in offices and penthouses, trade war and real war overseas. It will all continue because the system will remain the same, the social safety net will be destroyed, and the U.S. position in the world will continue to deteriorate.

Perhaps in four years more whites will become like these lowlife blacks. Do you think massive numbers of good paying factory jobs will return? Or that future white losers in the competitive marketplace will manage to get jobs as stock brokers, or live happily ever after selling each other insurance and real estate, or all find new good-paying jobs serving as security guards, cops and soldiers?

Disgust for criminality and stupidity should not start nor end with watching and reacting to videos, or talking heads on CNN or FOX News. If you go to any prison in this country you see “Law & Order” reigning supreme. Follow Trumpian policies of unfettered capitalism and MAGA and — in my opinion — you will only turn our whole country into a prison. You will divide the country, bloody it, and in the end weaken it.

A country unable to summon up enough social solidarity to solve its own problems will never be able to move the world toward greater freedom and prosperity. It won’t be able to ride roughshot over it either.
Last edited:
Nope, as predicted. Not one patronizing white leftist offering disgust for the you know whats doing what they do best when they are all convinced they are justified to.
No asshole. I (and all of us) feel as much disgust for this as anyone. We just don’t waste our time answering every partisan asshole on the internet posting videos of hardened black criminals, drug addicts or in this case even passers-by acting shamefully. Hard-working and moral African-Americans, the great majority, likewise feel disgust. More than you do, because they and I know how destructive this shit is. Not only to BLM movements against police abuse, but to the communities we have to drive through, live and work in.

But guess what. Shit like this is not new. What is new is the ever louder manic cries of whites for “civil war.“ (So is the ubiquitous cellphone camera and video, which sometimes catches cops doing shit too.) Shit like this, as disgusting as it is, is not a political demonstration of anything. It is not an attack on whites or Republicans or Conservatives or Liberals or Democrats. It is not a call for civil war. Widespread criminality and acceptance of criminality exists today and it will still be here in 2024 if Trump is re-elected. Biden won’t change it either. If Trump is re-elected, drug use and unemployment is not going anywhere but up. This is even more true for crime in offices and penthouses, trade war and real war overseas. It will all continue because the system will remain the same, the social safety net will be destroyed, and the U.S. position in the world will continue to deteriorate.

Perhaps in four years more whites will become like these lowlife blacks. Do you think massive numbers of good paying factory jobs will return? Or that future white losers in the competitive marketplace will manage to get jobs as stock brokers, or live happily ever after selling each other insurance and real estate, or all find new good-paying jobs serving as security guards, cops and soldiers?

Disgust for criminality and stupidity should not start nor end with watching and reacting to videos, or talking heads on CNN or FOX News. If you go to any prison in this country you see “Law & Order” reigning supreme. Follow Trumpian policies of unfettered capitalism and MAGA and — in my opinion — you will only turn our whole country into a prison. You will divide the country, bloody it, and in the end weaken it.

A country unable to summon up enough social solidarity to solve its own problems will never be able to move the world toward greater freedom and prosperity. It won’t be able to ride roughshot over it either.
Shut up
Seriously, we know the left will be stealing this and we know they are desperately trying to make it happen. We also know much how they still believe there was collusion with Russia and much how they think Michael Brown was murdered and cops are targeting blacks regardless of the facts to the contrary, that they will be stealing the election.

IF TRUMP WINS, there will be an obvious call for an attack and they will claim Trump cheated. That we all know. They will also yell about POPULAR VOTE as if that means anything.

Either way the war will be officially on November 3rd.

You all ready? It is for everything, including your actual life.
Here at the big igloo have our Hawaiian shirts pressed and having a big collapsatarian laugh-a-thon
Seriously, we know the left will be stealing this and we know it will be desperately trying to make it happen. We also know much how they still believe there was collusion with Russia and much how they think Michael Brown was murdered and cops are targeting blacks regardless of the facts to the contrary, that they will be stealing the election.

IF TRUMP WINS, there will be an obvious call for an attack and they will claim Trump cheated. That we all know. They will also yell about POPULAR VOTE as if that means anything.

Either way the war will be officially on November 3rd.

You all ready? It is for everything, including your actual life.

  • As we get closer to the election, Biden's campaign falls apart as Trump's strengthens just as you'd expect it would.
  • Then right at the election, Bidden zooms up inexplicably in the polls and its a horse race.
  1. Trump wins by the narrowest of margins, Biden gets the popular vote, and the Democrats go ballistic like sore losers again, go all Al Gore on us spending months and millions of dollars challenging everything in court as they accuse men from Pluto for fixing the election. Leftist go into all-out war mode rioting everywhere.
  2. Democrats get everything their way, states go all mail-out ballots, and Biden wins inexplicably, despite a really bad campaign and no public support, and everything is swept under the rug as all evidence of corruption and cheating conveniently disappears and Europe and China celebrate. Covid-19 is cured, lockdowns are lifted, economy soars under Biden and the Democrats go into full gestapo mode attacking white mainstream America as the new national threat, as 43 democrat cities open lawsuits charging Trump with war-crimes against humanity.

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3). June 2021, Joe steps down due to failing health to be admitted to nursing home and Kemala is made new POTUS and either Hillary, Maxine or Nancy the VP. Their first action will be to criminalize masculinity and empower all women, especially Blacks.​
It doesn't even have to be that iffy....the dems don't care about Biden or the HO----neither are getting in.

All the dems have to do at this point is to have terrorist bombings claiming that people couldn't vote. And then declare Pelosi queen since there could be an election to decide.

just how many layers of coo-coo cray cray are there with you?
Nope, as predicted. Not one patronizing white leftist offering disgust for the you know whats doing what they do best when they are all convinced they are justified to.
No asshole. I (and all of us) feel as much disgust for this as anyone. We just don’t waste our time answering every partisan asshole on the internet posting videos of hardened black criminals, drug addicts or in this case even passers-by acting shamefully. Hard-working and moral African-Americans, the great majority, likewise feel disgust. More than you do, because they and I know how destructive this shit is. Not only to BLM movements against police abuse, but to the communities we have to drive through, live and work in.

But guess what. Shit like this is not new. What is new is the ever louder manic cries of whites for “civil war.“ (So is the ubiquitous cellphone camera and video, which sometimes catches cops doing shit too.) Shit like this, as disgusting as it is, is not a political demonstration of anything. It is not an attack on whites or Republicans or Conservatives or Liberals or Democrats. It is not a call for civil war. Widespread criminality and acceptance of criminality exists today and it will still be here in 2024 if Trump is re-elected. Biden won’t change it either. If Trump is re-elected, drug use and unemployment is not going anywhere but up. This is even more true for crime in offices and penthouses, trade war and real war overseas. It will all continue because the system will remain the same, the social safety net will be destroyed, and the U.S. position in the world will continue to deteriorate.

Perhaps in four years more whites will become like these lowlife blacks. Do you think massive numbers of good paying factory jobs will return? Or that future white losers in the competitive marketplace will manage to get jobs as stock brokers, or live happily ever after selling each other insurance and real estate, or all find new good-paying jobs serving as security guards, cops and soldiers?

Disgust for criminality and stupidity should not start nor end with watching and reacting to videos, or talking heads on CNN or FOX News. If you go to any prison in this country you see “Law & Order” reigning supreme. Follow Trumpian policies of unfettered capitalism and MAGA and — in my opinion — you will only turn our whole country into a prison. You will divide the country, bloody it, and in the end weaken it.

A country unable to summon up enough social solidarity to solve its own problems will never be able to move the world toward greater freedom and prosperity. It won’t be able to ride roughshot over it either.
Shut up
It appears that George Soros pays by the word.
In another post here, Democrats are promising 4 more years of terrorism if Trump is re-elected. I take them at their word.

IMO, BurnLootMurder and Antifa should BOTH be classified as terrorist organizations and treated as enemy combatants when they engage in violence.

Yep. That is why they need to be deported ASAP, as soon as they're caught or raise their heads up and commit hate crimes and looting. Theri scam of claiming those thousands of looters and vermin are 'white nationalists' is just hilariously stupid as well, unless they want to claim the vast majority of 'white supremacists' are black. they know what they are, and there is no longer any excuses they can make for their violence and treason.
O lawd! It's not all "da niggas".
It's a Marxist-led open rebellion, but it's definitely not all blacks.
80% are probably white and never been disciplined a day in their life.
Aplenty of American black people are against that bullshit.
Ofc I am for jettisoning the commie-indoctrinated brainwashed snowflakes.
Where to, though?

The majority of the looters and violent hate crimes are committed by blacks; whether anybody likes that or not isn't my problem, I don't need anybody's votes and I don't give a shit about peer pressure. As for the whites involved, I don't mind deporting them either.

Where to? Someplace in dire need of 'Social Justice Warriors', like Red China and Indonesia, or Sudan and Somalia would be fine; they will have plenty of 'media' amoing them to keep us all informed of their great acheivements n stuff.

Not only do you not see one white person feeling they have the PRIVILEGE to rob that Amazon delivery truck, but you will not see one white patronizing racist on the left offer any disgust for this.


Nope, as predicted. Not one patronizing white leftist offering disgust for the you know whats doing what they do best when they are all convinced they are justified to.

Stop spreading the costs of this to all the people. From fast food to deliveries charge them more. We are suckers.
Seriously, we know the left will be stealing this and we know they are desperately trying to make it happen. We also know much how they still believe there was collusion with Russia and much how they think Michael Brown was murdered and cops are targeting blacks regardless of the facts to the contrary, that they will be stealing the election.

IF TRUMP WINS, there will be an obvious call for an attack and they will claim Trump cheated. That we all know. They will also yell about POPULAR VOTE as if that means anything.

Either way the war will be officially on November 3rd.

You all ready? It is for everything, including your actual life.
Here at the big igloo have our Hawaiian shirts pressed and having a big collapsatarian laugh-a-thon
I'm sure Hawaii is nice this time of year.

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