Does "Right to Work" lead to lower wages and lack of benefits?



Does "Right to Work" lead to lower wages and lack of benefits?
Would be interesting to see stats on that. On the other hand, does it lead to less unemployment and better cost of living?
Right to work sounds so nice, doesn't it?
Like compassionate conservative, or no child left behind.
Funny, how you guys claim to be pro choice until it comes to unions. And then you should be compelled to be part of the union.

I am personally all for increasing incentives to produce, to increase the rights of workers to choose for themselves whether they want to be in the Union or not. I like businesses being able to lay off employees who can't carry their weight.

The fact is we need to do all we can to get the corruption out of our lives. Unfortunately, many unions have corrupted American society, much as some corporations have corrupted it.
Since Indiana Republicans passed their anti-union “right-to-work” bill and Gov. Mitch Daniels (R) signed it into law, this should make the Indianapolis Super Bowl a little more interesting this weekend.
when people discuss "Right-To-Work" they only talk about it from a union point of view, because it limits the ability of unions to be able to hold companies hostage to extort wages.

but what people don't realize is it gives every employer the ability to fire anyone whenever they feel like it.

people need to stop talking about union rules when discussing this policy.
the Republicans are wrong to support this policy.

a lot of people think that California, the democrat state, doesn't have this kind of policy and they are wrong.
California used to be a "Right-To-Work" state but too many illegal immigrants started suing the state saying they had "Right-To-Work", therefor California changed the name to an "At-Will Work" state, which is the same or worse. (look it up)

this kind of policy has ruined jobs in California.
most people i know are temporarily employed.(even though the company doesn't say it)
Does "Right to Work" lead to lower wages and lack of benefits?

It leads to a balanced wage and benefits.

unions; everyone gets the same, no matter if they are hard or efficient workers.

right to work; The best workers get the best, the crappy ones get laid off or fired. The company can then thrive, expand and hire more people.
Does "Right to Work" lead to lower wages and lack of benefits?

It leads to a balanced wage and benefits.

unions; everyone gets the same, no matter if they are hard or efficient workers.

right to work; The best workers get the best, the crappy ones get laid off or fired. The company can then thrive, expand and hire more people.

MY Union: Everyone gets the same wages and benefits through collective bargaining. DEFINITELY higher than non-union. Nobody gets raises or fired based on who he or she knows or who they're related to. Everyone pulls their share. If someone is a slacker we (union members) get rid of him or the company does since contract does not allow for slackers.

RW: Wages come through begging, who he or she is related to or whose ass they kiss. Can be fired at will and for no reason, even to make room for boss's nephew (I've seen it). Wages dependent on what the company wishes to pay at the time.
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Does "Right to Work" lead to lower wages and lack of benefits?


Union Workers Earn More Than Nonunion

Union workers are also better trained and enjoy a safer work environment
. top it off....the reason non-union workers are doing so much better is because their companies are trying to keep unions out.

What a load of shit. Unions make up less than 10% of the private workforce.
And just look at the pitiful performance of the teachers in this country.

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