Does overturning Roe vs Wade benefit democrats more?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Once Roe vs Wade was overturned, the vote then went to states to decide how to manage abortion, if at all.

But instead of electing representatives to make laws, the Left has opted to go directly to the voter via state amendments to codify abortion into the laws of every single state.

To do this, they have outspent their political rivals by 14 times what they have spent. And they are promising a return to Roe vs. Wade.

However, that is a lie. Like in Ohio, the wording will be to allow whatever is needed for the health of the woman. In other words, if the health of the woman, which the term health can be interpreted to be just about anything, will allow for late term abortions if the health of the woman is at stake. So if the woman is depressed about being pregnant, then she can have a late term abortion.

With Roe, at least there were clearly set age restrictions to disallow late term abortions.

This prevents the Left having to fight for late term abortion, something most Americans are appalled at.

The Left truly is evil, but then, the love of money is the root of all evil.

Fighting the billion-dollar abortion industry is no joke.

Once Roe vs Wade was overturned, the vote then went to states to decide how to manage abortion, if at all.

But instead of electing representatives to make laws, the Left has opted to go directly to the voter via state amendments to codify abortion into the laws of every single state.

To do this, they have outspent their political rivals by 14 times what they have spent. And they are promising a return to Roe vs. Wade.

However, that is a lie. Like in Ohio, the wording will be to allow whatever is needed for the health of the woman. In other words, if the health of the woman, which the term health can be interpreted to be just about anything, will allow for late term abortions if the health of the woman is at stake. So if the woman is depressed about being pregnant, then she can have a late term abortion.

With Roe, at least there were clearly set age restrictions to disallow late term abortions.

This prevents the Left having to fight for late term abortion, something most Americans are appalled at.

The Left truly is evil, but then, the love of money is the root of all evil.

Fighting the billion-dollar abortion industry is no joke.

In the short term, maybe, while the anger is out there.

In the long term it's a win for people who support strict construction of the Constitution.
The pro-life movement has always been their own worst enemy. That's the problem with ideologues. They're completely incapable of seeing past the nose on their face.
Democrats benefit because because they’ll be a lot of them voting on this issue. Before the Supreme Court struck down Roe Vs Wade it was conservatives were rallying around the abortion issue
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The pro-life movement has always been their own worst enemy. That's the problem with ideologues. They're completely incapable of seeing past the nose on their face.

It goes beyond Roe v Wade

Conservatives are on a rampage..

Banning all abortion even in rape or incest
Trying to prevent residents from going out of state for abortion services
Demanding personal medical records

Once Roe vs Wade was overturned, the vote then went to states to decide how to manage abortion, if at all.

But instead of electing representatives to make laws, the Left has opted to go directly to the voter via state amendments to codify abortion into the laws of every single state.

To do this, they have outspent their political rivals by 14 times what they have spent. And they are promising a return to Roe vs. Wade.

However, that is a lie. Like in Ohio, the wording will be to allow whatever is needed for the health of the woman. In other words, if the health of the woman, which the term health can be interpreted to be just about anything, will allow for late term abortions if the health of the woman is at stake. So if the woman is depressed about being pregnant, then she can have a late term abortion.

With Roe, at least there were clearly set age restrictions to disallow late term abortions.

This prevents the Left having to fight for late term abortion, something most Americans are appalled at.

The Left truly is evil, but then, the love of money is the root of all evil.

Fighting the billion-dollar abortion industry is no joke.
I say we need to really hit the left hard for their thoughts on wanting abortions up to 9 month old fetuses. They absolutely still claim that a woman has the right to choose to abort a 9 month old feus. They will not back down from that claim because they claim a woman has the right to choose with no limits.
I say we need to really hit the left hard for their thoughts on wanting abortions up to 9 month old fetuses. They absolutely still claim that a woman has the right to choose to abort a 9 month old feus. They will not back down from that claim because they claim a woman has the right to choose with no limits.
You don't understand, you will NEVER hear of those cases.


That is the privacy of the woman and her physician.
I say we need to really hit the left hard for their thoughts on wanting abortions up to 9 month old fetuses. They absolutely still claim that a woman has the right to choose to abort a 9 month old feus. They will not back down from that claim because their claim a woman has the right to choose with no limits.
More conservative fear mongering
Except in exceedingly rare instances, abortion at 9 months did not happen…..unless the mothers life was jeopardized

More conservative fear mongering
Except in exceedingly rare instances, abortion at 9 months did not happen…..unless the mothers life was jeopardized

Then why not write the laws to cover only those situations instead of allowing it right up to birth "for the health of the mother"?
You don't understand, you will NEVER hear of those cases.


That is the privacy of the woman and her physician.
Doesn't actually matter if we hear of them or not because we can force them into a corner where they can't back down from their claim that a woman has the right to choose all the way up to 9 months. They absolutely refuse to deny it.
More conservative fear mongering
Except in exceedingly rare instances, abortion at 9 months did not happen…..unless the mothers life was jeopardized

The left absolutely and totally refuse to deny that they claim that a woman has the right to choose to abort a 9 month old fetus. They absolutely refuse to deny it.

Does overturning Roe vs Wade benefit democrats more?​

Just the babies.

Hopefully they're born with frontal lobes and exercise them while growing up so as to not remain bed wetters past 18 months.
Republicans opened a can of worms

Now it becomes a key issue at not just the state but in local elections

Republicans have to run on……I will take your abortion rights away from you
At least they stand for what is right, your party stands for whatever will give them power period, they continue to stand for immorality because it's the easy play, they don't actually do anything when elected to help the plight of blacks, which have been in their pockets for 60yrs, they just trot out the same line of B.S every election! Urban areas are the new plantations, except now they just give them money so they vote for them!
Doesnt happen
Democrats claim that a woman has the right to choose to have an abortion all the way up to nine months. Are you now saying that there is a point where a woman no longer has the right to choose? It would be so easy. But, you can't say it, can you? You claim that a woman has the right to choose to abort a 9 month old fetus and you can't say she doesn't.

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