Does anyone think the war (already started) won't be happening on November 3rd?

Nope, as predicted. Not one patronizing white leftist offering disgust for the you know whats doing what they do best when they are all convinced they are justified to.
No asshole. I (and all of us) feel as much disgust for this as anyone. We just don’t waste our time answering every partisan asshole on the internet posting videos of hardened black criminals, drug addicts or in this case even passers-by acting shamefully. Hard-working and moral African-Americans, the great majority, likewise feel disgust. More than you do, because they and I know how destructive this shit is. Not only to BLM movements against police abuse, but to the communities we have to drive through, live and work in.

But guess what. Shit like this is not new. What is new is the ever louder manic cries of whites for “civil war.“ (So is the ubiquitous cellphone camera and video, which sometimes catches cops doing shit too.) Shit like this, as disgusting as it is, is not a political demonstration of anything. It is not an attack on whites or Republicans or Conservatives or Liberals or Democrats. It is not a call for civil war. Widespread criminality and acceptance of criminality exists today and it will still be here in 2024 if Trump is re-elected. Biden won’t change it either. If Trump is re-elected, drug use and unemployment is not going anywhere but up. This is even more true for crime in offices and penthouses, trade war and real war overseas. It will all continue because the system will remain the same, the social safety net will be destroyed, and the U.S. position in the world will continue to deteriorate.

Perhaps in four years more whites will become like these lowlife blacks. Do you think massive numbers of good paying factory jobs will return? Or that future white losers in the competitive marketplace will manage to get jobs as stock brokers, or live happily ever after selling each other insurance and real estate, or all find new good-paying jobs serving as security guards, cops and soldiers?

Disgust for criminality and stupidity should not start nor end with watching and reacting to videos, or talking heads on CNN or FOX News. If you go to any prison in this country you see “Law & Order” reigning supreme. Follow Trumpian policies of unfettered capitalism and MAGA and — in my opinion — you will only turn our whole country into a prison. You will divide the country, bloody it, and in the end weaken it.

A country unable to summon up enough social solidarity to solve its own problems will never be able to move the world toward greater freedom and prosperity. It won’t be able to ride roughshot over it either.
Thus saith target numero uno. Who said we didn't know who to shoot? :cuckoo:
Tell me more about how we shouldn't just string you up for trying to fuck over every American from right now into the future?
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The (fake) Confederate Flag waving Marion Morrison, and the stupid hot blood advocate of civil war Theowl32 — who cannot respond with anything more thoughtful than “Oh shut up” — they pretend to teach us about what is patriotic and good for our country!

Meanwhile. Dogmaphobe and others in the peanut gallery add their 2 cents. Well that is their right. Their votes count for as much (or as little) as my own. It is still “a free country.” It is all just sad and pathetic that they threaten civil war and want to string up or exile so many of us who simply don’t agree with them.
The (fake) Confederate Flag waving Marion Morrison, and the stupid hot blood advocate of civil war Theowl32 — who cannot respond with anything more thoughtful than “Oh shut up” — they pretend to teach us about what is patriotic and good for our country!

Meanwhile. Dogmaphobe and others in the peanut gallery add their 2 cents. Well that is their right. Their votes count for as much (or as little) as my own. It is still “a free country.” It is all just sad and pathetic that they threaten civil war and want to string up or exile so many of us who simply don’t agree with them.
Yes, it is a free country for now, and that is why I oppose you Stalinist types trying to take that away.

Your subfersive ANTIFA and BLM associates are the ones who are taking their war to America.

Those loyal to their country are simply resisting you.

Deal with it.
Seriously, we know the left will be stealing this and we know they are desperately trying to make it happen. We also know much how they still believe there was collusion with Russia and much how they think Michael Brown was murdered and cops are targeting blacks regardless of the facts to the contrary, that they will be stealing the election.

IF TRUMP WINS, there will be an obvious call for an attack and they will claim Trump cheated. That we all know. They will also yell about POPULAR VOTE as if that means anything.

Either way the war will be officially on November 3rd.

You all ready? It is for everything, including your actual life.

Got it all, except .308 AP. It is going for $10 to $13 a round.
It is going to be imperative that the military be controlled. That will eventually be used and could very well be used against us. Like the cops. When it becomes a police state, that is when they become the enemy.

Trust that.
I think around 50% of the Military will side with the Communists and Communist Fellow Travelers and around 50% sides with the Right Wing Conservative Republicans. You could very well have a situation like the Spanish Civil War if Russia and China supply one side and the other with weapons and other supplies.

We know for certain the Democrats are Red Chinese agents, and historically the Russians have worked through latinos and blacks and other 'minorities', but also university academics as well. The two countries are historically hostile to each other, and unlikely to work together.
The international crime syndicates and Wall Street favor Red China, they gave lots of cheap labor away for the rights to steal patents and the like, and are still admired and loved for that by the 'Globalists'. Even the WSJ doesn't get too critical of the Red Chinese, but doesn't mind trashing Trump at every opportunity.

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