Does Biden have the authority to secure the border

For three years the Trumpybear tried every trick in the book to close the border to a host of peoples. Until the Covid pandemic he was unable to close it. Biden kept nearly all of the Title 42 provisions in place until 2023 until the Covid emergency was over.

Now the GOP demanded that much needed foreign aid to Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan be attached to a border security bill. We now know that was another offer in bad faith by the do-nothing Neo-GOP skanks.

The Neo-GOP now own the border crisis that they refuse to address.
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Wheter he can or can't isn't the issue.

The issue is he doesn't want to.

Part of his campaign was letting illegals in, he reversed what trump did to protect the border, he stood there for years saying there is no border crisis when there clearly was, for years when democrat run cities were yelling at Florida and Texas for shipping illegals to them they did nothing, he has fought against states trying to secure their own borders, he told illegals to surge the border, and has done nothing about rounding up and deporting illegals already in the country.

He encouraged the border issue, turned a blind eye and ignored it, and then said he needs a bill to close it which doesn't really close it because he still wants to let thousands in every day and has no plan to deport the ones already here.

Biden and his administration have shown they want this with their encouragement and inaction to the problem.
It's the US border , it's under federal control. States have boundaries or state lines with other states, they are under state control. But even there the interstates are federal. I would assume the president can shut the border down if he has good reason. I just wanted to clarify the distinction because the gov. Of a Texas is way out of line with what he is doing. Ask Wikipedia , they have all the correct answers.

So what's Trumps excuse? And why do his supporters make so many excuses after he didn't secure it?
Wheter he can or can't isn't the issue.

Yeah, it kind of is. Because Trump said he wanted to, but didn't.

The issue is he doesn't want to.

Part of his campaign was letting illegals in, he reversed what trump did to protect the border, he stood there for years saying there is no border crisis when there clearly was, for years when democrat run cities were yelling at Florida and Texas for shipping illegals to them they did nothing, he has fought against states trying to secure their own borders, he told illegals to surge the border, and has done nothing about rounding up and deporting illegals already in the country.

He encouraged the border issue, turned a blind eye and ignored it, and then said he needs a bill to close it which doesn't really close it because he still wants to let thousands in every day and has no plan to deport the ones already here.

Biden and his administration have shown they want this with their encouragement and inaction to the problem.
Well know that Biden doesn't really want to. That's why I asked if he could. Because for 4 years, Trump couldn't either. Or maybe he just didn't really want to. That he just played a character who's lines were "I want to secure the border."
The numbers go up and they go down.

I'll give you one reason and you'll probably love it. Immigrants don't want to come here if Trump is president. And that's a problem. Smart ones, rich ones and ones who work hard, don't want to come to such a racist country where they will be treated like shit.

New Data Show Migrants Were More Likely to Be Released by Trump Than Biden​

Also, they were afraid they'd be put in cages?
It's the US border , it's under federal control. States have boundaries or state lines with other states, they are under state control. But even there the interstates are federal. I would assume the president can shut the border down if he has good reason. I just wanted to clarify the distinction because the gov. Of a Texas is way out of line with what he is doing. Ask Wikipedia , they have all the correct answers.

Wiki -

Sweet fucking jesus, SMDH.
For three years the Trumpybear tried every trick in the book to close the border to a host of peoples. Until the Covid pandemic he was unable to close it.
You sure do get bad information.

June 26, 2018 8:39 PM EDT
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday handed Donald Trump one of the biggest victories of his presidency, upholding his travel ban targeting several Muslim-majority countries and rejecting the argument that it represented unconstitutional religious discrimination.
The 5-4 ruling, with the conservative justices in the majority and the liberal justices dissenting, ended a fierce fight in the courts over whether the policy amounted to an unlawful Muslim ban, while confirming broad presidential powers over immigration and national security policy.

Depends. Is he above the law?

I think Congress has to pass a law and he either signs or vetos.

Remember the Supreme Court said the EPA couldn’t enforce law Congress had to. Probably same here. Biden alone can’t, unless he declares an emergency etc. so I guess he has the power if he deems it an emergency. Is it? Then why is trump saying wait till 2025 and he alone can fix it?
So tell me, Sealy...did Congress have to pass a law when Biden got rid of dozens of Trump Executive Orders on his first day in office?

The answer to that is NO! Joe Biden has ALWAYS had the ability to secure the border! He has deliberately chosen not to.

The "deal" that Biden is seeking on immigration isn't going to secure anything.
It's the US border , it's under federal control. States have boundaries or state lines with other states, they are under state control. But even there the interstates are federal. I would assume the president can shut the border down if he has good reason. I just wanted to clarify the distinction because the gov. Of a Texas is way out of line with what he is doing. Ask Wikipedia , they have all the correct answers.
Abbott is acting in the best interest of America

Biden is not
So what's Trumps excuse? And why do his supporters make so many excuses after he didn't secure it?
Trump did as much as possible given the opposition of democrats along with some republicans
You sure do get bad information.

June 26, 2018 8:39 PM EDT
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday handed Donald Trump one of the biggest victories of his presidency, upholding his travel ban targeting several Muslim-majority countries and rejecting the argument that it represented unconstitutional religious discrimination.
The 5-4 ruling, with the conservative justices in the majority and the liberal justices dissenting, ended a fierce fight in the courts over whether the policy amounted to an unlawful Muslim ban, while confirming broad presidential powers over immigration and national security policy.

That ruling simply didn't close the border like the Neo-GOP are clamoring for.
For three years the Trumpybear tried every trick in the book to close the border to a host of peoples. Until the Covid pandemic he was unable to close it. Biden kept nearly all of the Title 42 provisions in place until 2023 until the Covid emergency was over.

Now the GOP demanded that much needed foreign aid to Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan be attached to a border security bill. We now know that was another offer in bad faith by the do-nothing Neo-GOP skanks.

The Neo-GOP now own the border crisis that they refuse to address.
Yeah, it kind of is. Because Trump said he wanted to, but didn't.

Well know that Biden doesn't really want to. That's why I asked if he could. Because for 4 years, Trump couldn't either. Or maybe he just didn't really want to. That he just played a character who's lines were "I want to secure the border."
Yeah, it kind of is. Because Trump said he wanted to, but didn't.

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