Does God Exist?

But here you go in a nutshell... it's not an accident that the universe popped into existence created from nothing with laws that predestined intelligence.
And that's what keeps you from seeking a relationship with the Creator?
No, I'm just curious if there is anything like a consensus among Christians?
Why should there be? Humans are subjective.

When you are ready for an honest discussion, let me know ;)
Humans are subjective, but I thought God was objective. Or at least eternal and consistent. There's only one heaven and one hell, right?

I'm only asking for information, I have no counter to the Christian view of the afterlife. I'm not a believer but I just want to know what people think is coming.
My perception of God would be like an ant's perception of us. It just isn't possible to fully wrap our minds around. So my answer to your questions are based upon my sincerest effort to answer the question of origin and fully explore the possibility of mind creating the material world. It's probably not something you have ever seriously or honestly tried to do before and is the reason you are biased against the possibility of mind creating the material world.

The closest I can come to God is infinite logic, infinite truth, infinite goodness, infinite beauty and infinite love which are eternal and unchanging. We know that things like logic, truth, goodness, beauty and love exist. To complete the spectrum we know the absence of those things exist as well but are not extant. So I start from the extant to describe what I believe mind to be like.

So I don't see how God could be anything but objective and if there is something which argues against this, then it is the argument itself which is in error. For instance, bad acts of men would be an illogical argument against infinite logic, infinite truth, infinite goodness, infinite beauty and infinite love existing. The material world is not perfect. It's full of all kinds of defects. It is the nature of the material world. To argue there is no such thing as infinite logic, infinite truth, infinite goodness, infinite beauty and infinite love because the material world has defects doesn't make sense.

I don't know what heaven and hell is. File that as another thing we can't wrap our minds around. The closest I can can come to perceiving heaven and hell is either being eternally united or separated from infinite logic, infinite truth, infinite goodness, infinite beauty and infinite love. I have a notion that the separation would feel like torture to us as the spirit of infinite logic, infinite truth, infinite goodness, infinite beauty and infinite love is withdrawn from us. Some people don't realize what they have until it is taken away from them. As to the concept of reward and punishment, we can look at our own experiences as a proxy to know that reward and punishment are well founded in human behavior. But another thing is also there.... forgiveness. So it is not necessarily a binary decision. So the question of heaven and hell or reward and punishment is founded in logic but it shouldn't even enter into our calculus of how we behave (be, exist, being, etc.). So I can't understand how anyone would use heaven and hell as an argument against infinite logic, infinite truth, infinite goodness, infinite beauty and infinite love.

You say you are only asking for information, but my perception is that you are looking for confirmation. Confirmation of your beliefs. Why else would you care about reconciling Christian beliefs with the origin question? You are just looking for excuses not to do your own honest investigation into the origin of existence. The origin of logic, truth, goodness, beauty and love.

What does it matter what other people believe is coming? Why is that important? How does it change your thinking or your decisions?
No one is ever going to read all of that

Can you wrap your mind around that?
That's their problem.
I read all of it. Thank you.
read it and find out
Read what and find out what? I already know ding is a schizzo
Death is coming
Thanks for stating the obvious. The question is, what, if anything, comes next?
Fat, naked babies playing harps.
Not quite. The evolution of consciousness.
The evolution of consciousness after death? There is just as much evidence for that as for fat, naked babies playing harps.
Both before and after, actually. It is not that evidence doesn't exist, it's that you reject the evidence that does exist. You never even give it consideration.
Are you saying that my consciousness will exist after I'm dead? What evidence am I rejecting?
That consciousness created the material world. The evidence for such is creation itself. Which you have never seriously considered.
And that's what keeps you from seeking a relationship with the Creator?
No, I'm just curious if there is anything like a consensus among Christians?
Why should there be? Humans are subjective.

When you are ready for an honest discussion, let me know ;)
Humans are subjective, but I thought God was objective. Or at least eternal and consistent. There's only one heaven and one hell, right?

I'm only asking for information, I have no counter to the Christian view of the afterlife. I'm not a believer but I just want to know what people think is coming.
My perception of God would be like an ant's perception of us. It just isn't possible to fully wrap our minds around. So my answer to your questions are based upon my sincerest effort to answer the question of origin and fully explore the possibility of mind creating the material world. It's probably not something you have ever seriously or honestly tried to do before and is the reason you are biased against the possibility of mind creating the material world.

The closest I can come to God is infinite logic, infinite truth, infinite goodness, infinite beauty and infinite love which are eternal and unchanging. We know that things like logic, truth, goodness, beauty and love exist. To complete the spectrum we know the absence of those things exist as well but are not extant. So I start from the extant to describe what I believe mind to be like.

So I don't see how God could be anything but objective and if there is something which argues against this, then it is the argument itself which is in error. For instance, bad acts of men would be an illogical argument against infinite logic, infinite truth, infinite goodness, infinite beauty and infinite love existing. The material world is not perfect. It's full of all kinds of defects. It is the nature of the material world. To argue there is no such thing as infinite logic, infinite truth, infinite goodness, infinite beauty and infinite love because the material world has defects doesn't make sense.

I don't know what heaven and hell is. File that as another thing we can't wrap our minds around. The closest I can can come to perceiving heaven and hell is either being eternally united or separated from infinite logic, infinite truth, infinite goodness, infinite beauty and infinite love. I have a notion that the separation would feel like torture to us as the spirit of infinite logic, infinite truth, infinite goodness, infinite beauty and infinite love is withdrawn from us. Some people don't realize what they have until it is taken away from them. As to the concept of reward and punishment, we can look at our own experiences as a proxy to know that reward and punishment are well founded in human behavior. But another thing is also there.... forgiveness. So it is not necessarily a binary decision. So the question of heaven and hell or reward and punishment is founded in logic but it shouldn't even enter into our calculus of how we behave (be, exist, being, etc.). So I can't understand how anyone would use heaven and hell as an argument against infinite logic, infinite truth, infinite goodness, infinite beauty and infinite love.

You say you are only asking for information, but my perception is that you are looking for confirmation. Confirmation of your beliefs. Why else would you care about reconciling Christian beliefs with the origin question? You are just looking for excuses not to do your own honest investigation into the origin of existence. The origin of logic, truth, goodness, beauty and love.

What does it matter what other people believe is coming? Why is that important? How does it change your thinking or your decisions?
No one is ever going to read all of that

Can you wrap your mind around that?
That's their problem.
I read all of it. Thank you.
Probably because not everyone is like you.
Is he too dumb to answer on his own?

If so, why?

Bye the way he did not read all of your nonsense, he just said that he did
He doesn't appear dumb to me. My answering your question has no effect upon him whatsoever.

Not sure how you know that, but I am almost certain you believe it is true with all your heart.
What drugs are you prescribed
Death is coming
Thanks for stating the obvious. The question is, what, if anything, comes next?
Fat, naked babies playing harps.
Not quite. The evolution of consciousness.
The evolution of consciousness after death? There is just as much evidence for that as for fat, naked babies playing harps.
Both before and after, actually. It is not that evidence doesn't exist, it's that you reject the evidence that does exist. You never even give it consideration.
Are you saying that my consciousness will exist after I'm dead? What evidence am I rejecting?
That consciousness created the material world. The evidence for such is creation itself. Which you have never seriously considered.
You need to take all of the chlorpromazine not just half
And that's what keeps you from seeking a relationship with the Creator?
No, I'm just curious if there is anything like a consensus among Christians?
Why should there be? Humans are subjective.

When you are ready for an honest discussion, let me know ;)
Humans are subjective, but I thought God was objective. Or at least eternal and consistent. There's only one heaven and one hell, right?

I'm only asking for information, I have no counter to the Christian view of the afterlife. I'm not a believer but I just want to know what people think is coming.
My perception of God would be like an ant's perception of us. It just isn't possible to fully wrap our minds around. So my answer to your questions are based upon my sincerest effort to answer the question of origin and fully explore the possibility of mind creating the material world. It's probably not something you have ever seriously or honestly tried to do before and is the reason you are biased against the possibility of mind creating the material world.

The closest I can come to God is infinite logic, infinite truth, infinite goodness, infinite beauty and infinite love which are eternal and unchanging. We know that things like logic, truth, goodness, beauty and love exist. To complete the spectrum we know the absence of those things exist as well but are not extant. So I start from the extant to describe what I believe mind to be like.

So I don't see how God could be anything but objective and if there is something which argues against this, then it is the argument itself which is in error. For instance, bad acts of men would be an illogical argument against infinite logic, infinite truth, infinite goodness, infinite beauty and infinite love existing. The material world is not perfect. It's full of all kinds of defects. It is the nature of the material world. To argue there is no such thing as infinite logic, infinite truth, infinite goodness, infinite beauty and infinite love because the material world has defects doesn't make sense.

I don't know what heaven and hell is. File that as another thing we can't wrap our minds around. The closest I can can come to perceiving heaven and hell is either being eternally united or separated from infinite logic, infinite truth, infinite goodness, infinite beauty and infinite love. I have a notion that the separation would feel like torture to us as the spirit of infinite logic, infinite truth, infinite goodness, infinite beauty and infinite love is withdrawn from us. Some people don't realize what they have until it is taken away from them. As to the concept of reward and punishment, we can look at our own experiences as a proxy to know that reward and punishment are well founded in human behavior. But another thing is also there.... forgiveness. So it is not necessarily a binary decision. So the question of heaven and hell or reward and punishment is founded in logic but it shouldn't even enter into our calculus of how we behave (be, exist, being, etc.). So I can't understand how anyone would use heaven and hell as an argument against infinite logic, infinite truth, infinite goodness, infinite beauty and infinite love.

You say you are only asking for information, but my perception is that you are looking for confirmation. Confirmation of your beliefs. Why else would you care about reconciling Christian beliefs with the origin question? You are just looking for excuses not to do your own honest investigation into the origin of existence. The origin of logic, truth, goodness, beauty and love.

What does it matter what other people believe is coming? Why is that important? How does it change your thinking or your decisions?
No one is ever going to read all of that

Can you wrap your mind around that?
That's their problem.
I read all of it. Thank you.
read it and find out
Read what and find out what? I already know ding is a schizzo
I have to question your God-like powers now. You don't even recall what you posted just a few minutes ago? And you diagnose others as "schizzo"?
The universe made all the ingredients. Supernovas...

That's impossible. The universe is too complex.
Everything in the universe is a product of the Big Bang, and the evolution of the universe afterwards.
Then why can the point of the big bang not be traced back to the beginning.

LOL there was no universe, then nothing just decided to explode into something

Do you really claim that this is science
Then why can the point of the big bang not be traced back to the beginning.

LOL there was no universe, then nothing just decided to explode into something

Do you really claim that this is science
bb is cyclical, the nothing was compressed energy reverting to matter.
LOL you better tell the professors ranting that time and space did not exist until the big bang.

Also for that theory to hold water the current state of the universe should not be in speeding expansion which precludes any reversing cycle

Play on

Also for that theory to hold water the current state of the universe should not be in speeding expansion which precludes any reversing cycle
matter is expanding by a trajectory of a finite angle that will return all matter at the same time to the origin without ever changing direction to recompress to create a new moment of singularity.
Actually the universe is observed in a speeding expansion of which the end result is the opposite of your babble. You are referring to the big crunch which requires that the explosion loses energy, yet the expansion is gaining energy.

Please try to keep up agent Y, you are making your group look sad
Actually the universe is observed in a speeding expansion of which the end result is the opposite of your babble. You are referring to the big crunch which requires that the explosion loses energy, yet the expansion is gaining energy.

Please try to keep up agent Y, you are making your group look sad
matter is expanding by a trajectory of a finite angle that will return all matter at the same time to the origin without ever changing direction to recompress to create a new moment of singularity.
as stated, morons are known for reading comprehension deficits ...

what group would that be - not many metaphysical spiritualists. of those they all make you look like an idiot.
And that's what keeps you from seeking a relationship with the Creator?
No, I'm just curious if there is anything like a consensus among Christians?
Why should there be? Humans are subjective.

When you are ready for an honest discussion, let me know ;)
Humans are subjective, but I thought God was objective. Or at least eternal and consistent. There's only one heaven and one hell, right?

I'm only asking for information, I have no counter to the Christian view of the afterlife. I'm not a believer but I just want to know what people think is coming.
My perception of God would be like an ant's perception of us. It just isn't possible to fully wrap our minds around. So my answer to your questions are based upon my sincerest effort to answer the question of origin and fully explore the possibility of mind creating the material world. It's probably not something you have ever seriously or honestly tried to do before and is the reason you are biased against the possibility of mind creating the material world.

The closest I can come to God is infinite logic, infinite truth, infinite goodness, infinite beauty and infinite love which are eternal and unchanging. We know that things like logic, truth, goodness, beauty and love exist. To complete the spectrum we know the absence of those things exist as well but are not extant. So I start from the extant to describe what I believe mind to be like.

So I don't see how God could be anything but objective and if there is something which argues against this, then it is the argument itself which is in error. For instance, bad acts of men would be an illogical argument against infinite logic, infinite truth, infinite goodness, infinite beauty and infinite love existing. The material world is not perfect. It's full of all kinds of defects. It is the nature of the material world. To argue there is no such thing as infinite logic, infinite truth, infinite goodness, infinite beauty and infinite love because the material world has defects doesn't make sense.

I don't know what heaven and hell is. File that as another thing we can't wrap our minds around. The closest I can can come to perceiving heaven and hell is either being eternally united or separated from infinite logic, infinite truth, infinite goodness, infinite beauty and infinite love. I have a notion that the separation would feel like torture to us as the spirit of infinite logic, infinite truth, infinite goodness, infinite beauty and infinite love is withdrawn from us. Some people don't realize what they have until it is taken away from them. As to the concept of reward and punishment, we can look at our own experiences as a proxy to know that reward and punishment are well founded in human behavior. But another thing is also there.... forgiveness. So it is not necessarily a binary decision. So the question of heaven and hell or reward and punishment is founded in logic but it shouldn't even enter into our calculus of how we behave (be, exist, being, etc.). So I can't understand how anyone would use heaven and hell as an argument against infinite logic, infinite truth, infinite goodness, infinite beauty and infinite love.

You say you are only asking for information, but my perception is that you are looking for confirmation. Confirmation of your beliefs. Why else would you care about reconciling Christian beliefs with the origin question? You are just looking for excuses not to do your own honest investigation into the origin of existence. The origin of logic, truth, goodness, beauty and love.

What does it matter what other people believe is coming? Why is that important? How does it change your thinking or your decisions?
No one is ever going to read all of that

Can you wrap your mind around that?
That's their problem.
I read all of it. Thank you.
read it and find out
Read what and find out what? I already know ding is a schizzo
I have to question your God-like powers now. You don't even recall what you posted just a few minutes ago? And you diagnose others as "schizzo"?
Frannie is a troll. A rather ordinary one at that.
The universe made all the ingredients. Supernovas...

That's impossible. The universe is too complex.
Everything in the universe is a product of the Big Bang, and the evolution of the universe afterwards.
Then why can the point of the big bang not be traced back to the beginning.

LOL there was no universe, then nothing just decided to explode into something

Do you really claim that this is science
Then why can the point of the big bang not be traced back to the beginning.

LOL there was no universe, then nothing just decided to explode into something

Do you really claim that this is science
bb is cyclical, the nothing was compressed energy reverting to matter.
LOL you better tell the professors ranting that time and space did not exist until the big bang.

Also for that theory to hold water the current state of the universe should not be in speeding expansion which precludes any reversing cycle

Play on

Also for that theory to hold water the current state of the universe should not be in speeding expansion which precludes any reversing cycle
matter is expanding by a trajectory of a finite angle that will return all matter at the same time to the origin without ever changing direction to recompress to create a new moment of singularity.
Actually the universe is observed in a speeding expansion of which the end result is the opposite of your babble. You are referring to the big crunch which requires that the explosion loses energy, yet the expansion is gaining energy.

Please try to keep up agent Y, you are making your group look sad
Actually the universe is observed in a speeding expansion of which the end result is the opposite of your babble. You are referring to the big crunch which requires that the explosion loses energy, yet the expansion is gaining energy.

Please try to keep up agent Y, you are making your group look sad
matter is expanding by a trajectory of a finite angle that will return all matter at the same time to the origin without ever changing direction to recompress to create a new moment of singularity.
as stated, morons are known for reading comprehension deficits ...

what group would that be - not many metaphysical spiritualists. of those they all make you look like an idiot.
How does matter that is speeding away from itself into infinity form a singularity

And is Bart Simpson involved
That consciousness created the material world. The evidence for such is creation itself. Which you have never seriously considered.
This falls into my agnostic zone, maybe it did, maybe it didn't. And it is not that I've never considered it, it's that you've just never given me enough to believe it.
Shut up Frannie.
Look ding dong, we all know that you are frustrated, this is why you need to take all of your meds
I like how you answered to Frannie. :rofl:
I am not esalla, or frannie

However you still need your meds
Right, your screen name just says esalla and you replied to a post directed to Frannie. :rofl:
The board is aware that I was frannie.

Now what ding dong
That consciousness created the material world. The evidence for such is creation itself. Which you have never seriously considered.
This falls into my agnostic zone, maybe it did, maybe it didn't. And it is not that I've never considered it, it's that you've just never given me enough to believe it.
Well... if it did then you shouldn't have a problem with consciousness existing after death. Which seems to be saying that you aren't agnostic about consciousness creating the material world.

The reality is that the only solution to what came first has to be "something" which is beyond energy and matter or "no thing." Is any of this ringing a bell because you have never been able to refute this logic which by the way is based upon science.

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