Does Biden have the authority to secure the border

Did you read the title?

The executive enforces laws, they don't make them.

Claiming asylum is legal.

Congress can change those laws...and Dems/Repubs in the house are attempting too at least help with actual legislation.

But I do not know the specifics of that legislation so you may prove to be right.

Any improvement is progress with me but we will have to see specifics; hopefully soon.
Your lies are of no interest to me. Come here triggered Dem :itsok:
For three years the Trumpybear tried every trick in the book to close the border to a host of peoples. Until the Covid pandemic he was unable to close it. Biden kept nearly all of the Title 42 provisions in place until 2023 until the Covid emergency was over.

Now the GOP demanded that much needed foreign aid to Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan be attached to a border security bill. We now know that was another offer in bad faith by the do-nothing Neo-GOP skanks.

The Neo-GOP now own the border crisis that they refuse to address.

Trump tried for 3 years only because he was kept in court for that long. And xiden only kept title 42 in place because he was order to do so by the courts. See how ease it is to tell the truth.

Yeah, it kind of is. Because Trump said he wanted to, but didn't.

Well know that Biden doesn't really want to. That's why I asked if he could. Because for 4 years, Trump couldn't either. Or maybe he just didn't really want to. That he just played a character who's lines were "I want to secure the border."

Trump had illegal rates at 44 year lows, xiden has them at all time highs. See the truth takes fewer words. LMAO!!!!!

Simple question. I can't elaborate more on this, because there's nothing to add. Can he secure the border or not.
You're seriously asking?

The responsibility towards securing and safeguarding a NATIONAL border is solely beheld by the US government - independent of a States borderline, that might also be overlapping with a National border.
Independent of this, a State aka the Governor can additionally call in the NG to provide assistance, pertaining to a States border issue, also in case of a States border being a national border.

Title 10 - regulates the authority over the NG - which in case of a dispute between State and Fed, is beheld solely by the US President, aka the Secretary of State.
The President can mobilize the Guard and put it under federal authority. Independent of what MAGA's, Demo's, left&Libs, etc. might "think".
Bullshit butthead!

Robert G. Natelson, a former constitutional law professor who is senior fellow in constitutional jurisprudence at the Independence Institute in Denver, authored “The Original Constitution: What It Actually Said and Meant” (3rd ed., 2015). This series is based on his forthcoming research article co-authored with Andrew T. Hyman: “The Constitution, Invasion, Immigration, and the War Powers of States” (pdf). It will appear early this year in Volume 13, Issue 1, of the British Journal of American Legal Studies.
Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.

Now, the links to the series of articles. I'll do select excerpts later, but the titles and subtexts should be major clues. Especially for the many here whom don't know or understand the USA Constitution and various States Rights versus Federal.
Part I

Understanding the Constitution: How States May Respond to Illegal Immigration, Part I​

This series summarizes state powers over immigration and military force—and particularly the power to respond to illegal border crossings.


The Constitution’s words “invaded” and “invasion” include unauthorized mass migration into the United States or into individual states. Unauthorized mass migration therefore triggers certain government powers and duties—state as well as federal. The following installments in this series will explain what those powers and duties are.

Understanding the Constitution: How States May Respond to Illegal Immigration, Part I

This series summarizes state powers over immigration and military force—and particularly the power to respond to illegal border crossings.


Understanding the Constitution: How States May Respond to Illegal Immigration—Part II​

This part II explains federal and state responsibility in the face of invasion and introduces the topic of transnational criminal gangs.

Understanding the Constitution: How States May Respond to Illegal Immigration—Part II

This part II explains federal and state responsibility in the face of invasion and introduces the topic of transnational criminal gangs.


Understanding the Constitution: How States May Respond to Illegal Immigration—Part III​

As part of our research into state war powers, my co-author, Andrew T. Hyman, and I examined the scope of “defensive war” as the Founders understood it.

Understanding the Constitution: How States May Respond to Illegal Immigration—Part III

As part of our research into state war powers, my co-author, Andrew T. Hyman, and I examined the scope of “defensive war” as the Founders understood it.


Understanding the Constitution: How States May Respond to Illegal Immigration—Part IV​

This Part IV examines a particularly thorny problem: To what extent may the federal government interfere when states exercise their defensive war powers?

Understanding the Constitution: How States May Respond to Illegal Immigration—Part IV

This Part IV examines a particularly thorny problem: To what extent may the federal government interfere when states exercise their defensive war powers?


Understanding the Constitution: How States May Respond to Illegal Immigration, Part V: About Birthright Citizenship​

This final part looks at the Constitution’s words “natural born Citizen” and the claim that U.S.-born children of illegal immigrants are “birthright citizens.”

Understanding the Constitution: How States May Respond to Illegal Immigration, Part V: About Birthright Citizenship

This final part looks at the Constitution’s words “natural born Citizen” and the claim that U.S.-born children of illegal immigrants are “birthright citizens.”
Try not using the Epoch Times.
Nope. No more aid packages until border is closed and secure.

HR1 has been sitting in schumers in box for a long time. Even it were passed, xiden would have to follow it and not ignore it like he's been doing with existing law. Then the aid can flow again.

Trump had illegal rates at 44 year lows, xiden has them at all time highs. See the truth takes fewer words. LMAO!!!!!

The border crossings were at 40 year lows when trump was making his American carnage speech before he stepped foot in the Oval Office.
It wasn't stand alone. That aid was held hostage to cutting parts of the IRS funding that had already been passed by Congress.

You mean forced through in a budget reconciliation bill on a party line vote. Right?

Interesting. Thanks for that.

It seems Biden is being repudiated the same way Trump was when he tried a similar law.

"A federal judge in California on Tuesday struck down the Biden administration’s temporary restrictions on migrants seeking asylum, ruling that the government’s plan to reduce illegal crossings on the southern border violated federal law."

"U.S. District Judge Jon S. Tigar ruled against a system the Biden administration imposed more than two months ago to penalize migrants who crossed the border illegally and reward those who scheduled appointments to seek asylum instead."

I tried to find follow up info on if a final decision was reached or if this still in the court system but could not find anything.

Lol, never thought I would see the day that Biden and Trump attempted the same rule and are being thwarted by the courts...for now.
Trump instituted legal remedies, dems tried and failed, ala COUTUS and presidential enumerated powers won.

Trump instituted the 'rule', dems fought and lost, Biden erased Trumps EO' how did that work out?

The article below that came out today explains the situation perfectly. Biden has already issued more than 500 immigration-related executive actions, which is more than what Trump did. That is a FACT.

Not that a dishonest Trump supporter like you actually cares about the facts, however. --

Republican lawmakers have been holding up aid for Ukraine and Israel for months while seeking concessions on unrelated immigration measures. Yet after Democrats finally cried uncle, House Republicans said oh, just kidding. They don’t want this deal after all!

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) and others now claim Biden doesn’t need new legislation to crack down on the border. Instead, they allege Biden can use his existing authority to reduce immigration by reviving all the executive actions that Trump had put into place.

“If [Biden] wants our conference to view him as a good faith negotiator, he can start with the stroke of a pen,” Johnson said.

There are a few problems with this claim. First, Biden has already issued more than 500 immigration-related executive actions, more than Trump announced over four years, according to the Migration Policy Institute. Biden has arguably exhausted the extent of his presidential authority, and so far his measures haven’t stemmed the tide of border crossings.

Second, if Biden hasn’t revived Trump’s specific policies — as Republicans urge him to do — that’s largely because so many Trump policies were found to be illegal.

Of the 35 major Trump-era immigration agency actions that faced legal challenges, 33 (94 percent) did not survive litigation — that is, either the court ruled against the relevant agency or the agency withdrew the action after being sued. These numbers are from the New York University Institute for Policy Integrity’s regulatory challenge database.
How do you defend the total failure that is tearing our country apart? Even Democrats recognize our border is an open door.




BS. Biden hasn't ignored anything.

You're a liar, he's had more illegal crossings than anyone in recorded history. His DHS is required by law to have operational control of the border, as defined by law, they don't. Are you claiming it all accidental?


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