Does Biden run for another term?

yeah, i don't disagree...but that's not what I said
And I said what I said because it doesn't matter if most dems don't want Biden if the other choice is Trump. They will vote for Biden anyway.
And I said what I said because it doesn't matter if most dems don't want Biden if the other choice is Trump. They will vote for Biden anyway.
Ok.....that doesn't change the facts about what I said. We were discussing if Xiden was going to run, and if the DNC was backing him....I highlighted they were, and why....and what they did to try and protect he gets the nomination.

Trump has nothing to do with it
The media is turning on him. He will drop out.

When WAPO and NYT turn on a Dem, the party is ober.

This has been a slow process, it started in the early summer.
Does Biden run in 2024?

I think there is a (very) good chance that he drops out, that the Dems manufacture a reason for him--- health, age, bad haircut, etc., and replace him with someone like Newsom or even Michelle Obama. Obumma has been running things quietly in the background these past three years from his home right there in DC anyway, then he could come back to the WH with Michelle as "First Guy" for a 4th term and run things publicly.

Democraps and RINOS won't mind.
The media is turning on him. He will drop out.

When WAPO and NYT turn on a Dem, the party is ober.

This has been a slow process, it started in the early summer.

When the propagandist turn on him it's a problem....this is what happened to Gov Gold Standard Cuomo as well
Biden knows the only way he keeps from being prosecuted is to stay in office with Garland at the DOJ...
So there is going to be a fight....
And also Obama wants a 4th term... the man from Kenya wants a forth term as President of the United States...
The DNC knows how important it is to keep control of the DOJ. Their best chance may be to nominate someone like Joe Manchin, who can run against Trump and Biden.

When The Washington Compost starts repeating the DC whispering campaign like this, you can be sure that there is something going on.

It’s more than just Washington “whispers” and vague rumors or rumblings

It’s the floating of the trial balloon. They want him gone. They fear he is already a lame duck if not a virtual dead duck.

And I read someplace yesterday that there is a move afoot to ditch Kamala, too. Smart. They should. Spider senses are tingling.

Plus of course, they have a damn weak ass bench. So, all in all:

Good news.

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