Does Susan Rice have a legitimate case of amnesia.... and will this hold up under investigation?

Nothing will come of this. The Senate may haul her in, she'll answer some softball questions, everything will be forgotten.

She'll join Lois Lerner in the Pantheon of Democrat Heroines.
I highly doubt that with the tangible evidence, circumstantial evidence, exculpatory contradictions, testimony of those above and beneath her..... that she would ever pull out the '5th' card.... Don't see it happening here...

Nothing will come of this. The Senate may haul her in, she'll answer some softball questions, everything will be forgotten.

She'll join Lois Lerner in the Pantheon of Democrat Heroines.
I highly doubt that with the tangible evidence, circumstantial evidence, exculpatory contradictions, testimony of those above and beneath her..... that she would ever pull out the '5th' card.... Don't see it happening here...

If and when the Left regains power, and they need to put a woman on a stamp or on one of the forms of currency..... will be a life and death struggle between Bill's wife and Susan 'Designated Liar' Rice.

The reality is-------------> The Democrats may have some in the Trump administration, or possibly Trump himself. Notice I said may! Only time will tell. If that happens, get him quick so Pence can take over and govern. Doubt that is going to happen, but let us go along with it on the grounds it makes lefties happy-happy.

On the proverbial other hand, we have the Democrats, and for the next 2 years at least, the Repubs are going to be going through the archives of the last 8 years. It is going to be a field day. If only Obama and his minions pulled a GW and just, went, away.

Want to know what is probably the real truth!-------------> The Russian collusion narrative is cover for the Democrats to have an excuse for surveilling Trump and his associates. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that once Trump got in. he would find all of this political use of intelligence. The cover for it? COLLUSION, and we had to investigate.

The Republicans should NOT be protecting anything on this matter. They should be pushing as hard as they can to draw conclusions, or they will NEVER be able to govern. Let the chips fall where they may, period.

As far as how either Trump or Pence handle the Democrats; sloooooooooooooow, for at least 13 months. We need truth, no matter the outcome quickly on Trump, and we need truth, at the correct time, on what the Democrats did, if anything.

To many people want to make this about Trump. It isn't, it is about illegal immigration. I know, I know, you are scratching your heads. Without illegal immigration and then amnesty and a path to citizenship, the left is done. Remember----------> if it is LEGAL immigration, then lettuce pickers aren't allowed in. We already have 7 million of them for maybe 100,000 jobs. Doctors, lawyers, engineers, which way politically do you think they are going to lean? If they wanted to use their talents to stay poor and do it for the good of the people, they would have stayed in their own country!

No folks, this whole exercise in partisan politics is about votes; votes that are not yet here and active. They have to stop Trump because Trump stops their votes from getting in here! They need to activate their votes already here, and Trump wants a load of them thrown out!

From now until the census in 2020, who controls government is going to determine the path of our country. After the census, electoral votes will be redistributed, as will congressional seats. With the constitution pointing that illegals do not really count, since theoretically they can not vote, what do YOU think the controllers of congress will do IF they are Repubs; conversely, if they are Democrats?

This whole thing is just a game; a dangerous game for sure, but in essence a political game. Get past the 2020 census with Repubs in control, and for the Democrats to get elected, they have to change their tune! This means, that all the far leftists you see in charge of the Democratic machine will be dumped. The Democrats will be forced to return to Americans 1st, or lose constantly. Wouldn't it be nice to have 2 party's that have platforms that are all about YOU, the American citizen!

And so, in conclusion----------->determine the Trump stuff quickly, and change horses if needed. Keep the Democrats on a string till early 18, then bury them with what you have. Do that, and the last problem is 2020, and we all might get America back with 2 party's that cater to us!
It's getting nearly impossible to keep up with all the crank right conspiracy theories. Even the righties don't bother trying to understand them. They simply believe them all on faith, even if they do all contradict each other. Such is the miracle of right-wing belief
The bitch told two COMPLETELY DIFFERENT stories on two different occasions. If that's a conspiracy I'm God himself.

Seriously, do you have any idea how utterly clueless you make yourself out to be?
The bitch told two COMPLETELY DIFFERENT stories on two different occasions. If that's a conspiracy I'm God himself.

Seriously, do you have any idea how utterly clueless you make yourself out to be?

Post them up for us all to see.
Find it yourself, I'm not your secretary

You're not making a point without it either.
It's getting nearly impossible to keep up with all the crank right conspiracy theories. Even the righties don't bother trying to understand them. They simply believe them all on faith, even if they do all contradict each other. Such is the miracle of right-wing belief

It's not a conspiracy theory when they are admitting their actions on live interviews.

Nor is it a conspiracy theory when the director of the FBI testifies that the leaking of the names from FISA wiretaps was a felony and complete abuse of power.

It's not a conspiracy theory when they are admitting their actions on live interviews.

It is. No one has said anything that even hints at wrongdoing.

Gads, you're a fool.

We have an open acknowledgement that Obama officials were intentionally compiling top secret classified information on Trump officials at a time when they were private American citizens and that that information was illegally not only unmasked but in fact deliberately spread for political purposes [Evelyn Farkas].

There are only two reasons for unmasking of a US citizen's name:

a. Is there a need to know the name of the citizen to understand the contest of the monitored intell.

b. If the citizen is involved in illegal activity.

And far worse, leaks of classified data to the press just didn't occur before Obama.

Flynn was spied on without a warrant, without his knowledge, and his name was leaked to the press. We know that an Obama functionary described this as pro forma.
We no longer have a 4th amendment.

Evelyn Farkas:
'I was urging my former colleagues, and, and frankly speaking the people on the Hill [Democrat politicians], it was more actually aimed at telling the Hill people, get as much information as you can – get as much intelligence as you can – before President Obama leaves the administration.

Because I had a fear that somehow that information would disappear with the senior [Obama] people who left; so it would be hidden away in the bureaucracy, um, that the Trump folks – if they found out HOW we knew what we knew about their, the Trump staff, dealing with Russians– that they would try to compromise those sources and methods; meaning we no longer have access to that intelligence.

So I became very worried because not enough was coming out into the open and I knew that there was more. We have very good intelligence on Russia; so then I had talked to some of my former colleagues and I knew that they were also trying to help get information to [Democrat politicians].'

...Farkas outs herself as the key source for a New York Times reportwhich discussed President Obama officials leaking classified information to media."
UPDATE: President Obama’s Own Defense Deputy Admits Obama White House Spied on Candidate/President-Elect Trump…

Obama increases agencies with access to raw intell data.....what reason other than to encourage leaks?

Ben Rhodes is one to whom this data is available....a man admitted to organizing media hordes to advance administration policies.

Evelyn Farcas, Obama appointee speaks of helping here 'colleagues' in raking up all sorts of anti-Trump data and passing it to Democrat politicians

Susan Rice has been exposed as lying to the public on many occasions, the latest in lots of unmasking of Trump associates on classified data.....and passing it on to multiple agencies

Sooo....this looks less and less like an accident and more like an enterprise.

information was illegally not only unmasked but in fact deliberately spread for political purposes [Evelyn Farkas].

How is information illegally unmasked?

How and to whom was it " spread for political purposes"?
Strict 'minimization' standards are set up protecting the 4th Amendment rights of US citizens... Knowingly, and overtly disregarding these standards are fair ground for DOJ criminal investigation and certainly Congregational investigation on abuse of power.

To "whom was it spread" well we certainly know at least a few names starting with Farkas & the Washington Post.
We can't do that. Too many democrats would get hurt.

You keep telling yourself that. You keep telling yourself the Fraud that is trump can be salvaged.

You keep telling yourself that it's all going to be fine with his 34% approval rating.

I highly doubt that with the tangible evidence, circumstantial evidence, exculpatory contradictions, testimony of those above and beneath her..... that she would ever pull out the '5th' card.... Don't see it happening here...

You guys don't have any of that. All you got is Gropenfuhrer tweeting conspiracy theories to try to hide the fact his people were joined at the hip with the Russians.

Even the Syrians are laughing at you.
Gads, you're a fool.

We have an open acknowledgement that Obama officials were intentionally compiling top secret classified information on Trump officials at a time when they were private American citizens and that that information was illegally not only unmasked but in fact deliberately spread for political purposes [Evelyn Farkas].

There are only two reasons for unmasking of a US citizen's name:

a. Is there a need to know the name of the citizen to understand the contest of the monitored intell.

b. If the citizen is involved in illegal activity.

Both of which sound like they are pretty probable.

Hey, look, Political Spice, the crime here is that Trump was conspiring with the Russians, not that Obama and his folks knew about it.
Strict 'minimization' standards are set up protecting the 4th Amendment rights of US citizens... Knowingly, and overtly disregarding these standards are fair ground for DOJ criminal investigation and certainly Congregational investigation on abuse of power.

To "whom was it spread" well we certainly know at least a few names starting with Farkas & the Washington Post.

How dare Farkas let the American people know about Trump's treason!!!

again, let's declassify all these conversations between Trump's people and the russians, and we can decide for ourselves.
Fox News 'The Five' had an interesting report yesterday on Susan Rice that has raised some spirited debate...

Greg Gutfeld rips Susan Rice’s ‘amnesia’: ‘She’s pulling a Sgt. Schultz’

How is Susan Rice going to explain her way out of this one; in the face of the evidence of her accessing the federal database, unmasking US citizens, disseminating the names of US citizens and the recent corroborating assertions put forth by Evelyn Farkas?

This is all after disregarding the 'minimization rules' put in place that are supposed to protect the 4th amendment rights of US citizens...

Na. She just a typical political hack.
Strict 'minimization' standards are set up protecting the 4th Amendment rights of US citizens... Knowingly, and overtly disregarding these standards are fair ground for DOJ criminal investigation and certainly Congregational investigation on abuse of power.

To "whom was it spread" well we certainly know at least a few names starting with Farkas & the Washington Post.

How dare Farkas let the American people know about Trump's treason!!!

again, let's declassify all these conversations between Trump's people and the russians, and we can decide for ourselves.

Agree. Let's go back and listen to Bammers to. As well as Hillary's.
Agree. Let's go back and listen to Bammers to. As well as Hillary's.

Hillary and Obama were authorized to talk to the Russians.

Trump's people weren't before they got into office.

In fact, they would be in violation of the Logan Act if they did talk to the Russians about changes in policies.

Connect the dots here, Dummy.

Obama makes policies the Russians don't like.
Trump's people tell them they'll make different policies.
The Russians hack the election
Trump "wins" (If you call losing by 3 million votes 'winning".

this isn't complicated.
Gads, you're a fool.

We have an open acknowledgement that Obama officials were intentionally compiling top secret classified information on Trump officials at a time when they were private American citizens and that that information was illegally not only unmasked but in fact deliberately spread for political purposes [Evelyn Farkas].

There are only two reasons for unmasking of a US citizen's name:

a. Is there a need to know the name of the citizen to understand the contest of the monitored intell.

b. If the citizen is involved in illegal activity.

Both of which sound like they are pretty probable.

Hey, look, Political Spice, the crime here is that Trump was conspiring with the Russians, not that Obama and his folks knew about it.

Amazing what a dunce like you will claim is true....sans any proof.

" Repeating an accusation over and over again is not evidence that the accused is guilty, no matter how much “confidence” the accuser asserts about the conclusion. Nor is it evidence just to suggest that someone has a motive for doing something. Many conspiracy theories are built on the notion of “cui bono” – who benefits – without following up the supposed motive with facts.

.... that is essentially what the U.S. intelligence community has done regarding the dangerous accusation that Russian President Vladimir Putin orchestrated a covert information campaign to influence the outcome of the Nov. 8 U.S. presidential election in favor of Republican Donald Trump.

....the case, as presented, is one-sided and lacks any actual proof. Further, the continued use of the word “assesses” – as in the U.S. intelligence community “assesses” that Russia is guilty – suggests that the underlying classified information also may be less than conclusive because, in intelligence-world-speak, “assesses” often means “guesses.”
US Report Still Lacks Proof on Russia 'Hack'

There is the January 6th intelligence community report on Russian spying, that should serve as the only document that is dispositive in this connection:

a. "We did not make an assessment that Russian activities had on the outcome of the 2016 election..."

b. "Judgments are not intended to imply that we have proof that shows something to be a fact. Assessments are based on collected information, which is often incomplete or fragmentary, as well as logic, argumentation, and precedents.”

Get that???? No evidence.....unlike the Susan Rice revelations.

No proof of Trump-Putin collusion, yet it's all over the Leftist media.....proof that Obamunists hacked, spied on, listened into, revealed Trump and his associates....and the Left censors it.

What you purvey is not is slander and lies.
The good can't lower your reputation any further than it already is.
Gads, you're a fool.

We have an open acknowledgement that Obama officials were intentionally compiling top secret classified information on Trump officials at a time when they were private American citizens and that that information was illegally not only unmasked but in fact deliberately spread for political purposes [Evelyn Farkas].

There are only two reasons for unmasking of a US citizen's name:

a. Is there a need to know the name of the citizen to understand the contest of the monitored intell.

b. If the citizen is involved in illegal activity.

Both of which sound like they are pretty probable.

Hey, look, Political Spice, the crime here is that Trump was conspiring with the Russians, not that Obama and his folks knew about it.

Amazing what a dunce like you will claim is true....sans any proof.

" Repeating an accusation over and over again is not evidence that the accused is guilty, no matter how much “confidence” the accuser asserts about the conclusion. Nor is it evidence just to suggest that someone has a motive for doing something. Many conspiracy theories are built on the notion of “cui bono” – who benefits – without following up the supposed motive with facts.

.... that is essentially what the U.S. intelligence community has done regarding the dangerous accusation that Russian President Vladimir Putin orchestrated a covert information campaign to influence the outcome of the Nov. 8 U.S. presidential election in favor of Republican Donald Trump.

....the case, as presented, is one-sided and lacks any actual proof. Further, the continued use of the word “assesses” – as in the U.S. intelligence community “assesses” that Russia is guilty – suggests that the underlying classified information also may be less than conclusive because, in intelligence-world-speak, “assesses” often means “guesses.”
US Report Still Lacks Proof on Russia 'Hack'

There is the January 6th intelligence community report on Russian spying, that should serve as the only document that is dispositive in this connection:

a. "We did not make an assessment that Russian activities had on the outcome of the 2016 election..."

b. "Judgments are not intended to imply that we have proof that shows something to be a fact. Assessments are based on collected information, which is often incomplete or fragmentary, as well as logic, argumentation, and precedents.”

Get that???? No evidence.....unlike the Susan Rice revelations.

No proof of Trump-Putin collusion, yet it's all over the Leftist media.....proof that Obamunists hacked, spied on, listened into, revealed Trump and his associates....and the Left censors it.

What you purvey is not is slander and lies.
The good can't lower your reputation any further than it already is.

PC is correct here for sure.

As an aside, did you notice that Nunes removed himself from the Russian side of the equation? Of course you did, the left was waving flags everywhere. What they neglected to tell you was how he is staying on the other investigation, the one into Rice-) It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out where all the tinder is!
Gads, you're a fool.

We have an open acknowledgement that Obama officials were intentionally compiling top secret classified information on Trump officials at a time when they were private American citizens and that that information was illegally not only unmasked but in fact deliberately spread for political purposes [Evelyn Farkas].

There are only two reasons for unmasking of a US citizen's name:

a. Is there a need to know the name of the citizen to understand the contest of the monitored intell.

b. If the citizen is involved in illegal activity.

Both of which sound like they are pretty probable.

Hey, look, Political Spice, the crime here is that Trump was conspiring with the Russians, not that Obama and his folks knew about it.

Amazing what a dunce like you will claim is true....sans any proof.

" Repeating an accusation over and over again is not evidence that the accused is guilty, no matter how much “confidence” the accuser asserts about the conclusion. Nor is it evidence just to suggest that someone has a motive for doing something. Many conspiracy theories are built on the notion of “cui bono” – who benefits – without following up the supposed motive with facts.

.... that is essentially what the U.S. intelligence community has done regarding the dangerous accusation that Russian President Vladimir Putin orchestrated a covert information campaign to influence the outcome of the Nov. 8 U.S. presidential election in favor of Republican Donald Trump.

....the case, as presented, is one-sided and lacks any actual proof. Further, the continued use of the word “assesses” – as in the U.S. intelligence community “assesses” that Russia is guilty – suggests that the underlying classified information also may be less than conclusive because, in intelligence-world-speak, “assesses” often means “guesses.”
US Report Still Lacks Proof on Russia 'Hack'

There is the January 6th intelligence community report on Russian spying, that should serve as the only document that is dispositive in this connection:

a. "We did not make an assessment that Russian activities had on the outcome of the 2016 election..."

b. "Judgments are not intended to imply that we have proof that shows something to be a fact. Assessments are based on collected information, which is often incomplete or fragmentary, as well as logic, argumentation, and precedents.”

Get that???? No evidence.....unlike the Susan Rice revelations.

No proof of Trump-Putin collusion, yet it's all over the Leftist media.....proof that Obamunists hacked, spied on, listened into, revealed Trump and his associates....and the Left censors it.

What you purvey is not is slander and lies.
The good can't lower your reputation any further than it already is.

PC is correct here for sure.

As an aside, did you notice that Nunes removed himself from the Russian side of the equation? Of course you did, the left was waving flags everywhere. What they neglected to tell you was how he is staying on the other investigation, the one into Rice-) It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out where all the tinder is!

Still....I wish he hadn't bowed to the pressure.

Will Republicans ever learn to fight as fiercely as the Left does????
Agree. Let's go back and listen to Bammers to. As well as Hillary's.

Hillary and Obama were authorized to talk to the Russians.

Trump's people weren't before they got into office.

In fact, they would be in violation of the Logan Act if they did talk to the Russians about changes in policies.

Connect the dots here, Dummy.

Obama makes policies the Russians don't like.
Trump's people tell them they'll make different policies.
The Russians hack the election
Trump "wins" (If you call losing by 3 million votes 'winning".

this isn't complicated.

No it isn't. Matter of fact, it's a whole lot of nuthin.
PC is correct here for sure.

As an aside, did you notice that Nunes removed himself from the Russian side of the equation? Of course you did, the left was waving flags everywhere. What they neglected to tell you was how he is staying on the other investigation, the one into Rice-) It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out where all the tinder is!

More like, he knows he screwed up and has no credibility. The GOP knows this Russia thing is going to blow up in Trump's face, especially now that he's pissed Putin off by spanking his boy.
PC is correct here for sure.

As an aside, did you notice that Nunes removed himself from the Russian side of the equation? Of course you did, the left was waving flags everywhere. What they neglected to tell you was how he is staying on the other investigation, the one into Rice-) It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out where all the tinder is!

More like, he knows he screwed up and has no credibility. The GOP knows this Russia thing is going to blow up in Trump's face, especially now that he's pissed Putin off by spanking his boy.

And what exactly is going to come out ? From the president on down all the other government turds said there was no collusion.
It's not a conspiracy theory when they are admitting their actions on live interviews.

Nor is it a conspiracy theory when the director of the FBI testifies that the leaking of the names from FISA wiretaps was a felony and complete abuse of power.

It's not a conspiracy theory when they are admitting their actions on live interviews.

It is. No one has said anything that even hints at wrongdoing.

Gads, you're a fool.

We have an open acknowledgement that Obama officials were intentionally compiling top secret classified information on Trump officials at a time when they were private American citizens and that that information was illegally not only unmasked but in fact deliberately spread for political purposes [Evelyn Farkas].

There are only two reasons for unmasking of a US citizen's name:

a. Is there a need to know the name of the citizen to understand the contest of the monitored intell.

b. If the citizen is involved in illegal activity.

And far worse, leaks of classified data to the press just didn't occur before Obama.

Flynn was spied on without a warrant, without his knowledge, and his name was leaked to the press. We know that an Obama functionary described this as pro forma.
We no longer have a 4th amendment.

Evelyn Farkas:
'I was urging my former colleagues, and, and frankly speaking the people on the Hill [Democrat politicians], it was more actually aimed at telling the Hill people, get as much information as you can – get as much intelligence as you can – before President Obama leaves the administration.

Because I had a fear that somehow that information would disappear with the senior [Obama] people who left; so it would be hidden away in the bureaucracy, um, that the Trump folks – if they found out HOW we knew what we knew about their, the Trump staff, dealing with Russians– that they would try to compromise those sources and methods; meaning we no longer have access to that intelligence.

So I became very worried because not enough was coming out into the open and I knew that there was more. We have very good intelligence on Russia; so then I had talked to some of my former colleagues and I knew that they were also trying to help get information to [Democrat politicians].'

...Farkas outs herself as the key source for a New York Times reportwhich discussed President Obama officials leaking classified information to media."
UPDATE: President Obama’s Own Defense Deputy Admits Obama White House Spied on Candidate/President-Elect Trump…

Obama increases agencies with access to raw intell data.....what reason other than to encourage leaks?

Ben Rhodes is one to whom this data is available....a man admitted to organizing media hordes to advance administration policies.

Evelyn Farcas, Obama appointee speaks of helping here 'colleagues' in raking up all sorts of anti-Trump data and passing it to Democrat politicians

Susan Rice has been exposed as lying to the public on many occasions, the latest in lots of unmasking of Trump associates on classified data.....and passing it on to multiple agencies

Sooo....this looks less and less like an accident and more like an enterprise.

information was illegally not only unmasked but in fact deliberately spread for political purposes [Evelyn Farkas].

How is information illegally unmasked?

How and to whom was it " spread for political purposes"?

Answered in the previous post.

To save time, stick to what are essential all of your posts, you dunce...

"Oh yeah???/ Sez you!!!!"

Isn't that what they taught you in government school?
Answered in the previous post.

Not even close.

What is the procedure to unmask a name and how did Rice get around that in order to do it illegally?
Trey Gowdy is going to produce a chart, during his interrogation of Rice, which will show week by week when she was first able to have names unmasked. Watch the huge spike in the unmasked names starting in Oct. of last year.
The bitch is going down and Ben Rhodes et al are going down with her.
And what exactly is going to come out ? From the president on down all the other government turds said there was no collusion.

Well, no, they haven't. It's why we are still having investigations.

again, all these people close to Trump who've done illegal things, they aren't taking the fall for this.
Trey Gowdy is going to produce a chart, during his interrogation of Rice, which will show week by week when she was first able to have names unmasked. Watch the huge spike in the unmasked names starting in Oct. of last year.
The bitch is going down and Ben Rhodes et al are going down with her.

Sorry, she has the authority and the responsibility to unmask those names.

also, do you guys really want to keep talking about how many Trump associates are playing footsie with the Russians?

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