Does anyone think the war (already started) won't be happening on November 3rd?

It seems like the Trump fanatics have long been screaming “Civil War!” ... and now increasingly predict it whether Trumps wins or loses.

Notice the liberals and “progressives“ here at USMB and most everywhere almost always seek to tamper down the hysteria. We are neither armed to the teeth nor are we supporting anarchistic street violence, looting or vigilantism. The subliminal but obvious thirsting for bloodshed — all this comes from the extreme right, people who support this President, who himself thrives on spreading fear and wants more violence on the streets because he believes it will help him win.

The average rightwing male Trump fanatic is of course not yet actually physically provoking violence, but he does talk it up. There are, however, plenty of criminal elements, and young would-be cops / actual vigilante types, even Turner Diaries type extremists who want a race war that African Americans would lose. These types are now showing up at angry BLM demonstrations to provoke fights, and some even infiltrate troubled areas to start fires and initiate looting, shooting guns, and provokIng cops.

There are of course — as always — basically nihilistic white and black criminal elements that look to take advantage of chaos in the streets. They can hide in any movement. This is nothing new. But today in the U.S. we see something new and rather more ominous: open and popular support for vigilantism, and a lusting for bloodshed among an aggrieved “law and order silent majority” of politically motivated Trump supporters.

All this should be rather obvious to otherwise sane and sober people reading these USMB threads ... but apparently it is not.
Seriously, we know the left will be stealing this and we know it will be desperately trying to make it happen. We also know much how they still believe there was collusion with Russia and much how they think Michael Brown was murdered and cops are targeting blacks regardless of the facts to the contrary, that they will be stealing the election.

IF TRUMP WINS, there will be an obvious call for an attack and they will claim Trump cheated. That we all know. They will also yell about POPULAR VOTE as if that means anything.

Either way the war will be officially on November 3rd.

You all ready? It is for everything, including your actual life.

I really am struggling how to respond to your post.

Maybe my inference from this thread is not entirely accurate:

Q. Do you really want to see the destruction of the United States.

Q. Are you prepared to go to the streets and kill / murder other Americans

Q. Do you support and would you engage in Vigilante Justice
1. Well I definitely think we'd all be better off if the U.S. were to break up, but I wouldn't use the word "destruction." We have at least two separate cultures in the United States, and it's as clear as can be that the two can't really coexist as a political unit anymore. Nobody in the U.S. gets mad at Canada for what they do, however, so I think breaking up into smaller units or even two still somewhat large units would be better. As a start, every state Biden wins can have Biden as president and every state Trump wins can have Trump and then go from there.

2. Nope.

3. Definitely not.

I know you weren't asking me, but I also figured nobody else will actually answer so I thought I would.
Q. Do you really want to see the destruction of the United States.

Q. Are you prepared to go to the streets and kill / murder other Americans

Q. Do you support and would you engage in Vigilante Justice

1: No, the restoration of strict construction and federalism.

2: Communists are Enemies of the State, they do not qualify as Americans, as they would disband the Constitution on a whim, without going through the proper Article V process to change/amend/disband the Constitution that requires 3/4 of the States to ratify.

3: Absolutely, we call it Patriotic Duty. Vigilante means going after common criminals. Kyle Rittenhouse is a living god.

1a. Strict Constructionism is Originalism or Textualism, is that what you suggest?
Is Marbury v. Madison not then to be accepted as part of the law of the land?

2a. The RED SCARE. There are a few, a very small minority who support Marxism and are American Citizens. Is there any provision in COTUS to define who can qualify as an American, in your use of the word (i.e. not a citizen which is defined in the 14th A.)

3a. Vigilantism is tantamount to Anarchism. One can be an anarchist and not a criminal, not so of a vigilante. They're are provisions for making a citizen's arrest; Rittenhouse came armed to a situation wherein he committed first degree murders.

See you on the battlefield.
It seems like the Trump fanatics have long been screaming “Civil War!” ... and now increasingly predict it whether Trumps wins or loses.

Notice the liberals and “progressives“ here at USMB and most everywhere almost always seek to tamper down the hysteria. We are neither armed to the teeth nor are we supporting anarchistic street violence, looting or vigilantism. The subliminal but obvious thirsting for bloodshed — all this comes from the extreme right, people who support this President, who himself thrives on spreading fear and wants more violence on the streets because he believes it will help him win.

The average rightwing male Trump fanatic is of course not yet actually physically provoking violence, but he does talk it up. There are, however, plenty of criminal elements, and young would-be cops / actual vigilante types, even Turner Diaries type extremists who want a race war that African Americans would lose. These types are now showing up at angry BLM demonstrations to provoke fights, and some even infiltrate troubled areas to start fires and initiate looting, shooting guns, and provokIng cops.

There are of course — as always — basically nihilistic white and black criminal elements that look to take advantage of chaos in the streets. They can hide in any movement. This is nothing new. But today in the U.S. we see something new and rather more ominous: open and popular support for vigilantism, and a lusting for bloodshed among an aggrieved “law and order silent majority” of politically motivated Trump supporters.

All this should be rather obvious to otherwise sane and sober people reading these USMB threads ... but apparently it is not.
Hey you stupid illiterate blind hypocritical fuck, where is your fucking condemnation for the violence against Trump voters now?

You fucking waste of blood. Answer that from high atop that Ivory tower you pathetic fucking ignorant dick.
Seriously, we know the left will be stealing this and we know it will be desperately trying to make it happen. We also know much how they still believe there was collusion with Russia and much how they think Michael Brown was murdered and cops are targeting blacks regardless of the facts to the contrary, that they will be stealing the election.

IF TRUMP WINS, there will be an obvious call for an attack and they will claim Trump cheated. That we all know. They will also yell about POPULAR VOTE as if that means anything.

Either way the war will be officially on November 3rd.

You all ready? It is for everything, including your actual life.

I really am struggling how to respond to your post.

Maybe my inference from this thread is not entirely accurate:

Q. Do you really want to see the destruction of the United States.

Q. Are you prepared to go to the streets and kill / murder other Americans

Q. Do you support and would you engage in Vigilante Justice
Yes, you struggle. You struggle to understand pretty much everything from what I have seen.

What you cannot understand here is that BurnLootMurder and Antifa are domestic terrorists who are committing countless criminal acts against innocent people. You are failing to understand. that the democrat party has been enabling and supporting these groups and that THEY are the actual vigilantes who are out on the streets. You are failing to understand that business owners are not your enemy just because they are productive members of society and you are not and you are failing to understand that it is the terrorist movements you support who are out to destroy this nation -- for Christ's sake, they even say so in their fucking charter.

You began your post with a personal attack and follow it up with lies:

  • Using BurnLootMurder (BLM) is not so subtle covert racism.
  • The Democratic Party is not a singular entity
    • Millions of Americans do not all think alike
    • Nor do all Democrats in office vote in lockstep
  • You seem to be confused as to the meaning of Vigilantism
  • I do not support arsonists, vandals or other unlawful activities
  • They are criminals:
    • Anarchists
    • Disaffected youth
    • Agent Provocateurs (foreign or domestic)
    • Terrorists (foreign or domestic)
  • Small shopkeepers, and small businesses employ half of the working population
    • Yes they contribute mightily to the GDP
    • Yes, consumers too contribute mightily to the GDP
  • I started work tossing the SF Chronicle during my middle school years
  • Worked summers pumping gas, checking the oil and filling the tires in High School
  • Worked 30 hours per week as a Recreation Director during my college days
  • Enlisted in the Navy during the Vietnam Conflict
  • Spent a 32 year career in Law Enforcement
  • Coached Little League, CYO Soccer and CYO basketball
  • Married in 1974, raised two sons both of them are productive citizens.
So F. U. and your vulgar lies and ignorance. Your are the Problem! Not me.
How cute.

Support a domestic terrorist organization or else be called a racist.

Hmmmmmm. Sure. I am willing to have mindless hacks calling me a racist if that is what comes with opposing a Marxist terrorist organization at war against America.
If Trump wins, and partly based on the recent behavior of the American left in our cities across this nation, I think we will see the left go to violent levels we haven't seen in this country since the real Civil War.
Seriously, we know the left will be stealing this and we know it will be desperately trying to make it happen. We also know much how they still believe there was collusion with Russia and much how they think Michael Brown was murdered and cops are targeting blacks regardless of the facts to the contrary, that they will be stealing the election.

IF TRUMP WINS, there will be an obvious call for an attack and they will claim Trump cheated. That we all know. They will also yell about POPULAR VOTE as if that means anything.

Either way the war will be officially on November 3rd.

You all ready? It is for everything, including your actual life.

I really am struggling how to respond to your post.

Maybe my inference from this thread is not entirely accurate:

Q. Do you really want to see the destruction of the United States.

Q. Are you prepared to go to the streets and kill / murder other Americans

Q. Do you support and would you engage in Vigilante Justice
1. Well I definitely think we'd all be better off if the U.S. were to break up, but I wouldn't use the word "destruction." We have at least two separate cultures in the United States, and it's as clear as can be that the two can't really coexist as a political unit anymore. Nobody in the U.S. gets mad at Canada for what they do, however, so I think breaking up into smaller units or even two still somewhat large units would be better. As a start, every state Biden wins can have Biden as president and every state Trump wins can have Trump and then go from there.

2. Nope.

3. Definitely not.

I know you weren't asking me, but I also figured nobody else will actually answer so I thought I would.

The peaceful answer is just to strictly enforce the 10th Amendment.

Let the States reclaim their constitutional powers and the federal government is reduced to its original incarnation: A common agent that negotiates treaties with foreign nations and protects against foreign invasion (+ a few other expressly mentioned powers).

Something tells me though that the Commiecrat States wouldn't allow that though, and would rather fight a civil war to force the 40-45 smaller states into submission.

So who really is the enemy?

If New York and the West coast secede...would anyone stop them? Nope.
If Trump wins, and partly based on the recent behavior of the American left in our cities across this nation, I think we will see the left go to violent levels we haven't seen in this country since the real Civil War.
It's going to happen if he wins. Count on it. If he doesn't win, well you can imagine.

If you think the violence stops.......

It will increase either way, and either way the official war (which has already officially begun since they are already occupying territory through violence) will officially begin Nov 3rd.
The fact that people on both sides are talking war with other Americans, does not speak well for Trump being a president who unites us as Americans.
Seriously, we know the left will be stealing this and we know it will be desperately trying to make it happen. We also know much how they still believe there was collusion with Russia and much how they think Michael Brown was murdered and cops are targeting blacks regardless of the facts to the contrary, that they will be stealing the election.

IF TRUMP WINS, there will be an obvious call for an attack and they will claim Trump cheated. That we all know. They will also yell about POPULAR VOTE as if that means anything.

Either way the war will be officially on November 3rd.

You all ready? It is for everything, including your actual life.

I really am struggling how to respond to your post.

Maybe my inference from this thread is not entirely accurate:

Q. Do you really want to see the destruction of the United States.

Q. Are you prepared to go to the streets and kill / murder other Americans

Q. Do you support and would you engage in Vigilante Justice

Murder honest Americans? Hell no. Defend this country from marxist swine?

Yup. I got no problem with that. The oath to defend the COTUS reads "enemies, foreign AND domestic". So, ask yourself this bootlicker, are YOU a domestic enemy?
Seriously, we know the left will be stealing this and we know they are desperately trying to make it happen. We also know much how they still believe there was collusion with Russia and much how they think Michael Brown was murdered and cops are targeting blacks regardless of the facts to the contrary, that they will be stealing the election.

IF TRUMP WINS, there will be an obvious call for an attack and they will claim Trump cheated. That we all know. They will also yell about POPULAR VOTE as if that means anything.

Either way the war will be officially on November 3rd.

You all ready? It is for everything, including your actual life.
No there wont. Dems might be brave when there is not resistance. But soon as Republicans stand up and defy them they will run for the hills. They going to throw a fit and see how far they can push it but when it comes down to it they will go cry to their mommy. They might try to riot and protest but I just do not think people going to put up with it after the election.

No 2020 is going to be like 2016 you are going to have Grown men and women literally crying on the air. Van Jones going to ball again and call it another "white lashing". Dems will probably try to impeach Trump again if they keep the house. But I just do not think the people are going to put up with their bullshit for much longer and going to shut it down.
Seriously, we know the left will be stealing this and we know it will be desperately trying to make it happen. We also know much how they still believe there was collusion with Russia and much how they think Michael Brown was murdered and cops are targeting blacks regardless of the facts to the contrary, that they will be stealing the election.

IF TRUMP WINS, there will be an obvious call for an attack and they will claim Trump cheated. That we all know. They will also yell about POPULAR VOTE as if that means anything.

Either way the war will be officially on November 3rd.

You all ready? It is for everything, including your actual life.

I really am struggling how to respond to your post.

Maybe my inference from this thread is not entirely accurate:

Q. Do you really want to see the destruction of the United States.

Q. Are you prepared to go to the streets and kill / murder other Americans

Q. Do you support and would you engage in Vigilante Justice
1. Well I definitely think we'd all be better off if the U.S. were to break up, but I wouldn't use the word "destruction." We have at least two separate cultures in the United States, and it's as clear as can be that the two can't really coexist as a political unit anymore. Nobody in the U.S. gets mad at Canada for what they do, however, so I think breaking up into smaller units or even two still somewhat large units would be better. As a start, every state Biden wins can have Biden as president and every state Trump wins can have Trump and then go from there.

2. Nope.

3. Definitely not.

I know you weren't asking me, but I also figured nobody else will actually answer so I thought I would.

The peaceful answer is just to strictly enforce the 10th Amendment.

Let the States reclaim their constitutional powers and the federal government is reduced to its original incarnation: A common agent that negotiates treaties with foreign nations and protects against foreign invasion (+ a few other expressly mentioned powers).

Something tells me though that the Commiecrat States wouldn't allow that though, and would rather fight a civil war to force the 40-45 smaller states into submission.

So who really is the enemy?

If New York and the West coast secede...would anyone stop them? Nope.
“But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain – that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case it is unfit to exist.” - Lysander Spooner

Getting back to the 10th Amendment is all well and good, but it is for all intents and purposes impossible in the United States today. Split the country up and the people who want to have a government that follows the 10th Amendment will have a better chance of getting that done.
It seems like the Trump fanatics have long been screaming “Civil War!” ... and now increasingly predict it whether Trumps wins or loses.

Notice the liberals and “progressives“ here at USMB and most everywhere almost always seek to tamper down the hysteria. We are neither armed to the teeth nor are we supporting anarchistic street violence, looting or vigilantism. The subliminal but obvious thirsting for bloodshed — all this comes from the extreme right, people who support this President, who himself thrives on spreading fear and wants more violence on the streets because he believes it will help him win.

The average rightwing male Trump fanatic is of course not yet actually physically provoking violence, but he does talk it up. There are, however, plenty of criminal elements, and young would-be cops / actual vigilante types, even Turner Diaries type extremists who want a race war that African Americans would lose. These types are now showing up at angry BLM demonstrations to provoke fights, and some even infiltrate troubled areas to start fires and initiate looting, shooting guns, and provokIng cops.

There are of course — as always — basically nihilistic white and black criminal elements that look to take advantage of chaos in the streets. They can hide in any movement. This is nothing new. But today in the U.S. we see something new and rather more ominous: open and popular support for vigilantism, and a lusting for bloodshed among an aggrieved “law and order silent majority” of politically motivated Trump supporters.

All this should be rather obvious to otherwise sane and sober people reading these USMB threads ... but apparently it is not.
Hey you stupid illiterate blind hypocritical fuck, where is your fucking condemnation for the violence against Trump voters now?

You fucking waste of blood. Answer that from high atop that Ivory tower you pathetic fucking ignorant dick.
My comment above was a rather neutral, sociological analysis of the pathetic state of U.S. society and “politics” at present. I live in this society, mix in it, have friends who voted for Trump and Hillary. I’m also legally armed and have a carry license. I’ve met your type in real life. I try not to engage with them because they never listen. I’ve found that when I discuss politics on the internet with such people they react like assholes, call me a communist and do not believe me when I say truthfully I’m not trying to hurt them, not their enemy and I don’t desire that anyone else hurt them. Usually in person nobody addresses me as you just did. It seems you are trying to provoke.
Seriously, we know the left will be stealing this and we know it will be desperately trying to make it happen. We also know much how they still believe there was collusion with Russia and much how they think Michael Brown was murdered and cops are targeting blacks regardless of the facts to the contrary, that they will be stealing the election.

IF TRUMP WINS, there will be an obvious call for an attack and they will claim Trump cheated. That we all know. They will also yell about POPULAR VOTE as if that means anything.

Either way the war will be officially on November 3rd.

You all ready? It is for everything, including your actual life.

I really am struggling how to respond to your post.

Maybe my inference from this thread is not entirely accurate:

Q. Do you really want to see the destruction of the United States.

Q. Are you prepared to go to the streets and kill / murder other Americans

Q. Do you support and would you engage in Vigilante Justice
1. Well I definitely think we'd all be better off if the U.S. were to break up, but I wouldn't use the word "destruction." We have at least two separate cultures in the United States, and it's as clear as can be that the two can't really coexist as a political unit anymore. Nobody in the U.S. gets mad at Canada for what they do, however, so I think breaking up into smaller units or even two still somewhat large units would be better. As a start, every state Biden wins can have Biden as president and every state Trump wins can have Trump and then go from there.

2. Nope.

3. Definitely not.

I know you weren't asking me, but I also figured nobody else will actually answer so I thought I would.

The peaceful answer is just to strictly enforce the 10th Amendment.

Let the States reclaim their constitutional powers and the federal government is reduced to its original incarnation: A common agent that negotiates treaties with foreign nations and protects against foreign invasion (+ a few other expressly mentioned powers).

Something tells me though that the Commiecrat States wouldn't allow that though, and would rather fight a civil war to force the 40-45 smaller states into submission.

So who really is the enemy?

If New York and the West coast secede...would anyone stop them? Nope.
The whole Blue Northeast would secede with NY. :smoke:
Seriously, we know the left will be stealing this and we know they are desperately trying to make it happen. We also know much how they still believe there was collusion with Russia and much how they think Michael Brown was murdered and cops are targeting blacks regardless of the facts to the contrary, that they will be stealing the election.

IF TRUMP WINS, there will be an obvious call for an attack and they will claim Trump cheated. That we all know. They will also yell about POPULAR VOTE as if that means anything.

Either way the war will be officially on November 3rd.

You all ready? It is for everything, including your actual life.

Got it all, except .308 AP. It is going for $10 to $13 a round.
The fact that people on both sides are talking war with other Americans, does not speak well for Trump being a president who unites us as Americans.

No, it shows the desperation of the political class to maintain power, and destroy this Republic.

Trump is merely the target of the violent left because he exposed the political class to be the corrupt scumbags that they are.
Seriously, we know the left will be stealing this and we know it will be desperately trying to make it happen. We also know much how they still believe there was collusion with Russia and much how they think Michael Brown was murdered and cops are targeting blacks regardless of the facts to the contrary, that they will be stealing the election.

IF TRUMP WINS, there will be an obvious call for an attack and they will claim Trump cheated. That we all know. They will also yell about POPULAR VOTE as if that means anything.

Either way the war will be officially on November 3rd.

You all ready? It is for everything, including your actual life.

I really am struggling how to respond to your post.

Maybe my inference from this thread is not entirely accurate:

Q. Do you really want to see the destruction of the United States.

Q. Are you prepared to go to the streets and kill / murder other Americans

Q. Do you support and would you engage in Vigilante Justice

Murder honest Americans? Hell no. Defend this country from marxist swine?

Yup. I got no problem with that. The oath to defend the COTUS reads "enemies, foreign AND domestic". So, ask yourself this bootlicker, are YOU a domestic enemy?
He claims to have been a cop for 32 years. He supports those out there killing cops and engaging in all manner of criminality.

Can we say "what is wrong with this picture, here, folks?"
The fact that people on both sides are talking war with other Americans, does not speak well for Trump being a president who unites us as Americans.
Well, the fact that it is actually one side currently pressing forward with it says more.

Why do you consider Trump to be responsible for the Marxists out there running amok? The Marxists are responsible for their own behavior.
If Trump wins, and partly based on the recent behavior of the American left in our cities across this nation, I think we will see the left go to violent levels we haven't seen in this country since the real Civil War.
It's going to happen if he wins. Count on it. If he doesn't win, well you can imagine.

If you think the violence stops.......

It will increase either way, and either way the official war (which has already officially begun since they are already occupying territory through violence) will officially begin Nov 3rd.
Seriously, we know the left will be stealing this and we know they are desperately trying to make it happen. We also know much how they still believe there was collusion with Russia and much how they think Michael Brown was murdered and cops are targeting blacks regardless of the facts to the contrary, that they will be stealing the election.

IF TRUMP WINS, there will be an obvious call for an attack and they will claim Trump cheated. That we all know. They will also yell about POPULAR VOTE as if that means anything.

Either way the war will be officially on November 3rd.

You all ready? It is for everything, including your actual life.

Got it all, except .308 AP. It is going for $10 to $13 a round.
It is going to be imperative that the military be controlled. That will eventually be used and could very well be used against us. Like the cops. When it becomes a police state, that is when they become the enemy.

Trust that.

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