Does COVID-19 show us how unexceptional the US really is?

Looks to me like there's at least $13,000.00 more per diagnosis for them to claim it's COVID even if it isn't confirmed by testing.
Yeah, well there are masks to order, quarantining procedures to implement, and official reporting paperwork to fill out, and all the office workers are punching in at the same labor-union time clock.
View attachment 359912

Hippocratic Oath



When you combine medicine and politics, the result is politics.
We do account for 25% of deaths for a country that is only 5% of the world’s population. I mean if European countries are so incompetent as republicans like to claim, the death rates in ALL those small, close-knit nations would be staggering but nations like Germany show us how a good health system operates.

Is it any wonder why other countries are barring travel from the US?

It definitely isn’t Trump’s fault the virus came here and China shares a lot of blame in failing to contain it, but obviously it matters how a nation chooses to respond once it arrives in their borders. For the US, we failed miserably. It doesn’t help we have a moron in the WH that likes to pretend it isn’t a problem.
We have a President who (as usual) followed talk radio's lead and clearly downplayed the threat in the early days. A President who has gone out of his way to alienate a large portion of critical international leaders and allies in the years leading up to an international pandemic crisis. And a President who has clearly, obediently and repeatedly expressed disdain for our own medical science community.

The rest of the world is waiting for us to come to our senses and get past this ugly time. But they're only going to wait so long. A country is only "exceptional" by comparison, and that can change.
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We do account for 25% of deaths for a country that is only 5% of the world’s population. I mean if European countries are so incompetent as republicans like to claim, the death rates in ALL those small, close-knit nations would be staggering but nations like Germany show us how a good health system operates.

Is it any wonder why other countries are barring travel from the US?

It definitely isn’t Trump’s fault the virus came here and China shares a lot of blame in failing to contain it, but obviously it matters how a nation chooses to respond once it arrives in their borders. For the US, we failed miserably. It doesn’t help we have a moron in the WH that likes to pretend it isn’t a problem.

You commies seem to get off on denigrating your country. If you're so miserable why don't you pack your shit and leave?

I love the US. I just hate this stupid delusion you repubs have about it being better than any other country in every way.

Well child, the US isn't perfect, but it is better than the rest. But at least you admitted your shortcoming, you, like most commies, are a hater. And you try to project your hate on anyone who disagrees with your warped world view. No you don't love the US, if you did you'd be working to improve it, not consistently working to tear it down. So sell your commie BS elsewhere, I ain't buying.

We do account for 25% of deaths for a country that is only 5% of the world’s population. I mean if European countries are so incompetent as republicans like to claim, the death rates in ALL those small, close-knit nations would be staggering but nations like Germany show us how a good health system operates.

Is it any wonder why other countries are barring travel from the US?

It definitely isn’t Trump’s fault the virus came here and China shares a lot of blame in failing to contain it, but obviously it matters how a nation chooses to respond once it arrives in their borders. For the US, we failed miserably. It doesn’t help we have a moron in the WH that likes to pretend it isn’t a problem.
We have a President who (as usual) followed talk radio's lead and clearly downplayed the threat in the early days. A President who has gone out of his way to alienate a large portion of critical international leaders and allies in the years leading up to an international pandemic crisis. And a President who has clearly, obediently and repeatedly expressed disdain for our own medical science community.

The rest of the world is waiting for us to come to our senses and get past this ugly time. But they're only going to wait so long. A country is only "exceptional" by comparison, and that can change.

Perhaps that's because our own medical science community consistently got things very wrong from the beginning. Remember Fauci on TV telling Americans they were at a very low risk of getting the virus and masks wouldn't protect you? Trump was listening to his people and he should have fired Fauci when his statements was proven wrong. What I find funny is how you commies try to discount the fact that more than 70% of the deaths attributed to the virus occurred in very ill-prepared, BLUE States and cities. And slime ball commies like you try to blame it one everyone but those who were actually responsible.

We do account for 25% of deaths for a country that is only 5% of the world’s population. I mean if European countries are so incompetent as republicans like to claim, the death rates in ALL those small, close-knit nations would be staggering but nations like Germany show us how a good health system operates.

Is it any wonder why other countries are barring travel from the US?

It definitely isn’t Trump’s fault the virus came here and China shares a lot of blame in failing to contain it, but obviously it matters how a nation chooses to respond once it arrives in their borders. For the US, we failed miserably. It doesn’t help we have a moron in the WH that likes to pretend it isn’t a problem.
We have a President who (as usual) followed talk radio's lead and clearly downplayed the threat in the early days. A President who has gone out of his way to alienate a large portion of critical international leaders and allies in the years leading up to an international pandemic crisis. And a President who has clearly, obediently and repeatedly expressed disdain for our own medical science community.

The rest of the world is waiting for us to come to our senses and get past this ugly time. But they're only going to wait so long. A country is only "exceptional" by comparison, and that can change.

Perhaps that's because our own medical science community consistently got things very wrong from the beginning. Remember Fauci on TV telling Americans they were at a very low risk of getting the virus and masks wouldn't protect you? Trump was listening to his people and he should have fired Fauci when his statements was proven wrong. What I find funny is how you commies try to discount the fact that more than 70% of the deaths attributed to the virus occurred in very ill-prepared, BLUE States and cities. And slime ball commies like you try to blame it one everyone but those who were actually responsible.

Yes, I'm the world's only commie financial advisor.

And science readily admits that it learns through trial and error. Not through talk radio.

If this is your best shot at communication, please play with someone else. You bore me.
Easy to sit back in an air conditioned environment in the most free, tolerant, and diverse nation on earth and complain. Fell free to find a better place to live and please by all means, let us know how it goes.
It’s just better that you accept the truth for what it is.

No. I accept whatever truths are provable. I do not accept your version of the truth.
Okay but....facts have a liberal bias so therefore so does reality. I don't make the rules. :dunno:

You reek of arrogance.

Since when has reality come on record stating what bias it has? Or this just you trying to shield yourself from the bare naked neutrality and indiscriminate nature of reality?

Take COVID-19 for example. Did it delineate between the political viewpoints of those it infected or ultimately killed? No? That is a prime example of how wrong you are.

And you are right on one thing:

You don't make the rules. Reality sets its own rules.
Well I mean reality is neutral, sure, but technically That means progressivism must be as well. It’s just what’s objectively true. Anything besides that (conservativism, being a Trumptard) is just false.

Again, I don’t make the rules. I am a being on this astral plane just like you, TK.

Please explain how you come to the conclusion that progressivism is somehow true and conservatism is false.

I'd love to hear that explanation from your critical thinking brain.
We do account for 25% of deaths for a country that is only 5% of the world’s population. I mean if European countries are so incompetent as republicans like to claim, the death rates in ALL those small, close-knit nations would be staggering but nations like Germany show us how a good health system operates.

Is it any wonder why other countries are barring travel from the US?

It definitely isn’t Trump’s fault the virus came here and China shares a lot of blame in failing to contain it, but obviously it matters how a nation chooses to respond once it arrives in their borders. For the US, we failed miserably. It doesn’t help we have a moron in the WH that likes to pretend it isn’t a problem.
We have a President who (as usual) followed talk radio's lead and clearly downplayed the threat in the early days. A President who has gone out of his way to alienate a large portion of critical international leaders and allies in the years leading up to an international pandemic crisis. And a President who has clearly, obediently and repeatedly expressed disdain for our own medical science community.

The rest of the world is waiting for us to come to our senses and get past this ugly time. But they're only going to wait so long. A country is only "exceptional" by comparison, and that can change.

Perhaps that's because our own medical science community consistently got things very wrong from the beginning. Remember Fauci on TV telling Americans they were at a very low risk of getting the virus and masks wouldn't protect you? Trump was listening to his people and he should have fired Fauci when his statements was proven wrong. What I find funny is how you commies try to discount the fact that more than 70% of the deaths attributed to the virus occurred in very ill-prepared, BLUE States and cities. And slime ball commies like you try to blame it one everyone but those who were actually responsible.

Yes, I'm the world's only commie financial advisor.

And science readily admits that it learns through trial and error. Not through talk radio.

If this is your best shot at communication, please play with someone else. You bore me.

What is your obsession with talk radio? I don't think they ordered nursing homes and assisted living facilities to take Covid positive patients, when they didn't have the isolation assets to protect the rest of their population. It's you commies that are politicizing this tragedy, when the worse decisions were made by your comrades.

We do account for 25% of deaths for a country that is only 5% of the world’s population. I mean if European countries are so incompetent as republicans like to claim, the death rates in ALL those small, close-knit nations would be staggering but nations like Germany show us how a good health system operates.

Is it any wonder why other countries are barring travel from the US?

It definitely isn’t Trump’s fault the virus came here and China shares a lot of blame in failing to contain it, but obviously it matters how a nation chooses to respond once it arrives in their borders. For the US, we failed miserably. It doesn’t help we have a moron in the WH that likes to pretend it isn’t a problem.

You just can't help yourself from ripping your own country. Hate, I just can't quit you man.
When you combine medicine and politics, the result is politics.
It's worse than that. Wicked doctors are allowed to practice bad medicine with total impunity because of tort reform and the single-payer politics of socialized medicine.

The instruments of torture they bring to bear against us are even more advanced than those of the Dark Ages in medieval Europe.

We need to punish doctors more severely for their medical malpractice, brutal butchery and wholesale slaughter of human infants, mayhem and malicious disfigurement, the kickbacks from major European pharmaceutical druggers, and so on and so forth and we need to hit them in the pocketbook where it hurts, but most of all to deprive them of the money and resources which enable them to cause so much harm to their patients.

If we refuse to impose capital punishment on bad doctors, we are only punishing and torturing ourselves for as long as we allow those perverts with medical degrees and licenses to live.
When you combine medicine and politics, the result is politics.
It's worse than that. Wicked doctors are allowed to practice bad medicine with total impunity because of tort reform and the single-payer politics of socialized medicine.

The instruments of torture they bring to bear against us are even more advanced than those of the Dark Ages in medieval Europe.

We need to punish doctors more severely for their medical malpractice, brutal butchery and wholesale slaughter of human infants, mayhem and malicious disfigurement, the kickbacks from major European pharmaceutical druggers, and so on and so forth and we need to hit them in the pocketbook where it hurts, but most of all to deprive them of the money and resources which enable them to cause so much harm to their patients.

If we refuse to impose capital punishment on bad doctors, we are only punishing and torturing ourselves for as long as we allow those perverts with medical degrees and licenses to live.

I'm not certain how far I would go in blaming doctors.....BUT.....due to the virus, most doctors weren't seeing patients, and lots of medical care wasn't performed.

And the result appears to be fewer deaths.

This statistic should be a clue:

"But we need to investigate even deeper to really understand the facts of what is going on during this pandemic. According to the CDC, 2,841,600 people died in the US in 2019. That averages out to be 236,800 per month. Yet only 501,444 deaths have occurred nationwide this year between January 1, 2020, to April 9. Averaging the death rate over the first 3 months of 2019, there should have been 710,400 deaths, not merely 501,444, especially since the death rate for the flu is historically highest in January, February, and March. "

Statistically Significant: Why It Makes a Difference - Tom McFie
And the result appears to be fewer deaths.
The insurers already figured it out for cancer — especially something like breast or prostate cancer — that regular exams do not reduce mortality.

Even in cases of latent undetected cancer, it is much better to keep your blouse buttoned up and your pants zipped than to submit to medical "exams" of such an embarrassing nature.
We do account for 25% of deaths for a country that is only 5% of the world’s population. I mean if European countries are so incompetent as republicans like to claim, the death rates in ALL those small, close-knit nations would be staggering but nations like Germany show us how a good health system operates.

Is it any wonder why other countries are barring travel from the US?

It definitely isn’t Trump’s fault the virus came here and China shares a lot of blame in failing to contain it, but obviously it matters how a nation chooses to respond once it arrives in their borders. For the US, we failed miserably. It doesn’t help we have a moron in the WH that likes to pretend it isn’t a problem.
Germany population: 83 million Testing 5.8 million or 6.9% USA 330 million... 4 times the size of Germany total test: 37.8 million or 11.9% tested.
More importantly ethnicity of population:
European % of population 89.7% all others 10.3%
USA population ethnicity: White 73.0% Blacks 12.7% Hispanic 17.6%

So not only US testing 40% more people, BUT the USA is almost 4 TIMES the size of Germany.
So compare apples to apples...not apples to watermelons!
We do account for 25% of deaths for a country that is only 5% of the world’s population. I mean if European countries are so incompetent as republicans like to claim, the death rates in ALL those small, close-knit nations would be staggering but nations like Germany show us how a good health system operates.

Is it any wonder why other countries are barring travel from the US?

It definitely isn’t Trump’s fault the virus came here and China shares a lot of blame in failing to contain it, but obviously it matters how a nation chooses to respond once it arrives in their borders. For the US, we failed miserably. It doesn’t help we have a moron in the WH that likes to pretend it isn’t a problem.
Germany population: 83 million Testing 5.8 million or 6.9% USA 330 million... 4 times the size of Germany total test: 37.8 million or 11.9% tested.
More importantly ethnicity of population:
European % of population 89.7% all others 10.3%
USA population ethnicity: White 73.0% Blacks 12.7% Hispanic 17.6%

So not only US testing 40% more people, BUT the USA is almost 4 TIMES the size of Germany.
So compare apples to apples...not apples to watermelons!
Where are you getting that US’s testing is 40% more than Germany’s? That’s just bullshit. Experts estimate testing is 10x short of actual cases in some areas of the US. More importantly, Germany has new cases way more under control than the US. That’s the metric that matters. And again, Europe is a close knit continent. They still somehow have the pandemic way more under control.
We do account for 25% of deaths for a country that is only 5% of the world’s population. I mean if European countries are so incompetent as republicans like to claim, the death rates in ALL those small, close-knit nations would be staggering but nations like Germany show us how a good health system operates.

Is it any wonder why other countries are barring travel from the US?

It definitely isn’t Trump’s fault the virus came here and China shares a lot of blame in failing to contain it, but obviously it matters how a nation chooses to respond once it arrives in their borders. For the US, we failed miserably. It doesn’t help we have a moron in the WH that likes to pretend it isn’t a problem.
Germany population: 83 million Testing 5.8 million or 6.9% USA 330 million... 4 times the size of Germany total test: 37.8 million or 11.9% tested.
More importantly ethnicity of population:
European % of population 89.7% all others 10.3%
USA population ethnicity: White 73.0% Blacks 12.7% Hispanic 17.6%

So not only US testing 40% more people, BUT the USA is almost 4 TIMES the size of Germany.
So compare apples to apples...not apples to watermelons!
Where are you getting that US’s testing is 40% more than Germany’s? That’s just bullshit. Experts estimate testing is 10x short of actual cases in some areas of the US. More importantly, Germany has new cases way more under control than the US. That’s the metric that matters. And again, Europe is a close knit continent. They still somehow have the pandemic way more under control.

USA population 331 million vs Germany 83.7 million OR 40% more people in USA than Germany! Do you understand??
Covid cases: USA total cases 3,023,644 or Germany cases 198,057
Testing USA: 38,099,215 vs Germany 5,873,562 tests OR 6 times the number of test by USA!
FACTS are also THAT 99.4% cases ARE NOT hospitalized! Yet you haven't heard that have you? 0.52% hospitalized!
Why haven't you heard that??

Screen Shot 2020-07-06 at 4.59.26 PM.png
We do account for 25% of deaths for a country that is only 5% of the world’s population. I mean if European countries are so incompetent as republicans like to claim, the death rates in ALL those small, close-knit nations would be staggering but nations like Germany show us how a good health system operates.

Is it any wonder why other countries are barring travel from the US?

It definitely isn’t Trump’s fault the virus came here and China shares a lot of blame in failing to contain it, but obviously it matters how a nation chooses to respond once it arrives in their borders. For the US, we failed miserably. It doesn’t help we have a moron in the WH that likes to pretend it isn’t a problem.
Germany population: 83 million Testing 5.8 million or 6.9% USA 330 million... 4 times the size of Germany total test: 37.8 million or 11.9% tested.
More importantly ethnicity of population:
European % of population 89.7% all others 10.3%
USA population ethnicity: White 73.0% Blacks 12.7% Hispanic 17.6%

So not only US testing 40% more people, BUT the USA is almost 4 TIMES the size of Germany.
So compare apples to apples...not apples to watermelons!
Where are you getting that US’s testing is 40% more than Germany’s? That’s just bullshit. Experts estimate testing is 10x short of actual cases in some areas of the US. More importantly, Germany has new cases way more under control than the US. That’s the metric that matters. And again, Europe is a close knit continent. They still somehow have the pandemic way more under control.

USA population 331 million vs Germany 83.7 million OR 40% more people in USA than Germany! Do you understand??
Covid cases: USA total cases 3,023,644 or Germany cases 198,057
Testing USA: 38,099,215 vs Germany 5,873,562 tests OR 6 times the number of test by USA!
FACTS are also THAT 99.4% cases ARE NOT hospitalized! Yet you haven't heard that have you? 0.52% hospitalized!
Why haven't you heard that??

View attachment 360178
Okay here is the stat that actually matters. Germany’s death rate is half of that of the US’s. So take all this population size comparisons and shove them up your ass.

We do account for 25% of deaths for a country that is only 5% of the world’s population. I mean if European countries are so incompetent as republicans like to claim, the death rates in ALL those small, close-knit nations would be staggering but nations like Germany show us how a good health system operates.

Is it any wonder why other countries are barring travel from the US?

It definitely isn’t Trump’s fault the virus came here and China shares a lot of blame in failing to contain it, but obviously it matters how a nation chooses to respond once it arrives in their borders. For the US, we failed miserably. It doesn’t help we have a moron in the WH that likes to pretend it isn’t a problem.
Germany population: 83 million Testing 5.8 million or 6.9% USA 330 million... 4 times the size of Germany total test: 37.8 million or 11.9% tested.
More importantly ethnicity of population:
European % of population 89.7% all others 10.3%
USA population ethnicity: White 73.0% Blacks 12.7% Hispanic 17.6%

So not only US testing 40% more people, BUT the USA is almost 4 TIMES the size of Germany.
So compare apples to apples...not apples to watermelons!
Where are you getting that US’s testing is 40% more than Germany’s? That’s just bullshit. Experts estimate testing is 10x short of actual cases in some areas of the US. More importantly, Germany has new cases way more under control than the US. That’s the metric that matters. And again, Europe is a close knit continent. They still somehow have the pandemic way more under control.

USA population 331 million vs Germany 83.7 million OR 40% more people in USA than Germany! Do you understand??
Covid cases: USA total cases 3,023,644 or Germany cases 198,057
Testing USA: 38,099,215 vs Germany 5,873,562 tests OR 6 times the number of test by USA!
FACTS are also THAT 99.4% cases ARE NOT hospitalized! Yet you haven't heard that have you? 0.52% hospitalized!
Why haven't you heard that??

View attachment 360178
Oh and check this out from the same article as above:

“another explanation for the low fatality rate is that Germany has been testing far more people than most nations. That means it catches more people with few or no symptoms, increasing the number of known cases, but not the number of fatalities.”
We do account for 25% of deaths for a country that is only 5% of the world’s population. I mean if European countries are so incompetent as republicans like to claim, the death rates in ALL those small, close-knit nations would be staggering but nations like Germany show us how a good health system operates.

Is it any wonder why other countries are barring travel from the US?

It definitely isn’t Trump’s fault the virus came here and China shares a lot of blame in failing to contain it, but obviously it matters how a nation chooses to respond once it arrives in their borders. For the US, we failed miserably. It doesn’t help we have a moron in the WH that likes to pretend it isn’t a problem.
Germany population: 83 million Testing 5.8 million or 6.9% USA 330 million... 4 times the size of Germany total test: 37.8 million or 11.9% tested.
More importantly ethnicity of population:
European % of population 89.7% all others 10.3%
USA population ethnicity: White 73.0% Blacks 12.7% Hispanic 17.6%

So not only US testing 40% more people, BUT the USA is almost 4 TIMES the size of Germany.
So compare apples to apples...not apples to watermelons!
Where are you getting that US’s testing is 40% more than Germany’s? That’s just bullshit. Experts estimate testing is 10x short of actual cases in some areas of the US. More importantly, Germany has new cases way more under control than the US. That’s the metric that matters. And again, Europe is a close knit continent. They still somehow have the pandemic way more under control.

USA population 331 million vs Germany 83.7 million OR 40% more people in USA than Germany! Do you understand??
Covid cases: USA total cases 3,023,644 or Germany cases 198,057
Testing USA: 38,099,215 vs Germany 5,873,562 tests OR 6 times the number of test by USA!
FACTS are also THAT 99.4% cases ARE NOT hospitalized! Yet you haven't heard that have you? 0.52% hospitalized!
Why haven't you heard that??

View attachment 360178
Oh and check this out from the same article as above:

“another explanation for the low fatality rate is that Germany has been testing far more people than most nations. That means it catches more people with few or no symptoms, increasing the number of known cases, but not the number of fatalities.”
AGAIN... Germany has tested only 7.01% (just in case you have a problem divide 83.7 million by Germany's 5.87 million tests or: 7.01%
VS USA... population 330 million divided by 38.099 million EQUALS 11.4%! So will you apologize for your FALSEHOOD?
Now I took some time and downloaded this file:Coronavirus Update (Live): 11,711,170 Cases and 539,728 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
Then sorted by total tests..
China was # one at 90.4 million BUT they had ONLY 83,557 CASES??? Totally suspect.
USA was #2 @38,111,501 tests
Germany was # 6 at 5,873,563 tests... so you were saying????
Screen Shot 2020-07-06 at 6.01.59 PM.png
We do account for 25% of deaths for a country that is only 5% of the world’s population. I mean if European countries are so incompetent as republicans like to claim, the death rates in ALL those small, close-knit nations would be staggering but nations like Germany show us how a good health system operates.

Is it any wonder why other countries are barring travel from the US?

It definitely isn’t Trump’s fault the virus came here and China shares a lot of blame in failing to contain it, but obviously it matters how a nation chooses to respond once it arrives in their borders. For the US, we failed miserably. It doesn’t help we have a moron in the WH that likes to pretend it isn’t a problem.
Germany population: 83 million Testing 5.8 million or 6.9% USA 330 million... 4 times the size of Germany total test: 37.8 million or 11.9% tested.
More importantly ethnicity of population:
European % of population 89.7% all others 10.3%
USA population ethnicity: White 73.0% Blacks 12.7% Hispanic 17.6%

So not only US testing 40% more people, BUT the USA is almost 4 TIMES the size of Germany.
So compare apples to apples...not apples to watermelons!
Where are you getting that US’s testing is 40% more than Germany’s? That’s just bullshit. Experts estimate testing is 10x short of actual cases in some areas of the US. More importantly, Germany has new cases way more under control than the US. That’s the metric that matters. And again, Europe is a close knit continent. They still somehow have the pandemic way more under control.

USA population 331 million vs Germany 83.7 million OR 40% more people in USA than Germany! Do you understand??
Covid cases: USA total cases 3,023,644 or Germany cases 198,057
Testing USA: 38,099,215 vs Germany 5,873,562 tests OR 6 times the number of test by USA!
FACTS are also THAT 99.4% cases ARE NOT hospitalized! Yet you haven't heard that have you? 0.52% hospitalized!
Why haven't you heard that??

View attachment 360178
Oh and check this out from the same article as above:

“another explanation for the low fatality rate is that Germany has been testing far more people than most nations. That means it catches more people with few or no symptoms, increasing the number of known cases, but not the number of fatalities.”
AGAIN... Germany has tested only 7.01% (just in case you have a problem divide 83.7 million by Germany's 5.87 million tests or: 7.01%
VS USA... population 330 million divided by 38.099 million EQUALS 11.4%! So will you apologize for your FALSEHOOD?
Now I took some time and downloaded this file:Coronavirus Update (Live): 11,711,170 Cases and 539,728 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
Then sorted by total tests..
China was # one at 90.4 million BUT they had ONLY 83,557 CASES??? Totally suspect.
USA was #2 @38,111,501 tests
Germany was # 6 at 5,873,563 tests... so you were saying????
View attachment 360213
See you keep posting these numbers that really don’t get at the crux of the issue which is how the systems of these countries compare to one another. For instance, I showed you that our death rate was twice as high as Germany’s. That is what illustrates the QUALITY of their healthcare system over ours. I don’t expect you to admit this of course. You’re just going to pretend I didn’t point this out to you. Also, the quality of Germany’s response comes down to the timing. Germany was testing thousands of people per week in early March which pales in comparison to what the US did. Germany also had sufficient equipment relevant to mitigating the crisis early on. The US did not. The US was poorly equipped for the first two months.


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