Does Capitalism Ensure Freedom?

Losers will always embrace socialism. They need to feed off of others' success to live, like a parasite. Capitalism offers opportunity, it cannot guarantee outcome. N
When did capitalism guarantee equality of opportunity?

never did-----no economic system has ever guaranteed equality of opportunity. Short left handed people are
guaranteed -------disenfranchisement
Capitalism made the US the greatest nation on Earth and that irritates the Marxist to no end since it proves they are wrong.
And what institution made US capitalism?

How Slaves Built American Capitalism
Losers will always embrace socialism. They need to feed off of others' success to live, like a parasite. Capitalism offers opportunity, it cannot guarantee outcome. N
When did capitalism guarantee equality of opportunity?

never did-----no economic system has ever guaranteed equality of opportunity. Short left handed people are
guaranteed -------disenfranchisement
They are not denied medical care based on their stature but rather on their ability to pay.
The curve is weighed to an average, not the actual wealth break down.

LOL the "average" ----yup 95 % are within two standard deviations of the mean-------then remaining are the happiest group-----2 1/2 percent about two standard deviations from the mean------and the poor guys----2 1/2 percent--------ok
You have no idea what that means. The deviations indicate how disparately the wealth has been spread.
I have read lots of your literature in which
the word ZIONIST is used as a synonym of COMMUNIST
except the literature of your ideology which was done in the
USSR and various BAATHIST shitholes in which "ZIONIST" had the same meaning as "CAPITALIST"
“'Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.' Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812), founder of the House of Rothschild."
Why would anyone confuse a Zionist with a greedy capitalist who didn't care who wrote the laws?
Famous Quotations on Banking
I have read lots of your literature in which
the word ZIONIST is used as a synonym of COMMUNIST
except the literature of your ideology which was done in the
USSR and various BAATHIST shitholes in which "ZIONIST" had the same meaning as "CAPITALIST"
“'Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.' Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812), founder of the House of Rothschild."
Why would anyone confuse a Zionist with a greedy capitalist who didn't care who wrote the laws?
Famous Quotations on Banking

in what language did Rothschild make this comment and what does it mean to you?. To me it seems like a very
astute observation on the nature of human society. People who have CONTROL of the medium of exchange---
have lots of power------that's why your filthy kith and kin
were ALWAYS AFTER GOLD----- Amongst the Trobrianders of the South Pacific------the guy who has his hands on the most ----SEASHELLS used to make special necklaces and Canine teeth used to make special necklaces for exchange in their FAR REACHING KULA---
is the person who controls the whole KIT AND KABOODLE. and those shell and canine teeth collectors and hoarders-----were not even jews
Capitalism doesn't ensure freedom. It reflects freedom. And our government's job is to ensure capitalistic opportunity but not success. Beyond that you're on your own.
Except for what democrats are doing to that concept.
Capitalism doesn't ensure freedom. It reflects freedom. And our government's job is to ensure capitalistic opportunity but not success. Beyond that you're on your own.
Except for what democrats are doing to that concept.
Neither Democrats nor Republicans seem concerned about capitalism's penchant for producing great inequalities of income and wealth. Neither party wants to seriously consider the possibility that producing obscene wealth at one pole requires generating massive poverty at the other.

Over the past thirty years, both parties have controlled DC, yet inequality has consistently worsened.

Perhaps that's to be expected when the richest 1% of voters determine which names appear on your ballot?
What are the Free Countries that don't follow a form of Capitalism?
Capitalism doesn't ensure freedom. It reflects freedom. And our government's job is to ensure capitalistic opportunity but not success. Beyond that you're on your own.
Except for what democrats are doing to that concept.
Neither Democrats nor Republicans seem concerned about capitalism's penchant for producing great inequalities of income and wealth. Neither party wants to seriously consider the possibility that producing obscene wealth at one pole requires generating massive poverty at the other.

Over the past thirty years, both parties have controlled DC, yet inequality has consistently worsened.

Perhaps that's to be expected when the richest 1% of voters determine which names appear on your ballot?
Generating wealth does not automatically create poverty. It can create relative gaps but not necessarily true poverty. You are spoiled.
Losers will always embrace socialism. They need to feed off of others' success to live, like a parasite. Capitalism offers opportunity, it cannot guarantee outcome. N
When did capitalism guarantee equality of opportunity?
You can't read, I didn't make that claim. Nothing guarantees equal opportunity, economies are run by humans and there will always be the human element. Just move to Cuba and live in Paradise now, why wait?
Capitalism doesn't ensure freedom. It reflects freedom. And our government's job is to ensure capitalistic opportunity but not success. Beyond that you're on your own.
Except for what democrats are doing to that concept.
Neither Democrats nor Republicans seem concerned about capitalism's penchant for producing great inequalities of income and wealth. Neither party wants to seriously consider the possibility that producing obscene wealth at one pole requires generating massive poverty at the other.

Over the past thirty years, both parties have controlled DC, yet inequality has consistently worsened.

Perhaps that's to be expected when the richest 1% of voters determine which names appear on your ballot?
Generating wealth does not automatically create poverty. It can create relative gaps but not necessarily true poverty. You are spoiled.
Capitalism's success at generating wealth is offset by the method it chooses to distribute wealth. A small fraction of shareholders and executives claim a large percentage of the spoils by virtue of their "ownership" over the means of production.
Poverty Has Always Accompanied Capitalism

"Poverty has always accompanied capitalism (as Thomas Piketty's work documents yet again). As an economic system, it has proven to be as successful in producing wealth at one pole as it is in producing poverty at the other.

"Periodic 'rediscoveries of' and campaigns against poverty have not changed that.

"Capitalism's defenders, having long promoted the system as the means to overcome both absolute and relative poverty (i.e. to be an equalizing system), now change their tune. They either abandon equality as a social good or goal or else try to avoid discussing poverty altogether."
Capitalism made the US the greatest nation on Earth and that irritates the Marxist to no end since it proves they are wrong.
And what institution made US capitalism?

How Slaves Built American Capitalism
Slavery ended long long ago and not all states held them.

You failed to learn US History:eek:
How Slaves Built American Capitalism
"The expansion of slavery in the first eight decades after American Independence drove the evolution and modernization of the United States..."

"Through torture and punishment slave owners extracted greater efficiencies from slaves which allowed the United States to seize control of the world market for cotton, the key raw material of the Industrial Revolution, and become a prosperous and powerful nation.

"Cotton was to the early 19th century, what oil was to the 20th century: the commodity that determined the wealth of nations. Cotton accounted for a staggering 50 percent of US exports and ignited the economic boom that America experienced. America owes its very existence as a first world nation to slavery."
Capitalism made the US the greatest nation on Earth and that irritates the Marxist to no end since it proves they are wrong.
And what institution made US capitalism?

How Slaves Built American Capitalism
Slavery ended long long ago and not all states held them.

You failed to learn US History:eek:
How Slaves Built American Capitalism
"The expansion of slavery in the first eight decades after American Independence drove the evolution and modernization of the United States..."

"Through torture and punishment slave owners extracted greater efficiencies from slaves which allowed the United States to seize control of the world market for cotton, the key raw material of the Industrial Revolution, and become a prosperous and powerful nation.

"Cotton was to the early 19th century, what oil was to the 20th century: the commodity that determined the wealth of nations. Cotton accounted for a staggering 50 percent of US exports and ignited the economic boom that America experienced. America owes its very existence as a first world nation to slavery."

The author is an obvious race baiting asshole, I just don't get how anyone could take him seriously. No actual facts but you're suppose to belief him simply because he said so... :laugh:

This kinda crap explains Obama and his race baiting divisive presidency.
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What are the Free Countries that don't follow a form of Capitalism?
Capitalism is the dominant economic system on the planet, for the moment anyway.
Richard D. Wolff, "Socialism and Workers' Self-Directed Enterprises"

No, it's not. Big Government Cronyism is not Capitalism (at least not the Free Market Version).
FIRE (finance, insurance, real estate) has come to dominate the productive economy over the past four decades.

As a consequence, households, businesses, and government at all levels have acquired more debt than they will ever be able to repay.
Capitalism made the US the greatest nation on Earth and that irritates the Marxist to no end since it proves they are wrong.
And what institution made US capitalism?

How Slaves Built American Capitalism
Slavery ended long long ago and not all states held them.

You failed to learn US History:eek:
How Slaves Built American Capitalism
"The expansion of slavery in the first eight decades after American Independence drove the evolution and modernization of the United States..."

"Through torture and punishment slave owners extracted greater efficiencies from slaves which allowed the United States to seize control of the world market for cotton, the key raw material of the Industrial Revolution, and become a prosperous and powerful nation.

"Cotton was to the early 19th century, what oil was to the 20th century: the commodity that determined the wealth of nations. Cotton accounted for a staggering 50 percent of US exports and ignited the economic boom that America experienced. America owes its very existence as a first world nation to slavery."

The author is an obvious race baiting asshole, I just don't get how anyone could take him seriously. No actual facts but you're suppose to belief him simply because he said so... :laugh:

This kinda crap explains Obama and his race baiting divisive presidency.
What additional facts do you require to prove US capitalism was built on chattel slavery?
How Slaves Built American Capitalism

"In the United States, scholars have demonstrated that profit wasn’t made just from Southerners selling the cotton that slaves picked or the cane they cut.

"Slavery was central to the establishment of the industries that today dominate the U.S. economy: real estate, insurance and finance.

"Wall Street was founded on slavery.

"African slaves built the physical wall that gives Wall Street its name, forming the northern boundary of the Dutch colony designed to ward off resisting natives who wanted their land back.

"To formalize the colossal trade in human beings, in 1711, New York officials established a slave market on Wall Street."
Capitalism doesn't ensure freedom. It reflects freedom. And our government's job is to ensure capitalistic opportunity but not success. Beyond that you're on your own.
Except for what democrats are doing to that concept.
Neither Democrats nor Republicans seem concerned about capitalism's penchant for producing great inequalities of income and wealth. Neither party wants to seriously consider the possibility that producing obscene wealth at one pole requires generating massive poverty at the other.

Over the past thirty years, both parties have controlled DC, yet inequality has consistently worsened.

Perhaps that's to be expected when the richest 1% of voters determine which names appear on your ballot?
Generating wealth does not automatically create poverty. It can create relative gaps but not necessarily true poverty. You are spoiled.
Capitalism's success at generating wealth is offset by the method it chooses to distribute wealth. A small fraction of shareholders and executives claim a large percentage of the spoils by virtue of their "ownership" over the means of production.
Poverty Has Always Accompanied Capitalism

"Poverty has always accompanied capitalism (as Thomas Piketty's work documents yet again). As an economic system, it has proven to be as successful in producing wealth at one pole as it is in producing poverty at the other.

"Periodic 'rediscoveries of' and campaigns against poverty have not changed that.

"Capitalism's defenders, having long promoted the system as the means to overcome both absolute and relative poverty (i.e. to be an equalizing system), now change their tune. They either abandon equality as a social good or goal or else try to avoid discussing poverty altogether."
Equality is a commie pipedream and is irrelevant in capitalism. Denying opportunity should not be confused with not granting wealth.

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