Does Pelosi Think Majority of American Voters Believe This?

Yes it does. Section two is the part we are talking about though. Do try and keep up
Did you have a heart attack yet?

Yep, still here. Sorry, making some stuffed manicotti for dinner.

Such a hard choice though, do I go with 150 years of historical and legal precedent...or do I go with some dude on the internet that thinks he is a legal scholar?

Which way to go....hmmmm....damn, this is a hard one....

I think I will have to go with the 150 years of historical and legal precedent. I am sure you understand.
I’m sure all the justices agreed with you and each other for the last 150 years...not.

Feel free to show a time in the last 150 years where this was not followed.

Should be an easy task for you.
Thanks for admitting that, grammatically, I’m correct.

you are do damn cute. you are a desperate, bitter old man grasping at straws. That is all you are. I am surprised you can properly spell grammar.
Did you have a heart attack yet?

Yep, still here. Sorry, making some stuffed manicotti for dinner.

Such a hard choice though, do I go with 150 years of historical and legal precedent...or do I go with some dude on the internet that thinks he is a legal scholar?

Which way to go....hmmmm....damn, this is a hard one....

I think I will have to go with the 150 years of historical and legal precedent. I am sure you understand.
I’m sure all the justices agreed with you and each other for the last 150 years...not.

Feel free to show a time in the last 150 years where this was not followed.

Should be an easy task for you.
Thanks for admitting that, grammatically, I’m correct.

you are do damn cute. you are a desperate, bitter old man grasping at straws. That is all you are. I am surprised you can properly spell grammar.
Why did you sequence from the grammar argument to the “It’s always been done that way” argument?
Because you lost the grammar argument.

I assure that I have a much happier life than you.
That’s why I present facts whilst you provide personal ad hominems.
Did you have a heart attack yet?

Yep, still here. Sorry, making some stuffed manicotti for dinner.

Such a hard choice though, do I go with 150 years of historical and legal precedent...or do I go with some dude on the internet that thinks he is a legal scholar?

Which way to go....hmmmm....damn, this is a hard one....

I think I will have to go with the 150 years of historical and legal precedent. I am sure you understand.
I’m sure all the justices agreed with you and each other for the last 150 years...not.

Feel free to show a time in the last 150 years where this was not followed.

Should be an easy task for you.
Thanks for admitting that, grammatically, I’m correct.

you are do damn cute. you are a desperate, bitter old man grasping at straws. That is all you are. I am surprised you can properly spell grammar.
What do you think of Pelosi's words, saying "the President wants to make America white again"?
Yep, still here. Sorry, making some stuffed manicotti for dinner.

Such a hard choice though, do I go with 150 years of historical and legal precedent...or do I go with some dude on the internet that thinks he is a legal scholar?

Which way to go....hmmmm....damn, this is a hard one....

I think I will have to go with the 150 years of historical and legal precedent. I am sure you understand.
I’m sure all the justices agreed with you and each other for the last 150 years...not.

Feel free to show a time in the last 150 years where this was not followed.

Should be an easy task for you.
Thanks for admitting that, grammatically, I’m correct.

you are do damn cute. you are a desperate, bitter old man grasping at straws. That is all you are. I am surprised you can properly spell grammar.
What do you think of Pelosi's words, saying "the President wants to make America white again"?
Hmmm...Does it have anything to do with the Ds political platform?
I’m sure all the justices agreed with you and each other for the last 150 years...not.

Feel free to show a time in the last 150 years where this was not followed.

Should be an easy task for you.
Thanks for admitting that, grammatically, I’m correct.

you are do damn cute. you are a desperate, bitter old man grasping at straws. That is all you are. I am surprised you can properly spell grammar.
What do you think of Pelosi's words, saying "the President wants to make America white again"?
Hmmm...Does it have anything to do with the Ds political platform?
Yup. Using skin color to divide us. Obama taught them the Chicago way.
Did you have a heart attack yet?

Yep, still here. Sorry, making some stuffed manicotti for dinner.

Such a hard choice though, do I go with 150 years of historical and legal precedent...or do I go with some dude on the internet that thinks he is a legal scholar?

Which way to go....hmmmm....damn, this is a hard one....

I think I will have to go with the 150 years of historical and legal precedent. I am sure you understand.
I’m sure all the justices agreed with you and each other for the last 150 years...not.

Feel free to show a time in the last 150 years where this was not followed.

Should be an easy task for you.
Thanks for admitting that, grammatically, I’m correct.

you are do damn cute. you are a desperate, bitter old man grasping at straws. That is all you are. I am surprised you can properly spell grammar.

you are "do" damn cute too as you attempt to ridicule :abgg2q.jpg:

Tards will be Tards….
It certainly aims to Make California Small Again.

It could potentially cost Pelosi her seat and cost California no less than 5 EVs.


Texas, California, New Mexico, New York, Florida, Arizona, Nevada, Illinois and Colorado could see something like that...
Let’s hope Democrats lose seats. Cali and blue Rust Belt have all lost population.

If we can somehow stop counting foreign invaders then yes they will lose population. 1/3 of California is made up of foreign citizens which exaggerates their influence.
Census questions anybody?

A lot of States has this issue...
Louisiana lost population due to Hurricane Katrina. Lost a congressional seat. Even though the majority of population lost was black from New Orleans, civil rights laws stated that a district could not be cut there. So they cut out a predominately white district in the rural portion of the state. Whites were punished by liberal policies.

Unfortunately a lot of them moved to and stayed in Houston.
Our crime rate went up due to this influx.
It certainly aims to Make California Small Again.

It could potentially cost Pelosi her seat and cost California no less than 5 EVs.


How is it going to do that without changing the Constitution along the way.
You mean your interpretation.

No, I mean the words. And the way we have been doing it all along are just what the words tell us to do. Don't like it, change it. Just don't shit on it.
It had been a question on the census for a very long time previously. Why would it be a problem now? Other than democrats padding their congressional seats.

Well, since seats in the House are based upon both citizens and non-citizens, it would not change that at all.
What makes you think it includes or should include both? These people aren’t citizens and can be deported at any time meaning their presence here is strictly a failure of the government to remove them. Why would they deserve to have representation in the same government that has the legal standing to deport them?
Pelosi found it necessary to pander to the base of her far left leaning party by making yet another stupid and racist claim. Standard Democratic Party strategy that will backfire on them. Just unbelievable. Complete media double standard.
Pelosi says Trump census citizenship push aims to 'make America white again' - CNNPolitics
It certainly aims to Make California Small Again.

It could potentially cost Pelosi her seat and cost California no less than 5 EVs.


How is it going to do that without changing the Constitution along the way.
We have been over this.

Art 1, Sec 2:

"Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons."

99% of illegals are "Indians" here illegally, not being taxed under the 16th Amendment.

They do not count.

How is it going to do that without changing the Constitution along the way.
You mean your interpretation.

No, I mean the words. And the way we have been doing it all along are just what the words tell us to do. Don't like it, change it. Just don't shit on it.
It had been a question on the census for a very long time previously. Why would it be a problem now? Other than democrats padding their congressional seats.

Well, since seats in the House are based upon both citizens and non-citizens, it would not change that at all.
What makes you think it includes or should include both? These people aren’t citizens and can be deported at any time meaning their presence here is strictly a failure of the government to remove them. Why would they deserve to have representation in the same government that has the legal standing to deport them?
GG loves him some cheap labor.
Because the word "Indian" coined by Columbus referred to all new-world natives, including the people he "discovered" in Central and South America, they are ALL "Indians" within the meaning of Art. 1, Sec. 2.

Because 99% of illegals are of "Indian" decent and, as illegals, are NOT taxed under Art. 1, Sec. 2 or the subsequent 16th Amendment, they qualify as "Indians not taxed" within the meaning of Art. 1, Sec. 2, and therefore DO NOT COUNT!!!

I don't give a rat fuck if Texas loses a few EVs. California will lose a SHIT TON more. They have at least 10 million illegals.

Don't like it?


Yep, still here. Sorry, making some stuffed manicotti for dinner.

Such a hard choice though, do I go with 150 years of historical and legal precedent...or do I go with some dude on the internet that thinks he is a legal scholar?

Which way to go....hmmmm....damn, this is a hard one....

I think I will have to go with the 150 years of historical and legal precedent. I am sure you understand.
I’m sure all the justices agreed with you and each other for the last 150 years...not.

Feel free to show a time in the last 150 years where this was not followed.

Should be an easy task for you.
Thanks for admitting that, grammatically, I’m correct.

you are do damn cute. you are a desperate, bitter old man grasping at straws. That is all you are. I am surprised you can properly spell grammar.
Why did you sequence from the grammar argument to the “It’s always been done that way” argument?
Because you lost the grammar argument.

I assure that I have a much happier life than you.
That’s why I present facts whilst you provide personal ad hominems.

The grammar argument is stupid, what you are saying is that you are the first person to ever notice the semi-colon and that the people that wrote the amendment were too stupid to know what the semi-colon meant.

And then you whine about personal attacks after calling me a racist. You started down the personal attack road, to late to pussy out now.
Yep, still here. Sorry, making some stuffed manicotti for dinner.

Such a hard choice though, do I go with 150 years of historical and legal precedent...or do I go with some dude on the internet that thinks he is a legal scholar?

Which way to go....hmmmm....damn, this is a hard one....

I think I will have to go with the 150 years of historical and legal precedent. I am sure you understand.
I’m sure all the justices agreed with you and each other for the last 150 years...not.

Feel free to show a time in the last 150 years where this was not followed.

Should be an easy task for you.
Thanks for admitting that, grammatically, I’m correct.

you are do damn cute. you are a desperate, bitter old man grasping at straws. That is all you are. I am surprised you can properly spell grammar.
What do you think of Pelosi's words, saying "the President wants to make America white again"?

I think it sounds like what a great many of his supporters on this site say day in and day out. We have had threads on this forum from Trump supporters that said only white males should be allowed to be citizens.
How is it going to do that without changing the Constitution along the way.
You mean your interpretation.

No, I mean the words. And the way we have been doing it all along are just what the words tell us to do. Don't like it, change it. Just don't shit on it.
It had been a question on the census for a very long time previously. Why would it be a problem now? Other than democrats padding their congressional seats.

Well, since seats in the House are based upon both citizens and non-citizens, it would not change that at all.
What makes you think it includes or should include both? These people aren’t citizens and can be deported at any time meaning their presence here is strictly a failure of the government to remove them. Why would they deserve to have representation in the same government that has the legal standing to deport them?

It includes both because the Constitution says it does.

Also, the Fed Govt says it includes both.

Congressional Apportionment - Frequently Asked Questions - People and Households - U.S. Census Bureau

Who is included in the apportionment population counts?

The apportionment calculation is based upon the total resident population (citizens and non-citizens) of the 50 states. In the 2010 Census, the apportionment population also includes U.S. Armed Forces personnel and federal civilian employees stationed outside the United States (and their dependents living with them) that can be allocated, based on administrative records, back to a home state.
I’m sure all the justices agreed with you and each other for the last 150 years...not.

Feel free to show a time in the last 150 years where this was not followed.

Should be an easy task for you.
Thanks for admitting that, grammatically, I’m correct.

you are do damn cute. you are a desperate, bitter old man grasping at straws. That is all you are. I am surprised you can properly spell grammar.
Why did you sequence from the grammar argument to the “It’s always been done that way” argument?
Because you lost the grammar argument.

I assure that I have a much happier life than you.
That’s why I present facts whilst you provide personal ad hominems.

The grammar argument is stupid, what you are saying is that you are the first person to ever notice the semi-colon and that the people that wrote the amendment were too stupid to know what the semi-colon meant.

And then you whine about personal attacks after calling me a racist. You started down the personal attack road, to late to pussy out now.
The justices vote based on party and both parties want cheap labor.
I’m sure all the justices agreed with you and each other for the last 150 years...not.

Feel free to show a time in the last 150 years where this was not followed.

Should be an easy task for you.
Thanks for admitting that, grammatically, I’m correct.

you are do damn cute. you are a desperate, bitter old man grasping at straws. That is all you are. I am surprised you can properly spell grammar.
What do you think of Pelosi's words, saying "the President wants to make America white again"?

I think it sounds like what a great many of his supporters on this site say day in and day out. We have had threads on this forum from Trump supporters that said only white males should be allowed to be citizens.
If it makes you feel better, Trump is an ass for kissing Saudi ass.

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