Does Obama read the tea leaves? Promises to work with GOP if reelected

He did that before..most of the initiatives that Obama was involved in, incorporated Republican ideas.

Republicans on the other hand..held a meeting to devise a policy to make Obama a one term President. And that was before he was inaugurated.

Mitch McConnell: Top Priority, Make Obama a One Term President - YouTube

How soon they forget..

"I won, get over it....."

"Republicans have to ride in the back seat....."


"Fail" nothing.

That was the fact.

He won. He was going to lead the nation.

Republican policy was not going to be the driving force.

See what happened over the 8 years before Obama was elected.

Republican policy WAS the driving force.

Bush won.

Well then it's good to hear you all finally ADMIT since Obama is President it's HIS policies that is holding unemployment at 8-9%, holding gas prices at nearly four dollars a gallon, is keeping the ECONONY down..

so VOTE HIM OUT PEOPLE...his policies SUCK
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Anyone who demands that people "love him more" isn't going to work with anyone. Not ever.
Anyone who demands that people "love him more" isn't going to work with anyone. Not ever.

NO kidding, I've never seen such a thing by a President..we must be the laughing stock to other countries
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It was the GOP who refused to work with Obama. They made their position clear. They wanted to beat Obama at any cost, and didn't give a flying fuck about the American people.

When the Repubicans get trounced again, I expect they'll be more willing to be a LOYAL OPPOSITION and actually COMPROMISE.

If Romney loses, Americans can bet each of their next 24 months' mortgages that BOTH the Senate and House will go Republican in '14.
He did that before..most of the initiatives that Obama was involved in, incorporated Republican ideas.

Republicans on the other hand..held a meeting to devise a policy to make Obama a one term President. And that was before he was inaugurated.

Mitch McConnell: Top Priority, Make Obama a One Term President - YouTube

How soon they forget..

"I won, get over it....."

"Republicans have to ride in the back seat....."


"Fail" nothing.

That was the fact.

He won. He was going to lead the nation.

Republican policy was not going to be the driving force.

See what happened over the 8 years before Obama was elected.

Republican policy WAS the driving force.

Bush won.

Bullshit, Bush was a shitty president because he worked with democrats.....

It was the GOP who refused to work with Obama. They made their position clear. They wanted to beat Obama at any cost, and didn't give a flying fuck about the American people.

When the Republicans get trounced again, I expect they'll be more willing to be a LOYAL OPPOSITION and actually COMPROMISE.

If Romney loses, Americans can bet each of their next 24 months' mortgages that BOTH the Senate and House will go Republican in '14.

If Repubs keep the House and take over the Senate, Obama will use his executive privileges in the Dept's. to take over, for the rest of his plans in making Government have complete control over us.
He has done it with the New Health Care bill (gov. now controls 1/6 more of our economy) and his next step is agriculture through the EPA.
It was the GOP who refused to work with Obama. They made their position clear. They wanted to beat Obama at any cost, and didn't give a flying fuck about the American people.

When the Republicans get trounced again, I expect they'll be more willing to be a LOYAL OPPOSITION and actually COMPROMISE.

If Romney loses, Americans can bet each of their next 24 months' mortgages that BOTH the Senate and House will go Republican in '14.

If Repubs keep the House and take over the Senate, Obama will use his executive privileges in the Dept's. to take over, for the rest of his plans in making Government have complete control over us.
He has done it with the New Health Care bill (gov. now controls 1/6 more of our economy) and his next step is agriculture through the EPA.

THAT'S why he needs TO GO
vote him out people
On the day of President Obama's inauguration, Republicans were miles away at a dinner...plotting how to oppose the President. The President should be saying FUCK YOU to the GOP.
You do know the GOP is under no obligation to rubber-stamp Obama's agenda, right?

"I won, get over it....."

"Republicans have to ride in the back seat....."


"Fail" nothing.

That was the fact.

He won. He was going to lead the nation.

Republican policy was not going to be the driving force.

See what happened over the 8 years before Obama was elected.

Republican policy WAS the driving force.

Bush won.

Well then it's good to hear you all finally ADMIT since Obama is President it's HIS policies that is holding unemployment at 8-9%, holding gas prices at nearly four dollars a gallon, is keeping the ECONONY down..

so VOTE HIM OUT PEOPLE...his policies SUCK

Obama oversaw the creation of 3.9 million private sector jobs in less than one full term. Bush lost over 800,000 private sector jobs over his full eight years.

How much better off are we with Obama's policies?

I bet you believe that Romney's secret plan of cutting tax breaks will help the middle class, and the personal income tax cuts to the most wealty will actually create private sector jobs. How well did that actually work?
On the day of President Obama's inauguration, Republicans were miles away at a dinner...plotting how to oppose the President. The President should be saying FUCK YOU to the GOP.
You do know the GOP is under no obligation to rubber-stamp Obama's agenda, right?


You do know that when Obama wins reelection, there will be no impediment for Republicans to act in the best interest of the American people.
Just like '08 when he was going to usher in a new era in cooperation and transparency. Then immediately proceeded to do anything but after gaining office.

Obamas idea of cooperation is for people sit down, shut up, and do what he says. Anything less than that is the republicans fault.

Absolute bullshit.

Obama incorporate a great many Republican ideas..and got burned big time.

The ACA (or Obamacare) was the Republican plan..and they called it his "waterloo".

Obama had an oil friendly policy then got 2 major oil spills and Republicans blaming him EVERY SINGLE DAY for them.

Obama went with Bush's plan to quit Iraq..and REPUBLICANS called it cowardly and suggested that it weakened the nation.

Obama sent a troop surge to Afghanistan and Republicans said that was a mistake.

There isn't a thing Republicans in congress have praised the President on..even killing Osama bin Laden.

It's part of the Republican platform. Get Obama out of office. As it was part of the Republican plank to get Clinton out of office. Conservatives in general think they have a god given right to rule. And that democracy is a sham.

Obamacare has some republican ideas in it, but it's far from "their plan". There's no way they could, or should, have voted for that bullshit.

What oil friendly policy? Letting the permits Bush approved go through? or sending billions to foreign nations to develop their oil production?

1. Obamacare was the republican plan. The Democratic plan was single payer. Not voting for it really proves the Republicans were not serious about giving Americans afforable health care. This was the best they were going to get..and this has been in the works for nearly a century.

2. Yes to both. Additionally he appointed Ken Salazar to his of the most oil friendly people on the planet.
Absolute bullshit.

Obama incorporate a great many Republican ideas..and got burned big time.

The ACA (or Obamacare) was the Republican plan..and they called it his "waterloo".

Obama had an oil friendly policy then got 2 major oil spills and Republicans blaming him EVERY SINGLE DAY for them.

Obama went with Bush's plan to quit Iraq..and REPUBLICANS called it cowardly and suggested that it weakened the nation.

Obama sent a troop surge to Afghanistan and Republicans said that was a mistake.

There isn't a thing Republicans in congress have praised the President on..even killing Osama bin Laden.

It's part of the Republican platform. Get Obama out of office. As it was part of the Republican plank to get Clinton out of office. Conservatives in general think they have a god given right to rule. And that democracy is a sham.

Obamacare has some republican ideas in it, but it's far from "their plan". There's no way they could, or should, have voted for that bullshit.

What oil friendly policy? Letting the permits Bush approved go through? or sending billions to foreign nations to develop their oil production?

1. Obamacare was the republican plan. The Democratic plan was single payer. Not voting for it really proves the Republicans were not serious about giving Americans afforable health care. This was the best they were going to get..and this has been in the works for nearly a century.

2. Yes to both. Additionally he appointed Ken Salazar to his of the most oil friendly people on the planet.

:lmao: well that explains why no repubs voted for it....

Comedy Gold............
He lies everytime his mouth moves.

He is the felon standing on your porch at 11pm telling you he needs to use your phone for his sick wife, but he is holding a knife behind his back.
I remember when the GOP promised to block everything Obama tried to do no matter what. There has even been a book about it that none have denied. Too bad their hate of race is greater than their love of country.
Kook....they didn't stop Obamacare and the Porkulus, because Democraps controlled Congress.

Of course, you're too stupid to realize how/why the GOP won back the HoR after Obamination fucked things up.

I remember when the GOP promised to block everything Obama tried to do no matter what. There has even been a book about it that none have denied. Too bad their hate of race is greater than their love of country.
I remember when the GOP promised to block everything Obama tried to do no matter what. There has even been a book about it that none have denied. Too bad their hate of race is greater than their love of country.

I have not hate of race.

I do LOOOOOVE the neg feature though.


The Lonely Conservative?? That figures. President Obama has tried to compromise since he first took office and it has done him no good. So I doubt that he said he promises to START trying to compromise. What crap.

I wish he would forget trying to compromise at all. But he probably will continue trying because he's honorable. He should tell the GOP to go to hell.
He did that before..most of the initiatives that Obama was involved in, incorporated Republican ideas.

Republicans on the other hand..held a meeting to devise a policy to make Obama a one term President. And that was before he was inaugurated.

Mitch McConnell: Top Priority, Make Obama a One Term President - YouTube

How soon they forget..

"I won, get over it....."

"Republicans have to ride in the back seat....."


Are you trying to be a comedian?? You're very good at it!! :lol::lol::lol:

The Lonely Conservative?? That figures. President Obama has tried to compromise since he first took office and it has done him no good. So I doubt that he said he promises to START trying to compromise. What crap.

I wish he would forget trying to compromise at all. But he probably will continue trying because he's honorable. He should tell the GOP to go to hell.

As usual, couldn't be more misinformed.

"President Obama listened to Republican gripes about his stimulus package during a meeting with congressional leaders Friday morning - but he also left no doubt about who's in charge of these negotiations. "I won," Obama noted matter-of-factly, according to sources familiar with the conversation."
Obama to GOP: 'I won' - Jonathan Martin and Carol E. Lee -

Sound like 'compromise' to you?

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