Does President Trump Want Journalists Killed?

Four pages in and the RWNJ could actually quote a lie where an apology and/or a journalist lost their jobs.

Trump has the worse relationship with the truth of any modern day president...

Trump has got to the point where he can't just hide behind ignorance...

More far left propaganda as CNN tells them..

More proof that CNN is a far left propaganda station..
How does it feel to mimic the revolting things Trump says?
Without our free press we’d be like Russia.. which we’re becoming more like every day.
Comrade Trump so admires Putin who has killed countless journalists for printing unfavorable things about him.
Your president is a thug and will get his just rewards..

See how the far left thinks that far left propaganda is the free press?

You seriously can not make this stuff up!
Come back and try again when you can speak proper English.
Nope. Don’t work for CNN. And my OP asked a question and didn’t state a position. You are however right about one thing. I have hate for those who don’t see that America is best when we work together.

PS I worked in the US government during the ReGan administration. In your eagerness to divide you see lies where there are questions, you see vermin where there are people trying to make a living, and you see leftists where anyone doesn’t share your tribal bias.

Oh yes, you so innocently asked a question.

Does Barack Obama find pleasure in raping and murdering small boys? It's "just a question."

You're a scumbag, and not nearly so clever as you think you are.
98% of the time CNN is accurate and gets the story right.. When has trump ever told the truth?
Politfact documented him lying 5.5 times per day every day for a whopping total of 1700 lies and falsehoods. But you blame the press.

We are in a thread where the OP blatantly lied based on blatant lies by CNN. Trump never said a word about killing the demagogue fucks over at CNN (those piles of shit are not "journalists.")

Politifraud is irrelevant, another leftist hate swamp.

So, quote the President calling for CNN vermin to be killed, or admit that the OP, CNN, and you are all fucking liars.

Shall I hold my breath, scumbag?
I asked in the OP whether the President himself wants journalists killed. And what you think. I don’t believe he does want them killed based on firsthand conversations with reporters who cover him. They say the public persona is not what they get 1:1. He is actually quite charming with them when the cameras aren’t rolling.

But I asked the question just to see if my conservative brethren have swallowed the hook so hard that they advocate death for fellow citizens doing a job.

You are posing a question based on far left religious lies!

AS we have seen you far left drones will be more than willing to watch the world burn than admit you were wrong!
I was certainly wrong to think that asking a question can now be deemed a lie. I have seen the President call the press horrible people and worse. That is incitement and if you do t think it is go stand on a street corner and start saying to passerby’s that they are the worst and horrible.

And the far left is press is bad and horrible for the US and the world!

You far left drones keep proving that everyday on this board!

All you care about is your debunked narratives that cost you 1000 seats in less than 8 years!

You seriously want to continue down that path?

Then again Obama tried to ban FOX news and you had no problem that!
Four pages in and the RWNJ could actually quote a lie where an apology and/or a journalist lost their jobs.

Trump has the worse relationship with the truth of any modern day president...

Trump has got to the point where he can't just hide behind ignorance...

More far left propaganda as CNN tells them..

More proof that CNN is a far left propaganda station..
How does it feel to mimic the revolting things Trump says?
Without our free press we’d be like Russia.. which we’re becoming more like every day.
Comrade Trump so admires Putin who has killed countless journalists for printing unfavorable things about him.
Your president is a thug and will get his just rewards..

See how the far left thinks that far left propaganda is the free press?

You seriously can not make this stuff up!
Come back and try again when you can speak proper English.

Irony impaired far left drones and their comments!

See they have nothing but debunked religious narratives and nothing else!

They can not even prove their comments or their narratives, yet they run with them anyway!
I asked in the OP whether the President himself wants journalists killed.

Of course you did, slander and libel define you vermin of the left.

And what you think. I don’t believe he does want them killed based on firsthand conversations with reporters who cover him. They say the public persona is not what they get 1:1. He is actually quite charming with them when the cameras aren’t rolling.

But I asked the question just to see if my conservative brethren have swallowed the hook so hard that they advocate death for fellow citizens doing a job.


You posed a question in the guise of slander.

So, do you think Obama enjoyed raping and murdering small boys?

Like you, I just asked a question.

I don't think Barack Obama actually enjoys raping and murdering small boys, but it's a question that is so similar to the filth you post that it cries out to be asked.
You sound desperate. Confirmation bias is tough to live with isn’t it.

Definitely, I am so desperate that I had to start a thread and accuse the president of wanting to murder CNN rodents....

The only propaganda going today is with sites like Gateway Pundit, Infowars, Breitbart etc who are totally in the tank for the pussygrabber. There is no journalistic integrity only kissing the ring of their incompetent fuhrer.
Thank God for the NYT, The Washpo, CNN, MSNBC who speaks truth to power and doesn’t let this pathological liar get away with anything.
He wants to silence any and all opposition to his insanity that is for sure and quite likely he just doesn't believe we should have a free press.

We dont have a free press. We have a liberal press. An opposition press. trump should ignore them.

Yea, he probably knows a few he’d like to see dead. I’m not sure if he’d be dumb enough to admit it, but then again, it’s trump, so ya never know.
He actually enjoys conversations with the press. He doesn’t wish them harm but his Act makes him need to spin up his followers with rage. Rage that leads to death threats against good people. That’s not right nor is it conservative. It’s incitement.
He wants to silence any and all opposition to his insanity that is for sure and quite likely he just doesn't believe we should have a free press.

We dont have a free press. We have a liberal press. An opposition press. trump should ignore them.
“ liberal press”
You mean a fact checking press. God does Trump and you hate the fact checkers.
I asked in the OP whether the President himself wants journalists killed.

Of course you did, slander and libel define you vermin of the left.

And what you think. I don’t believe he does want them killed based on firsthand conversations with reporters who cover him. They say the public persona is not what they get 1:1. He is actually quite charming with them when the cameras aren’t rolling.

But I asked the question just to see if my conservative brethren have swallowed the hook so hard that they advocate death for fellow citizens doing a job.


You posed a question in the guise of slander.

So, do you think Obama enjoyed raping and murdering small boys?

Like you, I just asked a question.

I don't think Barack Obama actually enjoys raping and murdering small boys, but it's a question that is so similar to the filth you post that it cries out to be asked.
You sound desperate. Confirmation bias is tough to live with isn’t it.

Definitely, I am so desperate that I had to start a thread and accuse the president of wanting to murder CNN rodents....

Since you prefer name calling to actually reading what my point is I think you don’t really want to understand. President Trump, when dealing in private with the press, gets along with them quite well. But many in this thread insist that he’s right in hating them. He doesn’t hate them. He just uses them. But it is that public persona that gets people to hating the press. Like you. You just want to name call. Have at it.
Analysis | President Trump has made 1,628 false or misleading claims over 298 days

Let that sink in a minute when you blast our real news organizations and the difficulty duties they have fact checking this pathological lying president.

Oh my, Jeff Bezos hate blog spews shit at Trump? I'm shocked, shocked I tells ya.. :eek:

Here are some classic lies by WaPo and the leftist fake news to keep you foaming at the mouth, Comrade.

Fake News Pushers Out in Full Force During Trump's Japan Visit...
According to sources at the network, Trump's tweet over the weekend criticizing CNN International produced extra frustration and exasperation because of the inherent risks of overseas reporting and the feeling that his message imperiled journalists working in countries hostile to a free press.

The orange liar’s demonization of the press could very well get out journalists killed.
Trump is Nixon on steroids and just another example of how dangerous this man is.
No wonder republicans were seriously considering taking him his capacity to push the button for a nuclear annihilation.
He wants to silence any and all opposition to his insanity that is for sure and quite likely he just doesn't believe we should have a free press.

We dont have a free press. We have a liberal press. An opposition press. trump should ignore them.
“ liberal press”
You mean a fact checking press. God does Trump and you hate the fact checkers.

The next time CNN or WaPo publishes a fact will be the first time.

The leftist gutter media are the propaganda wing of the party.

The most absurd of all oxymorons is "journalistic integrity."
Analysis | President Trump has made 1,628 false or misleading claims over 298 days

Let that sink in a minute when you blast our real news organizations and the difficulty duties they have fact checking this pathological lying president.

Oh my, Jeff Bezos hate blog spews shit at Trump? I'm shocked, shocked I tells ya.. :eek:

Here are some classic lies by WaPo and the leftist fake news to keep you foaming at the mouth, Comrade.

Fake News Pushers Out in Full Force During Trump's Japan Visit...
Louder with Crowder is your source?
It’s so funny when assholes like you kick your ass.
1700 documented lies by the liar in chief and all you can do is run to LOUDER WITH CROWDER.

Ha ha ha ha
According to sources at the network, Trump's tweet over the weekend criticizing CNN International produced extra frustration and exasperation because of the inherent risks of overseas reporting and the feeling that his message imperiled journalists working in countries hostile to a free press.

The orange liar’s demonization of the press could very well get out journalists killed.
Trump is Nixon on steroids and just another example of how dangerous this man is.
No wonder republicans were seriously considering taking him his capacity to push the button for a nuclear annihilation.

Oh my, the precious snowflakes of the leftist gutter media melted at being exposed as the fucking liars and demagogues that they are...

It should be against the law to expose the DNC propaganda warriors as the lying scum that they are...
He wants to silence any and all opposition to his insanity that is for sure and quite likely he just doesn't believe we should have a free press.

I’m fairly certain all presidents would prefer the media would just leave them alone and not ask any questions. I know BO felt that way, and his record proved it.

Obama undermined press freedom. Now he wants a strong media to stop Trump? | Sara Morrison
On his first day on the job, way back in January 2009, Obama issued a memorandum declaring that his administration was “committed to creating an unprecedented level of openness in government … and establish a system of transparency”. This was one of his campaign promises. Seven years later, the president has fallen well short of this vow, and many journalists see his administration as the least transparent of all.

The Freedom of Information Act (Foia), signed into law in 1966, is meant to give citizens access to information about the government agencies their taxes support. Less than two weeks ago, the Associated Press reported that the Obama administration set a new record in the percentage of Foia requests answered with either redacted files or nothing at all: 77%. That’s up 12 points from the first year of Obama’s presidency.

This is an administration that prosecutes people for leaking information to the press that would hold it accountable, and which continually obfuscates journalists’ and citizens’ efforts to extract any information from it at all.

This is an administration that claimed, repeatedly, that emails to and from former deputy assistant secretary of state Philippe Reines did not exist – only to finally reveal that thousands of them did, several years and one lawsuit later.

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