Does Biden have the authority to secure the border

Simple question. I can't elaborate more on this, because there's nothing to add. Can he secure the border or not.
Of course.


But the oligarchy wants cheap labor and The People impoverished, so the border will remain open.
It's how the spending was paid for, I know paying for spending is a concept completely foreign to a progressive such as yourself, but it's actually the way things used to get done.
What other times has foreign military aid been held hostage to cuts in domestic spending by either party.
What other times has foreign military aid been held hostage to cuts in domestic spending by either party.
"held hostage?" Schumer doesn't like how the House paid for the spending, he puts his own proposal in his own bill and sends it back ti the House. Instead, Schumer told the House to Go fuck themselves. Biden told the House to go fuck themselves.
The asshole Dims on this board want you to believe there is no problem at all, and this is a fake crisis. This of course is what MSDNC tells them every day.
Meanwhile, in realville there are scenes like this across the country:

According to Primetime, on Fox......yes, under a title 8 law enacted in 1952....

Yes and No. Congress must appropriate the funds to enforce it. And therein lies the rub. The ones being deported still get the trials, and sending large numbers of people back, month in, month out, costs a lot of money.

It's a 1950's law that's been worthless for awhile. Title 42, which expires Thursday at 11:59 EST, actually had a more crossings the last 7 years.

If Mike Johnson was smart, he would get the current bill proposed in the Senate, which is pretty strict, and moves the deportation process faster, plus gives Border Patrol better equipment to deal with a 2024 problem.

He then has the legacy of the guy that fixed the problem. He can always hold out for more later to be added to the new law.

But Mike isn't that smart.

When Hakeem Jeffries takes the gavel away from him January. He won't have that problem.
Yes and No. Congress must appropriate the funds to enforce it. And therein lies the rub. The ones being deported still get the trials, and sending large numbers of people back, month in, month out, costs a lot of money.

It's a 1950's law that's been worthless for awhile. Title 42, which expires Thursday at 11:59 EST, actually had a more crossings the last 7 years.

If Mike Johnson was smart, he would get the current bill proposed in the Senate, which is pretty strict, and moves the deportation process faster, plus gives Border Patrol better equipment to deal with a 2024 problem.

He then has the legacy of the guy that fixed the problem. He can always hold out for more later to be added to the new law.

But Mike isn't that smart.

When Hakeem Jeffries takes the gavel away from him January. He won't have that problem.


"Title 42 expires Thursday at 11:59EST"

But do you know what 8 USC 1158 ACTUALLY says?

The AG did so:

It's a shame you didn't represent the legal team that tried to implement that requirement during the Trump administration.

That said, are you stating that the AG should lie and falsely claim immigrants meet the criteria in paragraph two?

Also, this applies to all immigrants regardless of point of entry so not sure how your self claimed victory applies.
That is not a requirement.
Entering anywhere other than an authorized port of entry is a criminal violation of US immigration law.

I would be curious which media outlet/pundit told you this lie.
This one:

Effective date: This rule is effective on May 11, 2023.

This one:

Who exactly will be ineligible for asylum?

Generally, would-be asylum seekers will be presumed ineligible for asylum unless they (or their accompanying family member):
  • already have permission to travel to the U.S. through a parole process approved by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS);
  • use a DHS scheduling system like CBP One — a phone app by the federal agency in charge of border enforcement — to pre-schedule a time and place to present themselves at a port of entry (or show up at a port of entry and can prove by a preponderance of the evidence that they couldn’t use the scheduling system because of language barriers, illiteracy, technical failures, or otherwise chronically serious issues); or
  • have sought protection in another country on the way to the U.S., and have received a denial as the final decision.
Facts and figures.

How did you come up with your claim, you dipshit?
Because fuckface, every time they show a video on the news, it's families with women and children crossing the border.

Now, aside from your bullshit innuendo, how the fuck do you know what is coming across our borders? Personally, I don't think you know Jack shit about this topic! You're just some punk kid trying to act like a grown up!
Because fuckface, every time they show a video on the news, it's families with women and children crossing the border.

Ah. And to a brain dead imbecile like you, that means “asylum” seeker?

For fuck sake, Dildo. You don’t even grasp what an “asylum seeker” is. Words have meaning, you hapless helpless hopeless homo hump.
Now, aside from your bullshit innuendo, how the fuck do you know what is coming across our borders? Personally, I don't think you know Jack shit about this topic! You're just some punk kid trying to act like a grown up!

Why is it that every time you get publicly exposed as the fraudulent little retard you are, you accuse your betters of being kids?

You are a microbe. 🦠

I’m tired of educating you. Look some shit up on your own for once in your pathetic useless waste of life. Seriously, you dipshit. Use Google. Look up the meaning of “asylum seeker” under the U.S. Immigration law.
Once one has gone through the above five article/links a couple of issues become clear.

I) By not doing anything significant, or more = all that he can, to enforce National Border Security Biden as failed his oath of office as POTUS. More to the point, his actions appear to be very close to treason since he is aiding and abetting invasion by foreign powers and interests, especially "enemies of humanity", into the USA and allowing them to undermine the Nation's economy and security.

At the least these are serious grounds for impeachment. More likely they are serious grounds for charges of treason and prosecution for same.

II) The Federal Government has no Power or Right to penalize States, such as Texas, for protecting their borders against foreign invasion and engaging prosecutions for same; especially when the Federal Government has shirked it's duty and failed to do the same.

III) While "The buck stops here" at the White House/Oval Office, that doesn't absolve other Agencies and Departments of the Federal Government from failure to perform their duties in securing the National Borders and dealing firmly and authoritatively in blocking and repelling foreign invaders. Hence many at the highest levels in those agencies/departments are also guilty of dereliction of duty related to crimes and felonies of omission in performance of their office and sworn duty.

IV) Unless the Federal Executive moves quickly and extensively to correct and address these failures and crimes regarding the foreign invasion of the USA, scores of heads are on the chopping block. Some literally, all figuratively.
The Supreme Court does not agree
It's not an invasion. These are families seeking asylum.

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