Does Biden have the authority to secure the border

How many immigrants crossing the border does it take to be considered an invasion?

Who has the authority to declare that it is an invasion?
At 5,000 ILLEGAL Immigrants a day there's a good probability it could be considered an invasion.

Anyone, like a State, that has their sovereignty violated and borders trespassed without permission and sanction.
Who will miss Biden the most? Our establishment, Neocons and Democrats, will really miss their slaves and illegal votes, and the Cartels might miss Biden even more. Back to the sanity of MAGA.
The question isn't moot. And neither is the point. So many here claiming Biden could secure the border easily, he just don't want to. The laws haven't changed since Trump left. So if it is so easy for Biden, why couldn't Trump do it?
English much?
Oh, and FAKE NEWS!!!
The ones being deported still get the trials, and sending large numbers of people back, month in, month out, costs a lot of money.
If they fail to prove they qualify for asylum, it's bingo time.....see ya.
You don't see a money problem with giving these criminals debit cards and/or cash assistance? Or overloading hospitals and cities budgets?
If Mike Johnson was smart, he would get the current bill proposed in the Senate, which is pretty strict, and moves the deportation process faster, plus gives Border Patrol better equipment to deal with a 2024 problem.
Title 42, which expires Thursday at 11:59 EST, actually had a more crossings the last 7 years.
True, in 2023....

About those crossings:


It's a 1950's law that's been worthless for awhile.
I bet those laws Jack Smith has charged Trump with from the Civil War era aren't worthless, huh?
Trump instituted legal remedies, dems tried and failed, ala COUTUS and presidential enumerated powers won.

Trump tried and failed as well regarding asylum POE.

Trump was able to implement title 42 because of COVID. That expired....if that is what you are referring too.

Trump instituted the 'rule', dems fought and lost, Biden erased Trumps EO' how did that work out?
We don't need EOs. We need legislation.

Their is a bipartisan package we haven't seen all of yet but it looks like it will be a big help.

I think Johnson will submit soon.
At 5,000 ILLEGAL Immigrants a day there's a good probability it could be considered an invasion.

Is that the law?

Is 1000 a day an invasion?

Anyone, like a State, that has their sovereignty violated and borders trespassed without permission and sanction.
You will have to show me the law that gives states the authority to declare an invasion.

Precedent says you are incorrect.

"But at least three courts went further to hold in the alternative that, as the Second Circuit put it in Padavan v. United States, “In order for a state to be afforded the protections of the Invasion Clause, it must be exposed to armed hostility from another political entity, such as another state or foreign country that is intending to overthrow the state’s government.” See also, the Ninth Circuit’s opinion in California v. United States (“California ignores the conclusion set forth by our Founders. In The Federalist No. 43, James Madison referred to the Invasion Clause as affording protection in situations wherein a state is exposed to armed hostility from another political entity.”); and the Third Circuit’s decision in New Jersey v. United States (New Jersey “offers no support whatsoever for application of the Invasion Clause to this case or for its reading of the term “invasion” to mean anything other than a military invasion”)."

I exposed you (because I induced you to resort to your usual babble) as utterly ignorant on what “asylum seekers” even are.

Next up: can you make the distinction for the class between an affirmative asylum seeker and a defensive asylum seeker?

Carry on, my little pet bitch. The more you post, the more exposed you are as a fraud. 👍
I asked you how "you" know and just like a typical troll, you cannot answer a direct question.
Zero a day is what we want

Biden is offering 5,000 a day and that is out of the question
Is 1000 a day an invasion?

Biden isn't offering anything. Who told you that?

The legislation is a bipartisan package from the Senate.
Trump tried and failed as well regarding asylum POE.
Why do you think the wait in Mexico policy was created?

Their is a bipartisan package we haven't seen all of yet but it looks like it will be a big help.
Doubt it. From what has been leaked, it odes nothing but perpetuate the crisis to benefit the dems goals.

We don't need EOs. We need legislation.
Already have about the COTUS?

Then there's always HR-2

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