Does Hillary hate America like Obama does?

Gas prices down
OBL dead, GM alive
Stock Market near record levels
Out of the ME (for the most part) for the first time in over a decade
Unemployment down

Boy, I hope so.

Yeah....keep saying those things..... maybe you will understand the truth, the facts and the reality one day.
Hillary hates America so much she must have sucked off at least five thousand ISIS terrorists. The hairiest ones she could find. The ones with hair on their backs from the neck to the waist.

Hillary carries an atomic bomb in her womb which she will set off during her first debate with Trump.

God that woman hates America!
Dammit. I should have used bad punctuation, poor grammar, and not capitalized the beginnings of my sentences. Then the rubes would have bleeved my post.

Hillary is a Muslim terrorist sympathizer.

You just read that on the internet, and you want to bleev it, so you know it is true.

And if you challenge me, you are a libtard Muslim terrorist lover, too.
Gas prices down
OBL dead, GM alive
Stock Market near record levels
Out of the ME (for the most part) for the first time in over a decade
Unemployment down

Boy, I hope so.

GM hanging in because of taxpayers and they still haven't paid back.
Stock market was being pumped by QE to the amount of about 4 trillion. Anyone given this amount of money should be doing well. Without that gravy
We're not out of the middle east.
Unemployment is down but real unemployment is still around 14 percent
Record numbers on food stamps and welfare
90 million plus without jobs.
Gas prices down
OBL dead, GM alive
Stock Market near record levels
Out of the ME (for the most part) for the first time in over a decade
Unemployment down

Boy, I hope so.

GM hanging in because of taxpayers and they still haven't paid back.
Stock market was being pumped by QE to the amount of about 4 trillion. Anyone given this amount of money should be doing well. Without that gravy
We're not out of the middle east.
Unemployment is down but real unemployment is still around 14 percent
Record numbers on food stamps and welfare
90 million plus without jobs.

isis on the rise
iran working to get the bomb and funding terrorism with the billions obama gave them
Gas prices down
OBL dead, GM alive
Stock Market near record levels
Out of the ME (for the most part) for the first time in over a decade
Unemployment down

Boy, I hope so.

GM hanging in because of taxpayers and they still haven't paid back.
Stock market was being pumped by QE to the amount of about 4 trillion. Anyone given this amount of money should be doing well. Without that gravy
We're not out of the middle east.
Unemployment is down but real unemployment is still around 14 percent
Record numbers on food stamps and welfare
90 million plus without jobs.

isis on the rise
iran working to get the bomb and funding terrorism with the billions obama gave them

Prove ISIS is on the rise.
Hillary is a criminal and should be in prison.


There is no proof of any kind of Hillary being involved in criminal activity, and it's not because no one has looked.

25 years of investigations by Republican Congressional Committees, offers of immunity from prosecution for staffers, and you've got nothing.

That's because the Republicans have been running a campaign of lies and innuendo with nothing to back it up.

They turned on Nixon and they turned on Reagan, both were thrown under the bus but nobody has ratted out Hillary. Do you suppose that maybe she knows they're out to get her so she keeps her nose clean.

African nations love her for the work her Foundation does for women's health.

Believing Republican lies about Obama really worked out well for the US. 8 years of obstructionism have quite literally destroyed your Party. Could happen to a nicer bunch of clowns.
Hillary is a criminal and should be in prison.


There is no proof of any kind of Hillary being involved in criminal activity, and it's not because no one has looked.

25 years of investigations by Republican Congressional Committees, offers of immunity from prosecution for staffers, and you've got nothing.

That's because the Republicans have been running a campaign of lies and innuendo with nothing to back it up.

They turned on Nixon and they turned on Reagan, both were thrown under the bus but nobody has ratted out Hillary. Do you suppose that maybe she knows they're out to get her so she keeps her nose clean.

African nations love her for the work her Foundation does for women's health.

Believing Republican lies about Obama really worked out well for the US. 8 years of obstructionism have quite literally destroyed your Party. Could happen to a nicer bunch of clowns.
lady? the Niagara Escarpment? you reside in the Niagara Falls area?...the reason i am asking is i was born and raised there....
Gas prices down
OBL dead, GM alive
Stock Market near record levels
Out of the ME (for the most part) for the first time in over a decade
Unemployment down

Boy, I hope so.
Hey candyass, it's all smoke and mirrors. Obama is the master of deception.

Case in point: when the Feds print and circulate $85 billion each month and drive interest rates to near zero there is no better investment than the stock market. Obama has taken the job-creating dollars away from Main Street and shuffled them to Wall Street. :slap:
Gas prices down
OBL dead, GM alive
Stock Market near record levels
Out of the ME (for the most part) for the first time in over a decade
Unemployment down

Boy, I hope so.
Hey candyass, it's all smoke and mirrors. Obama is the master of deception.

Case in point: when the Feds print and circulate $85 billion each month and drive interest rates to near zero there is no better investment than the stock market. Obama has taken the job-creating dollars away from Main Street and shuffled them to Wall Street. :slap:

thank you

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