Does anyone think the war (already started) won't be happening on November 3rd?

Seriously, we know the left will be stealing this and we know they are desperately trying to make it happen. We also know much how they still believe there was collusion with Russia and much how they think Michael Brown was murdered and cops are targeting blacks regardless of the facts to the contrary, that they will be stealing the election.

IF TRUMP WINS, there will be an obvious call for an attack and they will claim Trump cheated. That we all know. They will also yell about POPULAR VOTE as if that means anything.

Either way the war will be officially on November 3rd.

You all ready? It is for everything, including your actual life.

Got it all, except .308 AP. It is going for $10 to $13 a round.
It is going to be imperative that the military be controlled. That will eventually be used and could very well be used against us. Like the cops. When it becomes a police state, that is when they become the enemy.

Trust that.
I think around 50% of the Military will side with the Communists and Communist Fellow Travelers and around 50% sides with the Right Wing Conservative Republicans. You could very well have a situation like the Spanish Civil War if Russia and China supply one side and the other with weapons and other supplies.
Seriously, we know the left will be stealing this and we know it will be desperately trying to make it happen. We also know much how they still believe there was collusion with Russia and much how they think Michael Brown was murdered and cops are targeting blacks regardless of the facts to the contrary, that they will be stealing the election.

IF TRUMP WINS, there will be an obvious call for an attack and they will claim Trump cheated. That we all know. They will also yell about POPULAR VOTE as if that means anything.

Either way the war will be officially on November 3rd.

You all ready? It is for everything, including your actual life.

I really am struggling how to respond to your post.

Maybe my inference from this thread is not entirely accurate:

Q. Do you really want to see the destruction of the United States.

Q. Are you prepared to go to the streets and kill / murder other Americans

Q. Do you support and would you engage in Vigilante Justice
1. Well I definitely think we'd all be better off if the U.S. were to break up, but I wouldn't use the word "destruction." We have at least two separate cultures in the United States, and it's as clear as can be that the two can't really coexist as a political unit anymore. Nobody in the U.S. gets mad at Canada for what they do, however, so I think breaking up into smaller units or even two still somewhat large units would be better. As a start, every state Biden wins can have Biden as president and every state Trump wins can have Trump and then go from there.

2. Nope.

3. Definitely not.

I know you weren't asking me, but I also figured nobody else will actually answer so I thought I would.

1a. In John Meacham's Book, "American Lion" is a defense of The Union by Daniel Webster (page 129). I'm not going to post the entire speech before The Congress, but summarize it in the opening and closing:

"I have not allowed myself, sir, to look beyond the Union, to see what might be hidden in the dark recess behind. I have no coolly weighed the chances of liberty, when the bonds that unite us shall be broken asunder...

"what is all this worth? Nor those other words of delusion and folly, Liberty first, and Union after --- but everywhere, spread all over in the characters of living light, blasing on all its ample folds, as they float over the sea and over the land, and in every wind under the whole Heavens, that other sentiment dear to every American heart ---liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable."

This speech was partly in response to Thomas Cooper's July 1827 declaration that it was time to calculate the value of the Union.
Of course I'm always ready but its unlikely gunfire will be coming to my area.
Same here, and I really can't run more than 50-75 yards.
I turn and fight, though.
I can run that 50-75 yards in just under pro-NFL sprinter level, not quite there, but close...
5.0, 5.1 maybe? Back in the day it was 4.9, but Ahm an old man now.
An old American man that has been shooting all of his life. Keep that in mind, fucktards, lest ye has your noggins be 'sploding. You'll have a better America to grow up in even some of you have to die to make that happen.
One thing is to get a fuckton of laws and regulations rolled back.
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How do these people make it through a freakin' day?
Do tell us your secret, wokemac.
Back away from the radio.

Stop clicking on winger websites.

There's a good start.
You should try that sometime. Also see: Critical thinking.
Orange Man is not bad, you are being manipulated.
Okay! I already know how Trumpsters are extra smart and excel at critical thinking 'n stuff, though.

Plus you guys really think for yourselves!

You're just too clever for me!
How do these people make it through a freakin' day?
Do tell us your secret, wokemac.
Back away from the radio.

Stop clicking on winger websites.

There's a good start.
You should try that sometime. Also see: Critical thinking.
Orange Man is not bad, you are being manipulated.
Okay! I already know how Trumpsters are extra smart and excel at critical thinking 'n stuff, though.

Plus you guys really think for yourselves!

You're just too clever for me!
I feel empathy for your stupidity. Does not mean I will stand idly by and let people like you wrest America from Americans. Oh hell no! (As the southern girls say)
Seriously, we know the left will be stealing this and we know they are desperately trying to make it happen. We also know much how they still believe there was collusion with Russia and much how they think Michael Brown was murdered and cops are targeting blacks regardless of the facts to the contrary, that they will be stealing the election.

IF TRUMP WINS, there will be an obvious call for an attack and they will claim Trump cheated. That we all know. They will also yell about POPULAR VOTE as if that means anything.

Either way the war will be officially on November 3rd.

You all ready? It is for everything, including your actual life.
If Biden wins, war will not happen. Conservatives are more tame and composed. If Trump wins there will be riots and protests (mostly in Demorat cities), but they will eventually die down and we will move on.
How do these people make it through a freakin' day?
Do tell us your secret, wokemac.
Back away from the radio.

Stop clicking on winger websites.

There's a good start.
You should try that sometime. Also see: Critical thinking.
Orange Man is not bad, you are being manipulated.
Okay! I already know how Trumpsters are extra smart and excel at critical thinking 'n stuff, though.

Plus you guys really think for yourselves!

You're just too clever for me!
Its fun to watch partisans sticking their fingers in their ears yelling nyah nyah nyah in denial of the fact that it is their fellow partisans running amok.

Opposing those who killl cops and try to burn people alive does not make a person this much imagined "trumpster" of yours.

It just makes them sane.
Seriously, we know the left will be stealing this and we know they are desperately trying to make it happen. We also know much how they still believe there was collusion with Russia and much how they think Michael Brown was murdered and cops are targeting blacks regardless of the facts to the contrary, that they will be stealing the election.

IF TRUMP WINS, there will be an obvious call for an attack and they will claim Trump cheated. That we all know. They will also yell about POPULAR VOTE as if that means anything.

Either way the war will be officially on November 3rd.

You all ready? It is for everything, including your actual life.


Yes, we all know that Putin is desperately trying to start a civil war in the U.S. as revenge for the demise of the Soviet Union.

So he has paid trolls like yourself trying to foment a civil war.

It ain't gonna happen.

If there's a free and fair election, Trump has no chance of winning. He only had <1% margin in 4 battleground states. Trump only has to lose a very small amount of voters while Biden only has to gain a very small amount above Clinton for Biden to win.

On the otherhand, since Trump will try to steal the election, if he succeeds there will be no violent revolution or civil war. There will be strikes, protests and an economic shut down until President Shit-for-Brains is removed from office.

What worked in 1848 will work again her and now.
In another post here, Democrats are promising 4 more years of terrorism if Trump is re-elected. I take them at their word.

IMO, BurnLootMurder and Antifa should BOTH be classified as terrorist organizations and treated as enemy combatants when they engage in violence.

Yep. That is why they need to be deported ASAP, as soon as they're caught or raise their heads up and commit hate crimes and looting. Theri scam of claiming those thousands of looters and vermin are 'white nationalists' is just hilariously stupid as well, unless they want to claim the vast majority of 'white supremacists' are black. they know what they are, and there is no longer any excuses they can make for their violence and treason.
In another post here, Democrats are promising 4 more years of terrorism if Trump is re-elected. I take them at their word.

IMO, BurnLootMurder and Antifa should BOTH be classified as terrorist organizations and treated as enemy combatants when they engage in violence.

Yep. That is why they need to be deported ASAP, as soon as they're caught or raise their heads up and commit hate crimes and looting. Theri scam of claiming those thousands of looters and vermin are 'white nationalists' is just hilariously stupid as well, unless they want to claim the vast majority of 'white supremacists' are black. they know what they are, and there is no longer any excuses they can make for their violence and treason.
O lawd! It's not all "da niggas".
It's a Marxist-led open rebellion, but it's definitely not all blacks.
80% are probably white and never been disciplined a day in their life.
Aplenty of American black people are against that bullshit.
Ofc I am all for jettisoning the commie-indoctrinated brainwashed snowflakes.
Where to, though? Please not that Island in the Caribbean.
They don't deserve those assholes dumped there.
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Seriously, we know the left will be stealing this and we know they are desperately trying to make it happen. We also know much how they still believe there was collusion with Russia and much how they think Michael Brown was murdered and cops are targeting blacks regardless of the facts to the contrary, that they will be stealing the election.

IF TRUMP WINS, there will be an obvious call for an attack and they will claim Trump cheated. That we all know. They will also yell about POPULAR VOTE as if that means anything.

Either way the war will be officially on November 3rd.

You all ready? It is for everything, including your actual life.
If Biden wins, war will not happen. Conservatives are more tame and composed. If Trump wins there will be riots and protests (mostly in Demorat cities), but they will eventually die down and we will move on.

Wrong. the vermin will just become far more violent, since they know Democrats won't even bother to arrest them; they will become more murderous and violent, knowing that white criminals like Biden will pander to them even more, unlike with the Trump administration. You're a fool.
In another post here, Democrats are promising 4 more years of terrorism if Trump is re-elected. I take them at their word.

IMO, BurnLootMurder and Antifa should BOTH be classified as terrorist organizations and treated as enemy combatants when they engage in violence.

Yep. That is why they need to be deported ASAP, as soon as they're caught or raise their heads up and commit hate crimes and looting. Theri scam of claiming those thousands of looters and vermin are 'white nationalists' is just hilariously stupid as well, unless they want to claim the vast majority of 'white supremacists' are black. they know what they are, and there is no longer any excuses they can make for their violence and treason.
O lawd! It's not all "da niggas".
It's a Marxist-led open rebellion, but it's definitely not all blacks.
80% are probably white and never been disciplined a day in their life.
Aplenty of American black people are against that bullshit.
Ofc I am for jettisoning the commie-indoctrinated brainwashed snowflakes.
Where to, though?

The majority of the looters and violent hate crimes are committed by blacks; whether anybody likes that or not isn't my problem, I don't need anybody's votes and I don't give a shit about peer pressure. As for the whites involved, I don't mind deporting them either.

Where to? Someplace in dire need of 'Social Justice Warriors', like Red China and Indonesia, or Sudan and Somalia would be fine; they will have plenty of 'media' amoing them to keep us all informed of their great acheivements n stuff.
In another post here, Democrats are promising 4 more years of terrorism if Trump is re-elected. I take them at their word.

IMO, BurnLootMurder and Antifa should BOTH be classified as terrorist organizations and treated as enemy combatants when they engage in violence.

Yep. That is why they need to be deported ASAP, as soon as they're caught or raise their heads up and commit hate crimes and looting. Theri scam of claiming those thousands of looters and vermin are 'white nationalists' is just hilariously stupid as well, unless they want to claim the vast majority of 'white supremacists' are black. they know what they are, and there is no longer any excuses they can make for their violence and treason.
O lawd! It's not all "da niggas".
It's a Marxist-led open rebellion, but it's definitely not all blacks.
80% are probably white and never been disciplined a day in their life.
Aplenty of American black people are against that bullshit.

I love this Guy!!!
MAGA Hulk!!!!

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