Does President Trump Want Journalists Killed?

CNN should stop bellyaching.
I agree. But should individual journalists be killed?

If they can't tell the truth, they should be silenced, not killed. But that's in this country. Other countries are not so forgiving. Lie about them the way the press lies about Trump and that might get you a dose of polonium.

That's the failing of the press. If they want to go around thinking that they can lie to everyone the way the lie to Americans, that's a major error that could cost them their lives and I would not mind a bit.
So what about someone who is a journalist and gets it wrong. They get two sources to confirm something but it’s just wrong, maybe the sources lied or maybe they themselves were wrong. Is that a journalist who should be killed since he/she told a lie?

What about journalists that continue to lie over and over?

Stop lying because other countries are not so forgiving.
I believe in American exceptionalism. You don’t. That’s cool.

CNN is not a journalism channel anymore they are part of the far left propaganda machine bent to destroy anyone not far left.

So it is ok for the far left propaganda to make the world unsafe for the sake of your religion?
I’m a Christian. CNN has had zero impact on my relationship with Jesus. None. But apparently they’ve impede you ur worship and therefore it’s ok for them to be killed?
No but I think half of America is pretty fucken pissed at them.
Including me. All of the money hungry media assholes that inflame outrage just for clicks. Selling us all on outrage.
You can't recognize that very characteristic in Trump? His stock in trade is Grievance Politics! Why else tweet about NFL players or supposedly ungrateful parents or the 'good people' at a Nazi rally or a Gold Star wife or the parents of a fallen soldier or an individual reporter he feels is disloyal?

It's all grievance all the time.
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No but I think half of America is pretty fucken pissed at them.
Including me. All of the money hungry media assholes that inflame outrage just for clicks. Selling us all on outrage.
You can't recognize that very characteristic in Trump? His stock in trade is Grievance Politics! Why else tweet about NFL players or supposedly I'm grateful parents or the 'good people' at a Nazi rally or a Gold Star wife or the parents of a fallen soldier or an individual reporter he feels is disloyal?

It's all grievance all the time.
I think he’s enabling a fundamentalist rage towards journalists which is dangerous and deeply not conservative. It is radical and undemocratic.
No but I think half of America is pretty fucken pissed at them.
Including me. All of the money hungry media assholes that inflame outrage just for clicks. Selling us all on outrage.
You can't recognize that very characteristic in Trump? His stock in trade is Grievance Politics! Why else tweet about NFL players or supposedly I'm grateful parents or the 'good people' at a Nazi rally or a Gold Star wife or the parents of a fallen soldier or an individual reporter he feels is disloyal?

It's all grievance all the time.
I think he’s enabling a fundamentalist rage towards journalists which is dangerous and deeply not conservative. It is radical and undemocratic.
He needs an enemy out there. He also needs unerring praise.

He balks at criticism. His ego, while the size of Montana, is unbelievably fragile and loaded with a hair trigger. Fomenting grievances serves as his most reliable aegis. He seems willing to pull down the sky just to pick a fight. He punches down demeaning the dignity of his office. His comportment and disposition are not sufficiently mature to lead the nation and the world.

what a stupid question!

are you a demrat too??
It’s stupid because it’s an easy yes? Or an easy no?

It's stupid because the question is stupid.

GOD I hate Demrats!
Good thing I’m a conservative. Tell me why the question is stupid. Because you think journalists should definitely be killed? Or not? Thanks in advance.

Why President Trump who I love and admire would want such a thing? are you sick or something? :cuckoo:
Many dictators have journalists killed for printing the truth. Trump admires dictators and has proven he hates the 1st amendment.
He labels anyone who quotes him accurately FAKE NEWS..
Donald Trump, along with most people, just want journalists to do their job, follow their journalist creed and take off their pussy hats.
when is trump going to start doing his job?
There are still hundreds of positions not filled in government..
Oh right there’s golf to play and TV to watch..
He's not going to fill those positions either. Aren't you surprised that we were paying for so much deadwood. He said he was going to shrink government and he did, by not filling useless money wasting positions.
So you are the judge to decide what is wasteful?
There are leaders from all over the world calling the state dept but there’s no one there to take the calls.
This isn’t shrinking government... it’s an out of control incompetent government not doing their jobs.
Donald Trump, along with most people, just want journalists to do their job, follow their journalist creed and take off their pussy hats.
when is trump going to start doing his job?
There are still hundreds of positions not filled in government..
Oh right there’s golf to play and TV to watch..
You haven't been listening.
Something about smaller government you don't understand?
Trump wants to be like Putin and kill anyone that speaks out against him.

This is one of the reasons why he needs to be removed.
Here are pictures of journalists killled by Putin. Remember Trump admires Putin for these type of criminal acts he can’t get away with in this country.
Donald Trump, along with most people, just want journalists to do their job, follow their journalist creed and take off their pussy hats.
when is trump going to start doing his job?
There are still hundreds of positions not filled in government..
Oh right there’s golf to play and TV to watch..
You haven't been listening.
Something about smaller government you don't understand?
Leaving KEY positions unfilled DUE TO NEGLIGENCE which hinders the proper functioning of our government is NOT smaller government.
Important things are not getting done and you still kiss his fat orange ass.
CNN should stop bellyaching.
I agree. But should individual journalists be killed?

If they can't tell the truth, they should be silenced, not killed. But that's in this country. Other countries are not so forgiving. Lie about them the way the press lies about Trump and that might get you a dose of polonium.

That's the failing of the press. If they want to go around thinking that they can lie to everyone the way the lie to Americans, that's a major error that could cost them their lives and I would not mind a bit.
How does the press lie about Trump? By quoting him accurately?

When has CNN ever been accurate, Comrade? :dunno:

CNN is not a journalism channel anymore they are part of the far left propaganda machine bent to destroy anyone not far left.

So it is ok for the far left propaganda to make the world unsafe for the sake of your religion?
You’re so berift of even basic information. CNN is an outstanding news station filled with top notch journalists that work hard to get the stories they are covering accurate..
Because this president hates the truth that places him in an unflattering light and points to CNN, YOU must carry his water and also blast CNN.
Thank God for the free press in this country not permitting Trump to get away with his heinous acts and the free press bringing them into the light for all to see.
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CNN should stop bellyaching.
I agree. But should individual journalists be killed?

If they can't tell the truth, they should be silenced, not killed. But that's in this country. Other countries are not so forgiving. Lie about them the way the press lies about Trump and that might get you a dose of polonium.

That's the failing of the press. If they want to go around thinking that they can lie to everyone the way the lie to Americans, that's a major error that could cost them their lives and I would not mind a bit.
How does the press lie about Trump? By quoting him accurately?

When has CNN ever been accurate, Comrade? :dunno:
98% of the time CNN is accurate and gets the story right.. When has trump ever told the truth?
Politfact documented him lying 5.5 times per day every day for a whopping total of 1700 lies and falsehoods. But you blame the press.
Im not sure if this is funny or sick.
Trump hates it when the press quotes him accurately and he tries to demonize them for doing their jobs so well.

So his butt puppets feel it’s their duty to also demonize the press.

Trump: Nov 2016: I apologize for the lewd remarks I made about women in that ACCESS HOLLYWOOD TAPE.
Trump Nov 2017: That ACCESS HOLLYWOOD tape misrepresented what I said.

Yeah I can see why Trump hates the press... they call him out on his lies EVERY SINGLE DAY.
Trump’s apology for disparaging women in Nov 2016 was played today on the news all day.

The same day he said it never happened. Lol

And the DEPLORABLES just look away and ignore this ugly reality..
Im not sure if this is funny or sick.
Trump hates it when the press quotes him accurately and he tries to demonize them for doing their jobs so well.

So his butt puppets feel it’s their duty to also demonize the press.

Trump: Nov 2016: I apologize for the lewd remarks I made about women in that ACCESS HOLLYWOOD TAPE.
Trump Nov 2017: That ACCESS HOLLYWOOD tape misrepresented what I said.

Yeah I can see why Trump hates the press... they call him out on his lies EVERY SINGLE DAY.
Trump is a lying AH and that's his good side

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