Does Biden have the authority to secure the border

Simple question. I can't elaborate more on this, because there's nothing to add. Can he secure the border or not.
I appreciate your question but it’s moot. *Biden and his masters Barry and George don’t want to close the border. They’ll pretend they do because it’s an election year and rubes will fall for it. They always do.
Entering anywhere other than an authorized port of entry is a criminal violation of US immigration law.

This one:

Effective date: This rule is effective on May 11, 2023.

This one:

Who exactly will be ineligible for asylum?

Generally, would-be asylum seekers will be presumed ineligible for asylum unless they (or their accompanying family member):
  • already have permission to travel to the U.S. through a parole process approved by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS);
  • use a DHS scheduling system like CBP One — a phone app by the federal agency in charge of border enforcement — to pre-schedule a time and place to present themselves at a port of entry (or show up at a port of entry and can prove by a preponderance of the evidence that they couldn’t use the scheduling system because of language barriers, illiteracy, technical failures, or otherwise chronically serious issues); or
  • have sought protection in another country on the way to the U.S., and have received a denial as the final decision.
Interesting. Thanks for that.

It seems Biden is being repudiated the same way Trump was when he tried a similar law.

"A federal judge in California on Tuesday struck down the Biden administration’s temporary restrictions on migrants seeking asylum, ruling that the government’s plan to reduce illegal crossings on the southern border violated federal law."

"U.S. District Judge Jon S. Tigar ruled against a system the Biden administration imposed more than two months ago to penalize migrants who crossed the border illegally and reward those who scheduled appointments to seek asylum instead."

I tried to find follow up info on if a final decision was reached or if this still in the court system but could not find anything.

Lol, never thought I would see the day that Biden and Trump attempted the same rule and are being thwarted by the courts...for now.
Ah. And to a brain dead imbecile like you, that means “asylum” seeker?

For fuck sake, Dildo. You don’t even grasp what an “asylum seeker” is. Words have meaning, you hapless helpless hopeless homo hump.

Why is it that every time you get publicly exposed as the fraudulent little retard you are, you accuse your betters of being kids?

You are a microbe. 🦠

I’m tired of educating you. Look some shit up on your own for once in your pathetic useless waste of life. Seriously, you dipshit. Use Google. Look up the meaning of “asylum seeker” under the U.S. Immigration law.
I asked you to tell me how you know and you couldn't deliver. You really don't know and are trying to act like you do! Because if you did know, it would not be that hard to explain why. But you can't, because you don't!
Why is it a lie?
I asked you to tell me how you know and you couldn't deliver. You really don't know and are trying to act like you do! Because if you did know, it would not be that hard to explain why. But you can't, because you don't!
I exposed you (because I induced you to resort to your usual babble) as utterly ignorant on what “asylum seekers” even are.

Next up: can you make the distinction for the class between an affirmative asylum seeker and a defensive asylum seeker?

Carry on, my little pet bitch. The more you post, the more exposed you are as a fraud. 👍
Only if he tries to use the tools and authority at his disposal.

Which so far he hasn’t even tried.

The article below that came out today explains the situation perfectly. Biden has already issued more than 500 immigration-related executive actions, which is more than what Trump did. That is a FACT.

Not that a dishonest Trump supporter like you actually cares about the facts, however. --

Republican lawmakers have been holding up aid for Ukraine and Israel for months while seeking concessions on unrelated immigration measures. Yet after Democrats finally cried uncle, House Republicans said oh, just kidding. They don’t want this deal after all!

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) and others now claim Biden doesn’t need new legislation to crack down on the border. Instead, they allege Biden can use his existing authority to reduce immigration by reviving all the executive actions that Trump had put into place.

“If [Biden] wants our conference to view him as a good faith negotiator, he can start with the stroke of a pen,” Johnson said.

There are a few problems with this claim. First, Biden has already issued more than 500 immigration-related executive actions, more than Trump announced over four years, according to the Migration Policy Institute. Biden has arguably exhausted the extent of his presidential authority, and so far his measures haven’t stemmed the tide of border crossings.

Second, if Biden hasn’t revived Trump’s specific policies — as Republicans urge him to do — that’s largely because so many Trump policies were found to be illegal.

Of the 35 major Trump-era immigration agency actions that faced legal challenges, 33 (94 percent) did not survive litigation — that is, either the court ruled against the relevant agency or the agency withdrew the action after being sued. These numbers are from the New York University Institute for Policy Integrity’s regulatory challenge database.
Yes and No. Congress must appropriate the funds to enforce it. And therein lies the rub. The ones being deported still get the trials, and sending large numbers of people back, month in, month out, costs a lot of money.

It's a 1950's law that's been worthless for awhile. Title 42, which expires Thursday at 11:59 EST, actually had a more crossings the last 7 years.

If Mike Johnson was smart, he would get the current bill proposed in the Senate, which is pretty strict, and moves the deportation process faster, plus gives Border Patrol better equipment to deal with a 2024 problem.

He then has the legacy of the guy that fixed the problem. He can always hold out for more later to be added to the new law.

But Mike isn't that smart.

When Hakeem Jeffries takes the gavel away from him January. He won't have that problem.

As you know, President Biden doesn't need a dime to reverse the Executive Orders he signed the day he took office, reversing anything done by President Trump. President Biden has a well-deserved reputation for never making a good foreign policy decision.

Why do you defend a failed system that is destroying our country?
I appreciate your question but it’s moot. *Biden and his masters Barry and George don’t want to close the border. They’ll pretend they do because it’s an election year and rubes will fall for it. They always do.

The question isn't moot. And neither is the point. So many here claiming Biden could secure the border easily, he just don't want to. The laws haven't changed since Trump left. So if it is so easy for Biden, why couldn't Trump do it?
Of course.


But the oligarchy wants cheap labor and The People impoverished, so the border will remain open.

Bring down wages would do our economy a world of good, in the long run. It would suck at first, though.
The question isn't moot. And neither is the point. So many here claiming Biden could secure the border easily, he just don't want to. The laws haven't changed since Trump left. So if it is so easy for Biden, why couldn't Trump do it?

I suggest you take a look at Flood The Border *Joes first day in office then get back to me.
Biden's illegals attack NYCP officers.

What does that have to do with the question presented by the OP?

Do migrants attacking police officers somehow change the written law?

That said, I agree asylum laws need to be addressed. The new bi-partisin legislation is lacking IMO but at least a step in the right direction. But it is hard to know for certain as...

...I would like to see the entire bill. Not familiar with the entire process and why it is still not you know when we get to see it?
What does that have to do with the question presented by the OP?

Do migrants attacking police officers somehow change the written law?

That said, I agree asylum laws need to be addressed. The new bi-partisin legislation is lacking IMO but at least a step in the right direction. But it is hard to know for certain as...

...I would like to see the entire bill. Not familiar with the entire process and why it is still not you know when we get to see it?
Border security and Biden's illegals attacking NYC police officers are precisely on topic. You are just butthurt over facts.
The question isn't moot. And neither is the point. So many here claiming Biden could secure the border easily, he just don't want to. The laws haven't changed since Trump left. So if it is so easy for Biden, why couldn't Trump do it?
My opinion.

1. Trump did close the border...right? But it was based on a pandemic emergency which subsequently expired.

2. Closing the Mexican border is a substantial economic hit. It is also anti capitalism/free market and certainly political donors with capital don't want that.

3. As to why Republicans, with full control of the govenrment for two years, didn't get any significant border legislation passed, is a question for the sages. They could have at least pretended to be serious.
Border security and Biden's illegals attacking NYC police officers are precisely on topic. You are just butthurt over facts.
Did you read the title?

The executive enforces laws, they don't make them.

Claiming asylum is legal.

Congress can change those laws...and Dems/Repubs in the house are attempting too at least help with actual legislation.

But I do not know the specifics of that legislation so you may prove to be right.

Any improvement is progress with me but we will have to see specifics; hopefully soon.

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