Does President Trump Want Journalists Killed?

Yea, he probably knows a few he’d like to see dead. I’m not sure if he’d be dumb enough to admit it, but then again, it’s trump, so ya never know.
He actually enjoys conversations with the press. He doesn’t wish them harm but his Act makes him need to spin up his followers with rage. Rage that leads to death threats against good people. That’s not right nor is it conservative. It’s incitement.

That’s a S T R E T C H.
He wants to silence any and all opposition to his insanity that is for sure and quite likely he just doesn't believe we should have a free press.

We dont have a free press. We have a liberal press. An opposition press. trump should ignore them.
“ liberal press”
You mean a fact checking press. God does Trump and you hate the fact checkers.

The next time CNN or WaPo publishes a fact will be the first time.

The leftist gutter media are the propaganda wing of the party.

The most absurd of all oxymorons is "journalistic integrity."
How does it feel to kiss trump’s ass and do his dirty work for him?
Without the Wash Post we never would have known of Nixon’s crimes.
Without great journalism we’d never know of Reagan’s trading arms for hostages and the Iran Contra Scandal.
Without great journalism we’d never know of he lies Bush/ Cheney told us in their run up to war.

Without great journalism Trump would be moving closer to autocratic rule.

Thank god for our free press that tells us what trump doesn’t want us to know.
Analysis | President Trump has made 1,628 false or misleading claims over 298 days

Let that sink in a minute when you blast our real news organizations and the difficulty duties they have fact checking this pathological lying president.

Oh my, Jeff Bezos hate blog spews shit at Trump? I'm shocked, shocked I tells ya.. :eek:

Here are some classic lies by WaPo and the leftist fake news to keep you foaming at the mouth, Comrade.

Fake News Pushers Out in Full Force During Trump's Japan Visit...
Louder with Crowder is your source?
It’s so funny when assholes like you kick your ass.
1700 documented lies by the liar in chief and all you can do is run to LOUDER WITH CROWDER.

Ha ha ha ha

More accurate than WaPo or the rest of the DNC gutter media.

Oh, I notice you attacked the source but failed to address the blatant lies by CNN and WaPo.

Of course you really can't deal with the subject, CNN and WaPo are just SUCH FUCKING LIARS. The Koi thing is just so over the top, total fucking sleaze by the gutter trash of CNN. And then that fucking liar Krugman with the Japanese car lie, so well exposed. I mean, no way to defend that bit of WaPo lying, now is there?
He wants to silence any and all opposition to his insanity that is for sure and quite likely he just doesn't believe we should have a free press.

We dont have a free press. We have a liberal press. An opposition press. trump should ignore them.
“ liberal press”
You mean a fact checking press. God does Trump and you hate the fact checkers.

The next time CNN or WaPo publishes a fact will be the first time.

The leftist gutter media are the propaganda wing of the party.

The most absurd of all oxymorons is "journalistic integrity."
How does it feel to kiss trump’s ass and do his dirty work for him?
Without the Wash Post we never would have known of Nixon’s crimes.
Without great journalism we’d never know of Reagan’s trading arms for hostages and the Iran Contra Scandal.
Without great journalism we’d never know of he lies Bush/ Cheney told us in their run up to war.

Without great journalism Trump would be moving closer to autocratic rule.

Thank god for our free press that tells us what trump doesn’t want us to know.

An honest press would be nice, the DNC gutter media is anything but honest. Much like Stalins Pravda, the filth of CNN serve to promote the party. Truth is never an option for them.
CNN should stop bellyaching.
I agree. But should individual journalists be killed?

If they can't tell the truth, they should be silenced, not killed. But that's in this country. Other countries are not so forgiving. Lie about them the way the press lies about Trump and that might get you a dose of polonium.

That's the failing of the press. If they want to go around thinking that they can lie to everyone the way the lie to Americans, that's a major error that could cost them their lives and I would not mind a bit.

Yes. We all know the journalist who Russia killed with polonium deserved to die because the corruption he exposed was a lie.
Without real journalists more people would have believed the right’s lie of Pizzagate .

A detailed conspiracy theory known as "Pizzagate" holds that a pedophile ring is operating out of a Clinton-linked pizzeria called Comet Ping Pong.


Conservatives are the biggest liars on the planet and they picked their ultimate prize: the lyingest president in our country’s history.
He wants to silence any and all opposition to his insanity that is for sure and quite likely he just doesn't believe we should have a free press.

We dont have a free press. We have a liberal press. An opposition press. trump should ignore them.
“ liberal press”
You mean a fact checking press. God does Trump and you hate the fact checkers.

The next time CNN or WaPo publishes a fact will be the first time.

The leftist gutter media are the propaganda wing of the party.

The most absurd of all oxymorons is "journalistic integrity."
How does it feel to kiss trump’s ass and do his dirty work for him?
Without the Wash Post we never would have known of Nixon’s crimes.
Without great journalism we’d never know of Reagan’s trading arms for hostages and the Iran Contra Scandal.
Without great journalism we’d never know of he lies Bush/ Cheney told us in their run up to war.

Without great journalism Trump would be moving closer to autocratic rule.

Thank god for our free press that tells us what trump doesn’t want us to know.

An honest press would be nice, the DNC gutter media is anything but honest. Much like Stalins Pravda, the filth of CNN serve to promote the party. Truth is never an option for them.
Everything you write is a lie. Every single word including the, to and is.

You model yourself after the pathological lying prez..
These deranged anti American lunatics who claim anyone who Fact checks Trump are “ filth.”
Reminds me of another lunatic.
Bripat who said: Fact check sites are fake news.
If not CNN, NYT, Wash Post and CNN then who can we trust?
He wants to silence any and all opposition to his insanity that is for sure and quite likely he just doesn't believe we should have a free press.

We dont have a free press. We have a liberal press. An opposition press. trump should ignore them.
“ liberal press”
You mean a fact checking press. God does Trump and you hate the fact checkers.

Er yeah..this kind of "fact checking"?

Jim Acosta on Twitter

Analysis | President Trump has made 1,628 false or misleading claims over 298 days

Let that sink in a minute when you blast our real news organizations and the difficulty duties they have fact checking this pathological lying president.

Oh my, Jeff Bezos hate blog spews shit at Trump? I'm shocked, shocked I tells ya.. :eek:

Here are some classic lies by WaPo and the leftist fake news to keep you foaming at the mouth, Comrade.

Fake News Pushers Out in Full Force During Trump's Japan Visit...
Louder with Crowder is your source?
It’s so funny when assholes like you kick your ass.
1700 documented lies by the liar in chief and all you can do is run to LOUDER WITH CROWDER.

Ha ha ha ha

More accurate than WaPo or the rest of the DNC gutter media.

Oh, I notice you attacked the source but failed to address the blatant lies by CNN and WaPo.

Of course you really can't deal with the subject, CNN and WaPo are just SUCH FUCKING LIARS. The Koi thing is just so over the top, total fucking sleaze by the gutter trash of CNN. And then that fucking liar Krugman with the Japanese car lie, so well exposed. I mean, no way to defend that bit of WaPo lying, now is there?
Accurate like O'Keefe's Veritas? :lol: I mean, it was terrific how he ended up showing how WaPo verifies their sources and is the real news....not "fake news" like trumpanzees have been carefully groomed to believe.
According to sources at the network, Trump's tweet over the weekend criticizing CNN International produced extra frustration and exasperation because of the inherent risks of overseas reporting and the feeling that his message imperiled journalists working in countries hostile to a free press.

The orange liar’s demonization of the press could very well get out journalists killed.
Trump is Nixon on steroids and just another example of how dangerous this man is.
No wonder republicans were seriously considering taking him his capacity to push the button for a nuclear annihilation.

Oh my, the precious snowflakes of the leftist gutter media melted at being exposed as the fucking liars and demagogues that they are...

It should be against the law to expose the DNC propaganda warriors as the lying scum that they are...
Veritas.......and very well groomed trumpanzees.
He wants to silence any and all opposition to his insanity that is for sure and quite likely he just doesn't believe we should have a free press.

We dont have a free press. We have a liberal press. An opposition press. trump should ignore them.
“ liberal press”
You mean a fact checking press. God does Trump and you hate the fact checkers.

The next time CNN or WaPo publishes a fact will be the first time.

The leftist gutter media are the propaganda wing of the party.

The most absurd of all oxymorons is "journalistic integrity."
Well groomed. And it wasn't very hard at all. All it took was an orange cheeto screaming "fake news!" a few times to groom trumpanzees completely.
Interesting....fake news, emotion spinning Liberals and liberal fake news have driven deranged snowflakes into violent riots, looting, calls for GOP assassinations. attempts to carry out those assassinations, and even one report yesterday of a snowflake trying to ram the President's motorcade...

...then a snowflake asks this thread's question...


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