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Does AOC know $15 minimum wage in states like Mississippi will put people out of work?

Translation to English: You want to be paid when you DECIDE not to work, not just when you're unemployed through no fault of your own.
there is no "fault" under the doctrine of employment at will.

If I'm laid off, I can get unemployment compensation. The employer pays into it and it's there to be used. That's completely different from what you're talking about, which is paying someone for nothing more than existing.
lol. nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics. it is termed and styled, unemployment compensation.

No, what you want certainly is not unemployment compensation. It is welfare.
you simply appeal to emotion instead of reason. it is merely a correction for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment; there is no reason for the Poor bear that onus.

I appeal to logic and reason. Unemployment Compensation means something specific, insurance that employers purchase so laid off employees have income while they're looking for another job. You're trying to give it a completely different meaning.
the honest part is that actually working may not be the best option if unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed is available. we should not have any homeless problem; those persons should participating in our economy.

IOW, you want to take money OUT of the economy, use some of it to feed the government bureaucracy, then put a little of it back INTO the economy and hope it doesn't just disappear into the pocket of the nearest pot dealer?

You might as well try to fill a swimming pool by dipping water out of the deep end and pouring it into the shallow end. You really need to learn about opportunity cost, because that money has to come from someone who no longer has it to do something he wants.

If someone is working, they deserve to be paid what their work is worth. If they can work but won't, why should they be compensated?
what are you talking about? compensation for simply being unemployed is market friendly.

How? I've already outlined how you're taking money out of the economy and putting some of it back in, and you've completely failed to deal with the opportunity cost. That money you took out is no longer there to be used. Deal with it.
How did you reach your conclusion? The Poor tend to spend most of their income sooner rather than later. Most of that money will be circulating in local economies and engendering a positive multiplier effect in a market friendly manner.

You're still not dealing with the opportunity cost. Every dollar you take out of the economy represents a dollar less that is available to the person who earned it.
You haven't explained how that money is allegedly being taken out of the economy. The Poor tend to spend most of their income sooner rather than later. Local economies will benefit from that three trillion in additional circulation.
there is no "fault" under the doctrine of employment at will.

If I'm laid off, I can get unemployment compensation. The employer pays into it and it's there to be used. That's completely different from what you're talking about, which is paying someone for nothing more than existing.
lol. nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics. it is termed and styled, unemployment compensation.

No, what you want certainly is not unemployment compensation. It is welfare.
you simply appeal to emotion instead of reason. it is merely a correction for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment; there is no reason for the Poor bear that onus.

I appeal to logic and reason. Unemployment Compensation means something specific, insurance that employers purchase so laid off employees have income while they're looking for another job. You're trying to give it a completely different meaning.
dear, Capitalism has a natural rate of unemployment. it is natural for capitalism to be that inefficient. correcting for that inefficiency promotes the general welfare, it really is that simple.
Why open a dialog when they are like you and AOC with room temperature IQs at best? Why do you deflect every statement when it blows your whole concept of how the world works?
I believe that the American Worker needs a raise. You can either agree or continue your Putin-communist manifesto.
LOL ... agree with a socialist half-wit like you or be a Putin-commie?

I tell ya, if you 'tards didn't have stupidity you'd have nothing at all.
Yeah they ain't gonna pay those illegals fifteen an hour when they can pay them less than eight now them capitalist must live in big mansions and fly jet planes.
Keeping wages low and cost of living high is how the robber barons make their living.

How about we just offer them a trip all expenses paid, back to their home country? They are here illegally! Then they can worry about the minimum wage in their shithole!

You mean jail employers (like tRump) that hire illegals?

This is just another example why you are either mentally challenged or too stupid to breathe on your own. Trump never hired an illegal. If he did, prove it! People who work for him may have done so, but if your gardener gets a DUI, we don't throw your ass in jail, do we?

Here ya go!

Making President Trump’s Bed: A Housekeeper Without Papers

You simply cannot fucking read! She does not work for Trump dumbass!
How does that solve your poverty that you claim will be solved?
anyone who is simply unemployed should be able to apply for unemployment compensation in our at-will employment States. We should have no homeless problem due to a simply lack of income due to unemployment in our at-will employment States.

You keep changing your parameters. Earlier you claimed that welfare costs $14 per hour yet you don’t want to give those on welfare $14 per hour, why not?
because compensation for Capitalism's natural rate of inefficiency, better promotes the general welfare.

It promotes dependence on government and allows them to control more of our economy.
in what way? the dependence in this case, is equal protection of the law. we have an entitlement to that form of dependence on Government.

There is no guaranteed employment clause, the founding fathers never set out for pay without work solution. Back then the United States didn’t even have unemployment.

We are not entitled, nowhere in the Constitution does it say we must support those unwilling to work.
So your fiendishly clever plan is to put companies out of business and their employees out of work?

Name one company that went "out of business" because they paid their employees to much money.

The list is endless, you moron! If you pay your employees a set salary and you are not bringing in the revenue to pay them, what happens, dumbass?

If the list is endless, then name one company.

Why do companies go out to business, dumbass? It is because they could not make a profit. Why couldn't they make a profit? They were obviously paying their employees too much for the job they were performing. My God man, you are dumber than a pile of rocks!

Uber doesn't make a profit. Three of the five companies that I own don't make a profit. Can you answer why?

Because you are a fucking loser!
So if a single woman has two kids and doesn’t work she gets $14 an hour and she gets no help for the children anymore?
in that case, welfare may be more appropriate.

we are focusing on the ready reserve labor force.

How does that solve your poverty that you claim will be solved?
anyone who is simply unemployed should be able to apply for unemployment compensation in our at-will employment States. We should have no homeless problem due to a simply lack of income due to unemployment in our at-will employment States.

Translation to English: You want to be paid when you DECIDE not to work, not just when you're unemployed through no fault of your own.
there is no "fault" under the doctrine of employment at will.

No one has argued your plea and won, no one, none, nada, your argument has already been proved wrong.
You are eating them
I just love how they claim that raising min. wages will increase cost yet have zero problem with the increased cost of goods from tariffs from Trumps policies.

If you are paying tariffs, that is your fault for buying foreign goods.

I just purchased a large amount of flooring for my home. The type I originally wanted was made n China and is subject to the tariff. I just bought American made for the same price as the Chinese made flooring and got a vastly superior product for the same price. That is how tariffs are supposed to work. The tariff made it too expensive for me to buy Chinese. Had I known it was Chinese manufactured, I never would have wanted it in the first place.

Since most Chinese made flooring has been pulled from the market in 2015, you'd be hard-pressed (no pun intended) to find any.

My God, how fucking stupid are you?

Show me a link that what you claim is true. The lady who owns the company is a member of my church and is Japanese herself. Her husband won the Silver Star during the Korean War. When they tell me they can't get the flooring I ordered from China without paying the tarif, I believe them and not some internet hoaxer one-percenter!

Flooring from China has a larger than acceptable amount of formaldehyde.

Link, or is this another of your lies?
Just as I thought, minimum wage $7.25 in Alabama and McDonald's paying over it

Crew (hiring for overnight shifts starting pay $9.00/hr to $10.25/hr) - Madison, AL 35758 - Indeed.com

Crew (hiring for overnight shifts starting pay $9.00/hr to $10.25/hr)
Johnson Partners, Inc. dba McDonald's

24,691 reviews

Madison, AL 35758


It being McDonald's, one assumes they offer both full- and part-time . . . that is, one assumes it if one has actually been employed and knows something about having a job. I have no idea what YOU assume.

Unless the jobs being listed are full-time (40 hours per-week) the end result is questionable as to how much that employer adds to the economy.

Excuses, excuses, excuses. You got caught in a lie and are trying to backpedal your way out. Again, pathetic!

How can part-time jobs contribute as much as full-time jobs in the economy?

You cannot read. I never said they did. Another lie?
anyone who is simply unemployed should be able to apply for unemployment compensation in our at-will employment States. We should have no homeless problem due to a simply lack of income due to unemployment in our at-will employment States.

You keep changing your parameters. Earlier you claimed that welfare costs $14 per hour yet you don’t want to give those on welfare $14 per hour, why not?
because compensation for Capitalism's natural rate of inefficiency, better promotes the general welfare.

It promotes dependence on government and allows them to control more of our economy.
in what way? the dependence in this case, is equal protection of the law. we have an entitlement to that form of dependence on Government.

There is no guaranteed employment clause, the founding fathers never set out for pay without work solution. Back then the United States didn’t even have unemployment.

We are not entitled, nowhere in the Constitution does it say we must support those unwilling to work.
still appealing to ignorance? it is compensation for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment.
AOC talks about about wanting to be like Britain, Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark, only Britain has a minimum wage. Universal income? Finland experimented and they just ended the program because it wasn’t sustainable.

It seems she doesn’t know how those countries operate.

Since when is opening dialog a bad thing?

Why open a dialog when they are like you and AOC with room temperature IQs at best? Why do you deflect every statement when it blows your whole concept of how the world works?

I believe that the American Worker needs a raise. You can either agree or continue your Putin-communist manifesto.

That's rich! You what the government to dictate wages and call me a Communist! You don't know shit from Shinola!
In 1968, most McD's workers were teenagers. Entry level jobs were great training for teenagers to learn a good work ethic. These jobs were never meant to enable someone to support a family.

Most, not all.

Uh, I said most. There are management employees who can make quite a good salary. (In-N-Out Burger pays their managers over $160K per year!) The point is that either the teenagers learn a work ethic which serves them well during the rest of their working life, or if they are motivated to do so, they have the opportunity for a career path into higher paying positions at McD's.

The issue was supervisors, not managers.

Supervisors are step in the ladder, bub.

Supervisors aren't managers.

My God, what a fucking moron!
Uber doesn't make a profit. Three of the five companies that I own don't make a profit. Can you answer why?

Oooh! A riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside a phony persona.

I'm not sure what the answer is - but it would be a fun party game to take turns guessing. You're the guest judge.

Who wants to go first?
You pay them what the market says they are worth.

What if the market is fixed?

Do you have real life examples of fixed rates?

I wrote "market is fixed."

Do you have any examples of the market being fixed?

Sure. You have two businesses, one a retail, and one a service business. Each has completely different business plans and income streams, but pay employees the same. How can that be except to pay so low that both owners can skim off the top.

That isn’t a fixed market, there is no agreement to pay the same. You also claimed the owners are skimming? Do you have proof that all businesses are skimming?

If there was any doubt you not being a business owner, all doubt is now gone. Man you are clueless.
in that case, welfare may be more appropriate.

we are focusing on the ready reserve labor force.

How does that solve your poverty that you claim will be solved?
anyone who is simply unemployed should be able to apply for unemployment compensation in our at-will employment States. We should have no homeless problem due to a simply lack of income due to unemployment in our at-will employment States.

Translation to English: You want to be paid when you DECIDE not to work, not just when you're unemployed through no fault of your own.
there is no "fault" under the doctrine of employment at will.

No one has argued your plea and won, no one, none, nada, your argument has already been proved wrong.
lol. nobody takes right wingers seriously about the law, doctrinal or otherwise. A federal doctrine gainsays your contention.

the right wing is merely morally challenged. it takes social morals for free to faithfully execute our laws.
Uber doesn't make a profit. Three of the five companies that I own don't make a profit. Can you answer why?

Oooh! A riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside a phony persona.

I'm not sure what the answer is - but it would be a fun party game to take turns guessing. You're the guest judge.

Who wants to go first?

Alright. I'll go first. Here's my guess:

"The reason why three of the five companies OnePercenter 'owns' don't make a profit is ..."

OK, I've studied economics a LOT, so I keep up with this stuff. They actually figured this one out back in the seventies, under Reagan. Anyway, it turns out that something like 98.75% of the time businesses fail to make a profit, it's for the same reason: they incurred more in costs than they received in revenue. That's pretty technical, and it would take a semester course to explain how it all works. But that's the reason, pretty much every time.
Just as I thought, minimum wage $7.25 in Alabama and McDonald's paying over it

Crew (hiring for overnight shifts starting pay $9.00/hr to $10.25/hr) - Madison, AL 35758 - Indeed.com

Crew (hiring for overnight shifts starting pay $9.00/hr to $10.25/hr)
Johnson Partners, Inc. dba McDonald's

24,691 reviews

Madison, AL 35758


It being McDonald's, one assumes they offer both full- and part-time . . . that is, one assumes it if one has actually been employed and knows something about having a job. I have no idea what YOU assume.

Unless the jobs being listed are full-time (40 hours per-week) the end result is questionable as to how much that employer adds to the economy.

Excuses, excuses, excuses. You got caught in a lie and are trying to backpedal your way out. Again, pathetic!

How can part-time jobs contribute as much as full-time jobs in the economy?

We don't know, ask the democrats who raised the minimum wage and hours got cut.


It being McDonald's, one assumes they offer both full- and part-time . . . that is, one assumes it if one has actually been employed and knows something about having a job. I have no idea what YOU assume.

Unless the jobs being listed are full-time (40 hours per-week) the end result is questionable as to how much that employer adds to the economy.

Excuses, excuses, excuses. You got caught in a lie and are trying to backpedal your way out. Again, pathetic!

How can part-time jobs contribute as much as full-time jobs in the economy?

We don't know, ask the democrats who raised the minimum wage and hours got cut.


Or workers begging for less hours so they still qualify for government programs

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